You eat too much.



  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Is it bad that I just had a slice of pizza for dessert?

    It is excellent. Not really dessert though so you should have another- ice cream or something.

    Or both.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I believe there is a difference between healthy food and crappy food. If I were to eat fast food, junk food, or whatever everyday and my lab results come in with all high numbers that my doctor ordered. Now, if I stuck to a healthy food plan, exercise regularly, I'm sure those numbers will improve. That's how I see it. I agree, calories is calories, but the choices you make depends can mean good or bad health.

    Look at my ticker.

    Now look at this graph.


    Things don't become true just because they seem to make sense in your head.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    ...except cauliflower. It's pure evil.

    I said "food."

    Ha! I was just saying how cauliflower is my new favorite food! I've always loved it, but in the past topped with butter. Now I've enjoyed it so many ways for so few calories, I think it's fantastic!

    You can come sit by me! I LOVE both cauliflower AND broccoli! and pineapple too!!! I eat A LOT of each, and I am one happy piglet!! :-)
  • tjl2329
    tjl2329 Posts: 169 Member
    I agree but what I eat is just important as how much. I am diabetic.use to think it was bs. But I went to nutritionist and listened to jer and follow what she told me. Can't eat all carbs but I eat way more volune becausr its fresh not processed and lower in calories. Not sure how it completely works but I think you need good food yo have good health
  • ddpiel
    ddpiel Posts: 52
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member

    Most of you know this. Many of you don't. You don't get fat by eating the wrong foods or your genetics or whatever. You get fat by eating too much. End of story.

    There are no magic diets. There are no evil nutrients. There are no bad foods. If you achieve and maintain a healthy body composition and exercise regularly you will have basically the best physical health you can have within a margin of maybe a couple of percent.

    Take ownership of how much you eat and you will succeed. That's what MFP is all about.

    How about you keep your eyes on your own paper? :huh:
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I'm glad I don't come here to ask advice. lol...

    :laugh: :heart: :blushing:
  • MaiLinna
    MaiLinna Posts: 580 Member
    I get 1300 calories to spend a day. I'd rather eat a nice hot bowl of soup for lunch and a giant *kitten* bowl of ice cream before bed in place of that one little slice of pizza...
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
  • SuzieQ430
    SuzieQ430 Posts: 44 Member
    I agree with this in general, but don't some people find it easier to eat less when they eat food higher in nutrients? Because I have noticed that I am more easily satisfied by nutrient dense foods than I am with junk food of equal caloric value. I'm "happier" briefly with the junk food, but the nutritious stuff just seems to... LAST me longer, not sure how to say it but I think you get the idea?

    I totally agree with this. Nutrient dense food keeps me going for hours. When I eat junk food I am hungry and eat more within a ver short period of time.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I agree with this in general, but don't some people find it easier to eat less when they eat food higher in nutrients? Because I have noticed that I am more easily satisfied by nutrient dense foods than I am with junk food of equal caloric value. I'm "happier" briefly with the junk food, but the nutritious stuff just seems to... LAST me longer, not sure how to say it but I think you get the idea?

    I totally agree with this. Nutrient dense food keeps me going for hours. When I eat junk food I am hungry and eat more within a ver short period of time.

    Which is great. But doesn't remotely contradict the original post, if that's the intent.

    When people say 'you can eat whatever you want', they don't mean 'you must eat calorie dense food and nothing else'. They just mean that maintaining calorie control is more important than what you eat. If eating clean, vegan, paleo or any other diet is what you need to do to maintain calorie control, then so be it, and best of luck to you. It's just not strictly necessary for everyone. It's not strictly necessary for you, for that matter. If the quantities you were eating were externally constrained - removing your personal ability to moderate from the equation - you'd lose weight on pizza, burgers and ice cream too.

    The only difference here is personal preference and ability to moderate.
  • I'd agree MFP provides the tool to evaluate and regulate intake of an appropriate amount of food. Once here, everything is quantified. Eat this amount. That's too much. Exercise provided this leeway. Etc. MFP is a fantastic tool for weight control.

    For people without this tool, things are a lot more mysterious, and some proxy tools (read: diet strategies) can be effective. Not sure just telling people to "eat less, move more" outside of a calorie-counting environment is particularly effective, even though it's completely accurate.

    That's true, but people - and society itself - would benefit greatly from understanding that calorie consumption versus calorie expenditure are THE reason for weight loss or gain.

    This one simple fact, even if you don't act on it, eliminates so much mystery and blame from the entire fitness/nutrition/health/diet industry.

    I totally agree. Once I started logging "calories in" I was shocked that I didn't weigh more than I did... And even that mystery was solved... I was active (calories out).
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member

    Things don't become true just because they seem to make sense in your head.

    This could just be the one statement that could be written in every thread. priceless.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    Thanks OP. The article is spot on. :drinker:
    However, I do absolutely refuse to put down my ice cream.

    And it also states that you can't have a bacon cheeseburger for dinner every night. Tell that to Jonny!

    You can, however have a Wendy's Junior Bacon Cheeseburger combo with a small chili instead of fries, if you skip the saltines that come with it. :bigsmile: Oh, and you have to skip the sugary soda for diet soda, obviously. :wink:
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    There are no bad foods. If you achieve and maintain a healthy body composition and exercise regularly you will have basically the best physical health you can have...

    No food is bad in the APPROPRIATE intake. However snyone who has a problem limiting their percentage of fast/junk food is putting their health at risk.

    I had a little look at your food diary - you may not be overeating in calorie terms (as you are controlling portion size) but you are not controlling how much junk you are eating which is why your fat macro is through the ROOF. Your diet is high in saturated fat, cholesterol, and trans fats, low in fibre. Have you had your cholesterol levels checked lately? Seriously, you need to wake up about this.

    High cholesterol increases your risk of having hardened arteries (atherosclerosis) and heart disease. With high cholesterol levels, your blood leaves deposits on the walls of your arteries, like a waxy plaque. So the amount of bloody getting through to your vital organs and tissues can become limited. This is not good.

    There is more to fitness than weight loss and exercise - it's a three-pronged attack!
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    There are no bad foods. If you achieve and maintain a healthy body composition and exercise regularly you will have basically the best physical health you can have...

    No food is bad in the APPROPRIATE intake. However snyone who has a problem limiting their percentage of fast/junk food is putting their health at risk.

    I had a little look at your food diary - you may not be overeating in calorie terms (as you are controlling portion size) but you are not controlling how much junk you are eating which is why your fat macro is through the ROOF. Your diet is high in saturated fat, cholesterol, and trans fats, low in fibre. Have you had your cholesterol levels checked lately? Seriously, you need to wake up about this.

    High cholesterol increases your risk of having hardened arteries (atherosclerosis) and heart disease. With high cholesterol levels, your blood leaves deposits on the walls of your arteries, like a waxy plaque. So the amount of bloody getting through to your vital organs and tissues can become limited. This is not good.

    There is more to fitness than weight loss and exercise - it's a three-pronged attack!

    Did you even read the thread? He posted his blood work just above this.

    In case you're still having trouble finding it... Here's the whole freaking quote that provides the context in which he posted it.
    I believe there is a difference between healthy food and crappy food. If I were to eat fast food, junk food, or whatever everyday and my lab results come in with all high numbers that my doctor ordered. Now, if I stuck to a healthy food plan, exercise regularly, I'm sure those numbers will improve. That's how I see it. I agree, calories is calories, but the choices you make depends can mean good or bad health.

    Look at my ticker.

    Now look at this graph.


    Things don't become true just because they seem to make sense in your head.

  • Calories are everywhere. American food sucks.

    But it doesn't HAVE to suck...there's great food out there. It's just harder to find, a little more expensive and doesn't come to you through a window complete with packets of condiments.

    And for the record, I am FIRMLY in the camp of those who believe there is NOTHING you can do to cauliflower to make it "food."
  • ThinLizzie0802
    ThinLizzie0802 Posts: 863 Member
    I believe there is a difference between healthy food and crappy food. If I were to eat fast food, junk food, or whatever everyday and my lab results come in with all high numbers that my doctor ordered. Now, if I stuck to a healthy food plan, exercise regularly, I'm sure those numbers will improve. That's how I see it. I agree, calories is calories, but the choices you make depends can mean good or bad health.

    Look at my ticker.

    Now look at this graph.


    Things don't become true just because they seem to make sense in your head.

    I weigh 7 lbs less than my first biometric screening in March of this year. Yet my BMI, blood sugar, and bad cholesterol have all gone up according the my new results.. I exercise significantly more than I did in March and this change started in June. The other thing that has changed has been my consumption of fast food. I eat way more fast food now than in March because of a change in my job. Based on those numbers, I would say that the notable increase in consumption of fast food over the last few months has outweighed the notable increase in exercise, especially considering I weigh less yet my BMI is higher. So more exercise + more fast food + 7 lb loss = worse body stats?

    Your numbers cannot be applied to all.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    Yes didn't see that... anyway even if the blood results are accurate It's a little dangerous to make sweeping statements regarding health based on a the diet and blood results of a sample size of ONE. It's widely accepted by health professionals the world over that too much fat in the diet puts a person at RISK of getting high cholesterol levels. This is taking denial to new levels. Really. It's no different than the people who don't log properly. It's people kidding themselves. Some of them can accept it, some can't. But it's BLINDINGLY obvious to everyone else. But they argue, and argue, and argue... You can only do so much. If people want to listen they will, if not... so be it.

    Not all people on a grease-laden diet will get high cholesterol levels. Not all people with high cholesterol will get hardened arteries, there will be a spread, of course. And not all people with hardened arteries will die younger than they should, because of their condition, from heart attacks and strokes. But some will.

    However healthy they remain, whether they live to 90 and complete 20 marathons, they are STILL running the RISK of having poor health due to too much fat in their diet. This is a fact and cannot be denied.

    LUCKILY this risk can be drastically reduced with a change in diet (and weight loss if necessary) - giving up the cigs, exercising etc.

    Don't get me wrong I LOVE the junk. I could live on Snickers and lattes. Some weeks I do! But staying in denial about the health risks doesn't mean I won't get ill. I'm trying to turn it around because it's not good and I want to be around for my kids in the long term and give myself the best shot at a healthy life as is possible!
