Wii EA Sports Active - August



  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    I usually have a rest day today - but since I missed through the week, I'm playing catch up!

    Workout 10 Medium
    Cals - 82
    Time - 13:40
    8/8 (skipped 3 exercises in the start up menu - knee still hurting)
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Workout 15/24

    Calories Burned - 122
    Time - 0:22:00
    Exercises - 16/16 (medium)

    HRM says 30 minutes and onlly 87 calories burned. During the Island Outrun my HRM was all zero's so I am not sure how long it wasn't reading my HR so I will just record the 87 and if there is extra then bonus I guess.

    I cannot believe I am more the half done this challenge! I am proud and have not missed 1 day yet.
    Since really comitting to this lifestyle on Aug. 1st I have lost 12lbs! I could not be happier. My birthday is in a few weeks and what a great gift I have given myself.

    Keep up the awesome work ladies and again thank you for all the support and motivation.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Workout 16/24

    Calories Burned - 99.7
    Time - 00:14:58
    Exercises - 16/16 (medium)

    HRM says 21 mins and 110 calories. I ran in place before and between exercises :)

    Did I lose the rest of you? Come on ladies lets get movin!
  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    haha - I'm still here - just totally skipped Monday!

    Workout 11 Medium
    Cals - 171.3
    TIme - 30:10

    Should be on here everyday for the rest of the week - No More Skipping Days!!!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Wasn't there more people?? Now just the 2 of us?

    Sheesh don't leave me now :wink:

    I am so sleepy today but it is still a workout night. I should get me lazy butt up and do it already.
    Soon. I promise. Soon.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Workout 17/24 - ONLY 7 MORE!!!

    Cals Burned - 150.3
    Workout Time - 0:27:02
    Exercises - 17/17

    HRM says 34 mins and 143 calories burned!

    It kicked my butt but now it feels sooo worth it :happy:
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    haha - I'm still here - just totally skipped Monday!

    Workout 11 Medium
    Cals - 171.3
    TIme - 30:10

    Should be on here everyday for the rest of the week - No More Skipping Days!!!

    Did I lose you too :sad:

    I sure hope not...please come back. :flowerforyou:

    Workout 18/24

    Calories Burned - 113.1
    Time - 0:19:28
    Exercises - 17/17 (medium)

    HRM says 25 mins and 115 calories.
  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm still here, just lagging behind!! So much for not skipping. Ahhh - just felt like garbage the last few days!

    Workout 12 Medium

    Cals Burned 159.2
    Time - 23:56

    1/2 way Progress
    2.3 miles ran 1703.8 cals burned
    23 days into challange 4:20:32 Workout tme
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    YAY! someone stuck with me :)

    I am off tonight and tomorrow but will be back Sunday night.
  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    Ugh - I wish I could rest today since it's supposed to be a rest day, but I can't fall behind! I want to finish the challenge in 60 days - I did it in 72 last time, but I am determined.

    Workout 13/24 Medium
    Cals - 210.8
    Time - 31:07
  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    Workout 14 Medium

    Cals - 128.1
    Time - 23:35

    Cleaned all day too - just had a busy day. I'll be back tomorrow hopefully
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    YAY!!! So glad you stuck with me :flowerforyou:

    Today I am unsure what is happening. I feel likemy HRM is letting me down :sad:

    I went for a walk today and I just could not keep my HR up. The Wii same thing. I was doing upper body today but I am not sure I have seen my HR stay in the 100's very long. Tonight it seemed like it was there often.

    Workout 19/24 - most progress I have ever made!!

    Calories Burned - 149.6
    Time - 0:28:39
    Exercises - 17/17

    HRM says 35 minutes and 100 calories burned and that was after jogging hard in between exercises and even after just to push it to 100. Something just doesn't seem right,
  • emalay
    emalay Posts: 159 Member
    So I've been doing outdoor exercises more than the wii for the last few weeks. We have a new puppy and so I've been out walking him alot! The thing is I walk for over 30 minutes and my calorie burn is horribly low because I'm not going at a good pace. I think I will get back on the Wii Active bandwagon and do the 6 week challenge starting today.
    I need some motivation and support because I find I've been slipping a little lately with my eating and am feeling a bit blah....I got on the scales this morning and am up a few pounds....boo hoo!!
  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    I don't know much about HRM's (other than the fact I want one!) so I won't be much help with that - I figured as long as you got your heart going, and were sweaty and tired at the end it's always a good workout!

    emalay - welcome back to the Wii bandwagon! lol - I had a few rough days of feeling like garbage (I think I was eating the wrong stuff, and not getting enough nutrients - I was trying to eat only 1200 calories or so, and just didn't feel healthy. I changed my weight loss goals back to losing 1 lb. a week instead of the 1.5 I had it on. We'll see how I feel now.

    I am hoping to get a Wii workout in M, Tu, Th, F - but my husbands grandfather died last night, so I know things will be busy and stressful with the funeral plans. I'm trying to keep life normal for my kids - (his grandmother passed in May, my Uncle in July, so we're ready for the proccess - as ready as anyone can be with this sort of thing). Anyways - I am going to try and keep up my workouts, but I may slip this week some.
  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    Ok - got in today's with 10 minutes to spare to the day!

    Workout 15/24 Medium
    Cals - 154.8
    Time - 26:55

    Tomorrow I have a workout, and then I have Wednesday off! I thought I'd never get here - I've done 4 workouts straight this week/weekend!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Awesome!! WTG! So happy you stuck with me through this. I only have 4 workouts left!!! YAY me!! Then I have completed my very first Wii challenge ever :happy:

    Workout 20/24

    Calories Burned - 131.7
    Time - 0:18:07
    Exercises - 17/17

    HRM says 24mins and 133 calories burned so it is better today!

    I am a happy lady and about ready for bed.

    I have tomorrow and thursday left this week and then Sunday and Monday and I am DONE!! Wednesday is my birthday so what a great gift to myself. I am going out on Thursday to celebrate. Margarita's here i come :wink:

    BUT just because I am done don't think it means you get to slack. I will stay until you have completed it too!
  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm 5 workouts behind you - and I plan on starting a new cycle as soon as I finish - only on hard I think. I started this challenge on my end of my 6 week easy cycle. I like how the game pushes you, and gives you some options. I wish they would come out with a new one.........although I might pop in my 30 day challenge next......we'll see. I may need to mix it up a bit! I'll be here tomorrow! Have a good night!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I think I am drooling:


    LOOKS AWESOME - November 19th is when it comes out :happy:

    Has a HRM, wireless full body motion tracking and you can put it all online.

    SOOO excited!
  • emalay
    emalay Posts: 159 Member
    Thanks for sharing the link for the new Sports Active..... so looking forward to that.
    It comes out just before my birthday so I think I am going to treat myself!!
    Sbozek123, I think I may follow your idea and switch down to a 1 pound a week loss instead of 1.5. I find I am hungrier all the time and even with exercising and gaining 200 to 300 calories a day I am still looking for food.
    1200 calories a day is not a lot spread out over 6am to 10pm!!!
  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    The biggest problem I had was I didn't feel good - I was run down, tired, and honestly skipped workouts due to all of that! I wasn't getting enough nutritionally to keep working out - I gained a pound, and since I switched down to 1lb loss, I feel full, I'm not skipping exercises (I actually caught up on all the ones I missed). Overall - having more calories to eat by switching has made me feel better - I'm so glad I did!

    OMG with the new active - I am drooling! well. I know what I'm getting for christmas! But early, lol! I'm pre-ordering asap! Time to search Amazon! Be back later tonight to update my workout!