CrossFit Put To The Test, Comes Out On Top: Study



  • raw_meal
    raw_meal Posts: 96 Member
    And relating CF to "endurance" is rediculous. Doing an athletic activity for 8-10-12-20 hours is endurance training. A 20 minute workout is not building endurance. Regardless of how "intense" it is. It will burn fat so it does have merit in that regard. And like any other physical activity one can use it to "get in shape". The problem with CF is that people have been sold the lie that it is the end all to be all of fitness acitvities.

    "8-10-12-20 hours is endurance training..." Holy ****e what are you training for?

    I do CF for Ice Hockey and it works. 60 mins of 2 min or less shifts at full speed.
  • Qski
    Qski Posts: 246 Member
    I haven't decided what I think about Crossfit yet (just so you know)

    Huffington's earlier CF bashing post, was also kind of a repost, I think I read the original and then read HP one it was like a glitch in the matrix.

    Totally agree that CF idea is based on HIIT and Strength Training

    The combination of both actually has been proved (independent of crossfit) to improve endurance in any athlete's performance. Not citing studies, but I usually have a high level of BS detector when reading these things.

    From what I have read on here, there are a lot of people who do CF in a structured intelligent way trying to concentrate on form even when trying to speed through things. And taking into consideration their own level of fitness not just being driven to extremes because the 'CF crazed zealot' next to them is trying to make their muscles explode and flipping the bird to their own physical well being at the same time.

    The sane practioners and coaches sound great and the concept and idea would be totally awesome, if it wasn't for the fact that the creator himself is a total fruitcake who is proud that some of the disciples are pushing the line between life and death every time they do one of the totally randomised and in some cases totally ill advised WOD.

    Maybe if someone comes up with CF for people who like to kick butt, but are not so keen on going so far beyond their own capabilities that they don't know if they are going to wake up stronger or not wake up at all - then we really could have something come out on top.

    I had no idea about prices though... it seems astounding. But they couldn't keep that pricing structure if it wasn't as popular, and some people get financial motivation too - I paid all this damn cash, so I better do it?!

    TL/WR - Study and HP is a load of crappola, CF in principle is fine, but founder's philosophy and disciples can be totally cookywhatsit, CF is the same as a load of other stuff, so price does seem riducurous but so are the prices of Iphones and everyone loves them (except me)

    PS love these passionate threads for reading, learning and laughing
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    wtf... im trying to lift weights not burn calories.. I could give a flying F what my v02 max is during it.. All theyve proved is that crossfit and bodypump can be quite similar..
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    The combination of both actually has been proved (independent of crossfit) to improve endurance in any athlete's performance.

    Need to be precise with claims like that. In endurance athletes, HIIT improves performance when limited to 10-20% of the overall training program (the rest being endurance training, of course). Beyond that, it impairs performance, because CV improvement under HIIT is physiologically different than under endurance training.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    There's no point in "hating" on CF. It's at its peak popularity right now, three years from now half the studios will be closed as the exercise world moves on to the next big thing.

    Meantime, those who enjoy should keep enjoying it! Any exercise is better than no exercise, in my book. :smile:


    Cross-fitters are cute in that enthusiastic puppy way. But stick around in fitness long enough and you'll see many trends come and go. It's the nature of the beast.

    Anything that gets people active and enjoying being active can't be half bad. Just watch that form!
  • DavePFJ
    DavePFJ Posts: 212 Member
    If Crossfit goes away, can I still wear my shirts that state how hard I workout?
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    From someone who never worked out before her 31st birthday - THANK YOU CROSSFIT for whooping my *kitten* into shape.

    Giving it your all, pushing past your comfort zone, getting stronger and fitter day by day. That's what I truely love about it. Still sorry to see so many stereotypes about crossfit..
  • Summer_Lunatic
    Summer_Lunatic Posts: 543 Member
    I tried it and stopped after a few sessions. I was already pretty fit when I started, so it wasn't a matter of it being too hard. My issue with it was that the only thing they cared about was speed. Zero interest in form. As long as you were more or less throwing the kettle bell around in the right general direction, or jumping up and then laying on the floor repeatedly fast enough, that's all that mattered. I'm not hating on it, just throwing my 2 cents in FWIW. I'm glad it works for so many folks, but it's not the right program for me.

    Thats an interesting experience because I've found quite the opposite. They won't even let you join this affiliate unless you do the start-up / intro program to teach you all the lifts which takes 3 weeks. During the intro class you still do a WOD every day but the main focus is on form.
    Once you join and do the regular WODs I still find I get a lot of instruction on form every day just trying to improve complex moves like snatches.

    And the cult talk just makes me laugh. But when the zombie apocalypse comes, crossfitters will lead the pack of survivors and repopulate the earth. :bigsmile: :laugh:
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    There's no point in "hating" on CF. It's at its peak popularity right now, three years from now half the studios will be closed as the exercise world moves on to the next big thing.

    Meantime, those who enjoy should keep enjoying it! Any exercise is better than no exercise, in my book. :smile:
    Anything that gets people active and enjoying being active can't be half bad. Just watch that form!

    Thank you. All the CF hate here is ridiculous. At least people are getting up, getting out and working out. If they are passionate about it and they found a community that works for them, then that's a great thing!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    If Crossfit goes away, can I still wear my shirts that state how hard I workout?

    wear no shirt instead. same point- and you don't have to look like a douchcanoe with the CF shirt :p
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Enjoyed my months in a Crossfit gym earlier this year. Looking forward to getting back to it (as soon as I fully recover from an elbow injury).
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    Wait wait mean to tell me that high intensity interval training burns calories? Mind = blow (much like the wallets and backs of many crossfitters)

    Will sell mind for blow!
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    Enjoyed my months in a Crossfit gym earlier this year. Looking forward to getting back to it (as soon as I fully recover from an elbow injury).

    But, if you go back to Crossfit you'll get another injury and die and leave your children fatherless. THINK OF THE CHILDREN!

    Sorry about that, janebshaw put a gun to my head and made me type it.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    There's no point in "hating" on CF. It's at its peak popularity right now, three years from now half the studios will be closed as the exercise world moves on to the next big thing.

    Meantime, those who enjoy should keep enjoying it! Any exercise is better than no exercise, in my book. :smile:
    Anything that gets people active and enjoying being active can't be half bad. Just watch that form!

    Thank you. All the CF hate here is ridiculous. At least people are getting up, getting out and working out. If they are passionate about it and they found a community that works for them, then that's a great thing!

    "Crossfit is better than nothing!" isn't much of an endorsement.

    Crossfit isn't terrible. It's not the most effective thing you can do, and there are certain elements to the culture that are downright dangerous. It seems to claim an unusually large numbers of victims to injuries and unhealthy attitudes towards exercise (more is better! fast is better! MORE FASTER MORE FASTER etc). That's what turns a lot of people off.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    There's no point in "hating" on CF. It's at its peak popularity right now, three years from now half the studios will be closed as the exercise world moves on to the next big thing.

    Meantime, those who enjoy should keep enjoying it! Any exercise is better than no exercise, in my book. :smile:
    Anything that gets people active and enjoying being active can't be half bad. Just watch that form!

    Thank you. All the CF hate here is ridiculous. At least people are getting up, getting out and working out. If they are passionate about it and they found a community that works for them, then that's a great thing!

    "Crossfit is better than nothing!" isn't much of an endorsement.

    Crossfit isn't terrible. It's not the most effective thing you can do, and there are certain elements to the culture that are downright dangerous. It seems to claim an unusually large numbers of victims to injuries and unhealthy attitudes towards exercise (more is better! fast is better! MORE FASTER MORE FASTER etc). That's what turns a lot of people off.

    I think you hear more about the danger of it because it's so popular...and I'm not convinced that most of it isn't people who are just repeating the same line about the dangers of a very self-perpetuating cycle.

    As for my direct experience with Crossfit, I have nothing but good things to say about it. Consistently competent trainers, all with many years of experience and credentials (beyond just CF certs). Most of them with relevant degrees even. More expensive than a globo gym, but much cheaper than individual coaching/training (and yet I receive near-individual coaching level of interaction).
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    Personally I just want a crossfit bar set so I can load up 10lb plates and look like a badass in pictures.

    I see your bet, and raise you dropping them from whatever height after every single rep because your body just can't take it anymore. Perhaps that concentric motion translates into a stronger release of growth hormone?

    In hindsight, it's probably already a "WOD"- 65 pound bouncing barbell chase- for time.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Personally I just want a crossfit bar set so I can load up 10lb plates and look like a badass in pictures.

    I see your bet, and raise you dropping them from whatever height after every single rep because your body just can't take it anymore. Perhaps that concentric motion translates into a stronger release of growth hormone?

    In hindsight, it's probably already a "WOD"- 65 pound bouncing barbell chase- for time.

    Anyone who thinks they can/should drop a barbell w/ a couple of dime bumper plates on it...

    ...has likely never done it.

    Although based on the "WOD" you listed, I suspect you have at least seen it done once. (It's also really hard on the plates.)
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    There's no point in "hating" on CF. It's at its peak popularity right now, three years from now half the studios will be closed as the exercise world moves on to the next big thing.

    Meantime, those who enjoy should keep enjoying it! Any exercise is better than no exercise, in my book. :smile:
    Anything that gets people active and enjoying being active can't be half bad. Just watch that form!

    Thank you. All the CF hate here is ridiculous. At least people are getting up, getting out and working out. If they are passionate about it and they found a community that works for them, then that's a great thing!

    "Crossfit is better than nothing!" isn't much of an endorsement.

    Crossfit isn't terrible. It's not the most effective thing you can do, and there are certain elements to the culture that are downright dangerous. It seems to claim an unusually large numbers of victims to injuries and unhealthy attitudes towards exercise (more is better! fast is better! MORE FASTER MORE FASTER etc). That's what turns a lot of people off.

    It wasn't so much of an endorsement of CF as much as it was an endorsement of anything that gets people moving.

    I happen to love CrossFit. I go to a box that does not have a speed demon culture, nor do the coaches encourage unsafe lifting practices. Like anything in life, there are good practices and bad practices. I would not join a gym of any sort where I felt pressure to do things that I am incapable of doing safely. Personal responsibility. I think it's a shame to overgeneralize as not all boxes are the same.

    If you don't like CrossFit, that's fine. If you think it's dangerous, that's fine too. But putting people down who choose to do CrossFit? Lame.

    Edit: I'm not saying you (jonnythan) are putting people down. It was a general comment.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I cant speak to all of the cf gyms, however, my issue is that it seems to be a connection around here. CF+paleo+Advocare=you are awesome! But only if you have the proper cf shoes. In my limited experience, cult is appropriate.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Also, did I miss something in the OP? Where does the title come from? What did Crossfit "come out on top" of..?