cutting out all "cheat" foods



  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member

    I put your details into the TDEE at - lightly active - 20% and got 2217 calories a day. You should be losing on that. If you want, you could use the TDEE method instead then you don't have to log your exercise calories, which rules out another variable?

    Having had a little look at your diary, which is really well-filled out, btw, there were a couple of things I noticed - you're using cups (eg to measure ice cream) and tablespoons (eg to measure egg whites). Food scales always best because they're so much more accurate.

    You're doing great. Really. And it's FAB that you're getting help for this too - you're hitting it from all angles. Well done. :smile:
  • lucan07
    lucan07 Posts: 509
    No such thing as a cheat food, the food is innocent so do not blame the food unless it walks into your mouth and refuses to leave!
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    I've been doing a decent job I think of losing weight over the last year (86lbs to date). I'm 197 and my GW is 185. I have been trying to balance foods I like into my diet and I seem to be stuck at 197. So I think i'm going to cut out all the "cheat" foods and see where that gets me.

    Have you re-calculated your numbers lately? If you are stuck its more likely that you are not eating in a deficit anymore due to a few things.. You have been at this for a while so possibly you aren't as vigilant as you used to be with tracking and counting. I notice that you don't look like you weigh things from your diary.. Using ‘cups’ is grossly inaccurate , no one measures a ‘cup’ the same way – some go right to the top, for some it’s level, and for others its just under the rim. It’s EASY to go over your calories by hundreds just because you do not weigh. With 10 lbs left to lose this is your WHOLE deficit.. There’s a great you tube video on the differences between weighing and measuring food here:

    It makes no difference what you cut out - frankly I don't believe that cutting an entire group of foods from your diet is the way to go. I doubt it will make a difference if you are still overestimating your calorie intake.

    I would suggest you either eat less of your exercise calories back (by about 200/day) OR cut your intake by the same amount. Get a scale and stop guessing.
  • tmpecus78
    tmpecus78 Posts: 1,206 Member
    I've looked at IIFYM and It contains too many foods that I can't eat. So I think I will take your advice and add in some HIIT cardio

    huh?? There is no set "foods" for IIFYM. You eat what you choose to eat and what fits within your "marcos."
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    All this nonsense is making my head hurt.
  • rayfu75
    rayfu75 Posts: 209 Member
    Before you cut out whole groups of food or cut back drastically on your calories please check out IIFYM. It has been a lifesaver for me. Here's a pretty comprehensive overview.

    One tip I could probably give you right offhand would be to leave your food intake and what you eat where it is and then add in some HIIT cardio.

    Good luck!

    I've looked at IIFYM and It contains too many foods that I can't eat. So I think I will take your advice and add in some HIIT cardio

    From my limited understanding of IIFYM (just starting out on it for about 2 weeks now.) It doesn't matter what you're eating as long as your hit your macros. If you eat 100% paleo you can still hit your macros with paleo approved foods (or what ever regimen your following) perhaps i'm incorrect.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Cheat foods? You mean all of the delicious foods that people eat in day to day life and up to this point, you've successfully fit into your diet? Why would you cut those out?

    Make sure, after 86 pounds, that your calorie intake is still correct for weight loss.

    Yes, you would be correct. Right now i'm eating roughly 2200 calories a day, maybe i'll need to drop it down to 1800

    That sounds like a far better idea.

    why would cutting out "cheat" foods be a bad idea?

    Read back through the tread.

    I have read through the thread. I haven't had a binge at all since I began to lose weight, and I was extremely restrictive in the beginning. Even though I relaxed at a little now. I think I should be restrictive now to get me to my goal

    First off, amazing job on your progress so far.

    Now, the problem I have with your philosophy here is sustainability. Let's say you cut out "cheat foods" and reach your goal (this is really just calorie restriction, anyway). Now what? Are you prepared to cut out some favorite, yummy foods for life just to maintain that goal? It's better to readjust your intake based on your new weight, eat a balanced diet and up your exercise routine so that you don't feel deprived. After all this progress, don't back yourself into a corner on what foods you can and cannot eat to be at goal weight. That's not going to foster a healthy relationship with food in the long run. Remember, the goal should be to get to a healthy weight, while living a healthy AND happy lifestyle.
  • rayfu75
    rayfu75 Posts: 209 Member
    Before you cut out whole groups of food or cut back drastically on your calories please check out IIFYM. It has been a lifesaver for me. Here's a pretty comprehensive overview.

    One tip I could probably give you right offhand would be to leave your food intake and what you eat where it is and then add in some HIIT cardio.

    Good luck!

    Thanks for the link btw !
  • beekay70
    beekay70 Posts: 214 Member
    OP, I commend you for your commitment. You do you, and ignore the naysayers.

    "Cheat" foods are calorie-dense and a lot of people are fine with this and can fit them in. For many of us, it can be difficult to stay within our caloric and macro budgets with the inclusion of these foods.

    I try to eat clean, but occasionally cheat. I don't binge and I do find that trying to fit a pizza in and still hit my macros can be a very difficult task. I don't think that you need to lower your calorie intake. As mentioned in an earlier reply, you should be losing weight at your current allotment. But, when you are within a few pounds of your goal, it can be very difficult to drop weight.

    Good luck.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    I've looked at IIFYM and It contains too many foods that I can't eat. So I think I will take your advice and add in some HIIT cardio

    I don't understand this though.. IIFYM is whatever that fits your macros/calories. There is no restriction at all

    Also you have been ''stuck'' for 3 weeks. 3 Weeks isn't much to be honest. We consider a person is plateauing when it's been roughly 6 weeks they haven't seen any change. By change I don't mean the number on the scale.

    Do you also measure yourself or you only look at the scale?
    If you rely on the scale, throw that things off the window and start measuring with a tape and taking pictures
  • thekyleo
    thekyleo Posts: 632 Member

    I put your details into the TDEE at - lightly active - 20% and got 2217 calories a day. You should be losing on that. If you want, you could use the TDEE method instead then you don't have to log your exercise calories, which rules out another variable?

    Having had a little look at your diary, which is really well-filled out, btw, there were a couple of things I noticed - you're using cups (eg to measure ice cream) and tablespoons (eg to measure egg whites). Food scales always best because they're so much more accurate.

    You're doing great. Really. And it's FAB that you're getting help for this too - you're hitting it from all angles. Well done. :smile:

    I go by the service size and weight everything in grams
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    You are really complicating this for yourself. Relax.
  • thekyleo
    thekyleo Posts: 632 Member
    I've looked at IIFYM and It contains too many foods that I can't eat. So I think I will take your advice and add in some HIIT cardio

    I don't understand this though.. IIFYM is whatever that fits your macros/calories. There is no restriction at all

    Also you have been ''stuck'' for 3 weeks. 3 Weeks isn't much to be honest. We consider a person is plateauing when it's been roughly 6 weeks they haven't seen any change. By change I don't mean the number on the scale.

    Do you also measure yourself or you only look at the scale?
    If you rely on the scale, throw that things off the window and start measuring with a tape and taking pictures

    I do rely on the scale, I don't take measurements or pictures really
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Cheat foods? You mean all of the delicious foods that people eat in day to day life and up to this point, you've successfully fit into your diet? Why would you cut those out?

    Make sure, after 86 pounds, that your calorie intake is still correct for weight loss.

    Yes, you would be correct. Right now i'm eating roughly 2200 calories a day, maybe i'll need to drop it down to 1800

    That sounds like a far better idea.

    why would cutting out "cheat" foods be a bad idea?

    Congratulations on your weight loss, and how wonderful you are almost to your goal!

    No food is good or bad. You eat whatever you want, whenever you want, and stay within your calorie goal. Cutting out any food is like subtle self punishment for not doing good enough. Look at the amount of weight you have lost, and what little you have to go! You got there by following caloric guidelines, and I'm guessing exercising too, so even when you thought your were cheating you weren't.

    I think your idea of cutting down a few calories to help get those last few pounds off is probably the better idea rather than cutting out any food at all. You don't want to lose those last few pounds too fast.

    Also, someone else mentioned to make sure your MFP information is updated to have an accurate calorie count for now.
  • almostanangel21
    almostanangel21 Posts: 143 Member
    whats "cheat" foods?

    For the most part, they're foods that provide more pleasure than they do healthy macronutrients - things like candy, fries, etc. Some people consider an entire group of macronutrients (i.e. carbs or fat) to be 'cheat food', which sets them up for major problems. However, food has never been just fuel - it's supposed to be an enjoyable part of a full life. That's part of having a healthy attitude towards food instead of a disordered mindset. You just can't go overboard, and you have to decide whether a 'cheat food' is worth it. For example, if I'm bored and cranky, is 250 empty calories of M&Ms worth the room in my diet that day? Probably not. If it's a rainy day and I want to curl up on the couch and share some homemade hot chocolate with my husband? Definitely worth the calories.
  • iechick
    iechick Posts: 352 Member
    You should be learning now how to eat in a way that you can sustain through maintenance, ie for the rest of your life. Cutting out things you enjoy eating just to lose a few pounds isn't going to help you in the long run-you need to develop a healthy relationship with these foods and figure out how best to fit them into your life. That may mean cutting portion sizes down, limiting them to once a week etc, but to totally eliminate them from your diet is only going to lead to problems.
  • almostanangel21
    almostanangel21 Posts: 143 Member
    No such thing as a cheat food, the food is innocent so do not blame the food unless it walks into your mouth and refuses to leave!

    That just brought to mind a tiny Hershey's spider walking into my mouth while I sleep, and now I'm squicked out and it's all your fault. I hope you're happy. :)
  • jrp31
    jrp31 Posts: 47 Member
    There are no set foods for IIFYM. You can eat whatever you need to and leave out whatever you need to. As long as you are hitting your macros, which you will have to figure out, and your fiber intake you will be okay. Some people think of it as eating pizza and ice cream all day but it's not. I have one small "treat" a day (I always make sure to fit it in! Lol), but I also get 2-3 serving of veggies and fruit each a day. Your protein stays pretty consistent but your carbs and fats will go UP, provided you are maintaining or losing weight, which it will if you are doing it right.

    Also I have to say, to lose almost 100lbs on your own is pretty dang impressive. Congratulations. It sounds like you are getting a little overwhelmed now. If all you do is add in some HIIT and see how that goes then do it! You can figure out the rest when you're feeling up to it.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member

    I go by the service size and weight everything in grams

    In that case... you could be overestimating calories burned during exercise? I don't know but I'm sure you'll get there.

    Let us know how you go on and good luck! x