TOPIC: Over 200 New Year New Me Part 30



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Melinda -- Meghan sounds wonderful. If you get tired of her (yeah right), send her my way. Our dish situation is out of control and we've got all kinds of home brew equipment just sitting around going to waste. :tongue: I'm sure she'd love to see the Appalachians & the Atlantic, right? I'm a quick 1.5 hour zip up I-26 from both. SC is a gorgeous state (um... geographically speaking, at least :laugh:)!!

    Danielle -- I think it's great you're taking on meokk's challenge! The sugar thing is a tough one for me, too since I do love fruit & dairy (oh, and candy :tongue:). One other thing I wanted to mention is that when I was a vegetarian in my late teens/early 20s & wasn't getting a good deal of protein, I was flirting with hypoglycemia which made me really tired, especially when I consumed too many carbs & too much sugar. I also struggled with anemia then which made me feel really fatigued & weak as well. So MORE PROTEIN! I try (and usually fail) for 30% protein in my diet. When I was eating what MFP initially recommends (15%) I was feeling tired. When I increased it (I *usually* get in a little over 100g/day. Not today though, and guess what, I feel like tired crap), I really started feeling better and stronger. Just one more thing to consider while you're tweaking your diet to find what combo makes you feel best.

    Nancy -- Glad to stopped by to say "hi" today! :flowerforyou:

    Cris -- LOVE the purple wedding. Plumish purple is so the way I would wanted to go had I been into that whole wedding thing. So pretty and classy!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    OK Danielle - you're on !!!! I scarfed down 44 grams of sugar in one form or another do day 1 under 50 done, 6 more to go :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Mstahl - Lovely to see you. Sorry about George's health but happy to hear about Megan.

    Take care of yourself Blue !!!!!!

    Check in:
    Calories - 1238 - maybe a bedtime snack will get added.
    sugar - 44grams
    water - 90ish oz
    exercise - Week 2 Day 2 C25K complete, burned 276 cals

    I forgot to tell you guys........
    My lovely fiancee surprised me with a gift earlier in the week - he got me a HRM - what a sweetie :love: He knows I've been wanting one for a while and I had a rough few days earlier in the week so that really cheered me up.

    night night
  • Danielle_81
    OK Danielle - you're on !!!! I scarfed down 44 grams of sugar in one form or another do day 1 under 50 done, 6 more to go :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Mstahl - Lovely to see you. Sorry about George's health but happy to hear about Megan.

    Take care of yourself Blue !!!!!!

    Check in:
    Calories - 1238 - maybe a bedtime snack will get added.
    sugar - 44grams
    water - 90ish oz
    exercise - Week 2 Day 2 C25K complete, burned 276 cals

    I forgot to tell you guys........
    My lovely fiancee surprised me with a gift earlier in the week - he got me a HRM - what a sweetie :love: He knows I've been wanting one for a while and I had a rough few days earlier in the week so that really cheered me up.

    night night

    well I already blew it for today...but we'll try again tomorrow :smile:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Meokk: That's so awesome your sweetie got you an HRM! Sounds like a keeper to me! I'm pretty proud of myself but I "accidentally" stayed under 50 g sugar today, so there's a plus.

    Cris: I love that dress in purple. So cute and appropriate for fall. I never used to like purple or pink much but lately I've been buying both colors.

    Lauren: I also love most shades of green, so your dresses were super adorable, too!

    Jess: You made me laugh because, yes, my car is a Saturn. A 2007 Saturn Ion 3 to be exact. She just rolled over to 100,000 miles the other day. I'm bummed because the part we ordered is the wrong one (eBay seller sent the wrong one), so now I have to wait a few days to get the new one. Bf also thinks I need a CV shaft or sway bar, which is why the car has been making the clunking noise. Boo! But, these are the first repairs I've had to do, so I can't complain. I drive a ton and so far it's been a super reliable car. I'm so sad Saturns are no longer being made and that the dealerships will be closed in two months :sad:

    Mstahl: I miss you, but am glad things are going well and that Meghan is awesome! My thoughts are with your family and George. Hopefully he turns around for the better.

    Nancy: I'm hoping your back gets better soon. Get over the Pity Party and get back to watching the calories. You can still lose without the exercise until you're feeling better. I haven't worked out in a week and am still losing, so you can too!!
  • Danielle_81
    Danielle -- I think it's great you're taking on meokk's challenge! The sugar thing is a tough one for me, too since I do love fruit & dairy (oh, and candy :tongue:). One other thing I wanted to mention is that when I was a vegetarian in my late teens/early 20s & wasn't getting a good deal of protein, I was flirting with hypoglycemia which made me really tired, especially when I consumed too many carbs & too much sugar. I also struggled with anemia then which made me feel really fatigued & weak as well. So MORE PROTEIN! I try (and usually fail) for 30% protein in my diet. When I was eating what MFP initially recommends (15%) I was feeling tired. When I increased it (I *usually* get in a little over 100g/day. Not today though, and guess what, I feel like tired crap), I really started feeling better and stronger. Just one more thing to consider while you're tweaking your diet to find what combo makes you feel best.

    I will try and up my protein. I have to say when I started it seemed like I was getting a lot of protein every day, around 100g. But now lately I've been seriously low. I don't know how to add more protein with food. But I did a medical weight loss program a while ago and still have "food" left over. And each serving has 15g of protein. Plus it's all low calorie so that'll help a lot. I'll try by adding those things to my diet and try to eliminate my energy drinks all together. My hubby would be so happy! :laugh: It's like buying a pack and a half of cigarettes a week, so he'd be happy with the increase in cash.

    Thanks everyone!!
  • Danielle_81
    Oh yeah I might as well check in now....

    Calories: Under total 1420 :bigsmile:
    Sugar: 131 :blushing:
    Water: 120oz :drinker: 2 days in a row!!
    Excercise: nothing :embarassed:
    Proud: hmmmm :tongue:
  • purpleprose
    Here's my nightly check-in

    Calories: 1496 (about 500 under...just wasn't hungry today)
    Water: about 50 oz
    Exercise: a whopping 15 or so minutes...then I needed a nap!
    Proud: getting back into the exercising routine, even if it's less than I would normally be able to do. Just getting out there and doing it is important!

    Hope you ladies have a great day tomorrow.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    So, I was right when I couldn't stop eating everything in sight the other day - TOM showed up last night. Yuk.

    Just posting this link for all of you that I saw on another thread. Very interesting to see what other women of your height look like at different weights:
  • purpleprose
    meokk - I saw that link in the other thread and really enjoyed checking it out. I like having a rough visual of what I'll look like as the weight falls off! The only bummer is that I'm 5'11", so there aren't many pictures of women that height.

    Danielle - there are lots of foods that have significant protein - edamame/soybeans and greek yogurt are two that pop to mind immediately, so maybe check those out? They're both healthy and I use them frequently to up my protein intake.

    Cris - that is a really cute bridesmaid dress...I wish more of my friends picked dresses like that!!

    Nancy - Heather is right - I had surgery 2 weeks ago and still lost another 2-3 pounds with no exercise. I just carefully watched the food I ate. If I can do it, so can you!

    So far my Saturday is going well...eating is under control and I re-did part of Week 1 of Couch to 5K. I ran 6 of the 9 minutes and walked 20, so while I didn't complete the full day, I'm pretty excited about that. The school gym is closed until classes start again next week, so I ran outside for the first time in ages. It was pretty hot and I just was too tired to do the whole thing. Hopefully I can get back to where I was soon - I had finished week 2 right before surgery.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
  • Danielle_81
    That link is pretty cool. Thanks!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Seems my weight loss is stuck in the mud. :tongue: But I will keep on keepin' on, gals. My Pity Party of One is over officially today. No more double cheeseburgers from White Castle. :embarassed: I am going to fight with all I have - even the 10% of my back that still works! :noway:

    Thanks for the encouragement, sisters! I will continue to do this! :heart:
  • Danielle_81
    So here I sit, 10pm and still have 700 some calories left. I don't know what's wrong. I have NO appetite today. Which is funny I woke up starving. I've had a migraine most all of the day, which I suppose is most of the problem. I'm ready for bed :frown: unfortunately I'm at work.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    quick check in.......
    calories - 1277
    sugar - 49 (just made it !!!)
    water - 10 cups
    exercise - just some light walking - rest day before next running session.
    proud - I got more wedding planning done ( it's taking over my life though :grumble: :grumble: )
  • purpleprose
    Saturday check-in:

    Sodium....over by 37. oops.
    Water.......9 cups
    Exercise..week 1 of c25k - did 26 out of 31 minutes
    Proud.......went out with a group of friends who all got enormous sandwiches and french fries - I'd already eaten dinner and had 2 bites of 1 french fry and that was it. Stuck to water and had a great time without ruining my day.
  • Danielle_81
    Check in

    calories: under 1115
    sugar: under like 24 I think
    water: 88oz so under too

    I still feel awful. I hope my headache is gone in the morning. Gnight
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I had a bad weekend....

    I ate my feelings again, really need to get to the root of that. I was really upset about something (dont want to share) and I jsut immedietly wanted to stuff my face and I did, and even after I started to get sick from eating too much I kept on eating until I just couldnt move anymore its so disturbing. I feel like a junkie but my drug of choice is food
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Purple - Great job with the self-control!
    Cris - HUGS!!

    Friday night was ridiculous. We went over to the New Jersey Beer Company for a meet-up for beer geeks like my husband. Everyone brought fun fancy beer and shared. I probably had about 4 beers when you total up all my 2-3 oz samples. We've discussed that I'm turning into a bit of a lightweight without the excess weight I used to have (hahaha.....I'm a dork). In addition t to my lightweight status, the average alcohol level of these beers was 9.0%. For reference, Miller Light is like 4.2%. So while I had 4 beers, the alcohol I had was closer to 8 beers! :noway:

    We've also discussed how I make poor food choices when I drink. I may have set a new record - I ate FOUR pieces of pizza throughout the night. Yes my friends, FOUR NY style large pieces of pizza. On one hand, it was likely necessary to sop up all that booze! On the other hand, that was like 1200 calories (what I should eat in an entire day!) in food. BLECH!

    Anyway, now I'm done with confession. It was big time bad news bears, but that's ok. Moved on and yesterday I was under cals. So there! :tongue: :laugh:

    Friday check-in:
    Cals - Just a little over....2824!!!
    Water - 64 oz
    Exercise - Walked about a mile
    Proud - That I didn't eat an entire pizza?

    Saturday check-in:
    Cals: Under w/exercise - 1350
    Water: 32 oz...not enough
    Exercise - We were walking machines - about 3 miles total throughout the day.
    Proud - We went out to brunch and got pancakes. They were delicious. There were three on the plate. I ate two, realized that I was done, covered up the rest with my napkin and was done. Yeah self-control!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: Sorry to hear you had a crummy weekend. Hopefully things get better soon. We're here for you!

    Meokk: Thanks for the link to the picture gallery. Is it terrible that now I want to go even lower than my goal weight? I don't think the women pictured for my height at the goal weight looked very good.

    Lauren: At least you had fun, right? The beer events that you go to sound like so much fun to me! The extra food calories don't sound as nice, though. Just work hard so there are no negative effects and you'll be fine.

    So far, I've done pretty well this weekend foodwise. If I can hold it together today, it will be the first weekend in a long time that I didn't go overboard. It feels nice! I saw a 188.0 on the scale yesterday, so it's very possible to get to 187 this week! The scale was at 189.0 this morning, but I know I didn't drink nearly enough water yesterday, so lesson learned there.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under by 155
    Sodium: Over by 1356
    Water: 48 oz.
    Exercise: catching, grooming, riding and walking my horse. It was warm again and I was pretty soaked when we got done. In all, we spent about two hours with the horse.
    Proud: That I had calories left over on a Saturday!