Men, what kind of ladies do you like?



  • rich347
    rich347 Posts: 508 Member
    Emotionally Intelligent
    Nice booty ++++
    Open minded
    Embraces healthy lifestyle
  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
  • numejak
    numejak Posts: 43 Member
    Noirette with deep blue eyes. Hazel or green eyes are ok too but definitely noirettes is where I'm at!!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    We would need a steel reinforced bed and padded bedroom walls
    women like this turn me on like crazy

    :huh: Ummm.... Idk but dudes that like women like this make me think maybe they are a little on the fence about their sexual orientation. You obviously like more masculine features than feminine features. Js.....
    Implying fitness and strength are masculine traits

  • Greywalk
    Greywalk Posts: 193 Member
    smart, funny, caring, to laugh at self and me without being self conscious and active...not a sit at home type. I use to ask the question...will you run...through the woods with me. If the answer is yes then I want to know more of the person. Odd question but it works.
    I'm into challenges. I went into the woods wearing my roller blades, went through mud in those things, got stuck twice, kept going until I got out. BEST DAY EVER.
    ETA: Okay, maybe not "best" but one OF the best days ever. Fixed.

    See it works...if you can have fun doing that then the rest of life is a cake walk. And besides which nothing is inside the are willing to step outside the box without hurting anyone.
  • walleyclan1
    walleyclan1 Posts: 2,784 Member
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Sense of humor

    Has a job


    Good Cook

    Positive Attitude

    Dress size 10 or smaller!!
  • heylookitsval
    heylookitsval Posts: 1,141 Member
    Guys, make it easy...just say "like Val"

    We all get it...
  • MapleFlavouredMaiden
    Amen! Nothing wrong with a strong woman!
  • SmexAppeal
    SmexAppeal Posts: 858 Member
    bumping because knowledge is power
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Not really. You're still calling her disgusting. That's not okay. "Buff women aren't my type," or "I'm not into large muscles," are much more appropriate because you acknowledge it as your preference, not any shortcomings on her part.

    Agree to disagree.

    I am sorry but I actually agree with this guy.
    Disgusting is not a nice word, at all. But in this particular example, it is not exactly the wrong word. There is absolutely nothing attractive about that kind of muscle on a woman to me. I look in the body building magazines and every time I come across a woman that looks like that I think "ew" and turn the page quickly.

    ...except for the little problem of the usage of that word in that context being a violation of the TOS.

    I'd like to see this. Can you show me a link? I surely didn't feel like saying bulking on a female was aesthetically revolting in my opinion would be breaking any rules and that was not my intent.
  • 1989lukemyers
    1989lukemyers Posts: 158 Member
    Ones that like me for me pretty simple really
  • KeViN_v2pt0
    KeViN_v2pt0 Posts: 375 Member
    Fit, feminine body. She's got to be the sporty type. Hmm, a swimmer would be a bonus, or surfer, or glider pilot. (yes, I'm into that as well)
    Must not be taller than I am, preferably even when she's wearing high heels.
    Ambitious, smart, my sense of humor, etc, etc....generic generic. Although ambition, brains, and humor are quite important heh... Yeah man crave for great personality too, don't worry.

    Oh, and good sex is a big bonus too, let's be honest about that.

    Just reviewed it: 80% of the above is physical. Got to love to be a man.

    Says the 21 yr old guy.

    Report back here when you are 40. Curious to see what your response is then.
  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    :huh: Ummm.... Idk but dudes that like women like this make me think maybe they are a little on the fence about their sexual orientation. You obviously like more masculine features than feminine features. Js.....

    No she's really not that manly. Real men are much bigger.

    maybe its just the angle the picture is taken at.... just trying to understand

    There's nothing to understand, really. It's a preference. You said in another post that you don't like men with big muscles- a lot of women do. Why? Because opinion.

    Body shaming is rude, even when it's towards an extremely fit woman.
  • KeViN_v2pt0
    KeViN_v2pt0 Posts: 375 Member
    We would need a steel reinforced bed and padded bedroom walls
    women like this turn me on like crazy

    :huh: Ummm.... Idk but dudes that like women like this make me think maybe they are a little on the fence about their sexual orientation. You obviously like more masculine features than feminine features. Js.....

    Or maybe you are just pissed cause you have never had a guy, thats man enough to bang her.
  • Sovictorrious
    Sovictorrious Posts: 770 Member
    I like my women easy.
  • KeViN_v2pt0
    KeViN_v2pt0 Posts: 375 Member
    The one with pulse and a hole.

    Pulse is a bonus but not a deal breaker.

    Which one?
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Non smoker. Definitely. Cause it is no fun to kiss an ashtray.
    No drugs ... cause who wants that hassle.
    Cute would be nice .. and being smart is a bonus.
    And not bossy in the bedroom. Who needs that .. not me.