Fit and Fab Biggest Losers



  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    I AM BACK!!! :bigsmile:

    At work and other wise. I weighed this morning and I only gained 4 lbs. That is a full blown miracle. I know I can get back to business now and I'll be fine.

    Thank ya'll for all your support :flowerforyou: ((HUG))

    Sundinsgurl: hope your back is better today. The walking is great for a back strain.
    Thank you for doing the "Walk of Silence" I lost my little brother to suicide.

    Cnbethea: Like my new avatar says "we can do it"

    Maylan: welcome, glad to have you here!:smile:
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I weighed in today just cause I felt like it.. and I am out of the 140's finally!! and not just by an ounce or two but by 2 whole pounds! thats right I lost 2.2 since my last weigh in and I am at 138 :) So friggen Happy!!!!!!!!!

    Went to the gym today.. did C35K Week 6 day 1 - so 35 mins on treadmill... and 25 mins on the elliptical. Lookin fwd to a weekend filled with fun exercise too - hopefully we get at least one win in baseball and I want to win them all in soccer!

    raindancer - suicide is a very serious issue - and the only way it can be dealt with is by prevention. So thats what this walk is for - to help make people aware! I will think of your little brother as well when they do the ceremony part.:heart: and welcome back :) 4 lbs isnt bad at all for taking time off, it definetely could of been worse!! Just as you said - WE CAN DO IT!!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Raindancer - YES WE CAN!!!!! YES WE WILL!! love the new avatar!! Those 4lbs will be off in no time!! Congrats on everything being cleared I know that was a great boost!!

    Sundinsgurl - great way to get more activity and for such a great cause you rock girl out the 140's in into the 130's way to go!! Keep pressing foward your doing great!!
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    I got ALL my food logged yesterday and I was under by 300 cals. I didnt have any exercise to log but I'm going to a Indian POW-WOW today and will do lots of walking. I love watching the dancing, it is beautiful.

    Sundinsgurl: Thank you, We knew he was depressed but we never considered he might be suicidal. We all have a lot of guilt for missing the signs.

    I'm keeping my challenge simple. LOG ALL MY FOODS!!

    Ya'll have a great weekend.
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Great job raindancer my goal is like yours this week I am planning on doing my diary in the AM and stick by it!! Plus stepping my water back up!!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Wohooo we won our soccer playoffs :) Yesterday we lost our first game in shootsouts. Our second game we won in a shootouts - I scored the game tying goal in the last 30 seconds to make it go to shoot outs. Than today we had our final game, it went to shootouts and I took the shot for my team and won it!! Wohooooooo

    Our baseball playoffs went alright.. we won our 8am game, but lost our 2nd one. I had to miss the third game because my soccer game was starting. It was an awesome weekend filled with exercise, tonight we had chinese food for dinner lol Not the best healthy wise - but darn delicious!!! My plan is to hit the gym at least 4 times during the week!

    raindancer - the walk on Friday was literally around the block so it wasnt a long walk at all. But the ceremony itself was amazing, very touching!

    cnbethea - I have been slacking with my water as of late as well. Since I work a split shift I dont want to drink too much during the day because I cant really leave the kids by themselves to use the bathroom. I am so happy that I am in the 130's.. I hope I still am after this weekend...drank a lot of booze last night.
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Sundinsgurl congrats on the game and winning the game with your goal!! You have been busy on the exercise scene woot woot keep it up girl when I go drinking for every one drink I have one water to keep me good and I fill up faster so not as many drinks :-) Just thought I throw that out there. You are going to be fine though I think that memembership has relit a flame in you thats awesome Keep up the great work!!

    I feel rejuvenated after my workout today and my food choices even though I was over fat and sodium thats an easy fix for tomm!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    The lowest weight I can remember being is when I went to Cuba for my moms wedding when I was 18.. so 7 years ago. I have a feeling these 10 lbs are going to take a bit to come off. But slow and steady is the way to go! My goal is 125lbs and I cant wait till that happens!!! This membership definetely has lit a spark in me :) I am super motivated - and I enjoy going! Its awesome since they have the personal tv's on each machine. today I watched Price is Right and Family Feud! Did 35 mins on the treadmill.. 27 mins on the elliptical and 8 mins on the bike. Finished my last run for week 6 of Couch to 5K - now I am onto week 7, the rest of this couch 2 5K involves all running.. no walking breaks in between!

    cnbethea - so glad to hear your rejuvinated after your workout! I always feel much better after I workout... its give me soo much energy, and I feel so proud of myself. Great job on the good food choices!! Today you will get under on that fat and sodium. As for me - I still have left over chinese food which we'll be having for dinner. but the rest of the week we will be cooking at home :)
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    You 2 are on fire..send some my way!!!:bigsmile:

    I have posted my food all day. I'm 63 calories over. I'll do better tomorrow.

    I didn't make it to aqua. Yesterday I slipped and peeled a big place on the bottom of my big toe, I did't think I wanetd to put it in a heavy chloronated pool...Ouchy
    But I will go tomorrow!

  • MrsUnderwood
    I'm up for the challenge!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Welcome MrsUnderwood!! We are here to supprt each other and keep pushing each other forward so come in and share your success often!

    Raindancer hope ur toe feels better today!!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    No workout today.,. got extra hours at work wohoo!!! (always nice for extra money) than came home and immediately had to head out because my friend was taking me to a hockey game. It's a rookie tournament, My favorite team (Toronto Maple Leafs) the rookies played the Ottawa Senators! we lost 3-2, all I had eaten today was a banana and 6 triscuits because of the extra hours at work. My b.f gave me money for food and a few alcoholic beverages. I got a peice of pizza.. no Drinks except water :) My friend got nachos which we split! and I had a handful or two of popcorn.

    Tomorrow I already know I am getting extra hours at work.. but I will still have time in between shifts to hit the gym :) I enjoy going to the gym sooo much!! its a great feeling... I am onto week 7 of C25K - 25 mins straight of running!!!

    Welcome Mrs Underwood :)
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Hey everyone today was a good day no complaints!!!
    Completed Insanity Week 3 day 2

    Sundinsgurl you should track your steps at work and see how far you go becuase I know you probably do a lot of back and forth and everything. Week 7 C25K woot woot I know your going to knock those 25min out the box can't wait to hear how it went

    Hope you had a great day raindancer!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Hey everyone today was a good day no complaints!!!
    Completed Insanity Week 3 day 2

    Sundinsgurl you should track your steps at work and see how far you go becuase I know you probably do a lot of back and forth and everything. Week 7 C25K woot woot I know your going to knock those 25min out the box can't wait to hear how it went

    Hope you had a great day raindancer!!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I did it!! Wohooo - 25 mins running straight :) I'll say it again thank goodness for those tv's on the machines lol I zone right out when my show is on. Today I got to watch my soap on there (Days of our Lives). Also did 29 mins on the eliptical.

    Once again I am on the fence - do I weigh in Friday (one week after my last weigh in) or should I wait another week...hmmmm?

    cnbethea - I wish I could track how many calories I burn at work.. unfortunately I do not have a heart rate monitor. I bet I would burn quite a bit - on my feet for most of the 4.5 hours - and playing games with the kids. One day I will get one and be able to do it.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Went to the gym again today.. don't have time to go tomorrow since I have a hair appt in between my shifts at work tomorrow. So thats why i went today to get it in. Did another 25 minute straight of running :) Also, 15 mins on the elipitcal and 10 on the wave runner (a new machine at the gym - kind of simulates rollerblading motion.

    I am sooo pumped to get my hair done tomorrow! Highlight and cut - not too how short I wanna go.. I always say I want a change than I get in the chair and I chicken out lol I will take a pic tomorrow night as a new display pic
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Love the new pic sundinsgurl you look awesome and I see you didn't go much shorter chicken:laugh: !!

    Hope all is well raindancer
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Thanks cnbethea - Your right I didnt go much shorter - just an inch of two off lol I love my long hair.. and my blonde lol But I did do something a little different. I died all of the underneath part all dark brown - and than put some dark highlughts in it as well. I love it!!!!!!

    Did get to the gym yesterday because I was super busy... we are going golfing this afternoon and than we have an end of the year soccer party tonite at my place! Should be a great time. I am going to the gym tomorrow - yes on a Sunday! I will make myself go :)
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Sunsdinsgurl: great new picture! That about the lenght I've been keeping my hair but I always wear it pulled back. I wore it down to my waist and braided for years. but I cut it off and now its wavy/curly. I really cant do anything with it.

    Cnbethea: I'm here!:laugh: Sometimes I sign on and get ready to post and get distracted and don't get back that day.
    but I am staying on plan much better and I made it to aqua 3x last week. knee is doing great.

    My crazy hubby. ordered Sensa off of tv without saying anything to me about it.. He swears it is working. He only ate 1/2 his dinner last night and said he was stuffed. :huh: DUNNO...the people on the boards that tried it says it didn't work. I haven't tried it yet because I told him he wasted is money. Ok I'm stubborn. He is real gulliable and believes if they put on tv it has to work.
    Have a great Sunday..It's football season:drinker:
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Good Monday Morning everyone I am down .4 after my horrific Sat yay me I did some damage control on Sunday to kind of help out!!!