Why is this even remotely controversial?



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I do not see why anyone wouldnt want to look like her.

    Because many of us like looking like ourselves.

    She is beautiful but even if I WANTED to look like her, I couldn't. I have moe natural curves and I like them. I want to be as thin as she is, but I want my hips and waist.

    I meant a similar level of fitness, or bodyfat percentage rather.

    But even that is individual. Some women DON'T want to be at that fitness level/BFP.

    well, then it doesnt apply to them and they wont notice the advertising that isnt aimed at them, right? I never notice diaper commercials and I dont know jack about cars - cause neither of these are on my radar. shrug.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I do not see why anyone wouldnt want to look like her.

    Because many of us like looking like ourselves.

    She is beautiful but even if I WANTED to look like her, I couldn't. I have moe natural curves and I like them. I want to be as thin as she is, but I want my hips and waist.

    I meant a similar level of fitness, or bodyfat percentage rather.

    But even that is individual. Some women DON'T want to be at that fitness level/BFP.

    Which I accept. We all have different views of beauty.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I do not see why anyone wouldnt want to look like her.

    Because many of us like looking like ourselves.

    She is beautiful but even if I WANTED to look like her, I couldn't. I have moe natural curves and I like them. I want to be as thin as she is, but I want my hips and waist.

    I meant a similar level of fitness, or bodyfat percentage rather.

    But even that is individual. Some women DON'T want to be at that fitness level/BFP.

    well, then it doesnt apply to them and they wont notice the advertising that isnt aimed at them, right? I never notice diaper commercials and I dont know jack about cars - cause neither of these are on my radar. shrug.
    The replies were to Whierd's comment about not knowing why any woman wouldn't want to look like her.

    Some women wouldn't want to look like her.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    When my husband cleans the bathroom he doesn't sweep the floor. We have dogs, plus my hair, and my daughters hair. NASTY. When I was complaining to a girl friend about this apparently I should just be grateful that he cleans at all. **** that.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    When my husband cleans the bathroom he doesn't sweep the floor. We have dogs, plus my hair, and my daughters hair. NASTY. When I was complaining to a girl friend about this apparently I should just be grateful that he cleans at all. **** that.

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I do not see why anyone wouldnt want to look like her.

    Because many of us like looking like ourselves.

    She is beautiful but even if I WANTED to look like her, I couldn't. I have moe natural curves and I like them. I want to be as thin as she is, but I want my hips and waist.

    I meant a similar level of fitness, or bodyfat percentage rather.

    Personal preference, plain and simple. Being a fitness model, or looking like one, is certainly not the goal of every women. Many women (and men) like a softer more voluptuous look. A little more fat over the muscle doesn't necessarily make them less fit. And many don't care about fitness beyond what's needed to be healthy. Some prefer the skinny look of runway models. There are a lot of women in the world. It should be expected that they don't all want to look the same.
  • ILoveTheBrowns
    ILoveTheBrowns Posts: 661 Member
    god i hope my wife looks like her after she pops out little minions
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    well, then it doesnt apply to them and they wont notice the advertising that isnt aimed at them, right? I never notice diaper commercials and I dont know jack about cars - cause neither of these are on my radar. shrug.

    This. Being offended because it's not your goal would be like me being offended by John Frieda Sheer Blonde hair color commercials. Maybe I should pitch a fit because I don't want to be blonde (aside from wearing a wig for Halloween).

    My personal preference is a slightly higher BF%, both because I start to look Crypt Keeperish when I get too lean, and it's easier for me to maintain a little higher. I'm not bothered by her looking the way she looks or being proud of the way she looks. I'm proud of the way I look, too, and I'm happy with my level of fitness.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    well, then it doesnt apply to them and they wont notice the advertising that isnt aimed at them, right? I never notice diaper commercials and I dont know jack about cars - cause neither of these are on my radar. shrug.

    This. Being offended because it's not your goal would be like me being offended by John Frieda Sheer Blonde hair color commercials. Maybe I should pitch a fit because I don't want to be blonde (aside from wearing a wig for Halloween).
    Nobody is offended by what she looks like. The "offense" (and I'm not really offended at all) is the idea that ALL women have the same goal.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    I haven't read all the replies, but the thing I find most wrong with the pic is the suggestion that every woman could look like that if they just stopped making excuses. That woman is gorgeous. If all she is flaunting is her fitness, then what is with the glamour makeup and hair?

    And the caption is more than a little narcissistic. "What is your excuse?" It implies that she imagines every woman wants to look like her.

    The caption was "What's your excuse" Not - "Everybody should look like me and if you don't you are bad and make excuses" Why put your own thoughts into her words? I would never look like that (not the age or the DNA), but so what?? Why see it as a personal injury? .I don't get people.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    Wait.....so I can stop helping around the house and she won't do anything about it?

    I've been doing this all wrong.


    I do almost half of the housework *and* I am the primary wage-earner with a demanding full-time career. Father of four, two of which are yet to leave the house. That said, my wife kicks *kitten* and works hard to keep the family going smoothly too.

    Thank God I have a penis so I don't have to deal with absolutely any obstacles whatsoever like women/mothers do.

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    well, then it doesnt apply to them and they wont notice the advertising that isnt aimed at them, right? I never notice diaper commercials and I dont know jack about cars - cause neither of these are on my radar. shrug.

    This. Being offended because it's not your goal would be like me being offended by John Frieda Sheer Blonde hair color commercials. Maybe I should pitch a fit because I don't want to be blonde (aside from wearing a wig for Halloween).
    Nobody is offended by what she looks like. The "offense" (and I'm not really offended at all) is the idea that ALL women have the same goal.

    This ^^ and, I think, the suggestion that her life is comparable to every woman with 3 kids. Income level, support network, health of the children, health of the woman, responsibilities beyond the children and home, as well as many other "excuses" can be very valid.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    well, then it doesnt apply to them and they wont notice the advertising that isnt aimed at them, right? I never notice diaper commercials and I dont know jack about cars - cause neither of these are on my radar. shrug.

    This. Being offended because it's not your goal would be like me being offended by John Frieda Sheer Blonde hair color commercials. Maybe I should pitch a fit because I don't want to be blonde (aside from wearing a wig for Halloween).

    My personal preference is a slightly higher BF%, both because I start to look Crypt Keeperish when I get too lean, and it's easier for me to maintain a little higher. I'm not bothered by her looking the way she looks or being proud of the way she looks. I'm proud of the way I look, too, and I'm happy with my level of fitness.

  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member

    Wait.....so I can stop helping around the house and she won't do anything about it?

    I've been doing this all wrong.


    I do almost half of the housework *and* I am the primary wage-earner with a demanding full-time career. Father of four, two of which are yet to leave the house. That said, my wife kicks *kitten* and works hard to keep the family going smoothly too.

    Thank God I have a penis so I don't have to deal with absolutely any obstacles whatsoever like women/mothers do.


    Your straight, white, male priviledge is suffocating me.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    well, then it doesnt apply to them and they wont notice the advertising that isnt aimed at them, right? I never notice diaper commercials and I dont know jack about cars - cause neither of these are on my radar. shrug.

    This. Being offended because it's not your goal would be like me being offended by John Frieda Sheer Blonde hair color commercials. Maybe I should pitch a fit because I don't want to be blonde (aside from wearing a wig for Halloween).
    Nobody is offended by what she looks like. The "offense" (and I'm not really offended at all) is the idea that ALL women have the same goal.

    This ^^ and, I think, the suggestion that her life is comparable to every woman with 3 kids. Income level, support network, health of the children, health of the woman, responsibilities beyond the children and home, as well as many other "excuses" can be very valid.
    Income level isn't an excuse.

    I agree health of children, etc., can be. But I know enough women who are in the upper levels of income with healthy families who "don't have time" because they have a couple kids. BS. I think that's the point of the photo.

    It really has become fashionable to be "oh so busy" these days.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    well, then it doesnt apply to them and they wont notice the advertising that isnt aimed at them, right? I never notice diaper commercials and I dont know jack about cars - cause neither of these are on my radar. shrug.

    This. Being offended because it's not your goal would be like me being offended by John Frieda Sheer Blonde hair color commercials. Maybe I should pitch a fit because I don't want to be blonde (aside from wearing a wig for Halloween).
    Nobody is offended by what she looks like. The "offense" (and I'm not really offended at all) is the idea that ALL women have the same goal.

    but it doesnt say that anywhere :( i dont understand where that sentiment keeps coming from
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    well, then it doesnt apply to them and they wont notice the advertising that isnt aimed at them, right? I never notice diaper commercials and I dont know jack about cars - cause neither of these are on my radar. shrug.

    This. Being offended because it's not your goal would be like me being offended by John Frieda Sheer Blonde hair color commercials. Maybe I should pitch a fit because I don't want to be blonde (aside from wearing a wig for Halloween).
    Nobody is offended by what she looks like. The "offense" (and I'm not really offended at all) is the idea that ALL women have the same goal.

    but it doesnt say that anywhere :( i dont understand where that sentiment keeps coming from

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I haven't read all the replies, but the thing I find most wrong with the pic is the suggestion that every woman could look like that if they just stopped making excuses. That woman is gorgeous. If all she is flaunting is her fitness, then what is with the glamour makeup and hair?

    And the caption is more than a little narcissistic. "What is your excuse?" It implies that she imagines every woman wants to look like her.

    The caption was "What's your excuse" Not - "Everybody should look like me and if you don't you are bad and make excuses" Why put your own thoughts into her words? I would never look like that (not the age or the DNA), but so what?? Why see it as a personal injury? .I don't get people.

    Um, whose thoughts should I put into it?
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    well, then it doesnt apply to them and they wont notice the advertising that isnt aimed at them, right? I never notice diaper commercials and I dont know jack about cars - cause neither of these are on my radar. shrug.

    This. Being offended because it's not your goal would be like me being offended by John Frieda Sheer Blonde hair color commercials. Maybe I should pitch a fit because I don't want to be blonde (aside from wearing a wig for Halloween).
    Nobody is offended by what she looks like. The "offense" (and I'm not really offended at all) is the idea that ALL women have the same goal.

    but it doesnt say that anywhere :( i dont understand where that sentiment keeps coming from


  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    well, then it doesnt apply to them and they wont notice the advertising that isnt aimed at them, right? I never notice diaper commercials and I dont know jack about cars - cause neither of these are on my radar. shrug.

    This. Being offended because it's not your goal would be like me being offended by John Frieda Sheer Blonde hair color commercials. Maybe I should pitch a fit because I don't want to be blonde (aside from wearing a wig for Halloween).
    Nobody is offended by what she looks like. The "offense" (and I'm not really offended at all) is the idea that ALL women have the same goal.

    but it doesnt say that anywhere :( i dont understand where that sentiment keeps coming from



    That was even quoted before the responses. I'm not getting the confusion here. lol