You eat too much.



  • SomeGirlSomewhere
    SomeGirlSomewhere Posts: 937 Member
    I agree with this in general, but don't some people find it easier to eat less when they eat food higher in nutrients? Because I have noticed that I am more easily satisfied by nutrient dense foods than I am with junk food of equal caloric value. I'm "happier" briefly with the junk food, but the nutritious stuff just seems to... LAST me longer, not sure how to say it but I think you get the idea?

    Agree with this 100%.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I believe there is a difference between healthy food and crappy food. If I were to eat fast food, junk food, or whatever everyday and my lab results come in with all high numbers that my doctor ordered. Now, if I stuck to a healthy food plan, exercise regularly, I'm sure those numbers will improve. That's how I see it. I agree, calories is calories, but the choices you make depends can mean good or bad health.

    Look at my ticker.

    Now look at this graph.


    Things don't become true just because they seem to make sense in your head.

    I weigh 7 lbs less than my first biometric screening in March of this year. Yet my BMI, blood sugar, and bad cholesterol have all gone up according the my new results.. I exercise significantly more than I did in March and this change started in June. The other thing that has changed has been my consumption of fast food. I eat way more fast food now than in March because of a change in my job. Based on those numbers, I would say that the notable increase in consumption of fast food over the last few months has outweighed the notable increase in exercise, especially considering I weigh less yet my BMI is higher. So more exercise + more fast food + 7 lb loss = worse body stats?

    Your numbers cannot be applied to all.

    If your BMI went up while weight went down, then you got shorter.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I believe there is a difference between healthy food and crappy food. If I were to eat fast food, junk food, or whatever everyday and my lab results come in with all high numbers that my doctor ordered. Now, if I stuck to a healthy food plan, exercise regularly, I'm sure those numbers will improve. That's how I see it. I agree, calories is calories, but the choices you make depends can mean good or bad health.

    Look at my ticker.

    Now look at this graph.


    Things don't become true just because they seem to make sense in your head.

    I weigh 7 lbs less than my first biometric screening in March of this year. Yet my BMI, blood sugar, and bad cholesterol have all gone up according the my new results.. I exercise significantly more than I did in March and this change started in June. The other thing that has changed has been my consumption of fast food. I eat way more fast food now than in March because of a change in my job. Based on those numbers, I would say that the notable increase in consumption of fast food over the last few months has outweighed the notable increase in exercise, especially considering I weigh less yet my BMI is higher. So more exercise + more fast food + 7 lb loss = worse body stats?

    Your numbers cannot be applied to all.

    Weight went down.

    BMI went up.

    ...Well. okay then.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I believe there is a difference between healthy food and crappy food. If I were to eat fast food, junk food, or whatever everyday and my lab results come in with all high numbers that my doctor ordered. Now, if I stuck to a healthy food plan, exercise regularly, I'm sure those numbers will improve. That's how I see it. I agree, calories is calories, but the choices you make depends can mean good or bad health.

    Look at my ticker.

    Now look at this graph.


    Things don't become true just because they seem to make sense in your head.

    I weigh 7 lbs less than my first biometric screening in March of this year. Yet my BMI, blood sugar, and bad cholesterol have all gone up according the my new results.. I exercise significantly more than I did in March and this change started in June. The other thing that has changed has been my consumption of fast food. I eat way more fast food now than in March because of a change in my job. Based on those numbers, I would say that the notable increase in consumption of fast food over the last few months has outweighed the notable increase in exercise, especially considering I weigh less yet my BMI is higher. So more exercise + more fast food + 7 lb loss = worse body stats?

    Your numbers cannot be applied to all.

    If your BMI went up while weight went down, then you got shorter.

    damnit! You beat me to the punch by about ten seconds. I hate when that happens. :grumble:
  • ThinLizzie0802
    ThinLizzie0802 Posts: 863 Member
    Say what you want. Those are the numbers.

    Point being, just because your cholesterol and blood sugars may be in a healthy range while you eat junk food, plenty of fit people still have high cholesterol and die of heart attacks and get heart disease.

    Your numbers cannot be applied to everyone.

    More calories out than in will give you weight loss. Simple.

    Your weight is still not the only indication of overall health, and genetics do play a part in other areas.

    I don't understand why you don't realize that just because you can eat that food and get away with it that is what's best for everyone else and their overall health.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    You don't know what bmi is...
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I weigh 7 lbs less than my first biometric screening in March of this year. Yet my BMI, blood sugar, and bad cholesterol have all gone up according the my new results.

    That's impossible. BMI is calculated by dividing your weight by your height (squared).

    Either you lost weight, OR your BMI went up - you can't have both at the same time.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Say what you want. Those are the numbers.

    Point being, just because your cholesterol and blood sugars may be in a healthy range while you eat junk food, plenty of fit people still have high cholesterol and die of heart attacks and get heart disease.

    Your numbers cannot be applied to everyone.

    More calories out than in will give you weight loss. Simple.

    Your weight is still not the only indication of overall health, and genetics do play a part in other areas.

    I don't understand why you don't realize that just because you can eat that food and get away with it that is what's best for everyone else and their overall health.

    Do you know what bmi is?
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    You don't know what bmi is...

    And YOU don't know you're putting your health at risk.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    You don't know what bmi is...

    And YOU don't know you're putting your health at risk.

    In what way? Be specific.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    You don't know what bmi is...

    And YOU don't know you're putting your health at risk.

    In what way? Be specific.

    How? What do you want, diagrams? I should get a troupe together and act it out for you?
  • awtume9
    awtume9 Posts: 423 Member
    Calories are everywhere. American food sucks.

  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member

    Most of you know this. Many of you don't. You don't get fat by eating the wrong foods or your genetics or whatever. You get fat by eating too much. End of story.

    There are no magic diets. There are no evil nutrients. There are no bad foods. If you achieve and maintain a healthy body composition and exercise regularly you will have basically the best physical health you can have within a margin of maybe a couple of percent.

    Take ownership of how much you eat and you will succeed. That's what MFP is all about.

    I agree!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    You don't know what bmi is...

    And YOU don't know you're putting your health at risk.

    In what way? Be specific.

    How? What do you want, diagrams? I should get a troupe together and act it out for you?

    Go back and look at his blood panels....they look quite fine to me and improving...
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    You don't know what bmi is...

    And YOU don't know you're putting your health at risk.

    In what way? Be specific.

    How? What do you want, diagrams? I should get a troupe together and act it out for you?

    Identify a specific behavior and scientifically establish a negative health outcome it causes.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    You don't know what bmi is...

    And YOU don't know you're putting your health at risk.

    In what way? Be specific.

    How? What do you want, diagrams? I should get a troupe together and act it out for you?

    Go back and look at his blood panels....they look quite fine to me and improving...

    But at some point in some potential future his health might suffer because of some unproven reason that we should just take on faith and scare tactics! And it will be related to donut sandwiches.
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    Yes didn't see that... anyway even if the blood results are accurate It's a little dangerous to make sweeping statements regarding health based on a the diet and blood results of a sample size of ONE. It's widely accepted by health professionals the world over that too much fat in the diet puts a person at RISK of getting high cholesterol levels. This is taking denial to new levels. Really. It's no different than the people who don't log properly. It's people kidding themselves. Some of them can accept it, some can't. But it's BLINDINGLY obvious to everyone else. But they argue, and argue, and argue... You can only do so much. If people want to listen they will, if not... so be it.

    Not all people on a grease-laden diet will get high cholesterol levels. Not all people with high cholesterol will get hardened arteries, there will be a spread, of course. And not all people with hardened arteries will die younger than they should, because of their condition, from heart attacks and strokes. But some will.

    However healthy they remain, whether they live to 90 and complete 20 marathons, they are STILL running the RISK of having poor health due to too much fat in their diet. This is a fact and cannot be denied.

    LUCKILY this risk can be drastically reduced with a change in diet (and weight loss if necessary) - giving up the cigs, exercising etc.

    Don't get me wrong I LOVE the junk. I could live on Snickers and lattes. Some weeks I do! But staying in denial about the health risks doesn't mean I won't get ill. I'm trying to turn it around because it's not good and I want to be around for my kids in the long term and give myself the best shot at a healthy life as is possible!


    So I show you graphical evidence that his blood work is fine (read: pretty damn good) despite your saying otherwise, and you basically go on to say "Whatever, everyone KNOWS that this is the way it is, duh" in so many....many...more words.


    Oh my goodness. I've seen the light. Truly, the logic behind this woman's assertions are built upon a foundation of immovable stone. How could I possibly have been so blind?
  • mikeykhan2003

    How? What do you want, diagrams? I should get a troupe together and act it out for you?

    Wait will you do that? LIke is that a legit option?
  • SPPutnam
    SPPutnam Posts: 51 Member

    Most of you know this. Many of you don't. You don't get fat by eating the wrong foods or your genetics or whatever. You get fat by eating too much. End of story.

    There are no magic diets. There are no evil nutrients. There are no bad foods. If you achieve and maintain a healthy body composition and exercise regularly you will have basically the best physical health you can have within a margin of maybe a couple of percent.

    Take ownership of how much you eat and you will succeed. That's what MFP is all about.

    ...except cauliflower. It's pure evil.


    Agreed. It's of the Devil.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    I consider cauliflower to be empty calories. Because I pretty much just throw it in the trash. :bigsmile: