Divorce: is it worth it?



  • glynda66
    glynda66 Posts: 184 Member
    :happy: YES....YES...and YES!!!! :happy:
  • JustYandy
    JustYandy Posts: 221 Member
  • emmietoby
    emmietoby Posts: 171 Member
    i believe my son and i are way better off. he never hit us but he just couldn't stay away from drugs and drink. he has / is in jail for most of our years together. i say enough is enough. i can't take care of him anymore. he is trying to get back for the fifth time i will not take him back his own family doesn't have anything to do with him and this last time i really beleave he was cheating on me. guess that didn't work out for he needs money for a t.v. in his room in jail and i guess she doesn't want to support him while he is away maybe for 6 more years.
  • Crusader_82
    I wasn't in a horrible terrible marriage. I was in a marriage that lacked love, passion, and excitement. It lasted for 9.5 years and I probably would have stayed in it permanently, and been happy in a half-a**ed way for my whole life. My ex husband was a nice, funny, smart guy and we generally got along. We doted on our dog, made a good dual income, and watched BBC America and shopped for furniture. Did we have regular sex? Nope. Did we really cherish and adore one another? Not any more so than our other good friends. Did we need to actually stay married? NO, and I'm so glad that he realized that and brought the issues to light instead of living this mediocre life.

    Now I am remarried to a man who is truly my partner, lover, etc. He is amazing and makes me feel so wanted and loved and fantastic. I am no longer holding back my feelings, emotions, or sexuality. I know we are on the same page with so many things in life and it's amazing to have a mate with the same kind of positive attitude and high level of energy that I have. I didn't even realize how much my ex was holding back, or in how many different ways! Just in the past two years I've experienced more new & exciting things in life than I did with my ex husband in a decade.

    Honestly in some ways life's harder. I don't have the same level of financial security I once did. We argue sometimes. I never argued with my ex, really. But am I happier? 110% YES

    Wow…this is gonna make a lot of people take a look inside themselves.
  • bloominheck
    bloominheck Posts: 869 Member
    It wasn't my choice but I am so much happier now that it's over

    Good golly Miss Molly, but I like your pictures. Well done on your fitness program.:flowerforyou:
  • TallGlassOfQuirky
    TallGlassOfQuirky Posts: 282 Member
    I strongly believe in the sanctity of marriage and believe that both parties should do whatever they can to make things work...
    That being said, my son and I are both much better off since my divorce. The last I heard about my ex husband indicates that he is doing well and learned some important lessons from the failure of our relationship that should help him avoid making those mistakes again.
    I have learned some important lessons too.
    If I get married again, I will insist on premarital counseling. Even if my boyfriend and I never get married but just live together for the rest of forever, I will not allow problems to fester without resolution and if there is something we can't figure out on our own, I will seek wise counsel.
    Waiting until the problems go on too long and cause too much damage to the foundations of the relationship to seek help is a mistake that I will not make again.
    That was a bit of a rambling way of saying that I am better off divorced but that divorce isn't something I see as a "greener grass" type of thing and I will do everything in my power to avoid going through it again
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    As a 38 year old mom of 2 I never thought after 15 years of marriage I would be in the middle of a divorce....but I am smack dab in the middle of one. Some things are just unforgivable.....he is a cheater and is living with another woman, on top of the fact he got a DUI and hid it from me for over 2 months.....his reason, he didn't want to hear me ***** about it. What was I supposed to say....oh, honey, thats ok, here is $1400 to cover your *kitten*! I think not. Is this time in my life scary....HELL YES!!! I have been a stay at home mom for 13.5 years. Since I filed the papers, with the help of my parents, I am back in school and thankful that my credits from years ago transferred. Am I happy now.......Yes and No, I am happy to free myself from him and his control but I am not one who likes to be alone either. Ash me this question a year from now. Never know what can happen.
  • NaughtyNancy69
    Life is what it is! To many of us ladies thbink it's a game. Don't married if your not happy, and if you decide to, WORK ON IT!!
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Yes, if you've done all you can to save it. Life is too short for you to be miserable, not to mention the affects the stress has on your health.
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    It sucks a lot; we have our hearing in early January, and sometimes I wish it were different.

    But it was absolutely the best thing we could have done for each other, and for ourselves. I'm happier, I have fewer anxiety attacks and instances of depressive pits, and I'm in more control -- and as it turns out, I desperately lacked control in my marriage, even though my husband was in no way controlling.

    We've maintained our friendship after an ugly period of a few months, and I feel like it's probably obvious to us that we were much better friends than spouses. (We were together for a little more than seven years, married for a bit more than three of those. One child.)
  • Swivet
    For me, no. He was my best friend, my partner and the father of my children. I made the choice for both of us and ended it without even trying, far easier to give up than to keep fighting, right? I forgot why I loved him, why I married him and why we were meant to be. 10 years later, we are still friends and we have both moved on with our lives but I have regrets and the choices I made can never be undone.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Marriage is a life commitment, there is no good reason ever to break that commitment. Except death.
  • unbreakablemoth
    I was lucky in that my ex-husband and I had one of those "end of the road" talks and I realized "I don't want this anymore," where before I had always been the one to fight to make things work. It was great--complete emotional release.
  • ripzone13
    ripzone13 Posts: 83 Member
    Divorce is a terrible thing to go through, but if you have tried everthing to save your marriage, and it still doesn't work, then divorce is worth it. Life is too short to be unhappy. I was in a terrible marriage, and tried everything to turn it around, but in the end I was the only one trying to make positive changes. Divorcing my exhusband was both the hardes thing I have ever been through, and the best. If you're thinking about divorce, remember this- you will make it, hang in there, and everntually it will be behind you.
  • sklarbodds
    sklarbodds Posts: 608 Member
    Divorce is a terrible thing to go through, but if you have tried everthing to save your marriage, and it still doesn't work, then divorce is worth it. Life is too short to be unhappy. I was in a terrible marriage, and tried everything to turn it around, but in the end I was the only one trying to make positive changes. Divorcing my exhusband was both the hardes thing I have ever been through, and the best. If you're thinking about divorce, remember this- you will make it, hang in there, and everntually it will be behind you.

    It was CRAZY hard...but I'm in a much better place now and glad I did. It feels great to finally be me again.
  • beautylovetruth
    beautylovetruth Posts: 130 Member
    The grass is only green where you water it.

    My husband and I have been together for seven years and married for two. We're happy together and love that we get to build a life together. We've had amazing experiences together and take the good with the bad. I was pretty clear before we got married that I'm a "long haul" gal, I wanted a relationship that would be a "fairytale". Someone should have told me it was going to be WORK. Wouldn't have changed my mind though, I'm married to my best friend and I love him deeply.

    A lot of what I'd like to say has been said, mainly that if your relationship isn't toxic or abusive, look at the real reasons why you don't love this person anymore.

    Here's some of what I think of when I'm down in the dumps about my relationship (yes it happens and it's natural to doubt):

    -Consider what you are contributing (or not) to the relationship.
    -Decide what type of spouse you want to be and take action to be that person.
    -Discuss your feelings open and honestly with your significant other, it will be hard to have that tough conversation but your trust level will go up. They need to know where you are at and you need to know where they are at.
    -This isn't a blame game but your feelings and desires. Consider what YOU need to improve vs what THEY need to improve. Bring up only what you feel YOU need to improve. Use "I feel that..." for what you see in them that bothers you.
    -Discuss in terms of "I feel..." or "I see..." or "I envision..." - This keeps the ball in your court and gives your partner the opportunity to listen to what course you're on.
    -Try counselling - either for yourself or together. It's not mandatory that you both go to discuss your relationship right away, sometimes our pasts need to be worked out individually before we can move forward.
    -Ask yourself: What would I miss? Are they things or experiences with your partner?
    -Do some research. I found out that the first five years of marriage are statistically the hardest ones to get through and are when the most divorces happen.
    -Read blogs or other materials about marriage or partnership. Knowledge is your friend.

    Hope that helps and good luck on your journey.
  • mister_universe
    mister_universe Posts: 6,664 Member
    I'm not thinking many of us set out to wind up divorced. So no, not worth it. But in the end, it may be better than some alternatives.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I was lucky in that my ex-husband and I had one of those "end of the road" talks and I realized "I don't want this anymore," where before I had always been the one to fight to make things work. It was great--complete emotional release.

    My ex husband and I kind of had that too. He said "we're not happy..." and suggested the divorce and I begged him to work it out. He stayed, and the entire time I realized he was correct and there was NO turning back. Two months later we filed for divorce. I was ready. We took a walk at a nature center and threw our (inexpensive) wedding rings into a river. It was a good experience and I haven't looked back for a moment. When I "miss him" it's never him that I miss...it's the happiness we had at times, our dog, and our former home together that was destroyed in a tornado...never him, never at all. I think that is the surest sign of all that we were not meant to be married.
  • Sovictorrious
    Sovictorrious Posts: 770 Member
    I think homicide is easier if he ever wants to leave me.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    It was worth it for me. It's been a difficult few years since but I am so much happier and peaceful than I was. I made the decision to leave when my boys were very young. I was actually 6 months pregnant with my 2nd. I just knew it wasn't going to get better. It seemed to get even worse when I was pregnant..and I didn't want my boys to think that's how you treat a woman. So I left. And we are a-ok!! :)