Wii EA Sports Active - August



  • emalay
    emalay Posts: 159 Member
    Ok so I did workout 9 today and burned 153 calories.
    Didn't think that was enough so I took on another island cardio routine too! I might pay for it tomorrow but I felt I needed some more calorie burn because for dinner I plan on eating.....
    Ham, scalloped potatoes, corn, homemade buns (with butter of course) and homemade apple pie!! Oh and a glass of wine to boot!
    Keep coming back kickrz....we need all the support we can get for each other on here!!!
    Hope you enjoyed your camp Sbozek!
  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm having trouble staying on track with the 30 day challenge, and may go back to the 6 week one. I had a blast at my camp - did jump off of a 25 foot platform in a tree - I'm terrified of heights - and spent a ton of time outdoors, and then drinking tons of wine. I came back a little lethargic, and just did the Wii Free step tonight. I really have to step up my workouts if I want to stay on track!
  • emalay
    emalay Posts: 159 Member
    OK...I admit failure on my Wii Active Challenge...I've missed too many workouts to fulfill the requirements.
    That being said I am excelling at my other fitness activities. I ran 4.4 km yesterday without stopping and am thrilled to the moon with excitement about that.
    I am going to continue to do the Wii Active challenge a few days a week as well as the walking/jogging etc. I really like the workouts and welcome the change in pace.
    Miss chatting with you girls!!
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