Does "Hot Mom" Need to Apologize?



  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    No way! She worked hard for it, has strength and confidence, and so what if she has a "forward" approach to motivating people?
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    Owe an apology? What is this, little league where everyone gets a freaking participation trophy?

    There's no apology necessary. When I lost my weight, I became infinitely less able to listen to others excuses. I actually lost friends over it....

    Not that I was ever in little league but I really do hate that, that is how the handle kids sports now. Everyone is a winner. Thats not how it works when your an adult so why on earth do we want to teach our kids that now.

    Because god forbid you hurt some little kids feelings.

    Kids now days are going to go through life not realizing that there are winners and losers. They need to realize that in the business world if you screw something up and you don't land a big project and you lose the company a lot of money they're not going to pat you on the head and say "Oh well. Good job for trying!" They're going to fire your @ss. But who cares as long as little Johnny got his trophy for losing.
  • PennyM140
    PennyM140 Posts: 423 Member
    Would people be so negative if the caption "what's your excuse" wasn't on the pic.
    I think she looks fantastic. Good for her.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    think the difference is that society as a whole doesn't expect people with physical disabilities to have "hot" bodies or be in any particular shape. Women are expected to want children and then be "MILF"s when they are done pushing them out. Again, I don't think this woman needs to apologize, but maybe wonder if how she is approaching "motivation" feeds into the idea that looks get you more press than 1) owning a business that helps care for people or 2) running a charity that helps children.

    Sorry but I think the two are the same. Both are saying there is no excuse to not go out there and do it. In her case sure she's saying there's no excuse to not get the body you want and I have to agree with her.

    We have become a society of p*ssies. Of people who blame everyone else for their shortcomings or the fact that they haven't achieved what they want. Now this woman has some how offended people who are over weight simply by posting a picture and asking a simple question: "What's your Excuse?" But of course that's fat shaming. Like I said would it have been any different if she was on the front of a fitness magazine and the title said something like "Mom of three shares her story on how she got this rockin' body and stays in shape! Her motto "What's Your Excuse" is what keeps her motivated!" No. You would go flip through the magazine and read her amazing story. You'd stare in awe at her awesome body and think 'Wow! She is unbelievable! I might have to try her ideas!" But instead because it's just a simple picture with three simple words it's fat shaming.

    It'ss your problem that you have an issue and are reading that much into it. It's YOUR problem if you think she's fat shaming. If people took half as much time and energy that they put into posting their hate about those who are fit and in shape and got off their *kitten* and stepped away from the computer for a few minutes perhaps they too could have that kind of body too.

    :huh: You angry bro? I have said her actual writings about health and fitness support the notion that she wasn't trying to fat shame. Unfortunately, she gave an off putting non-apology on her facebook page, similar to your off putting response, which is full of assumptions.

    Do you know me? No. I have maintained a pretty substantial weight loss for longer than most of you have belonged to MFP and am fit. Believe it or not, I wouldn't open a magazine to see how she got her body, I am very happy with the one I have. But your comments in that regard say a whole lot about you.

    There is a whole lot more going on with this photo than fat women being jealous. It kind of encapsulates two of the greatest societal pressure women face: to be mothers and to be "hot". Of course some see it as motivation, other people don't. Nobody knows this woman's intent. If you look at how she wrote before, it clearly seems motivational. If you look at her defensiveness after, it makes one wonder. That's all.

    Oh really?

    And what exactly do my "comments in that regard" have to say about me? Apparently you didn't get my point.

    And to take right from you: YOU don't know ME either so how can you sit there and say that you've sustained your weight loss longer than most people who are on MFP have? Do you live with me? Do you know my struggle? Do you know how much I've lost and how long I've kept it off? Hell you don't even know what I look like so again, YOU don't know ME either.

    And I wasn't saying she was fat shaming but apparently the people who gave her grief over her picture -- heck even people here -- see it that way.

    Your response to me, the very "how dare you, you don't know what my life" is the EXACT SAME RESPONSE you object to so fervently with others do it.


    Your response just paint a picture in which there is a lot of reaction and not much else.
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    I'm almost positive that we have a three part thread on this already...

    With that being said, I have to admit that I think this:
    What you interpret is not MY fault. It's yours.
    is idiotic.

    Very few things are implicitly offensive aside from direct personal insults and physical attacks. Everything else that can be considered offensive - and I think there's a fair bit of "else" - is offensive because it can reasonably be interpreted in an unjustifiably offensive way.

    Saying "What you interpret is not MY fault" is simply evading your responsibility to think twice about what you say and do in public. It's a very common attitude these days, and it annoys me to no end.

    For what it's worth though, in this case, I don't think what she said was offensive.
  • angelamangus1
    angelamangus1 Posts: 164 Member
  • SofaKingRad_II
    It's the pussification of America that's causing trouble for people who worked hard to get what they want. She worked hard for it. Plain and simple. She owes an apology to no one. People are too damn sensitive these days it's truly getting pathetic.
  • MontrealBeerLover
    This picture's intent actually worked on me. No joke. I saw it, thought about it, and in the end, I realized that nursing school and being a mom was NOT an excuse to be lazy. So I "unfroze" my gym membership and worked out for the first time in 6 months yesterday. So no, she doesn't need to apologize.

    Booyah! You go, girl!
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    Nope, no apology needed. Even if that body was PURELY genetic (or even bought plastic) all the hubbub is PURELY jealousy.

    You don't have time to work out? Make it.

    You don't have long hair? Take some supplements and grow it (or buy a wig/extensions)

    You don't have nice boobs? Buy some.

    You don't have good teeth? Go to the dentist.

    You don't have her genetics? That's LIFE.

    Don't get me wrong, I would love to have her body. But I don't. And I never will. And I'll never be as young as her again. But I can look as good as I can for where I am in life, and would never try to bring HER down with my own insecurities.
  • SakuraRose13
    SakuraRose13 Posts: 621 Member
    I think that she looks amazing genetics and hard work can do wonders :) kudos,
    myself have 2 children ages 3 as of Aug 10th and one who is 19 months old , it took me 8 months to lose 30 lbs from Jan till Aug , I have slowed my loss since or should I saw stalled , I never looked like her before my children I was fit though no abs though and active , but now I'm a SAHM and my activity has since changed I have not set foot in a gym in well ever ,unless you count a tour lol so just working out at home and outside mostly with my daughters and calorie reduction I do not expect myself to look like her because I'm not her simply put, I just want to be my former thinner self , stretch marks and all.

    I love myself regardless of my looks, I loved myself at 150 and I love myself now at about 120, I want to lose the last 16lbs to greatly decrease my chances of diabetes later in life , during my 2nd pregnancy I had gestational diabetes caused simply by my weight , I luckily only gained 11lbs during it and lost all of it the day I gave birth or just about, my last child was 8lbs 6oz all baby :)

    I'm 4ft 10 by the way and 29 and counting so losing this last bit is taking me a while lol ;)
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I cannot believe how worked up people are over something that doesn't have any effect on their life whatsoever. People seem to seek out things to get angry, insulted and indignant about. If they would only focus that effort on something important, they'd be much happier, I think.

    Oh well. This is where we live.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Why, I'm pretty sure she was just marketing herself.

    Media took hold of it and blew it up so everybody would talk about it.

    Appears she was successful.
  • Brainless64
    Brainless64 Posts: 27 Member
    Why??? after all looking good is her livelihood, even if it wasn't takes work, and why should she not be proud of it.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    I saw this picture before it hit the news. I really dont care. I wish people would just stop talking about it and move on honestly.

    Does she need to apologize? No, she didnt do anytthing, its not her fault people interpreted it the way they wanted to.
  • Healingnutritionsolutions
    Okay - so this was all new to me - lol. Hot mom - awesome! I actually love the pic. I will never make that grade, but good for her. NO APOLOGIES NEEDED! Okay - so all the drama can get blown out of proportion, (remember middle school - seems kinda like we're back there...) but ummm, bad publicity is still publicity - just sayin... Remember "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful..."

    Now if any Hot Mom deliberately stalked and stole some married guy away from another woman... then that would be a whole other ballgame... and no laughing matter.
  • Healingnutritionsolutions
    Why, I'm pretty sure she was just marketing herself.

    Media took hold of it and blew it up so everybody would talk about it.

    Appears she was successful.

    ^^^^ absoposolutely this ^^^^
  • rachaellumpkin
    rachaellumpkin Posts: 11 Member
    I agree, she does not need to apologize because she works hard for the body she has. But I find the picture condescending. I try to work out at least 6 days a week, but sometimes life gets in the way. I don't get an opportunity to work out most days until 8:30 at night. I get up, pack lunches for my kids for school, make them breakfast, take the dogs out, feed the dogs, make sure the kids are eating, bring the dogs back in, make sure the kids are getting dressed, get a shower and get dressed, pack my breakfast and lunch...all in the first 90 minutes I'm up every morning. Then I drive the kids to school and head to my job, where I am for the next 9 hours with no real break except for the occasional walk I can take during my lunch hour. Then it's time to head home, make dinner, check homework, eat dinner, get through the bedtime routine and lights out for the kids. By then it's 8:30 pm and I can finally have time for myself. So even with eating right and fitting in a workout 5 to six days a week, I will never look like her. I'm not making excuses...I just don't have a nanny to watch my kids while I work out for hours at a time and I rely on my full time job to keep my house, food on the table and clothes on our backs.

    I don't think she needs to apologize, but don't look down on me because I don't look like her.
  • teresa77447
    I agree, she does not need to apologize because she works hard for the body she has. But I find the picture condescending. I try to work out at least 6 days a week, but sometimes life gets in the way. I don't get an opportunity to work out most days until 8:30 at night. I get up, pack lunches for my kids for school, make them breakfast, take the dogs out, feed the dogs, make sure the kids are eating, bring the dogs back in, make sure the kids are getting dressed, get a shower and get dressed, pack my breakfast and lunch...all in the first 90 minutes I'm up every morning. Then I drive the kids to school and head to my job, where I am for the next 9 hours with no real break except for the occasional walk I can take during my lunch hour. Then it's time to head home, make dinner, check homework, eat dinner, get through the bedtime routine and lights out for the kids. By then it's 8:30 pm and I can finally have time for myself. So even with eating right and fitting in a workout 5 to six days a week, I will never look like her. I'm not making excuses...I just don't have a nanny to watch my kids while I work out for hours at a time and I rely on my full time job to keep my house, food on the table and clothes on our backs.

    I think in her case now I don't know for sure makes a difference when it comes to kids. Maybe she has the money for someone to do things for her so she can take the time to work out more. I remember how stressful it could be doing it all on your own without the luxury of someone to watch your kids for you. True some gyms provide care for your kids but not everyone can afford that.
    I don't think she needs to apologize, but don't look down on me because I don't look like her.
  • kjauthier
    kjauthier Posts: 24 Member
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    I just think the whole thing is stand-offish. "What's your excuse?" doesn't really come across as encouraging, but accusatory.

    "I did it, and you can too!" I think would have been more helpful, followed by a link to her site for tips.

    Because we are children?
    Again this goes back to being to sensitive.
    We are adults, should be treated as such and at a cetain point lets be honest it is time to get a kick in the *kitten*.
    No more babying everyone.

    This is not about sensitivity. Her ad is treating me like a child. I am an adult, and I have my own reasons for doing what I do.

    Maybe you should read my previous huge post about why you reasons for doing it is what she is saying! This women isn't talking to people like you who are doing what they need to feel healthy and happy. She is talking to the people that are doing nothing. She is saying she has kids, she owns 2 businesses and she makes time to focus on HER. She is saying everyone should do this and there is LITERALLY no excuse. Stop crying because you don't want the same things and have a different reason for doing this because this ad isn't for you if you are doing it. And again, sometimes it has to be broken done to something as simple as, what is your excuse? To really think wow, I clearly don't have one for people that aren't doing anything!


    I'm not crying over anything, and I realize she's not talking to people like me. I honestly don't give two ****s about any of this, I'm just giving my impression of her choice of language and how it could be interpreted.