Share your weird habits and rituals



  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I've gotta have a hot bath every morning, even if I am staying in a motel or hotel I'll talk to them ahead of time to make sure they have bath tubs.

    When using the microwave it can never be an even number, it's gotta be like 1:21 or 2:04 min

    I check my alarm clock (on my cell phone) at least twice after lying down in bed to sleep. I consider it fairly wild & reckless (haha) that I don't do this on the weekend, just on nights that I have work the next day.

    I eat the crust of pizza first.

    Although it doesn't take much time, I put way too much thought into which accessories I'll wear each day. I can pick out my outfit quickly but may change earrings four times.

    I only like to drink water that is refrigerator-cold without ice. I'll drink it other ways but I don't enjoy it.

    I just tend to do things in a ritualistic manner, especially at work. I have a lot of little procedures and routines that are not fully necessary and others probably would not understand but it keeps me from making mistakes and I can be almost superstitious about some of it.

    (I've been through counseling and I do not have OCD surprisingly)
  • RunBrew
    RunBrew Posts: 220 Member
    Prime numbers are evil.

    By that I mean I can't have or use anything that can't be grouped into smaller units.

    If I pick up a handful of chips I will count them, If i have say, 7, I will either pick up another one to make 8, or put one back to make 6 since 7 can't be grouped evenly into two piles. oddly, 9 is ok because I can make 3 groups of 3.

    When I dress for the day, I put on my pants first, then my shirt. Never the other way around. I have to put on both of my socks, left foot first then right foot, then stand up, and wiggle my feet to make sure they're not going to have a wrinkle in my shoe or rub in any way. Then I sit down and put on my shoes, right shoe first, then left.

    I line up everything with the edge of something else. When I lay a pen down I make sure it's parallel with the long edge of the paper it's sitting on, or near. The paper is almost certainly lined up with the edge of the desk or table

    Yes I have OCD.
  • imhungry2012
    imhungry2012 Posts: 240 Member
    I only eat red and purple skittles, I throw the rest out
  • bugaha1
    bugaha1 Posts: 602 Member
    I guess I put everything on right side first.

    The volume on my TV is always too high for everyone else so when they asking me to turn it down I do and I still hear it fine.

    I have a hard time watching my favorite sporting team play on TV because I think I’m jinxing them. So I like to change channels and come back and see what the score is off and on during the game.
  • DainaLC
    DainaLC Posts: 18,937 Member
    I've got a weird thing with with numbers too, totally out of my control. Also while driving, if I pass rode kill, I hold my breath until I am well passed it.
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    <-- crazy cat lady.....

    I "talk" for my cat , we hold conversations and sometimes, she really "meows" back....


    THIS!!!! I hold lengthy conversations with my cat - every day, several times a day!!

    I also have a cat stroller - we go for husband won't go with us, he says it's 'too embarassing'.....

    But I only have one cat - so am I REALLY a crazy-cat lady?!
  • Truegoddess22
    Truegoddess22 Posts: 94 Member
    I take a 40-60 minute shower every morning. I swear I have a penis.

    This except I take about 30 mins.
    I also eat Swiss Rolls, Zebra Cakes and Reese's Cup outside in
    I can't stand having the microwave beep so I stop it a 0:01
  • JeaninePaige
    JeaninePaige Posts: 464 Member
    Probably not too odd but I always make a wish/pray when the clock reads 11:11.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member

    When using the microwave it can never be an even number, it's gotta be like 1:21 or 2:04 min

    I check my alarm clock (on my cell phone) at least twice after lying down in bed to sleep. I consider it fairly wild & reckless (haha) that I don't do this on the weekend, just on nights that I have work the next day.

    I almost never set the microwave for 1:00 or 2:00. It's 1:23 or 2:34. There's something about the progression of the numbers. I also really like it when the clocks hit 1:23, 12:34, 2:34, 3:45, etc.

    I check my alarm twice and then, occasionally a third time just to be sure I have it set. I HATE to be late.
  • mag131
    mag131 Posts: 542 Member

    This except I take about 30 mins.
    I also eat Swiss Rolls, Zebra Cakes and Reese's Cup outside in
    I can't stand having the microwave beep so I stop it a 0:01

    Exactly! I bet we eat KitKat bars the same way also. ;)
  • Keiras_Mom
    Keiras_Mom Posts: 844 Member
    I wake up many times throughout the night and check the clock. I cannot sleep if I can't see what time it is. DH bought me a digital clock with a very large display so that I won't wake him up and ask what time it is (literally 10-20 times per night).

    I never use an alarm. See above--I don't need it. :laugh:

    I have to have the stools directly across from my desk at work in alternating colors with the logos on the seats facing out. The guys at work will mess with them just to see how long it takes me to put them back in the "right" pattern.

    I have to have all my clothes facing the same direction on their hangers. I was getting so bad that the hanger color had to match the color of the item of clothing. I specifically stopped doing that because I knew I was getting out of control.

    If DH does dishes and I don't think one item is clean enough, I'll wash the entire load myself (we don't have a dishwasher, so this one can be annoying).

    I do laundry on Sunday mornings. If I have to do a load in the middle of the week, it messes up my whole week and I don't know what day it is.

    There are many, many others. Yes, I'm OCD, as are all the women in my family. Believe it or not, I'm the LEAST OCD of the group. :blushing:
  • Keiras_Mom
    Keiras_Mom Posts: 844 Member

    When using the microwave it can never be an even number, it's gotta be like 1:21 or 2:04 min

    I check my alarm clock (on my cell phone) at least twice after lying down in bed to sleep. I consider it fairly wild & reckless (haha) that I don't do this on the weekend, just on nights that I have work the next day.

    I almost never set the microwave for 1:00 or 2:00. It's 1:23 or 2:34. There's something about the progression of the numbers. I also really like it when the clocks hit 1:23, 12:34, 2:34, 3:45, etc.

    I check my alarm twice and then, occasionally a third time just to be sure I have it set. I HATE to be late.

    I'm the opposite. The microwave HAS to be set at 15 second increments. It can be 1:15, 1:30, etc., but NOT 1:20.
  • RozayJones
    RozayJones Posts: 409 Member
    I have to make sure all chairs at the table or tables close by are always pushed all the way in (even if they are I have to make sure).

    I wash light switches in my house everytime I am in the room

    If I do one thing out of order in my morning routine (wash face after washing my hair, get dressed before brushing my teeth) I have to start all over again

    I check on my kids twice before going to bed - if I am in bed first I will get out twice to check on them

    Pillows on the couch must be on the right way - or I am grumpy lol

    if someone sorts or washes the laundry I have to do it all over again

    I have to try a door I just locked 3 times to make sure it really is locked.

    I unplug all appliances before going to bed - and double check to make sure I did

    --none of this bothered me until I noticed my son starting to have OCD habits by age 6. I have gotten better with many things :)
  • mikeykhan2003
    - Volume on the telly must be on an even number.


    ME TOO!

    Mine has to end in 0/5. so weird; I didn't even know I did that until my sister pointed it out recently last time I went home, but honestly now I know why I prefer the lines and not the numbers.
  • mrmartoon
    mrmartoon Posts: 26 Member
    When I pump gas it needs to end in a whole dollar amount. If the pump clicks part way through I keep squeezing the handle till it is at the next whole dollar.
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    My closet doors must be shut before I go to bed or I can't sleep

    My pantry is set up by food groups and in alphabetical order