Women, why must it be so?



  • onmyown326
    This whole debate is why we need a good ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!!!!!!

    now you did it-now its going to be real-thanks-BAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  • TinyTeTe
    TinyTeTe Posts: 22 Member
    This was a joke, but as a woman, I too get frustrated with the stereotypes.

    Women are catty
    Women are too emotional
    Women need to cook, clean, raise the kids,
    Women need to cater to their males.

    blah blah...

    I am not catty. I am probably not emotional enough. I'm not married, but I do have a bf and I do NOT clean up after him and I won't. He can do that s*** himself just like I clean up after myself.

    I am educated and have my own career, and although nothing is wrong with being a stay at home mom, that will not be happening. We will split our duties equally. I will take care of my future husband as long as he takes care of me :) I think it is important that both sexes "do their part" when it comes to making a relationship work. Whatever that is should be left up to them to decide. I think the stay at home mom thing was more common when men were in the workforce more and women didn't have decent jobs. Now that more women are getting their educations and entering the workforce, things have changed.

    That being said, I make dinner for him all the time, and do other nice things for him. But I ain't no damn maid lol.

    Oh look, more stereotypes!! Yesssss

    I is offended!
  • tumblyweed
    tumblyweed Posts: 416 Member
    Where do I begin...
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