CrossFit Put To The Test, Comes Out On Top: Study



  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Nah, light cleaning and dog walking is where it's at.

    I see what you did there....

    and I SALTS (Smiled A Little Then Stopped)
  • raw_meal
    raw_meal Posts: 96 Member
    So you are saying HIT does not work?

    The post you are replying to didn't say anything even remotely like that.

    You are right. My apologies.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member

    I was wondering how long it would take until that was posted.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I just tried my first CrossFit workout yesterday and really enjoyed it. I've been working through SL 5x5 for the past few months and have always been in and out of the gym anyway over the past couple of years.

    I don't think its a big secret of what crossfit is trying to accomplish with the HIIT, but I don't really see the big hit to your wallet or back if you are smart about it, which the article calls out (which applies to any type of working out, and not just crossfit...)

    I'm considering getting a membership to one of the clubs in town as I really enjoyed the competitive nature of the work outs to keep pushing you, and the personal training aspect (although not exactly one on one) to make sure you aren't putting yourself into a position to hurt yourself.

    To me, certainly more exciting than just lifting.

    Ummm....about the wallet's a pretty big difference from spending $15-$50/month on a gym membership versus $120-$250/month on a crossfit membership. At least for me, that'd be a pretty big hit wallet-wise.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Personally I just want a crossfit bar set so I can load up 10lb plates and look like a badass in pictures.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    when i see people doing crossfit stuff at my gym i get so mad......i cant really explain why i get mad...i just do

    What gym do you workout at??

    **Feeling the urge to tire flip**
  • DublinDanny
    Crossfit is like the Heroin of fitness, bunch of hardcore junkies hanging out in old warehouses, pumpin' god only knows what, destroying their old selves in the endless pursuit of nirvana. ((difference being all the crossfitters I've ever met are really nice people whereas all the junkies are, hmmm, not!))
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    How come you said cross fit came out on top when the study didn't have the subjects do anything but crossfit workouts?

    That was the title of the article in the Huffington post.

    Well, consider the source … ? :tongue:

    They re-reported the original article so they are not the source. You don't believe high intensity training works?

    No, I was talking about the title … See what I quoted.

    Then read my earlier response. CrossFIt is good. Just not the end-all-be-all of effective exercise.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    when i see people doing crossfit stuff at my gym i get so mad......i cant really explain why i get mad...i just do

    That's sad- because what REALLY annoys me is that people think cross fit = oly lifting and HIIT training.

    it's NOT like they own it- I do all those things- And I am NOT under any circumstances a crossfitter- cross fit is just a name.

    That's it.

    I do all sorts of lifts- and HIIT/interval workouts- I've even done a few cross fit workouts- but I"m not a crossfitter- it's a name- with an expensive price tag- and they are sullying the name of oly lifting.

  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Ummm....about the wallet's a pretty big difference from spending $15-$50/month on a gym membership versus $120-$250/month on a crossfit membership. At least for me, that'd be a pretty big hit wallet-wise.

    That was my thought when I looked at some "boxes" in my area..
    $115+ / month :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :huh:

    Hells no...
    I pay $33/month to my Gym and they have put in "functional training" areas.....
    So if I want to go flip tires, I can.
    If I want to push sleds, I can....
    and most of the other CF exercises.....
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    Sent from your iPhone ?
    For the record, I'm also on top right now.
  • raw_meal
    raw_meal Posts: 96 Member
    Crossfit is like the Heroin of fitness, bunch of crazed junkies hanging out in old warehouses, pumpin' god only knows what, destroying their old selves in the endless pursuit of nirvana.

    :laugh: This is a great quote. May I use this or is it copyrighted?
  • 58Rock
    58Rock Posts: 176 Member
    The fitness and nutrition world is a breeding ground for obsessive-compulsive behavior. The silly thing is that what most people worry about has no impact on results either way. CF developers have turned thier program into a near religion with unfounded hype. Just like all the other fitness and nutrion crazes that have come and gone. This too wil pass.

    CF is nothing more than HIIT or Tabata using barbells. Which has been done in some form or fashion since 1940. Track coaches used HIIT to give their runners a "bump" after months of track work and prior to an event. Real endurance athletes have used intervals and fartleks on long runs for decades.

    The problem encountered using weightlifting events to address fitness is those events work the whole muscular system, and doing endless repetitions is meaningless, except from an aerobics standpoint. It will not and cannot build endurance of strength.

    And relating CF to "endurance" is rediculous. Doing an athletic activity for 8-10-12-20 hours is endurance training. A 20 minute workout is not building endurance. Regardless of how "intense" it is. It will burn fat so it does have merit in that regard. And like any other physical activity one can use it to "get in shape". The problem with CF is that people have been sold the lie that it is the end all to be all of fitness acitvities.

    It is nothing more than one of many tools in the fitness toolbox and should be used accordingly along with all the other tools available to someone who wishes to get in and stay healthy and active.
  • DublinDanny
    Permission granted!:happy:
  • DavePFJ
    DavePFJ Posts: 212 Member
    I joined a crossfit 'box' about a month ago, and am leaving in a month. Nothing against the sport or the gym (coaches are good, and the workouts do get you in better shape), but it's not for me.

    Many people watch the crossfit games, which is comprised of guys with strong lifting and athletic backgrounds outside of crossfit, and feel crossfit will get them there. Crossfit will get you conditioned like a champ, but won't get you squatting get the point. The frequency of lifting heavy isn't there.

    Another thing I don't like is the timing. If there's a workout with 100 pull ups, I can finish the workout but it may take longer than the imposed time cap. I do strict pull ups, and 100 strict pull ups is tough. Yes, I could learn to kip and do it faster but competing against other people in a workout doesn't really motivate me to be faster. I want the benefit of doing 100 pull ups, not scaling the **** down because I'm not kipping for efficiency.

    Sprints, burpees, box jumps, jump rope, rope climb, air squats, push ups, pull ups, chin ups, toes to bar, knees to elbows, sit ups, bear crawl, lunges, broad jump, headstand push ups, pistol squats, bar muscle ups, headstand walks, L sit holds. All of these things can be done for cheap or free (at parks and such), and any combination at a high intensity will get the job done.
  • raw_meal
    raw_meal Posts: 96 Member
    Well, thats a bunch of misleading baloney and non-science. Statements about this study are all BS, all the study shows is elevated HR and increased calorie burning after two different Crossfit routines, only, thats it and for added effect: durrr? What would you expect after exercise...? And you cant say it "comes out on top" when you compared to nothing. Crossfit is great if you dont take it to is any other exercise program really.

    I'll do an equally valid claim as your study now, to show how ridiculous it is: My lunch comes out on top! Because was comprised of calories and my hunger went down and well... its what I ate...

    It's just a study reproving that HIT is effective and CF is HIT. There's many studies on HIT.

    Now I have to agree with you. Only 2 workouts in the study. It is just BS to counter the negative CF BS.

    Huffington post, put out a negative report 2 weeks ago. This is the same BS to counter the bad.
  • raw_meal
    raw_meal Posts: 96 Member

    I was wondering how long it would take until that was posted.

    She's not doing a legal CF pull up. Chin has to be above the bar. I don't like the swing aspect of the pull ups. I usually do strict unless it's death by pull up day.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Well, thats a bunch of misleading baloney and non-science. Statements about this study are all BS, all the study shows is elevated HR and increased calorie burning after two different Crossfit routines, only, thats it and for added effect: durrr? What would you expect after exercise...? And you cant say it "comes out on top" when you compared to nothing. Crossfit is great if you dont take it to is any other exercise program really.

    I'll do an equally valid claim as your study now, to show how ridiculous it is: My lunch comes out on top! Because was comprised of calories and my hunger went down and well... its what I ate...

    It's just a study reproving that HIT is effective and CF is HIT. There's many studies on HIT.

    Now I have to agree with you. Only 2 workouts in the study. It is just BS to counter the negative CF BS.

    Huffington post, put out a negative report 2 weeks ago. This is the same BS to counter the bad.

    So if you acknowledge the study was "BS" why repost it? In4stronglogic
  • raw_meal
    raw_meal Posts: 96 Member
    How come you said cross fit came out on top when the study didn't have the subjects do anything but crossfit workouts?

    That was the title of the article in the Huffington post.

    Well, consider the source … ? :tongue:

    They re-reported the original article so they are not the source. You don't believe high intensity training works?

    No, I was talking about the title … See what I quoted.

    Then read my earlier response. CrossFIt is good. Just not the end-all-be-all of effective exercise.

    The real source is American Council on Fitness and is not done to scientific standards. It's quick put together to counter negative press on crossfit. Yes Huffington publishes crap.
  • raw_meal
    raw_meal Posts: 96 Member
    Well, thats a bunch of misleading baloney and non-science. Statements about this study are all BS, all the study shows is elevated HR and increased calorie burning after two different Crossfit routines, only, thats it and for added effect: durrr? What would you expect after exercise...? And you cant say it "comes out on top" when you compared to nothing. Crossfit is great if you dont take it to is any other exercise program really.

    I'll do an equally valid claim as your study now, to show how ridiculous it is: My lunch comes out on top! Because was comprised of calories and my hunger went down and well... its what I ate...

    It's just a study reproving that HIT is effective and CF is HIT. There's many studies on HIT.

    Now I have to agree with you. Only 2 workouts in the study. It is just BS to counter the negative CF BS.

    Huffington post, put out a negative report 2 weeks ago. This is the same BS to counter the bad.

    So if you acknowledge the study was "BS" why repost it? In4stronglogic

    I posted it there first before I bumped it here and then edited my post there to this link to this thread. I did not recognize the sample was for 2 workouts.