Wii EA Sports Active - August



  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    Awesome Job both of you!! I can't believe today was the last day of my 6 week challenge! It wasn't as hard as some of the other days, but I HATE Reverse lunges with knee raises! And I had to do 2 sets!!!!

    But here are my workout stats, and my entire challenge stats!

    Workout 24 Low
    calories - 146.1
    time - 21:20
    exercises - 17/17

    6 week Challenge
    calories - 3, 058.5
    time - 8:36:45
    miles ran - 4.5
    challange days - 50
    ((not happy that it took me over 7 weeks to complete the 6 week challenge, but had a few real hard days where I didn't workout in the past 2 months))
    (there were 1 or 2 more catagories, but not super important to me, plus I didn't stay on the screen long - couldn't go back to check))

    But I did it!!! And I will start my new 6 week challenge on medium beginning this Thursday! So I won't be too far behind either of you with your own challenges!!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I did it. I didn't want to and I took it easy but I did it.

    calories burned - 84.7 = HRM says - 64
    Time 0:18:39
    exercises completed - 14/14

    Now I am off again until Sunday but I will be checking up so lets get our butts in gear :)
  • aries88
    aries88 Posts: 38
    Yesterday was insanely busy for me so I didn't get a chance to workout but got it done first thing after getting the kids on the bus today...

    Calories burned 164
    Time 22:37
    Exercises completed 16/16

    Today I had to do the jumping side to side for the first time...wasn't too bad but feet started hurting a bit....I think they are just not used to that kind of activity.....but I pushed through and I am so glad I did. I feel great and ready to tackle the housecleaning now. Thanks you guys for being a good motivating factor in me getting into shape. Everyone needs a support system and cheerleaders and I am glad we can do that for each other!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Well good for you! I agree it makes me more accountable when I have to come on here and share my success and even the bad days. Today is definitely a bad day but I am using my sadness to push through and exercise more.

    So keep up the good work and we can do this!
  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    ugh - day one of medium, and I got dizzy on the 2nd set of 120 skips - not hot, but I pushed through it. I had a hike today in the woods at a nearby camp where my 25lb toddler demanded I carry him - I just kept thinking to myself - I can't believe I used to carry this much weight with me all the time - no wonder I was always so tired!

    Workout 1 Medium
    Cal - 170
    time- 23:46
    exercises - 13/13

    I'm praying I can get tomorrow's workout in before noon - I have a busy day of grocery shopping, and such, but then I have a night out with my local mom's group to go see Eat Love Pray, and I really want to be able to come home and relax after that! have a goodnight guys!
  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    Workout 2 Medium
    Cals - 120.1
    Time - 21:16
    Exercises - 13/13

    Have a great weekend ladies - my knee is happy that we're done with the Wii till Monday! I pulled something I think, and am going to go ice it! I'll be on throughout the weekend adding my normal exercises and food though!
  • aries88
    aries88 Posts: 38
    Today is day 4 for me....and here are the results....oh by the way I have been doing all of these on medium intensity

    Workout 4
    Time 23:47
    Calories: 194
    Exercises: 18/18

    I did not particularly like the lunge jumps but I got through them.....twice even! My feet still kind of hurt when I jump but that is from having had stress fractures when I was in boot camp 10 yrs ago....going to the podiatrist next week to see if they have come back....hoping not...takes too long to heal from them. I will try to get my workouts done....and posted....for the weekend.

    Have a great weekend y'all!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Good job ladies! I will be posting my results tomorrow. I am enjoying my last night off before 3 in a row ;)
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Did pretty good today 2 walks and the wii day 7 I think.

    Calories burned - 97.1 HRM says 97 ;)
    Time - 0:19:32
    Completed 14/14 on medium

    Whew I am tired and have a good 300 calories left over today!
  • aries88
    aries88 Posts: 38
    I didn't get any workouts in this weekend. My back was just bugging me too much. I have those kinds of days sometimes.

    So here it is for today

    Time: 23:17
    Calories: 161.7
    Exercises completed: 16/16 on medium
  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    Workout 3 Medium

    Cals - 171.8
    Time - 26.21
    Exercises 13/13

    Gained a pound in the last week! had a few bad eating days, and some crazy good dip at a summer party - totally my fault for the gain, but grrrr! But it's a new week, and I'm eating better so far - I just need to keep focused!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Workout 3 Medium

    Cals - 171.8
    Time - 26.21
    Exercises 13/13

    Gained a pound in the last week! had a few bad eating days, and some crazy good dip at a summer party - totally my fault for the gain, but grrrr! But it's a new week, and I'm eating better so far - I just need to keep focused!

    I hear ya! My sister was home and that meant a lot of take out! I gained some but being more strict and lost what I gained!

    I am just getting ready for my nightly workout *yawns* will post back when I am done :)

    Ok DONE!!

    Calories Burned - 91.3 - HRM says 101
    Time : 0:13:07
    Completed 14/14 on Medium
  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    I get lazy with cooking (or forget to defrost meat) and then we have to order something out - I try to stick with salads, but sometimes I need more than what that has to offer! Speaking of which - I need to figure out how to make tonight's meal a little healthier - making chili I think for everyone. Lots of beans, lol!

    Early workout for me today -thank goodness, cause I need sleep like crazy, so have to do this earlier from now on!

    Workout 4 Medium

    Cals - 127.4
    Time - 19:34
    Exercises - 13/13
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    WTG! I plan to get my workout in early too, once the little one is asleep :)

    I find supper hard. I generally eat less during the day so that I can eat a little more at supper and a nightly snack. I actually factor in my snack (popcorn) in the morning so I can work around it...lol. I have to have my popcorn. I keep finding lower calorie stuff so I have been weaning off the yummy salty buttery kind.
  • aries88
    aries88 Posts: 38
    Ok here goes for today

    Calories: 197.3
    time : 25:04
    exercises completed: 15/15

    I am really starting to see the payoff already....my muscles feel stronger and my clothes are fitting looser...I still have a long way to go but I am on the right path! Thanks again for the motivation!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    YAY!! We can do it!!

    Calories Burned - 113.4
    Time - 0:19:31
    Exercises - 15/15 (medium)
  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    I already logged my info for the day, but tomorrow is an off day for me with the Wii, so I wanted to say keep up the good work!

    I personally can't see the difference in the mirror or anything - but I put away all of my size 18 pants this morning because I put a pair of jeans on, and they were huge in the legs! That alone is a big deal to me - I've been an 18/20 since my 2nd son was born (2 years ago) and I'm excited to get out of those clothes!

    Hubby encouraged me to buy new workout stuff today - I really don't have much of that, and kept borrowing his boxers to wear as shorts. Lol - he made me buy 2 pairs of shorts, and a new sports bra!

    Anyway, keep up the good work ladies, and I'll be back on Thursday! I have a hike planned with my boys tomorrow - probally will be more of a stroll but either way I'll be outside and exercising!
  • aries88
    aries88 Posts: 38
    That is soooooo awesome!!!! I am so proud of you! I am getting ready to put away....no give away....all of my 18/20 size clothes. they are getting too loose!!!! I have been anywhere from a 16 to a 20 since my youngest daughter who is almost 9 was born....I wore a size 6 when I got pregnant with her so you can imagine my dismay! But it is finally getting better and I am way excited!

    My hubby made me buy new workout gear too! It is so much fun buying new stuff that fits!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Workout 10 out of 24 DONE!! Almost there :smile:

    Calories Burned : 77.7
    Time : 0:17:05
    Exercises 15/15 (medium)

    Since I skip warm up and cool down and boogie while each exercise loads my HRM says

    Calories burned : 113
    Time : 0:22:31

    See you all on Sunday night :flowerforyou:
  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    Workout 5 Medium

    Cals - 128.5
    Time - 14:14
    Exercises - 11/14 (knee was killing me today - no extra jumping for me!)

    I tend to skip the warm up/cool downs on some days - usually not though, lol! I should buy a HRM - I really wonder how much I'm burning - do you wear yours a lot? or only during exercising?

    I'll be back tomorrow - but I'm in trouble here this weekend! It's our annual Kielbasa fest, and it last 2 days where we only eat stuff from the festival........I don't eat kielbasa but I'm addicted to the corn cob stand, and I heart the chicken gyros - so it looks like super workouts for me - I'll have to swim and box for hours to help not gain! TOM this week too -ugh! talk about chocolate cravings!