1200cal/day really works.



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I was eating about 2000calories. But i live a sedentry life for now. Was only walking about once a week.

    well that's why, you went from eating like a heffer to pretty much restricting. not rocket science.

    2000 calories is hardly eating like a "heffer" classy choice of words.

    I think 2k calories is a lot if you are NOT working out. So its odd when 120 pound chicks are eating 2300 calories a day and claiming to lose weight or maintain.

    the post I was quoting said nothing about exercise. It was aimed strickly at those who actually eat, a person who burns 2500 calories a day at an active job can eat 2000 calories a day with out exercising and still drop weight.
    People do not burn the same. This calorie in calorie out thing is competently flawed.

    Yeah, science - completely flawed :laugh:

    You are so funny with you're completely incorrect comments.

    I eat sweets - they don't make me crave more. I am satisfied with a nice portion of ice cream, I don't feel the need to eat the entire tub (though I have done in the past, planned of course :wink:)
    To bad science has proven sweets are addictive. I see you guys only BELIEVE science when you want to but not all the time? That doesn't work.

    Very debatable. However, what on earth does that have to do with CICO being flawed because different people have difference caloric burns (which is pretty basic and obvious).
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    When I was eating a bunch of sweets I put on weight, but that is because baked and processed goods with sugar generally have loads of calories. The more sweets I ate, the hungrier I was and the more I craved sugary foods. I don't know if this is a normal reaction or not, but it became way too normal for me. I also have a lot of diabetes in my bloodline so that's another reason for me to limit the sugar intake.

    No you put on weight because you ate more calories than you burned. Nothing more.

    Yes but sugar does induce in the brain a need and WANT for more. Sugar can be very addicting. The other user said that baked and processed goods generally have loads of calories, this is true, as well as empty white carbs. Sure its true that you can eat 1200 calories of gummy bears and lose weight because its calories in calories out, but you may still end up with diabetes.
    This person is right though, typically the more sweets people eat the more they crave them. Oh self control? Yeah that one little Oreo really hit the spot... I used to drink a 12 pack of pepsi a day when I stopped I went cold turkey, none of this "rewarding" myself crap people talk about.

    Oh man, I eat too much sugar I soar and then crash. Other people I know can have two or three cookies and feel fine. Not me. It's one or none, and that certainly is a commitment I have to make to myself. For me, having just one small brownie or a cookie or even a piece of cake is not a reward, it's just what it's my meal plan at certain times, though not often.

    I agree 100% with NOT rewarding ourselves with food.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Congrats on the week long loss. See how it goes for you in a couple of weeks :flowerforyou:
    Ive lost 15 pounds in nearly 80 days by eating a 1800-1950 calorie deficit. Im seeing a whay better change in my body, I eat whatever I want, and I am so confident that NOW I will be able to transition into maintenance without gaining everything back plus more, as low calorie diets do to your body.

    When you start feeling crappy, tired, moody and no energy, up your calories.
    this post was never about my kids but about weightloss so leave them out of it. I am going to go for the kill if you dont stick to whats the subject here. You may agree or disagree and thats ur opinion but to even try to talk about someone else children describes what a low life some people are.

    which will happen pretty quickly since she has twins. although they seem to sit around the house all day doing nothing so maybe not.
    you know nothing about my boys so dont you dare go there! How Dare You!

    In their defense, this assertion was likely based on your own post defending your sedentary activity level.

    Didn't she say herself that her 18 months old dont do anything? Don't 1 an half year olds walk at least?

    That was the point of my post.
    Cab you quote me where i said my 18months old dont do anything? Or did you misunderstand me or cant read plain english.This post was never about my kids but about weightloss. You may agree or disagree but dont drag my boys into this. You know nothing about them so hush. Wont be this nice if you mention them again.

    Speaking of reading comprehension issues, I didn't bring them up the first time. I was just explaining where someone could have misunderstood.

    Here is the post I was thinking of:
    no mother of twins is completely sedentary.

    I was just going to say the same thing.

    hahaha true. But lemme give you some insight. My twins are 18months old. Not yet playing or running around a football field as you would expect. I sure will be more active when they get older. For now am a stay at home mum.

    And just so we're clear, your threat of " Wont be this nice if you mention them again." is inconsequential to me, because 1) like I said, I didn't bring them up, and 2) I really don't care if you're "nice" at all. *shrug*
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Oh. This is still a thing?

    Duh, 1200 calories a day works and duh you'll lose weight. Eating less than you burn causes weight loss, it's not a hard concept. Everyone who has tried 1200 calories has lost weight, baring medical issues. Congrats, you've managed the first week 'whoosh' (I lost 4 pounds my first week by eating 1600 calories a day, but I digress)

    Now that issues of the necessity of 1200 calories (when you claim to have maintained around 2000 calories) and the validity of all 4 pounds being fat and the claim that being the mother of 18-month-old twins makes you sedentary...well. lol to all of that.

    But whatever floats your boat. More food for me.
  • Wildflower0106
    Wildflower0106 Posts: 247 Member
    Congrats on the week long loss. See how it goes for you in a couple of weeks :flowerforyou:
    Ive lost 15 pounds in nearly 80 days by eating a 1800-1950 calorie deficit. Im seeing a whay better change in my body, I eat whatever I want, and I am so confident that NOW I will be able to transition into maintenance without gaining everything back plus more, as low calorie diets do to your body.

    When you start feeling crappy, tired, moody and no energy, up your calories.
    this post was never about my kids but about weightloss so leave them out of it. I am going to go for the kill if you dont stick to whats the subject here. You may agree or disagree and thats ur opinion but to even try to talk about someone else children describes what a low life some people are.

    which will happen pretty quickly since she has twins. although they seem to sit around the house all day doing nothing so maybe not.
    you know nothing about my boys so dont you dare go there! How Dare You!

    In their defense, this assertion was likely based on your own post defending your sedentary activity level.

    Didn't she say herself that her 18 months old dont do anything? Don't 1 an half year olds walk at least?

    That was the point of my post.
    Cab you quote me where i said my 18months old dont do anything? Or did you misunderstand me or cant read plain english.This post was never about my kids but about weightloss. You may agree or disagree but dont drag my boys into this. You know nothing about them so hush. Wont be this nice if you mention them again.

    You brought up your kids that is on YOU. You also mention you are sedentary but have to nap when your kids do because you are exhausted. Do you even know what story you started with or are you just winging it?
  • belindanjumo
    belindanjumo Posts: 109 Member
    Congrats on the week long loss. See how it goes for you in a couple of weeks :flowerforyou:
    Ive lost 15 pounds in nearly 80 days by eating a 1800-1950 calorie deficit. Im seeing a whay better change in my body, I eat whatever I want, and I am so confident that NOW I will be able to transition into maintenance without gaining everything back plus more, as low calorie diets do to your body.

    When you start feeling crappy, tired, moody and no energy, up your calories.
    this post was never about my kids but about weightloss so leave them out of it. I am going to go for the kill if you dont stick to whats the subject here. You may agree or disagree and thats ur opinion but to even try to talk about someone else children describes what a low life some people are.

    which will happen pretty quickly since she has twins. although they seem to sit around the house all day doing nothing so maybe not.
    you know nothing about my boys so dont you dare go there! How Dare You!

    In their defense, this assertion was likely based on your own post defending your sedentary activity level.

    Didn't she say herself that her 18 months old dont do anything? Don't 1 an half year olds walk at least?

    That was the point of my post.
    Cab you quote me where i said my 18months old dont do anything? Or did you misunderstand me or cant read plain english.This post was never about my kids but about weightloss. You may agree or disagree but dont drag my boys into this. You know nothing about them so hush. Wont be this nice if you mention them again.

    Speaking of reading comprehension issues, I didn't bring them up the first time. I was just explaining where someone could have misunderstood.

    Here is the post I was thinking of:
    no mother of twins is completely sedentary.

    I was just going to say the same thing.

    hahaha true. But lemme give you some insight. My twins are 18months old. Not yet playing or running around a football field as you would expect. I sure will be more active when they get older. For now am a stay at home mum.

    And just so we're clear, your threat of " Wont be this nice if you mention them again." is inconsequential to me, because 1) like I said, I didn't bring them up, and 2) I really don't care if you're "nice" at all. *shrug*

    I wasn't referring to you, I was referring to the person who mentioned that "Didn't she say her 18months old don't do anything....." . Thats why my response was "Can you quote where i said my 18months old don't do anything..." your quote was simply in the way.
  • belindanjumo
    belindanjumo Posts: 109 Member
    Oh. This is still a thing?

    Duh, 1200 calories a day works and duh you'll lose weight. Eating less than you burn causes weight loss, it's not a hard concept. Everyone who has tried 1200 calories has lost weight, baring medical issues. Congrats, you've managed the first week 'whoosh' (I lost 4 pounds my first week by eating 1600 calories a day, but I digress)

    Now that issues of the necessity of 1200 calories (when you claim to have maintained around 2000 calories) and the validity of all 4 pounds being fat and the claim that being the mother of 18-month-old twins makes you sedentary...well. lol to all of that.

    But whatever floats your boat. More food for me.

    Thats ur opinion and u are entitled to it. Congrats on ur 22lbs lost
  • belindanjumo
    belindanjumo Posts: 109 Member
    Congrats on the week long loss. See how it goes for you in a couple of weeks :flowerforyou:
    Ive lost 15 pounds in nearly 80 days by eating a 1800-1950 calorie deficit. Im seeing a whay better change in my body, I eat whatever I want, and I am so confident that NOW I will be able to transition into maintenance without gaining everything back plus more, as low calorie diets do to your body.

    When you start feeling crappy, tired, moody and no energy, up your calories.
    this post was never about my kids but about weightloss so leave them out of it. I am going to go for the kill if you dont stick to whats the subject here. You may agree or disagree and thats ur opinion but to even try to talk about someone else children describes what a low life some people are.

    which will happen pretty quickly since she has twins. although they seem to sit around the house all day doing nothing so maybe not.
    you know nothing about my boys so dont you dare go there! How Dare You!

    In their defense, this assertion was likely based on your own post defending your sedentary activity level.

    Didn't she say herself that her 18 months old dont do anything? Don't 1 an half year olds walk at least?

    That was the point of my post.
    Cab you quote me where i said my 18months old dont do anything? Or did you misunderstand me or cant read plain english.This post was never about my kids but about weightloss. You may agree or disagree but dont drag my boys into this. You know nothing about them so hush. Wont be this nice if you mention them again.

    You brought up your kids that is on YOU. You also mention you are sedentary but have to nap when your kids do because you are exhausted. Do you even know what story you started with or are you just winging it?

    I brought them up explaining why i am a stay at home mum, duh! Have you ever taken care of two children of thesame age at once? between waking up in the middle of the night, feeds, nappies etc, you will take a nap if needed. Why am I even deeming this with a response? This one now is on me!
  • Tmsmith007
    November 02, 2013 4:40 pm

    Way to go keep up the good work!
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    Was this your first week dieting if so it was probably water weight you lost. Don't get too disappointed if your results are much less next week
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,266 Member
    Shame on everyone trying to put a negative spin on this. I too am one week in and lost 6lb on 1200 calories/day. It IS encouraging to see progression in the first week. How will I do in the long term? How will I maintain? I HAVE NO IDEA. Lets take this day by day and focus on NOW because that's where the struggle is. CONGRATS AND GREAT JOB!

    I find this quite short sighted. How does it help someone to not know what they are going to do to keep their weight off? One should do their research BEFORE they get to that point. Yes, there are things to worry about day to day, I will admit that. But they are no more important then thinking about how their current diet will work in the long term. Not thinking about that is how people fail.
  • optionalsourcewins
    optionalsourcewins Posts: 457 Member
    Can't judge success after one week. Come back when you have been at your goal and on maintenance for at least a year.

    By the way each loss, no matter how small should be celebrated and ENCOURAGED. So be gone with your sarcasm and negativity

    I agree, this comment was very negative, nasty and rude. We should be here to support one another. The "Success Story" broad is not made up of people who have been AT GOAL AND ON MAINTENANCE FOR AT LEAST A YEAR.
  • Chimis_Siq
    Chimis_Siq Posts: 849 Member
    I think every body is different. I tried eating 1200 cals and I gained weight. I now eat 1500-1800 and am losing....1200 did not work for me.....

    Great loss though!:)
  • seahampride74
    I haven't read through this thread as the negativity of some people makes me sick. Somebody's tentative steps toward good health are perhaps the biggest success of all.

    If you feel good about any positive change in your life, to the extent that you want to continue the next day - then good for you! Congratulations.

    And if for whatever reason we lapse - get up, dust yourself off and go again!
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    Congrats on the week long loss. See how it goes for you in a couple of weeks :flowerforyou:
    Ive lost 15 pounds in nearly 80 days by eating a 1800-1950 calorie deficit. Im seeing a whay better change in my body, I eat whatever I want, and I am so confident that NOW I will be able to transition into maintenance without gaining everything back plus more, as low calorie diets do to your body.

    When you start feeling crappy, tired, moody and no energy, up your calories.
    this post was never about my kids but about weightloss so leave them out of it. I am going to go for the kill if you dont stick to whats the subject here. You may agree or disagree and thats ur opinion but to even try to talk about someone else children describes what a low life some people are.

    which will happen pretty quickly since she has twins. although they seem to sit around the house all day doing nothing so maybe not.
    you know nothing about my boys so dont you dare go there! How Dare You!

    In their defense, this assertion was likely based on your own post defending your sedentary activity level.

    Didn't she say herself that her 18 months old dont do anything? Don't 1 an half year olds walk at least?

    That was the point of my post.
    Cab you quote me where i said my 18months old dont do anything? Or did you misunderstand me or cant read plain english.This post was never about my kids but about weightloss. You may agree or disagree but dont drag my boys into this. You know nothing about them so hush. Wont be this nice if you mention them again.

    You brought up your kids that is on YOU. You also mention you are sedentary but have to nap when your kids do because you are exhausted. Do you even know what story you started with or are you just winging it?

    I brought them up explaining why i am a stay at home mum, duh! Have you ever taken care of two children of thesame age at once? between waking up in the middle of the night, feeds, nappies etc, you will take a nap if needed. Why am I even deeming this with a response? This one now is on me!

    This is ridiculous. You have to see how you're contradicting yourself, right? You yourself started this topic saying you were sedentary, then you became offended when some one brought up your own words to explain a point. Then in your some what confusing last response you showed what is a pretty active day. What is it? Are you completely sedentary with two almost two yr olds or do you have an active day with them. The sooner you become clearer on your responses the sooner you'll get less angry when people misunderstand you. Like I said prior, any one who watches a set of twins, unless all you do is sit on the couch all day while leaving them in a play pen to fend for themselves is not as sedentary as you think. The reason we are so interested in just how much you do during the day is because if you only eat 1200 calories a day then in order to keep a healthy deficit of 500 calories a day or (1lb a week I don't care what you say a 1.5lb a week is you being impatient) then you're only burning 1700 calories a day? Even if you take into account the differences in our sizes I burned more than that sitting on the couch all day Saturday sick. What we were trying to do before you went all Momma bear for no reason was explain you burn more than you think. And just for the record, I do not believe your one week diet was sustainable so whe you start eating more this week I would be curious to see if you lose anything at all let alone gain everything back.
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    Here's the thing- if you lost 4 pounds in a week, especially during the first week, its probably water weight. The weight lost that stays off the longest is he weight that you lost at a slow and steady rate. 1200 is not sustainable in the long run and will not work. Wouldn't you rather eat more anyway?
    Believe whatever you want, but don't come running here when your weight loss stops and you're starving all the time.
  • ErinMLB
    ErinMLB Posts: 100 Member
    I think it's fantastic that you are feeling great about your plan! My only recommendation would be is if you can get your hands on a fitbit or heart rate monitor of some sort to see how much you are burning throughout the day.

    For myself I did the 1200 cal for about a month, with no real issues because I truly fit into the sedentary option. I work from home, have no kids etc, however since I've upped my exercise I've upped my calories to match it so that it would be a bit more sustainable long term. I've also dropped my weight lose goal from 2 pds a week to .5 a week because again that is something sustainable for me.

    Keep in mind that the large chunk of the people on here are not experts, but people who have found what works for them and their situation , or are just trying to find out what works for them. You've got to do the same ! For instance some people have to cut out sweets, I know myself well enough to know I would go crazy doing that so I make sure I budget my calories to allow for it.

    Great job on getting the motivation to get started on this path and good luck!
  • DitchingTheScale
    I started reading some of the rude and useless responses to this post and had to quit. 1200 calories is too low for me, I need more to fuel my body BUT that does not mean it won't work for you. I'm happy for you and your first week loss. That is great and definitely a way to help stay motivated! Kudos to you. I'm a stay at home mom myself so I know that tired feeling but you have 2 young ones. Good for you wanting to have better health for your children!!! Just ignore the rude ones on here
  • DitchingTheScale
    Here's the thing- if you lost 4 pounds in a week, especially during the first week, its probably water weight. The weight lost that stays off the longest is he weight that you lost at a slow and steady rate. 1200 is not sustainable in the long run and will not work. Wouldn't you rather eat more anyway?
    Believe whatever you want, but don't come running here when your weight loss stops and you're starving all the time.

    how come you could not just leave it at great job with your first loss of the week... the weight loss may slow down but that's ok b/c the when it comes off slower it stays off longer???

    that extra stuff is just plain rude and repsonses like yours are a lot of the reasons why people dont like to post b/c they don't get encouraged. smh, for someone who has lost a lot of weight you should be a bit more considerate and polite seeing you were once a beginner... wow with the dont come running back on here.. btw 1200 cals can be sustainable long term. many people do it and it works. research before speaking.
  • aniqa109
    aniqa109 Posts: 364 Member
    Mfp has shown 1200 calories for me and i set my activity level to lightly active ..yes im on my feet but i dont actually exercise everyday.so im totally confused.this is my first week and havent weighed myself yet.im pretty short so i am not sure whether this is right!
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