Why is this even remotely controversial?



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    My "side" is that your personal example is not proof that every mother living in poverty has the opportunity to become fit. They don't necessarily have to be fat, but sometimes regular workouts simply is not possible. Some people have really hard lives.

    I'm still waiting for an example. I asked for one a couple pages ago.

    You wont get one - cause youre right
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    My "side" is that your personal example is not proof that every mother living in poverty has the opportunity to become fit. They don't necessarily have to be fat, but sometimes regular workouts simply is not possible. Some people have really hard lives.

    I'm still waiting for an example. I asked for one a couple pages ago.

    Mom of three, deadbeat drunken unemployed husband, working one full and 2 part times in fast food. Husband drinks a good percentage of her income, so she eats free at the fast food places and spends her money buying food and clothing for the kids. She works 70-90 hrs per week and the rest is spent on housework, laundry, nurturing the kids, cleaning up after the deadbeat and sleep. No family or friends to help.
    Well, clearly she could leave the husband since he's irrelevent and she's doing all the work and paying all the bills.

    Her job is pretty active (see above in my comments) and she probably walks a great deal to get to and from work. She can eat less to lose weight and get the muscle definition.

    Is it hard? Sure.

    Not impossible, though, and money isn't a barrier.

    It is all about choices and that one isn't any less about choices. She chooses to stay with a deadbeat who drinks and doesn't work instead of taking control. As I said, if she truly wanted it, there's no reason she couldn't achieve it.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    ****wall of text removed ***
    A few pointa higher? Maybe. 5-10% more? Not so much.

    5-10 is a few, no? It is the amount of muscle that makes one appear fit as much as the amount of fat.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    One could only stay fat if one was already fat. She appears fit because she is fit. If her BF% were several points higher she'd still appear fit.

    A few points higher? Maybe. 5-10% more? Not so much.

    rolls over laughing
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Alright I'm fat, I'm a single mom, but my kid didn't make me fat, I have been overweight since I was 12, I'm not blaming anyone but me, and I'm going to say this picture doesn't hurt my feelings, it reminds me of what all my sweat in the gym is for, and what all those squats and push ups are going to do for my body. She has a healthy background which might make it easier for her to make some choices, but she still has to wake up and say, "I'm going to pass on the Hershey's and eat something healthy instead!" It's something we all have to do. So, assuming this picture wasn't photo shopped to really give her more definition than she has... I agree with her, what's your excuse? I have my excuses and each time I make one I come up with 10 more reasons why I should be more healthy and why I want to be strong and persevere.
    I didn't start out with awesome abs or a toned little butt, so I can't expect that I will look that way over night. Keep working and when you get to your goal you can take a picture like that and caption it "I make no excuses!" That's my plan!

    Here's her success story - http://www.mariakang.com/category/fitness/

    I don't know if I'd say her background is was all that healthy. she's had to overcome much in regards to eating (binging, bulimia, etc) like quite a few of us on mfp have in one way or another.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    My "side" is that your personal example is not proof that every mother living in poverty has the opportunity to become fit. They don't necessarily have to be fat, but sometimes regular workouts simply is not possible. Some people have really hard lives.

    I'm still waiting for an example. I asked for one a couple pages ago.

    Mom of three, deadbeat drunken unemployed husband, working one full and 2 part times in fast food. Husband drinks a good percentage of her income, so she eats free at the fast food places and spends her money buying food and clothing for the kids. She works 70-90 hrs per week and the rest is spent on housework, laundry, nurturing the kids, cleaning up after the deadbeat and sleep. No family or friends to help.
    Well, clearly she could leave the husband since he's irrelevent and she's doing all the work and paying all the bills.

    Her job is pretty active (see above in my comments) and she probably walks a great deal to get to and from work. She can eat less to lose weight and get the muscle definition.

    Is it hard? Sure.

    Not impossible, though, and money isn't a barrier.

    It is all about choices and that one isn't any less about choices. She chooses to stay with a deadbeat who drinks and doesn't work instead of taking control. As I said, if she truly wanted it, there's no reason she couldn't achieve it.

    Not sure if you are really this naive??
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    My "side" is that your personal example is not proof that every mother living in poverty has the opportunity to become fit. They don't necessarily have to be fat, but sometimes regular workouts simply is not possible. Some people have really hard lives.

    I'm still waiting for an example. I asked for one a couple pages ago.

    Mom of three, deadbeat drunken unemployed husband, working one full and 2 part times in fast food. Husband drinks a good percentage of her income, so she eats free at the fast food places and spends her money buying food and clothing for the kids. She works 70-90 hrs per week and the rest is spent on housework, laundry, nurturing the kids, cleaning up after the deadbeat and sleep. No family or friends to help.
    Well, clearly she could leave the husband since he's irrelevent and she's doing all the work and paying all the bills.

    Her job is pretty active (see above in my comments) and she probably walks a great deal to get to and from work. She can eat less to lose weight and get the muscle definition.

    Is it hard? Sure.

    Not impossible, though, and money isn't a barrier.

    It is all about choices and that one isn't any less about choices. She chooses to stay with a deadbeat who drinks and doesn't work instead of taking control. As I said, if she truly wanted it, there's no reason she couldn't achieve it.

    Not sure if you are really this naive??

    Not sure if you are really this downbeat that you can't realize people have a choice to allow themselves to stay in a bad situation or to better their lives/themselves.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    My "side" is that your personal example is not proof that every mother living in poverty has the opportunity to become fit. They don't necessarily have to be fat, but sometimes regular workouts simply is not possible. Some people have really hard lives.

    I'm still waiting for an example. I asked for one a couple pages ago.

    Mom of three, deadbeat drunken unemployed husband, working one full and 2 part times in fast food. Husband drinks a good percentage of her income, so she eats free at the fast food places and spends her money buying food and clothing for the kids. She works 70-90 hrs per week and the rest is spent on housework, laundry, nurturing the kids, cleaning up after the deadbeat and sleep. No family or friends to help.

    unemployed husband plus children plus mom with 1+ jobs = qualifies for government help.
    eating free at fast food places - they all have healthy menus now - baddabing!
    work 90 hours, sleep 35 hours, that leaves 6 hours and 15 minutes per day for showering, cooking and teaching the kids to clean the house and learn to cook and help with homework. In those 6 hours and 15 minutes, before her husband farts and wakes himself from a drunken coma - she can do a bodyweight circuit in the livingroom or a 20-30 minute run before the kids come home. or hell, they can come with her.

    Keep this up consistently, with a rest week every 4-5 weeks and you're gonna have a bang up body and the guts to divorce your stupid *kitten* husband.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member

    You called me both mentally unstable and creepy.
    Perhaps not exactly 'name calling', but close enough.
    I wasn't that ugly about her, you or anyone in the forums. AT ALL.
    Because I view a picture differently than others might, I have been accused of any number of personality disorders.
    Simply uncalled for in an adult conversation.
    Not much different than people saying nasty things about her parenting having never met her.

    Which, might I remind you, I never did. My comments were limited to the photo in question.

    I didnt call you mentally unstable and creepy.

    I said that anyone who thinks that it is creepy to be near your children in a two piece work-outfit, or a swimsuit, already has the wrong stuff going on up there in their noggin.

    if this fits your mindset, then you are recognizing that bit about yourself. I dont even know you, therefore I cant be held responsible for what you identify with when Im speaking in general. and i most certainly never said YOU - i dont even know your username - i know you have a vaguely blue-ish avatar and i think there's a dolphin or a seal or something in there - dunno.

    if you think that its sexually creepy to be around your kids in a swimsuit, i cannot reason or interact with you. But I wish you a good day.

    I think neither of those things. Others implied those things about me farther up (waaaay farther up) in the conversation based on my use of the word 'creepy'. Oh, and perhaps on a comment I made sarcastically.

    I suppose I thought you had read every post in this thread and made comment on something I actually said. My apologies.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    My "side" is that your personal example is not proof that every mother living in poverty has the opportunity to become fit. They don't necessarily have to be fat, but sometimes regular workouts simply is not possible. Some people have really hard lives.

    I'm still waiting for an example. I asked for one a couple pages ago.

    Mom of three, deadbeat drunken unemployed husband, working one full and 2 part times in fast food. Husband drinks a good percentage of her income, so she eats free at the fast food places and spends her money buying food and clothing for the kids. She works 70-90 hrs per week and the rest is spent on housework, laundry, nurturing the kids, cleaning up after the deadbeat and sleep. No family or friends to help.
    Well, clearly she could leave the husband since he's irrelevent and she's doing all the work and paying all the bills.

    Her job is pretty active (see above in my comments) and she probably walks a great deal to get to and from work. She can eat less to lose weight and get the muscle definition.

    Is it hard? Sure.

    Not impossible, though, and money isn't a barrier.

    It is all about choices and that one isn't any less about choices. She chooses to stay with a deadbeat who drinks and doesn't work instead of taking control. As I said, if she truly wanted it, there's no reason she couldn't achieve it.

    Not sure if you are really this naive??
    I am not in the least bit naive. I would curl your toes with some of the things I could tell you I've lived through and come out the other side of. Or the things people in my family have lived through.

    You seem to assume my life has always been easy and that I've never witnessed anything awful. I assure you, I have.

    The woman in your example is making a choice in her life. If she really wanted out, she'd get out and change it. If she's staying and living that way, it's because she's choosing to do so. It may be a self-esteem issue, but only she can fix that.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Now what happened? I swear I can't turn my back for two seconds on you kids.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    My "side" is that your personal example is not proof that every mother living in poverty has the opportunity to become fit. They don't necessarily have to be fat, but sometimes regular workouts simply is not possible. Some people have really hard lives.

    I'm still waiting for an example. I asked for one a couple pages ago.

    Mom of three, deadbeat drunken unemployed husband, working one full and 2 part times in fast food. Husband drinks a good percentage of her income, so she eats free at the fast food places and spends her money buying food and clothing for the kids. She works 70-90 hrs per week and the rest is spent on housework, laundry, nurturing the kids, cleaning up after the deadbeat and sleep. No family or friends to help.
    Well, clearly she could leave the husband since he's irrelevent and she's doing all the work and paying all the bills.

    Her job is pretty active (see above in my comments) and she probably walks a great deal to get to and from work. She can eat less to lose weight and get the muscle definition.

    Is it hard? Sure.

    Not impossible, though, and money isn't a barrier.

    It is all about choices and that one isn't any less about choices. She chooses to stay with a deadbeat who drinks and doesn't work instead of taking control. As I said, if she truly wanted it, there's no reason she couldn't achieve it.

    Not sure if you are really this naive??

    Not sure if you are really this downbeat that you can't realize people have a choice to allow themselves to stay in a bad situation or to better their lives/themselves.

    So, she kicks the deadbeat out. Now she must quit her jobs because there is no one to watch the children while she works. But hey, no food = weight loss and now she has time to workout. Win!
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member

    One could only stay fat if one was already fat. She appears fit because she is fit. If her BF% were several points higher she'd still appear fit.

    A few points higher? Maybe. 5-10% more? Not so much.

    rolls over laughing

    Y u laffin at me bro?!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    ****wall of text removed ***
    A few pointa higher? Maybe. 5-10% more? Not so much.

    5-10 is a few, no? It is the amount of muscle that makes one appear fit as much as the amount of fat.


    nope, the difference between someone with 19% bodyfat and someone with 29% bodyfat is about 8 female clothing sizes.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Perhaps the woman who lives in the impoverished and difficult living conditions would say, "fitness is not a priority right now. Getting through this situation is."
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Mom of three, deadbeat drunken unemployed husband, working one full and 2 part times in fast food. Husband drinks a good percentage of her income, so she eats free at the fast food places and spends her money buying food and clothing for the kids. She works 70-90 hrs per week and the rest is spent on housework, laundry, nurturing the kids, cleaning up after the deadbeat and sleep. No family or friends to help.
    Um...wasn't places like the YMCA and the Salvation Army Kroc centers developed for reasons such as this? So ALL persons would have access to exercise choices?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    So, she kicks the deadbeat out. Now she must quit her jobs because there is no one to watch the children while she works. But hey, no food = weight loss and now she has time to workout. Win!

    If she's leaving her children with a man like that day in and day out, she probably lost custody to the state already, anyway.

    And if not, hey! Guess where I work! The agency that oversees subsidized child care just for people like the woman in your example.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    My "side" is that your personal example is not proof that every mother living in poverty has the opportunity to become fit. They don't necessarily have to be fat, but sometimes regular workouts simply is not possible. Some people have really hard lives.

    I'm still waiting for an example. I asked for one a couple pages ago.

    Mom of three, deadbeat drunken unemployed husband, working one full and 2 part times in fast food. Husband drinks a good percentage of her income, so she eats free at the fast food places and spends her money buying food and clothing for the kids. She works 70-90 hrs per week and the rest is spent on housework, laundry, nurturing the kids, cleaning up after the deadbeat and sleep. No family or friends to help.
    Well, clearly she could leave the husband since he's irrelevent and she's doing all the work and paying all the bills.

    Her job is pretty active (see above in my comments) and she probably walks a great deal to get to and from work. She can eat less to lose weight and get the muscle definition.

    Is it hard? Sure.

    Not impossible, though, and money isn't a barrier.

    It is all about choices and that one isn't any less about choices. She chooses to stay with a deadbeat who drinks and doesn't work instead of taking control. As I said, if she truly wanted it, there's no reason she couldn't achieve it.

    Not sure if you are really this naive??

    Not sure if you are really this downbeat that you can't realize people have a choice to allow themselves to stay in a bad situation or to better their lives/themselves.

    So, she kicks the deadbeat out. Now she must quit her jobs because there is no one to watch the children while she works. But hey, no food = weight loss and now she has time to workout. Win!

    So she should stay in a bad situation to avoid paying for daycare? :huh::laugh:
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Mom of three, deadbeat drunken unemployed husband, working one full and 2 part times in fast food. Husband drinks a good percentage of her income, so she eats free at the fast food places and spends her money buying food and clothing for the kids. She works 70-90 hrs per week and the rest is spent on housework, laundry, nurturing the kids, cleaning up after the deadbeat and sleep. No family or friends to help.
    Um...wasn't places like the YMCA and the Salvation Army Kroc centers developed for reasons such as this? So ALL persons would have access to exercise choices?
    And I would like to add, that is dispite finances....because you can get free access to YMCA and Kroc if your income falls to a certain level.