I'm kind of appalled...



  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    When I have a kid... if...

    I'm going to send that kid to school with the weirdest stuff.

    Duck rillettes with a baugette, figs, some home made coppa, mustard and some sauteed carrots.

    Not a single kid would want to trade, and it would blow the pants off anything the school had. Boom.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    So what you're saying us you're opinionated?

    Was the child obese? If not, then keep it to yourself. YOU ARE NOT THE PERFECT PARENT

    And now the *only* criteria for appropriate nutrition is obesity?

    If obese = yes then problem else no problem???


    Oh, MFP, don't ever change. Don't. Ever. Change.
  • ToFatT0B3S1ck
    ToFatT0B3S1ck Posts: 194 Member
    So what you're saying us you're opinionated?

    Was the child obese? If not, then keep it to yourself. YOU ARE NOT THE PERFECT PARENT

    Oh, you are SO wrong there... I am, in fact, flawless.

    Flawless and yet on a weight loss website ;)

    1. This isn't a weight loss website.
    2. Your sarcasm meter is broken.

    I wasn't being sarcastic. Seems like the majority on this website are here to lose weight. I'll stick to my original classification.
  • MargaretWalks
    MargaretWalks Posts: 38 Member
    Well there may be some penicillin on that moldy bread. LOL
  • punkinkat
    punkinkat Posts: 85 Member
    I know it's no excuse for that kind of lunch to be in a 5 year old's bag but maybe she's a very picky eater and the parents decided that instead of subjecting the entire cafeteria to screaming and hissy fits over a real lunch they'd just give her what she wants at school and make her eat healthy at breakfast & dinner where they're the only ones that have to deal with it.

    This is not to say I advocate the force-feeding of little ones, but the idea of allowing them to choose what they will and will not eat seems a little ridiculous to me. When I was five, my "choice" would have been a chocolate bar every single time! Thank goodness my Mom made me eat real food, whether I liked it or not.

    Back in my day, picky eaters weren't rewarded with candy lunches and applause for trying their best, they sat at the table until they ate every last morsel of (now cold) food that was put in front of them. Or, they went to bed hungry -- entirely their choice. Give it a try sometime... If they get hungry enough, they'll eat those peas. Guaranteed.

    We didn't throw hissy fits back in my day, either... Kids used to be afraid of pissing their parents off.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member

    Her lunch today: Cheese stick (according to her they taste different then real cheese)

    True story. I also said this when I was a youngin'. My mother, to this day, will not believe me that there is a difference.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I dont care about what the child is eating. Matter of fact, my parents were vegan for the first 5 years of my life, then vegetarian. As a child i wasn't allowed "junk food". My mom would make us "kool-aid" to drink which was a pitcher of water with the 5cent flavor packet and NO sweetner. It was like colored water and disgusting. I didn't have a soda until i was 14, i didnt have cake and ice cream at my birthdays until i was 10 and even then... i had it ONCE a year.

    When she married someone else who decided to eat meat both she, my sister, and stepdad would prepare meals that i couldn't eat at all. I dont have the enzymes to digest meat, actually. If i accidentally eat meat i get viciously ill. This turned into me not eating more than 300 calories a day and a terrible case of anorexia. I felt like i was being punished and forced not to eat and i wouldn't let them have the satisfaction of controlling what i ate.

    When i moved out at age 16 and i could actually eat whatever i wanted, i did. This pretty much resulted in the weight gain i joined MFP to lose. My eating habits became crap because i had been deprived of so much "tasty junk food" as a child. A 12 pack of coca-cola, taco bell, cheese pizza and a pint of ben n jerrys in one day? Sure, why not!

    I think there definitely needs to be a balance. Don't deprive your chidlren of "junk food", instead teach them why they dont need it. Let them make the decision for themselves (after all, they may be young but they are still THEIR OWN PERSON and a HUMAN BEING capable of free will) to eat healthier alternatives.
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    Oh, excuse me. The OP just opened the kid's lunch and then proceeded to gossip with the lunch ladies about it. You think the kid didn't notice?

    The child was no where near when I asked the teacher later if that was normal. I seriously think you're delving into your own personal issues here and imagining a scenario that didn't happen.

    You asked the teacher if this child's lunch is "normal"? Who the hell are you to ask a teacher about another child? If I was this poor child's mother you and i would have serious issues. Who are you to judge another parent or to discuss it with the teacher? I am appalled by YOUR actions. Disgusting.

    Um...a lot of school officials would probably question this, as nutrition is something most schools strive to teach to children. It's plastered all over school lunch menus & what not.
  • IronCakes
    IronCakes Posts: 317 Member
    So what you're saying us you're opinionated?

    Was the child obese? If not, then keep it to yourself. YOU ARE NOT THE PERFECT PARENT

    Oh, you are SO wrong there... I am, in fact, flawless.

    Flawless and yet on a weight loss website ;)

    1. This isn't a weight loss website.
    2. Your sarcasm meter is broken.

    MyFITNESSPal. *highfive*
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    So what you're saying us you're opinionated?

    Was the child obese? If not, then keep it to yourself. YOU ARE NOT THE PERFECT PARENT

    Oh, you are SO wrong there... I am, in fact, flawless.

    Flawless and yet on a weight loss website ;)

    Excuse me, but on a WHAT?!? website?

    (Or did I accidentally log on to MWP again?)
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    Oh, excuse me. The OP just opened the kid's lunch and then proceeded to gossip with the lunch ladies about it. You think the kid didn't notice?

    The child was no where near when I asked the teacher later if that was normal. I seriously think you're delving into your own personal issues here and imagining a scenario that didn't happen.

    You asked the teacher if this child's lunch is "normal"? Who the hell are you to ask a teacher about another child? If I was this poor child's mother you and i would have serious issues. Who are you to judge another parent or to discuss it with the teacher? I am appalled by YOUR actions. Disgusting.

  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    So what you're saying us you're opinionated?

    Was the child obese? If not, then keep it to yourself. YOU ARE NOT THE PERFECT PARENT

    Oh, you are SO wrong there... I am, in fact, flawless.

    Flawless and yet on a weight loss website ;)

    1. This isn't a weight loss website.
    2. Your sarcasm meter is broken.

    I wasn't being sarcastic. Seems like the majority on this website are here to lose weight. I'll stick to my original classification.

    *sigh* Honey, I was being sarcastic in saying that I was flawless *LOL*

    Just nevermind.
  • ToFatT0B3S1ck
    ToFatT0B3S1ck Posts: 194 Member
    So what you're saying us you're opinionated?

    Was the child obese? If not, then keep it to yourself. YOU ARE NOT THE PERFECT PARENT

    Oh, you are SO wrong there... I am, in fact, flawless.

    Flawless and yet on a weight loss website ;)

    1. This isn't a weight loss website.
    2. Your sarcasm meter is broken.

    I wasn't being sarcastic. Seems like the majority on this website are here to lose weight. I'll stick to my original classification.

    *sigh* Honey, I was being sarcastic in saying that I was flawless *LOL*

    Just nevermind.

    LMFAO I admit defeat!
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    So what you're saying us you're opinionated?

    Was the child obese? If not, then keep it to yourself. YOU ARE NOT THE PERFECT PARENT

    Oh, you are SO wrong there... I am, in fact, flawless.

    Flawless and yet on a weight loss website ;)

    We're all here for the same reason.
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    So what you're saying us you're opinionated?

    Was the child obese? If not, then keep it to yourself. YOU ARE NOT THE PERFECT PARENT

    Oh, you are SO wrong there... I am, in fact, flawless.

    Flawless and yet on a weight loss website ;)

    1. This isn't a weight loss website.
    2. Your sarcasm meter is broken.

    MyFITNESSPal. *highfive*

    Chit-chat fun and games!

  • FitCanuckChick
    FitCanuckChick Posts: 240 Member
    In our grade k-8 school (and many schools in my province) we are told at the beginning of the school year that crap food isn't allowed as snacks or in lunches and we are given examples of the "no nos" - no pop, gummie snacks, chocolate, chips, candy, etc. They even call out certain "lunch snacks" that aren't allowed. We also have to send a water bottle and are encouraged not to send juice - they run a daily milk program too. For 3 days following halloween they are allowed to bring 1 small treat (just 1 or the extras are confinscated) in their lunch. If crap is sent the teacher takes it away from the child. Not secretly - just takes it away. They have a supply of "just in case" food that they will give the kids if they are taking away all the food. If food is taken away, the parent is emailed. And, if it happens to often, all the parents get a reminder email. The kids are fully aware of this because proper nutrition to "feed their brains" is discussed the first day of school and good food bad food. So, they always look for things that would be allowed to take.

    I have one kid in kindergarten and one in grade 7. This is what is done for both of them and it is time for parents to own up and make their kids healthy. We all need to not make excuses for parents sending crappy sh** This is how it should be. It is WAY more expensive to buy the crap than healthy stuff.

    Also, kids eating all the sugary stuff when they can't process it porperly and become crazy hyper not only affects the child it disrupts the entire classroom. That affects my childs ability to learn. So, it is a lose lose situation.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Oh, excuse me. The OP just opened the kid's lunch and then proceeded to gossip with the lunch ladies about it. You think the kid didn't notice?

    The child was no where near when I asked the teacher later if that was normal. I seriously think you're delving into your own personal issues here and imagining a scenario that didn't happen.

    You asked the teacher if this child's lunch is "normal"? Who the hell are you to ask a teacher about another child? If I was this poor child's mother you and i would have serious issues. Who are you to judge another parent or to discuss it with the teacher? I am appalled by YOUR actions. Disgusting.

    If you were this child's mother you and I would have problems. Because I'd call CPS on you for you habituated abuse of the child. I'd also tell them you threatened me.

    Because if someone's going to treat a child like that, they deserve to get real life trolled, and trolled hard. Maybe even SWATted.
  • jlemoore
    jlemoore Posts: 702 Member
    ...Todays hot lunch was chicken breast sandwich, corn, applesauce, and dessert with milk.

    How much of the "good" stuff of the hot lunch did you see in the trash? My guess is that most of the kids ate the dessert and the applesauce. That was the observation that I was appalled with when I've visited my child's school. Sure parents need to up thier game, but there are kids out there that won't eat it no matter what you put in their bag. Especially a kindergartener.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    So what you're saying us you're opinionated?

    Was the child obese? If not, then keep it to yourself. YOU ARE NOT THE PERFECT PARENT

    Oh, you are SO wrong there... I am, in fact, flawless.

    Flawless and yet on a weight loss website ;)

    1. This isn't a weight loss website.
    2. Your sarcasm meter is broken.

    I wasn't being sarcastic. Seems like the majority on this website are here to lose weight. I'll stick to my original classification.
    Yeah, Odus. She wasn't being sarcastic.
  • samammay
    samammay Posts: 468
    I used to be worried about what my kids ate every second of the day. Then I spent a day packing backpacks of food for the kids to take home on friday so they had meals over the weekend.

    Its all about perspective.
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