Relatively light people trying to get leaner



  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    WoW u seem to understand this way more than me!

    It's my job to understand this stuff, silly. Ask me to fix a car, get you out of trouble with the law, or build you a piece of furniture and be prepared to see a dunce in action!
    Can you help me set my goals? I'm 5'1" 134lbs and want to loose 16 lbs... well 17 after going to Red Lobster last night!!! :sad: :frown:

    First order of business, in my opinion, would be to ditch the target weight and focus, instead, on process-oriented goals and/or performance oriented goals.

    I find that these sorts of goals drive success without anxiety while weight based goals drive people insane. They're constantly anxious, worried about an extremely arbitrary number on the scale which is pointless, and generally wind up frustrated. If they were to focus on the motions rather than the finish line, they'd be much happier and successful in my experience.

    My clients goals, for example, generally looks something like:

    1. Lift more weight each week in my primary lifts to drive increases in strength and improvements in physique.

    2. Eat 3 meals per day (or 5 or 6 or whatever the person finds suitable for their schedule) that have a foundation of protein and veggies and/or fruits.

    3. Hit the gym 5 days each week for the next 8 weeks.

    The list is endless. And they can and do get much more specific than this. But the point is, FORM FOLLOWS FUNCTION. By that, I mean if you're consistently adhering to the basic principles of proper diet and exercise, your body will follow suit. Unfortunately, many people focus on these things in the reverse order. They focus on their bodies and weight and eventually get upset, depressed, impatient or whatever and the process falls off the map.

    Just my 2 cents.
    I set my calories to 1310 but I am still hungry.

    Firstly, I wouldn't worry about 1310. Round to the nearest 50 or 100, so make it 1300. I promise you, even if you think you're accurate, you're not nearly accurate enough to be worrying about 10 calories. Secondly, your target isn't bad without knowing more about you and your lifestyle and activity.

    So if you're hungry, maybe it's what you're eating rather than how much you're eating that is leaving you unsatisfied.
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    My boyfriend has started me on a free weights programme for 25 mins 3 times a week - I also run 3 times a week. I'm seeing it as a start...

    I've taken backinthenines advice and ordered the New Rules of Lifting for Women, and am looking forward to reading more!

    Great job. For those who are looking for reading material, feel free to email me for suggestions. I read pretty much everything out there in this field.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Interesting what you said about the Cosgroves, and plagiarism is indeed never acceptable!!

    I totally agree on your feedback about goal setting. I only race for fun now and not for PBs, and nowhere near the distances I used to. I'm simply not mechanically efficient enough (pronation, hypermobility etc) and it's just not worth the injuries & subsequent time out.

    I now train for health, functional strength & physique. My split in terms of time is around 50% weights & core, 30% cardio and 20% flexibility. Seems to work fine. :smile:
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    Thanks for a great post, Stroutman81. I was getting a little discouraged this wk, after coming off of no weight loss this wk, since I'm still under calories daily (I leave myself room, b/c I figure I underestimate some), and I'm working out 5-6 days/wk, 1-2 hrs/session, doing cardio (spin usu.), and weights/strength training, and yoga/pilates. It seems to me like the fat should just start dripping off me, but I can see where it may take me longer, since I don't have too far to go (but far enough where I'd like to see something on the scale!). My gf today said, "Well, maybe you're building muscle....", but I keep getting this message, "At this rate, you'll weigh (my goal) in 5 wks." at the bottom of my entry page. But not at this rate, in real life, it seems! Boo hoo.
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    Interesting what you said about the Cosgroves, and plagiarism is indeed never acceptable!!
    I totally agree on your feedback about goal setting. I only race for fun now and not for PBs, and nowhere near the distances I used to. I'm simply not mechanically efficient enough (pronation, hypermobility etc) and it's just not worth the injuries & subsequent time out.

    I admire your ability and willingness to assess yourself objectively and make informed decisions based on said assessment. That's something many folks have a lot of trouble with.
    I now train for health, functional strength & physique. My split in terms of time is around 50% weights & core, 30% cardio and 20% flexibility. Seems to work fine. :smile:

    I'd say that sounds great.

    Years ago I used to train for muscular development. That was my sole concern. And I was a scrawny runt. Over a lot of years I went from 150s and 160s to 205. Felt like crap at 205 though I was muscular. Felt heavy and slow. Granted, there are plenty of guys who can feel excellent at that weight but it wasn't for me. With time (and experience) being muscular and big was no longer important to me.

    My primary focus for me is "functional fitness" for the things I love - primarily being strong and being able to climb mountains safely and effectively.

    Someone on my forum not long ago asked me why I train the way I do. My response was:

    "I want to be able to punch harder, jump higher and run faster than the next guy so that when civilization as we know it ends I'm able to keep my family alive." Of course it's just a joke, but I certainly ditched the vanity training years ago. And funnily enough, my physique didn't pay much of a price. My mental health is much better though.
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    Thanks for a great post, Stroutman81. I was getting a little discouraged this wk, after coming off of no weight loss this wk, since I'm still under calories daily (I leave myself room, b/c I figure I underestimate some), and I'm working out 5-6 days/wk, 1-2 hrs/session, doing cardio (spin usu.), and weights/strength training, and yoga/pilates. It seems to me like the fat should just start dripping off me, but I can see where it may take me longer, since I don't have too far to go (but far enough where I'd like to see something on the scale!). My gf today said, "Well, maybe you're building muscle....", but I keep getting this message, "At this rate, you'll weigh (my goal) in 5 wks." at the bottom of my entry page. But not at this rate, in real life, it seems! Boo hoo.

    Without knowing exactly what you're doing, what your stats are, and how much you're eating, it's hard to say anything besides it looks like you're doing a lot while dieting.

    Very generally speaking, I'd be aiming for 2-3 days of strength training per week, 1-2 high intensity cardio days per week, and 2-4 low/moderate intensity days per week.

    Your mileage my vary though as some people will be able to get away with more than this and others less.

    Regardless though, as I noted above, worry less about the scale and more about the process. And if you're going to get emotionally involved with the numbers, focus on other things on top of weight including measurements, photos, etc.
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    Thanks for a great post, Stroutman81. I was getting a little discouraged this wk, after coming off of no weight loss this wk, since I'm still under calories daily (I leave myself room, b/c I figure I underestimate some), and I'm working out 5-6 days/wk, 1-2 hrs/session, doing cardio (spin usu.), and weights/strength training, and yoga/pilates. It seems to me like the fat should just start dripping off me, but I can see where it may take me longer, since I don't have too far to go (but far enough where I'd like to see something on the scale!). My gf today said, "Well, maybe you're building muscle....", but I keep getting this message, "At this rate, you'll weigh (my goal) in 5 wks." at the bottom of my entry page. But not at this rate, in real life, it seems! Boo hoo.

    Without knowing exactly what you're doing, what your stats are, and how much you're eating, it's hard to say anything besides it looks like you're doing a lot while dieting.

    Very generally speaking, I'd be aiming for 2-3 days of strength training per week, 1-2 high intensity cardio days per week, and 2-4 low/moderate intensity days per week.

    Your mileage my vary though as some people will be able to get away with more than this and others less.

    Regardless though, as I noted above, worry less about the scale and more about the process. And if you're going to get emotionally involved with the numbers, focus on other things on top of weight including measurements, photos, etc.

    I'll make my diary public - you can look if you're interested. Maybe that will shed some light on this mystery....
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    What are your stats? How many calories per day are you eating? How many grams of proteins, carbs and fats are you eating on average per day? What's your exact exercise schedule, assuming you have one? How active are you outside of the gym? How stressful is your life?

    I wouldn't say there's much of a mystery so far. For starters, I already mentioned it seems like you're doing a lot. I'd be willing to bet your average daily calorie intake is too low relative to the support that would typically be required for your exercise load. And what makes it even less mysterious is the fact that we're talking about a week's worth of time. That's not enough time to assess anything on the fat loss front... especially when you're not obese to begin with.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Pretty interesting thread. I didnt read every post but enough.
    A lot of this fits me, I've never been what most would consider overweight, but as I got older I just wanted to be as lean and as fit as I possibly could be. I've always been a runner, but it was sprints. Then I got heavy into weight lifting. Now I mostly run. Trails, roads, everything. But I also like keeping some muscularity, so I do a lot of body weight exercises too. And yoga for the stretching and overall way it makes me feel. Right now I've reached a maintainable goal, I could probably lean up a little bit more, but i am happy with how I look now.
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    Pretty interesting thread. I didnt read every post but enough.
    A lot of this fits me, I've never been what most would consider overweight, but as I got older I just wanted to be as lean and as fit as I possibly could be. I've always been a runner, but it was sprints. Then I got heavy into weight lifting. Now I mostly run. Trails, roads, everything. But I also like keeping some muscularity, so I do a lot of body weight exercises too. And yoga for the stretching and overall way it makes me feel. Right now I've reached a maintainable goal, I could probably lean up a little bit more, but i am happy with how I look now.

    So have you found that you've maintained your muscle once you moved to body weight exercises?

    Generally speaking, if you want to maintain muscle while reducing the time dedicated to weight training, you should decrease the volume - not the weight. Keeping intensity (weight) high gives your body a reason to hold onto the muscle. Again, generally speaking, reducing intensity generally leads to a concomitant reduction in muscle mass since you're no longer providing your body a reason to hold onto it.

    Now there are certainly some caveats to this.

    For instance, if you never developed an appreciable level of strength and/or muscle mass via heavy weight training, then you've nothing to lose by going to a calisthenic-based approach.

    Curious about your experience is all.

  • gnutrifitness
    gnutrifitness Posts: 169 Member
    BUmp it for later!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Calories in vs Calories out is the most important factor in weight loss/maintenance/fitness/etc..

    If you don't eat breakfast but make up the calories later in the day it truly does not matter.

    The myth of eating 5-6 times a day to keep metabolism up is just that, a myth. The only thing that helps with is to keep you full so are not starving and do not binge at the next meal. This is all mental really. If you can control it than you are no worse off than someone who eats breakfast.

    As for working out at home, if you get a few basic things you can most certainly do strength training at home. Resistance bands and dumbbells in a few sizes will get you started. My husband bought a set of dumbbell bars, a straight bar, then a few different weight plates and he can change it all up. I think he may have paid $100 total but he's set, he never needs a gym.

    Thank you for this. I've been reading through this post. I had a good breakfast and I'm sitting here at lunch time thinking I need to eat something but I'm not even hungry. You helped me decide on what to do.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    So have you found that you've maintained your muscle once you moved to body weight exercises?

    Generally speaking, if you want to maintain muscle while reducing the time dedicated to weight training, you should decrease the volume - not the weight. Keeping intensity (weight) high gives your body a reason to hold onto the muscle. Again, generally speaking, reducing intensity generally leads to a concomitant reduction in muscle mass since you're no longer providing your body a reason to hold onto it.

    Now there are certainly some caveats to this.

    For instance, if you never developed an appreciable level of strength and/or muscle mass via heavy weight training, then you've nothing to lose by going to a calisthenic-based approach.

    Curious about your experience is all.


    Yes and no. There was a big gap where I did almost no weight lifting at all. I am significantly smaller than I was back when I lifted, but still fairly muscular. I just started on the body weight thing about 4-6 months ago just to keep from getting too small. And so far I feel I've at least maintained. I don't want or expect to get any where near the size I used to be 5 years ago.
  • mmnichol
    mmnichol Posts: 208 Member
    I've been reading over all the posts, very interesting, and i have a question that is hard to address and not sure if you can help or not but I thought I'd ask you. I'm a 53 YO woman, currently weigh 146 lbs. I've been on this site for almost two years now. Last year I worked really hard a calorie restriction, 1200 daily, and daily exercise, and lost 10 lbs getting down to 140. I did what ever i could fit in during the winter and more aggressive in the summer, hill intervals, which was a good work out for me. Unforunately, i had some health issues which left me weak and tired and unable to exercise for months. Sadly I put 10 lbs back on. So I'm motivated to get those 10 lbs off again, but still confused about what will work calorie wise. I've tried 1000 a day but unable to maintain that. now at 1200. Its winter and I dont like to exercise outside so am currently doing 10 min interval videos i found on So i guess the question is, what calorie level should I try? I am post menopausal, have a very small frame, 4.5 in wrist, 5'5" in height though, with very little muscle mass which i believe is effecting my weight loss goals. Any suggestions?
  • rnroadrunner
    rnroadrunner Posts: 402 Member
  • schobert101
    schobert101 Posts: 218 Member
  • rnroadrunner
    rnroadrunner Posts: 402 Member
    excellent read! Thank you so much for helping dispell so many misconceptons. I would like to see this put out in front for all the newbies to see. I just stumbled across this post today.:drinker:
  • mjheinrich
    mjheinrich Posts: 87 Member
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
  • marulm
    marulm Posts: 26 Member
    bump for later