SWaT Team Challenge-Month 3



  • 1QueenB
    1QueenB Posts: 227 Member
    Well I did 4 miles today, I am still a long way away from my goal of 100 and won't make it by tomorrow :noway: But look forward to continuing on next month!!!! Everybody is doing a SUPER JOB!!!!!! WTG SWaT Team :bigsmile:
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member

    Sorry I never saw this post. She is probably saying no more than 5 mins because I have CMP which usually causes my calf muscles to seize if I walk farther than a half block. Sometimes I'm good, sometimes I'm not, But I want to change that I don't want to be in a wheelchair. Walking a short distance is usually very painful for me, but I have been working at it, the more I do the better it will get, unless I push it too far. Although the tricky part is, how far is too far. My calf muscles are unusually stiff ALL the time, even physio didn't touch it. So I do have to be careful and I don't know I've overdone it until I can't walk for a few days. :(

    So to tell her I'm pwer walking 1 mile per day she would have a freak out. So far I have been stiff but have not seized. The hip pain is a new thing. Not sure if that's fibro, CMP or just not used to excercise. Although after a month it should have gone away. I have stopped excercising for the last month and hte hip pain is still there.

    But now that I am having pain but still overweight, I would rather have pain and be skinny. Does that make sense?? At my job, I cannot walk a few blocks to pick up the kids at school, because the next day I may not be able to walk, so I have to stay back and wait for the kids on the bus. I want to change that and be able to walk anywhere.

    I also love Disney and REFUSE to go there using a scooter or wheelchair. I will walk without pain again!!!! I am too young for this!!

    So I have decided to use Leslie's videos again, just maybe at a slower pace to start. :D If that doesn't work, I will look up that video. Thanks for t he response and the suggestions!!