Share your weird habits and rituals



  • RunBrew
    RunBrew Posts: 220 Member
    When I pump gas it needs to end in a whole dollar amount. If the pump clicks part way through I keep squeezing the handle till it is at the next whole dollar.

    Yup. Me too.

    Not long ago, I rounded up to $18.00 even, and it also rounded out to an even 5.00 gallons. Seriously, it made my whole day. It was like all was right with the world.

    I would go out of my way to buy gas at a station that priced it at a whole-cent (like 3.50/gal) amount rather than the usual .9 (like 3.499) even if it was several cents per gallon more.
  • Laffinhippiegurl
    Laffinhippiegurl Posts: 41 Member
    My socks have to fit exactly right. If I put my shoes on and my socks feel funny, I have to take my shoes and sock off and start over. I have made myself late on a bad day.

    If I'm a passenger on a road trip, I tend to stare out the window and count the road stripes by even numbers.

    The top of the bed has to be against the wall. I can't sleep otherwise. I guess that's how the monster under the bed is going to get me?
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    - Volume on the telly must be on an even number.


    ME TOO!

    ^^This, and the car radio volume has to be an even number as well.... So does the heat or air for home or car. I have a thing for even numbers I suppose :embarassed:
  • mrmartoon
    mrmartoon Posts: 26 Member
    "I always need 3 napkins when at a restaurant - 1 to fold into a square to put under my drink (whether or not they have coasters and whether or not the drink may actually gather condensation and dribble a puddle onto the table); 1 to wipe my mouth as I'm eating; 1 to fold lengthwise to put under my utensils. I never crumple napkins and always fold them as they are used."

    Sorry, but this reminded me of Big Bang. Sheldon was in the cafe eating lunch and Leonard asked him for a napkin. Sheldon said he did not have a napkin to spare (he had three) but he woudl be happy to grab a spare napkin in the future! Leonard just grabbed one from him anyway. LOL :laugh:
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    <-- crazy cat lady.....

    I "talk" for my cat , we hold conversations and sometimes, she really "meows" back....


    THIS!!!! I hold lengthy conversations with my cat - every day, several times a day!!

    I also have a cat stroller - we go for husband won't go with us, he says it's 'too embarassing'.....

    But I only have one cat - so am I REALLY a crazy-cat lady?!

    it ONLY takes one cat... *hands over honorary CCL badge and stuffed kittehs*
  • Cre8veLifeR
    Cre8veLifeR Posts: 1,062 Member
    I'm a book sniffer.

    Do you sniff all books or just the ones you're reading?

    all books!!! lol
  • bloominheck
    bloominheck Posts: 869 Member
    I eat candy corn in three bites. First the yellow, then the white, then the orange.

    hehe me too!.

    Plus I have issues with parking. I hate to park to close to a car or the line. I would rather park at the furthest spot them park near someone. Hate door dings. I have been known to drive around park, not like it and find another spot and do it again.
  • donthesitate
    donthesitate Posts: 255 Member
    In the car before I leave I have to find a song I like
    When I get outta the shower I have to do my hair first
    Im obsessed with having a hairless body, ive even had laser hair removal multiple times
    I cant sleep with socks on, it must be cool and dark for me to sleep
    I lock my bedroom door when I sleep
    I make other people pump my gas
    I wont eat meat if I see the carcass
  • Keiras_Mom
    Keiras_Mom Posts: 844 Member
    I only eat red and purple skittles, I throw the rest out

    :heart: u!!!!!!!!!!

    I always need 3 napkins when at a restaurant - 1 to fold into a square to put under my drink (whether or not they have coasters and whether or not the drink may actually gather condensation and dribble a puddle onto the table); 1 to wipe my mouth as I'm eating; 1 to fold lengthwise to put under my utensils. I never crumple napkins and always fold them as they are used.

    I take forever at stores because when I give money or receive it as change from a larger bill, I unfold any dog-earred corners, make sure it is all turned and facing the same direction (the direction doesn't matter as long as all bills are the same) and sort it in order of largest to smallest with the $1 bills on the outside of the stack.

    I do both of these as well. Except with the bills, the direction absolutely matters. The bills have to end up "upright" in my wallet. Heaven forbid I have several denominations and also have several denominations in my wallet. They all have to be put in the right order.
  • YesIAm17
    YesIAm17 Posts: 817 Member
    I take 30 minute showers.

    I recite (mentally but sometimes out loud or mouthing along) mantras/affirmations while brushing my teeth and showering (in an uplifting and energetic way).

    I meditate, pray, visualize goals, and recite mantras/affirmations again after I get dressed.

    I use a set of mantras/affirmations to count reps when working out instead of numbers.

    I have a playlist of uplifting music that I listen to everyday religiously, for inspirational reasons, it's seriously like gospel music for me. This includes artists such as Jay Z, Shakira, Imagine Dragons, Saliva, Katy Perry, Britney Spears, Kat DeLuna, Jamie Foxx, Justin Timberlake, T.I., B.o.B., Kanye West, Madonna, Timbaland, Usher, LMFAO, Dev, Dark Lotus, Insane Clown Possee, Lil Wayne, and Angels and Airwaves. (feel free to send me a msg if you want the track list)

    To me absolutely none of this is weird... everyone who doesn't do this is weird... someday people will realize the importance of doing these things... until then I understand it seems weird to them. (30 minute showers optional)

    People don't know what they don't know.

    Oh... and I also count calories and exercise everyday... sadly to most people this is weird/wrong/bad/stupid/doesn'twork/etc.
  • When I eat a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, I eat the outside first, then the inside.

    You eat all the chocolate off first?

    No, I eat just the perimeter of the cup. Then the rest.
  • ACepero79
    ACepero79 Posts: 711 Member
    All the money in my money clip/wallet has to be facing the same way and in descending order. I'm kinda OCD, but it serves a dual purpose. If I have to pay for something, I can pay for it pretty quickly knowing that my bills are in descending order.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member

    I have to have all my clothes facing the same direction on their hangers. I was getting so bad that the hanger color had to match the color of the item of clothing. I specifically stopped doing that because I knew I was getting out of control.

    Mine have to be facing the same way and all of my hangers are black plastic. I used to have a minty green color instead of black but they quit making that color, so I donated all of my hangers and replaced them with black.
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    NOT me, but I discovered recently that a friend likes to pop her partner's zits. Ew, ew, ew.

  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    I can't go left.
  • yawl are all weird. cool but weird as ..........
  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    Before I ride out on my motorcycle, I caress the tank and say "Now we're going to look after each other, aren't we?"
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    I eat popcorn with a spork from ThinkGeek.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I can't go left.

    Can you at least take your underwear off while you're still wearing pants?
  • Nico_the_enabler
    Nico_the_enabler Posts: 123 Member
    Well I can relate to a few of these.. but slightly more worrying a couple I honestly didn't realise were... weird.

    Thought it was normal to make sure clothes all hang in the same direction in the closet and have matching coathangers. and my pantry is sorted into food groups.

    Actually know this stuff is weird. I love shoes and boots.. but if I can't find the perfect match for my outfit, I go barefoot. I go barefoot a lot of the time. I have been turned away from restuarants because of this. Finding running shoes took me nearly 2 yrs. lol.
    I always need to pee when I get home.. no matter how recently I have been. And peeing must be the LAST thing I do before bed. If I check on a child or let the cat out etc.. have to do it again. rofl.
    Also. I cant eat after 8pm.

    A few OCD things.. like spices are stored alphabetically, All cans must be facing the right way and my entire book collection.. 4 book shelves.. are all stored according to author/alphabetically for fiction and alphabetical topic for non fiction.
    Yes.. I have mild OCD.