Share your weird habits and rituals



  • SusanL222
    SusanL222 Posts: 585 Member
    <-- crazy cat lady.....

    I "talk" for my cat , we hold conversations and sometimes, she really "meows" back....


    One of the conversations should be this:

    You: Hello cat, how are you?

    Cat: Ok, doing typical cat stuff, which is nothing

    You: Well, I must kill you now

    Cat: WTF?

    LOL Maximus, you are too funny!! Thank you for the thread.....who knew?
  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member
    I waive goodbye to my poops before I flush.
  • SusanL222
    SusanL222 Posts: 585 Member
    The volume on my TV is always too high for everyone else so when they asking me to turn it down I do and I still hear it fine.

    LOL!! I love it
  • Truegoddess22
    Truegoddess22 Posts: 94 Member

    This except I take about 30 mins.
    I also eat Swiss Rolls, Zebra Cakes and Reese's Cup outside in
    I can't stand having the microwave beep so I stop it a 0:01

    Exactly! I bet we eat KitKat bars the same way also. ;)

    How do you eat your Kit Kats??
  • sunfirelynn
    sunfirelynn Posts: 186 Member
    I take a shower without the plug in, then put the plug in and take a half hour bath everyday, I guess I need both lol.. (shower~bath) is what I call it :smile:
  • heylookitsval
    heylookitsval Posts: 1,141 Member
    I sacrifice a virgin on the first of every's getting harder and harder to find virgins though.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member

    When using the microwave it can never be an even number, it's gotta be like 1:21 or 2:04 min

    I check my alarm clock (on my cell phone) at least twice after lying down in bed to sleep. I consider it fairly wild & reckless (haha) that I don't do this on the weekend, just on nights that I have work the next day.

    I almost never set the microwave for 1:00 or 2:00. It's 1:23 or 2:34. There's something about the progression of the numbers. I also really like it when the clocks hit 1:23, 12:34, 2:34, 3:45, etc.

    I check my alarm twice and then, occasionally a third time just to be sure I have it set. I HATE to be late.

    I'm the opposite. The microwave HAS to be set at 15 second increments. It can be 1:15, 1:30, etc., but NOT 1:20.

    I will do 1:35 or 2:46 on occasion, just to mix it up.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I sacrifice a virgin on the first of every's getting harder and harder to find virgins though.

    What about those who are doing the whole revirginization? Acceptable substitute?
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I only eat red and purple skittles, I throw the rest out

    :heart: u!!!!!!!!!!

    I always have to pull my hair up into a ponytail when I eat - I can not have my hair touch my face in any way whatsoever while eating... this means I will never again have bangs

    I love shoes, but hate feet. I often can't look through spring fashion magazines because models' toes gross me out.

    When I fold bluejeans, I have to pop them against my knee on the last fold to make sure they're folded 'correctly'. Other pants do not count.

    I always need 3 napkins when at a restaurant - 1 to fold into a square to put under my drink (whether or not they have coasters and whether or not the drink may actually gather condensation and dribble a puddle onto the table); 1 to wipe my mouth as I'm eating; 1 to fold lengthwise to put under my utensils. I never crumple napkins and always fold them as they are used.

    I take forever at stores because when I give money or receive it as change from a larger bill, I unfold any dog-earred corners, make sure it is all turned and facing the same direction (the direction doesn't matter as long as all bills are the same) and sort it in order of largest to smallest with the $1 bills on the outside of the stack.
  • muwchck
    muwchck Posts: 261 Member
    -The shoes in the living room (oh I hate shoes in the living room) have to be paired and lined up largest to smallest. I've noticed that my 2 year old does this on his own now, so maybe it's time I stop that.
    -We sell collegiate stuff at work, and I can't stand for the teams to be mixed up, even though it's the same style of item.
    -I always vacuum a room, and then go back and revacuum all in one direction so my carpet lines are even.
    -You can't tell it by my kitchen counter right now, but I need things to be lined up evenly so I know everything is there. My kiosk at work looks perfect at all times because of this, except on weekends which make me crazy!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    When I prepare for a hunt I prep all of my equipment, and then check it twice. I do this every time I move it. Be it from my basement to the kitchen, or the kitchen to the car.

    Before I fire I recite brass in my head.

    I thank every animal I kill for the food they provide.

    Every morning I must have a hot shower, and I start it in the same manner every day. I'm rather grumpy if anything interrupts it, which ha been happening a bit lately with our water heater being odd.

    I check all mirrors before I start the car. I used to do a full walk around first.

    When I swim, I put my goggles on my face, hold my breath and fully submerge myself in a sitting position while breathing out slowly, I do this between 3 and 3 times every time I swim, exact same way. Helps me get my porpoise on.

    I know I have more, probably don't want to id them and sound more neurotic than I am. ;)
  • RunBrew
    RunBrew Posts: 220 Member
    When I pump gas it needs to end in a whole dollar amount. If the pump clicks part way through I keep squeezing the handle till it is at the next whole dollar.

    Yup. Me too.

    Not long ago, I rounded up to $18.00 even, and it also rounded out to an even 5.00 gallons. Seriously, it made my whole day. It was like all was right with the world.

    I would go out of my way to buy gas at a station that priced it at a whole-cent (like 3.50/gal) amount rather than the usual .9 (like 3.499) even if it was several cents per gallon more.
  • Laffinhippiegurl
    Laffinhippiegurl Posts: 41 Member
    My socks have to fit exactly right. If I put my shoes on and my socks feel funny, I have to take my shoes and sock off and start over. I have made myself late on a bad day.

    If I'm a passenger on a road trip, I tend to stare out the window and count the road stripes by even numbers.

    The top of the bed has to be against the wall. I can't sleep otherwise. I guess that's how the monster under the bed is going to get me?
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    - Volume on the telly must be on an even number.


    ME TOO!

    ^^This, and the car radio volume has to be an even number as well.... So does the heat or air for home or car. I have a thing for even numbers I suppose :embarassed:
  • mrmartoon
    mrmartoon Posts: 26 Member
    "I always need 3 napkins when at a restaurant - 1 to fold into a square to put under my drink (whether or not they have coasters and whether or not the drink may actually gather condensation and dribble a puddle onto the table); 1 to wipe my mouth as I'm eating; 1 to fold lengthwise to put under my utensils. I never crumple napkins and always fold them as they are used."

    Sorry, but this reminded me of Big Bang. Sheldon was in the cafe eating lunch and Leonard asked him for a napkin. Sheldon said he did not have a napkin to spare (he had three) but he woudl be happy to grab a spare napkin in the future! Leonard just grabbed one from him anyway. LOL :laugh:
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    <-- crazy cat lady.....

    I "talk" for my cat , we hold conversations and sometimes, she really "meows" back....


    THIS!!!! I hold lengthy conversations with my cat - every day, several times a day!!

    I also have a cat stroller - we go for husband won't go with us, he says it's 'too embarassing'.....

    But I only have one cat - so am I REALLY a crazy-cat lady?!

    it ONLY takes one cat... *hands over honorary CCL badge and stuffed kittehs*
  • Cre8veLifeR
    Cre8veLifeR Posts: 1,062 Member
    I'm a book sniffer.

    Do you sniff all books or just the ones you're reading?

    all books!!! lol
  • bloominheck
    bloominheck Posts: 869 Member
    I eat candy corn in three bites. First the yellow, then the white, then the orange.

    hehe me too!.

    Plus I have issues with parking. I hate to park to close to a car or the line. I would rather park at the furthest spot them park near someone. Hate door dings. I have been known to drive around park, not like it and find another spot and do it again.
  • donthesitate
    donthesitate Posts: 255 Member
    In the car before I leave I have to find a song I like
    When I get outta the shower I have to do my hair first
    Im obsessed with having a hairless body, ive even had laser hair removal multiple times
    I cant sleep with socks on, it must be cool and dark for me to sleep
    I lock my bedroom door when I sleep
    I make other people pump my gas
    I wont eat meat if I see the carcass