did you ditch your clothes after losing the weight?



  • I have tons of crap that I never wear, both too big and too small. Once I lose another 20 pounds I've set a goal for myself that I will clean out my closet and get rid of everything!
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I gave some to my mom and donated the rest.
  • KeepGoingKylene
    KeepGoingKylene Posts: 432 Member
    all gone as i go, just took 2 big garbage bags to goodwill. and thats where i buy a lot of my clothes now as i still have lots to lose. too expensive to only wear a shirt once and then it gets big again!
  • MrsBailey149
    MrsBailey149 Posts: 248 Member
    I got rid of mine immediately :) Partly because I love to take my stuff to consignment stores and get money for new clothes! I made some dough off of my old clothes and it really helped me build up a new wardrobe. I'm finally at the point were shirt size I'll stay constant (size medium...no way my boobs will let me get to a small), but pant size I'll still drop. I buy a lot of second hand too, especially pants since i have a size or two left to drop.
  • MrsBailey149
    MrsBailey149 Posts: 248 Member
    Nope, well I got rid of it all except one pair of my "fat girl" jeans. They are still hanging in my closet as a reminder that I was in a 20wp and now I am in a 4p

    I wish I would have kept a pair of "fat girl" jeans. Great reminder of how far you have come and how bad you DON"T want to go back.
  • KerriPerske
    I didn't want the option to move back into comfortable clothing... I threw everything out as I lost the weight.
  • perfect_storm
    perfect_storm Posts: 326 Member
    I had them all altered it was cheaper than buying a complete new wardrobe.
  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    Hell no I donated it! No sense in keeping it around because I never intend on letting myself get big..
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I probably won't, just because I'm horrible about getting rid of things, and I have a closet full of clothes my kids have outgrown already... I just can't seem to motivate myself to get rid of them. I'm a major procrastinator lol.
  • supra_driven
    supra_driven Posts: 90 Member
    I'm a little on the opposite side. I was only wearing 2 pairs of jeans that fit me. My shirts are were looking tight on me. I figured that if I went through a full blown wardrobe update to a size 40, that it would be like giving up and just completely letting go. Now that I'm dropping the weight, I can start wearing my old jeans and slacks that I used to wear and my button up shirts too.
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    ditch them dont really have to space to keep them all
  • SandySweats
    SandySweats Posts: 38 Member
    In two big boxes - garage sale, neighbor lady trying to loose weight (who is bigger than I was), and then to Goodwill.
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    I plan to ditch clothes entirely and become a nudist
  • KeithChanning
    KeithChanning Posts: 214 Member
    I wish I could afford to replace them all. Apart from jeans, I'm still wearing them.
  • bettersusan
    bettersusan Posts: 240 Member
    I did get rid of almost all of my old big clothes. I maintained for quite a while before I did though. I'm more than 4 years out now. I originally lost 40 pounds. I stayed down for a couple of years. I have gradually crept up over the past 2 years though and I'm up 12-14 pounds. :( I still have a things I can wear, but a lot of things are pretty tight. You might wanna get rid of the really big stuff and keep a few things that are only a LITTLE too big. Alos consider, even if you do gain, those things might be out of style by then. ...For whatever it's worth.
  • RockinTerri
    RockinTerri Posts: 499 Member
    A few friends and I have a "clothing train" - I get clothes my best friend has "undergrown", I pass on clothes I have undergrown to another friend and my sister-in-law, who then pass them on to other friends/family.

    And what none of us are able to wear, I'm putting aside for either Goodwill or my church's rummage sale next year.
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    Yup, donated all of them to a women's shelter in town. I will never wear those sizes again, so I'm not keeping them around. :)
  • arrseegee
    arrseegee Posts: 575 Member
    I ditched them, mainly because I didn't like buying clothes when I was overweight so I wore my 'fat' clothes to death and they really needed to be replaced. Not to mention they were falling off me.

    Having a wardrobe that fits me at a healthy weight is a motivator to keep the weight off, and if they start getting tight then I know my only option is to do something about it, rather than wearing bigger clothes.
  • leannerae40
    leannerae40 Posts: 200 Member
    I have maintained my lean mass using weights, and it feels fantastic. Strong and beautiful.

    In regards to my clothes, I got rid of 5 black garbage bags of clothes and donated them to Canadian Diabetes. In September of 2014 - I will be travelling to NYC to compete in a 10 mile Spartan race. To celebrate my completion of both my goal of weight loss and the race, I am going to shop for a complete new wardrobe while I'm there. I will only be buying those items that I feel like a "10" in. In the meantime, I buy the occasional pair of jeans and cheaper shirts so that I don't come to work naked.

    It was the best feeling in the world when I talked to my best friend and told her that I was going to pack my clothes up in totes to store them. "What for," she said, "you'll never need them again." It was the best thing to get rid of those size 26 jeans (I did keep a pair of them in my closet to try on when I hit goal weight for motivational purchases) and the day I bought a pair of size 16 jeans I cried in the changing room I was so excited. Not only that, EVERYONE took notice of my weight loss when I started wearing clothes that fit.

    Ditch the old - and in with the new! Good luck in your weight training - I LOVE IT and I'm sure you will too.
  • epazia
    epazia Posts: 126 Member
    Ive gained and loss so many times I just stuff them in the closet years and years of clothing its really insane!