I'm kind of appalled...



  • Fitnin6280
    Fitnin6280 Posts: 618 Member
    Poor kid, she can't be doing well in school with that kind of food. No nurishment for the body, no nurishment for the brain either...

    The brain runs on glucose. Sounds like lots of nourishment for the brain. The body is what's suffering.

    Oh, so is that why you have a high then a crash when you have nothing but sugar for a snack? You can't tell me that that kid can focus after she has crashed...
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Stop worrying about what people do with THEIR kids. I hate when people shove their unwanted noses in other people's business. If a kid wants to have a purple drink, let them. -.-

    Go have a kid or two, then come back and try to sit at the grown up table. Until then, OP is dead on right.

    No she/he is not, they' can't mind their own business. If I had a kid I would give them a sandwich and a snack. If I saw some other kid with junk food I'd mind my own business, assuming they might have a proper breakfast/dinner at home?? Pretty sure you made mistakes before so stop acting all high and mighty. Isn't that why you're even on this site? >.>

    If you're such a huge fan of minding your own business and not having opinions and making observations, why are your panties all jumbled about others have observations and opinions??

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    the un-opened can of chef boyardee made me laugh out loud at my computer at work - it is totally what I expect in my house too. The boys both picked 'hot' lunch today which was a ham sandwich. Because I don't have ham and bread in the house? Totally do. Apparently, schools is better. :huh:
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Did you offer her a "real" lunch since you found what she had so appalling? No?

    Then sit down.

    Yes? Seems like a church based school -- so many a refresher is compassion is required.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    the un-opened can of chef boyardee made me laugh out loud at my computer at work - it is totally what I expect in my house too. The boys both picked 'hot' lunch today which was a ham sandwich. Because I don't have ham and bread in the house? Totally do. Apparently, schools is better. :huh:

    I seriously keep laughing at the Chef Boyardee too *LOL*
  • thursdayswoman
    thursdayswoman Posts: 60 Member
    I feel really bad for the kid - asking her about it was probably embarrassing, or it's going to be so when she is older and remembers that an adult questioned her about her lunch. I used to get that a lot from the school volunteers and lunch ladies when I was a kid and my lunch would consist of a piece of bread, a bag of candy, and a Diet Coke. My parents were neglectful and we never had food. That my parents packed that food was bad enough, but I didn't need the judgement of some random adult in the school.

    If you have a problem with the kid's lunch, ask the parents. Not the kid. The kid doesn't need that.
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    If the lunch ladies and the teacher knows this is how her lunch is every day then perhaps they need to have a conversation with the parents about their choice for her lunch or ask the child.

    Are there any other issues with her otherwise? Does it seem as though she's abused and/or neglected?
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Did you offer her a "real" lunch since you found what she had so appalling? No?

    Then sit down.

    Yes? Seems like a church based school -- so many a refresher is compassion is required.

    Yeah, actually, she had half a chicken patty :) Thanks for asking.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I feel really bad for the kid - asking her about it was probably embarrassing, or it's going to be so when she is older and remembers that an adult questioned her about her lunch. I used to get that a lot from the school volunteers and lunch ladies when I was a kid and my lunch would consist of a piece of bread, a bag of candy, and a Diet Coke. My parents were neglectful and we never had food. That my parents packed that food was bad enough, but I didn't need the judgement of some random adult in the school.

    If you have a problem with the kid's lunch, ask the parents. Not the kid. The kid doesn't need that.
    She didn't ask the kid.
  • Fitnin6280
    Fitnin6280 Posts: 618 Member
    I feel really bad for the kid - asking her about it was probably embarrassing, or it's going to be so when she is older and remembers that an adult questioned her about her lunch. I used to get that a lot from the school volunteers and lunch ladies when I was a kid and my lunch would consist of a piece of bread, a bag of candy, and a Diet Coke. My parents were neglectful and we never had food. That my parents packed that food was bad enough, but I didn't need the judgement of some random adult in the school.

    If you have a problem with the kid's lunch, ask the parents. Not the kid. The kid doesn't need that.

    The OP didn't say she asked the kid. She said she asked the other teacher...
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Poor kid, she can't be doing well in school with that kind of food. No nurishment for the body, no nurishment for the brain either...

    The brain runs on glucose. Sounds like lots of nourishment for the brain. The body is what's suffering.

    Oh, so is that why you have a high then a crash when you have nothing but sugar for a snack? You can't tell me that that kid can focus after she has crashed...

    I rarely wanted lunch when I was in school, so I ate very, very little. Funny I graduated in the top 10% of my class (of 400). It is one thing if the girl is hungry or not doing well in school, but we don't know those details.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    If the lunch ladies and the teacher knows this is how her lunch is every day then perhaps they need to have a conversation with the parents about their choice for her lunch or ask the child.

    Are there any other issues with her otherwise? Does it seem as though she's abused and/or neglected?

    That's for the teachers and administrators, not a random parent volunteer to address. Bad lunch doesn't mean the child is abused or neglected by any means. I trust in the school to be on top of any situation they should be and not involve myself in that.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Did you offer her a "real" lunch since you found what she had so appalling? No?

    Then sit down.

    Yes? Seems like a church based school -- so many a refresher is compassion is required.

    Yeah, actually, she had half a chicken patty :) Thanks for asking.

    Funny detail to let out, there OP.
  • The_Gent_65
    Judge away, that's a crap lunch
  • thursdayswoman
    thursdayswoman Posts: 60 Member
    Oh, excuse me. The OP just opened the kid's lunch and then proceeded to gossip with the lunch ladies about it. You think the kid didn't notice?
  • Fitnin6280
    Fitnin6280 Posts: 618 Member
    Poor kid, she can't be doing well in school with that kind of food. No nurishment for the body, no nurishment for the brain either...

    The brain runs on glucose. Sounds like lots of nourishment for the brain. The body is what's suffering.

    Oh, so is that why you have a high then a crash when you have nothing but sugar for a snack? You can't tell me that that kid can focus after she has crashed...

    I rarely wanted lunch when I was in school, so I ate very, very little. Funny I graduated in the top 10% of my class (of 400). It is one thing if the girl is hungry or not doing well in school, but we don't know those details.

    Well, pin a rose on your nose... :flowerforyou:
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I feel really bad for the kid - asking her about it was probably embarrassing, or it's going to be so when she is older and remembers that an adult questioned her about her lunch. I used to get that a lot from the school volunteers and lunch ladies when I was a kid and my lunch would consist of a piece of bread, a bag of candy, and a Diet Coke. My parents were neglectful and we never had food. That my parents packed that food was bad enough, but I didn't need the judgement of some random adult in the school.

    If you have a problem with the kid's lunch, ask the parents. Not the kid. The kid doesn't need that.

    I am sorry that you were neglected as a child. But no, I didn't say a single word to the kid or any other kids. She asked me to try the chicken so I gave her half of it and that was that.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Oh, excuse me. The OP just opened the kid's lunch and then proceeded to gossip with the lunch ladies about it. You think the kid didn't notice?

    The child was no where near when I asked the teacher later if that was normal. I seriously think you're delving into your own personal issues here and imagining a scenario that didn't happen.
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    I don't know how schools operate other than the district I'm in, but they push for parents to sign up for free or reduced lunches because the school gets a credit for each kid who qualifies. Where I'm at there's no excuse not to have a well rounded lunch. We don't know this child or the situation but the parents need to communicate with the school about the eating habits and see what they suggest. On the other hand I'd love m&m's for lunch!
  • thursdayswoman
    thursdayswoman Posts: 60 Member
    I feel really bad for the kid - asking her about it was probably embarrassing, or it's going to be so when she is older and remembers that an adult questioned her about her lunch. I used to get that a lot from the school volunteers and lunch ladies when I was a kid and my lunch would consist of a piece of bread, a bag of candy, and a Diet Coke. My parents were neglectful and we never had food. That my parents packed that food was bad enough, but I didn't need the judgement of some random adult in the school.

    If you have a problem with the kid's lunch, ask the parents. Not the kid. The kid doesn't need that.

    I am sorry that you were neglected as a child. But no, I didn't say a single word to the kid or any other kids. She asked me to try the chicken so I gave her half of it and that was that.

    Seriously, you think the kid couldn't read your expression? You think she didn't notice you talking to the other adults about it? Kids aren't stupid.
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