Why Dieting is the Worst Way to Lose Weight



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Rake leaves, mow the damn lawn, shovel snow, repair a fence, climb up on the roof and clean out the gutters... the list goes on and on.
    All great exercise.

    Not exercises. Those are chores. Sure you may get a slight calorie burn doing them but let's not try to call them exercises.

    Physical labor is exercise, regardless of calorie burns. For many folks, the point is to be active, not necessarily to burn calories.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Rake leaves, mow the damn lawn, shovel snow, repair a fence, climb up on the roof and clean out the gutters... the list goes on and on.
    All great exercise.

    Not exercises. Those are chores. Sure you may get a slight calorie burn doing them but let's not try to call them exercises.

    Damn brah... Just about a few more months of yard work and house cleaning and I will be down to that shredded 10% bf brah. HAHA!!! Think about this for a minute people.... if all of the above were true then why are we as a nation the fattest (or near the top of that list)? I mean we all clean house, do yard work, ect so shouldn't the majority of us be at least at an ideal weight? Take construction workers... I know lots of those guys who are over weight and they do physical labor all damn day, so with the above thought process those guys should all be ripped as f***. Difference is a state of mind.

    I see you quote Socrates on your profile.

    Did Socrates even lift, brah?

    "No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training…what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. - Socrates"

    All I now is that one will never be able to get to their full potential of their bodies capabilities raking leaves, shoveling snow, or cleaning the gutters.... but if one is to believe that then I guess more power to them. :drinker:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Rake leaves, mow the damn lawn, shovel snow, repair a fence, climb up on the roof and clean out the gutters... the list goes on and on.
    All great exercise.

    Not exercises. Those are chores. Sure you may get a slight calorie burn doing them but let's not try to call them exercises.

    Damn brah... Just about a few more months of yard work and house cleaning and I will be down to that shredded 10% bf brah. HAHA!!! Think about this for a minute people.... if all of the above were true then why are we as a nation the fattest (or near the top of that list)? I mean we all clean house, do yard work, ect so shouldn't the majority of us be at least at an ideal weight? Take construction workers... I know lots of those guys who are over weight and they do physical labor all damn day, so with the above thought process those guys should all be ripped as f***. Difference is a state of mind.

    That's ridiculous. Most Americans do yard work? You've never been to my neighborhood, I can tell. :laugh: :wink:
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Rake leaves, mow the damn lawn, shovel snow, repair a fence, climb up on the roof and clean out the gutters... the list goes on and on.
    All great exercise.

    Not exercises. Those are chores. Sure you may get a slight calorie burn doing them but let's not try to call them exercises.

    Damn brah... Just about a few more months of yard work and house cleaning and I will be down to that shredded 10% bf brah. HAHA!!! Think about this for a minute people.... if all of the above were true then why are we as a nation the fattest (or near the top of that list)? I mean we all clean house, do yard work, ect so shouldn't the majority of us be at least at an ideal weight? Take construction workers... I know lots of those guys who are over weight and they do physical labor all damn day, so with the above thought process those guys should all be ripped as f***. Difference is a state of mind.

    That's ridiculous. Most Americans do yard work? You've never been to my neighborhood, I can tell. :laugh: :wink:

    Yeah, that was exactly my reaction too. LOL
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Rake leaves, mow the damn lawn, shovel snow, repair a fence, climb up on the roof and clean out the gutters... the list goes on and on.
    All great exercise.

    Not exercises. Those are chores. Sure you may get a slight calorie burn doing them but let's not try to call them exercises.

    Damn brah... Just about a few more months of yard work and house cleaning and I will be down to that shredded 10% bf brah. HAHA!!! Think about this for a minute people.... if all of the above were true then why are we as a nation the fattest (or near the top of that list)? I mean we all clean house, do yard work, ect so shouldn't the majority of us be at least at an ideal weight? Take construction workers... I know lots of those guys who are over weight and they do physical labor all damn day, so with the above thought process those guys should all be ripped as f***. Difference is a state of mind.

    Oh goodie. I was just waiting for the broscience input. Glad it didn't disappoint!

    broscience... what is this broscience you speak of? HA!!!

    Oh, sorry. BRAHscience to be sure! :drinker:
  • SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish

    Yeah, that's fine, but they're still getting exercise. Clearly it's not enough to offset the other issues, and as everyone knows, you don't get fat because you don't exercise, you get fat because you eat more calories than you expend through all activity—metabolism, brain function and physical activity (a.k.a. EXERCISE).

    You are right here, and ANY moderately vigorous physical activity 150 minutes per week (like just plain walking) has been shown to significantly reduce serious health risks. However you always come off as poo-pooing exercise as the takeaway in your posts. Looks like from your posts about being "toned" from your activities, the fact of the matter is you essentially DO this advice for exercise, but you dont do it for the purpose of "exercise", and you dont like to be told you should exercise. But that's no reason to tell newbies not to exercise, especially when it sounds like you actually DO exercise. It sounds as though its your personal bias and resistance to being told to exercise that's speaking.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Rake leaves, mow the damn lawn, shovel snow, repair a fence, climb up on the roof and clean out the gutters... the list goes on and on.
    All great exercise.

    Not exercises. Those are chores. Sure you may get a slight calorie burn doing them but let's not try to call them exercises.

    Damn brah... Just about a few more months of yard work and house cleaning and I will be down to that shredded 10% bf brah. HAHA!!! Think about this for a minute people.... if all of the above were true then why are we as a nation the fattest (or near the top of that list)? I mean we all clean house, do yard work, ect so shouldn't the majority of us be at least at an ideal weight? Take construction workers... I know lots of those guys who are over weight and they do physical labor all damn day, so with the above thought process those guys should all be ripped as f***. Difference is a state of mind.

    I see you quote Socrates on your profile.

    Did Socrates even lift, brah?

    "No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training…what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. - Socrates"

    All I now is that one will never be able to get to their full potential of their bodies capabilities raking leaves, shoveling snow, or cleaning the gutters.... but if one is to believe that then I guess more power to them. :drinker:

    Is skating exercise?

    I'm laughing at the thought of Socrate referring to 'training' as Gold's Gym's free weights area. Or maybe he meant the smith machine.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Rake leaves, mow the damn lawn, shovel snow, repair a fence, climb up on the roof and clean out the gutters... the list goes on and on.
    All great exercise.

    Not exercises. Those are chores. Sure you may get a slight calorie burn doing them but let's not try to call them exercises.

    Damn brah... Just about a few more months of yard work and house cleaning and I will be down to that shredded 10% bf brah. HAHA!!! Think about this for a minute people.... if all of the above were true then why are we as a nation the fattest (or near the top of that list)? I mean we all clean house, do yard work, ect so shouldn't the majority of us be at least at an ideal weight? Take construction workers... I know lots of those guys who are over weight and they do physical labor all damn day, so with the above thought process those guys should all be ripped as f***. Difference is a state of mind.

    I see you quote Socrates on your profile.

    Did Socrates even lift, brah?

    "No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training…what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. - Socrates"

    All I now is that one will never be able to get to their full potential of their bodies capabilities raking leaves, shoveling snow, or cleaning the gutters.... but if one is to believe that then I guess more power to them. :drinker:

    Damn, brah.
    I don't doubt that's "all you now"

    Did you read the thread title?
    Or the OP?
    Or the article?

    Not sure where that whole "to your full potential" came from, brah.

    This ain't bb.com.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Again, exercise is a physical activity that is done in order to become stronger and/or healthier. Walking to the freezer to get another pint of ice cream or shoveling snow, while physically demanding for some, still not exercise. One is done done because ice cream is fantastic and the other is done because they can't afford to winter in a warmer climate.

    So if one chooses to shovel snow specifically for the "exercise" aspect even though they can afford to winter in a warmer climate, then it's exercise?

    No, still not exercise.

    Not sure if SRS... :huh:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Rake leaves, mow the damn lawn, shovel snow, repair a fence, climb up on the roof and clean out the gutters... the list goes on and on.
    All great exercise.

    Not exercises. Those are chores. Sure you may get a slight calorie burn doing them but let's not try to call them exercises.

    Damn brah... Just about a few more months of yard work and house cleaning and I will be down to that shredded 10% bf brah. HAHA!!! Think about this for a minute people.... if all of the above were true then why are we as a nation the fattest (or near the top of that list)? I mean we all clean house, do yard work, ect so shouldn't the majority of us be at least at an ideal weight? Take construction workers... I know lots of those guys who are over weight and they do physical labor all damn day, so with the above thought process those guys should all be ripped as f***. Difference is a state of mind.

    I see you quote Socrates on your profile.

    Did Socrates even lift, brah?

    "No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training…what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. - Socrates"

    All I now is that one will never be able to get to their full potential of their bodies capabilities raking leaves, shoveling snow, or cleaning the gutters.... but if one is to believe that then I guess more power to them. :drinker:

    Damn, brah.
    I don't doubt that's "all you now"

    Did you read the thread title?
    Or the OP?
    Or the article?

    Not sure where that whole "to your full potential" came from, brah.

    This ain't bb.com.

    Oh, no kidding. Brah must be from the "We're here for the same reasons" camp. :laugh:
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Rake leaves, mow the damn lawn, shovel snow, repair a fence, climb up on the roof and clean out the gutters... the list goes on and on.
    All great exercise.

    Not exercises. Those are chores. Sure you may get a slight calorie burn doing them but let's not try to call them exercises.

    Damn brah... Just about a few more months of yard work and house cleaning and I will be down to that shredded 10% bf brah. HAHA!!! Think about this for a minute people.... if all of the above were true then why are we as a nation the fattest (or near the top of that list)? I mean we all clean house, do yard work, ect so shouldn't the majority of us be at least at an ideal weight? Take construction workers... I know lots of those guys who are over weight and they do physical labor all damn day, so with the above thought process those guys should all be ripped as f***. Difference is a state of mind.

    I see you quote Socrates on your profile.

    Did Socrates even lift, brah?

    "No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training…what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. - Socrates"

    All I now is that one will never be able to get to their full potential of their bodies capabilities raking leaves, shoveling snow, or cleaning the gutters.... but if one is to believe that then I guess more power to them. :drinker:

    LOL, says the guy from Texas.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member

    A caloric deficit is never downplayed around here. It is truly the only component to dropping pounds. I am not saying exercise is a necessary component to weight loss. However, exercise provides other benefits that some consider necessary in achieving their goals. I am one of those people.

    I never blindly tell anyone to "eat more" nor do I agree with that practice. In my opinion, it is not appropriate to advise anyone on their intake until they are accurately tracking it by weighing and measuring everything. Yes, all that's necessary for weight loss is a caloric deficit, and if your priorities only include dropping pounds and not concerning yourself with the preservation of LBM, then fine. I do not agree with widely touting your specific methods of weight loss without also disclosing the negative impacts it may have. If you notice my ticker, I also am losing quite a bit and it is almost certainly likely I am sacrificing LBM in the process. All the same, I do my best to strength train and concern myself with inches lost over the reading on the scale. Don't let my age fool you, I also work full time, commute, live on my own, etc., but make time for my exercise. It may really not be feasible for some, but for the most part I find that it is a lack of will to exercise that is the biggest hurdle. Nothing wrong with that though, again, to each his own.

    I also generally do not give out advice. I am here to learn, not spout off things I believe to be true that may or may not be correct. My biggest concern with you specifically is that you advise without taking time to listen to anyone else. Even experts in any field are wise to expand their knowledge as much as possible. I do not see that with you, and it's disappointing. My guess is that people would be more receptive to your message if you kept learning and could back your statements up with more than "it works for ME" and "I look AMAZING" (the latter being without any proof). Again, best of luck to you and I am glad you have found a method that works so well... for you.

    Also... I beg to differ that your "daily activity" is keeping you "somewhat toned". Statements like this really highlight your lack of understanding.

    +1000 there. I also take issue with green hair doll and the cartoon guy who like to regularly pop in and advise things like eat less and you dont need exercise, which are against "best practices" for keeping people safe and healthy. Yes calorie management is essential to losing weight, nobody in their right mind denies it. However, to err on the side of advising random internet person to eat more is not harmful even if it is an excess, and they can tell in a few days if the advice is wrong and they aren't losing weight. Whereas advising random internet person to eat less can be harmful if it goes below what they need to function on a day to day basis, and they may take your advice for months thinking "ooh, great this is what I needed to do" on a deficit which could cause health issues without them being able to readily know its wrong. In fact they would be convinced its "correct" advice because they are losing weight, until a problem arises, but by then its too late.

    Now yes you can lose weight doing nothing but calorie management. And if you cannot/will not/dont want to exercise, well at least you lost weight yes, thats good. However, exercise is one of the most important factors for general health, and can help with almost any condition one may have if you care to look up the research, and advising doing both doesn't preclude you managing calories, its still required! So adding even a little exercise is beneficial, and advice for people to take up exercise is GREAT and helpful, whereas poo-pooing exercise could tip the balance in someone's mind against exercising if they aren't certain. That is not helpful for the most part, and if you compare results of one who may have been encouraged to exercise and lost weight that way vs one who didn't and lost weight, the one who exercised is going to have a lot of advantages, so your advice lowers their quality of life in essence. So no, I don't think its cool to advise eat less, you don't need exercise over and over like you do. You may have done it, it may be fine for you, but what matters is, is it good for the majority of people who may take your advice? No. Now I understand where you are coming from, you get fixated on facts here and there, but looking in the overall picture, that kind of advice isn't really best for the majority in many cases, and I think this is what has frustrated those here arguing with you.

    Oh, is this the "general health" forum? No? It's the DIET AND WEIGHT LOSS forum? Ah, yes, I see that now.

    And you're making a huge assumption that my advice is "bad". If somebody follows YOUR advice, and quits because it's just too much, but another person follows my advice, and loses a significant amount of weight, then whose advice was the better advice? :huh:
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member

    Yeah, that's fine, but they're still getting exercise. Clearly it's not enough to offset the other issues, and as everyone knows, you don't get fat because you don't exercise, you get fat because you eat more calories than you expend through all activity—metabolism, brain function and physical activity (a.k.a. EXERCISE).

    You are right here, and ANY moderately vigorous physical activity 150 minutes per week (like just plain walking) has been shown to significantly reduce serious health risks. However you always come off as poo-pooing exercise as the takeaway in your posts. Looks like from your posts about being "toned" from your activities, the fact of the matter is you essentially DO this advice for exercise, but you dont do it for the purpose of "exercise", and you dont like to be told you should exercise. But that's no reason to tell newbies not to exercise, especially when it sounds like you actually DO exercise. It sounds as though its your personal bias and resistance to being told to exercise that's speaking.


    Point is, exercise isn't the magic bullet for WEIGHT LOSS that people make it out to be. I've never gainsaid the fact that exercise has health benefits. Duh. But for WEIGHT LOSS it is NOT essential. People need to understand that, because if they can only do one thing, and one thing only, to lose weight, it should NOT be exercise. Because if they don't have a calorie deficit, they won't lose weight. And if they lose weight, the health benefit from not being obese is way more significant than just a slight cardiovascular/toning benefit to a person who is STILL OBESE. Capisce? :huh:
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    I did not expect the Siansonea creeping. Well played.

    I really need a killer robot double. Where's Techrat when you need him?
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Rake leaves, mow the damn lawn, shovel snow, repair a fence, climb up on the roof and clean out the gutters... the list goes on and on.
    All great exercise.

    Not exercises. Those are chores. Sure you may get a slight calorie burn doing them but let's not try to call them exercises.

    Damn brah... Just about a few more months of yard work and house cleaning and I will be down to that shredded 10% bf brah. HAHA!!! Think about this for a minute people.... if all of the above were true then why are we as a nation the fattest (or near the top of that list)? I mean we all clean house, do yard work, ect so shouldn't the majority of us be at least at an ideal weight? Take construction workers... I know lots of those guys who are over weight and they do physical labor all damn day, so with the above thought process those guys should all be ripped as f***. Difference is a state of mind.

    I see you quote Socrates on your profile.

    Did Socrates even lift, brah?

    "No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training…what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. - Socrates"

    All I now is that one will never be able to get to their full potential of their bodies capabilities raking leaves, shoveling snow, or cleaning the gutters.... but if one is to believe that then I guess more power to them. :drinker:

    Is skating exercise?

    I'm laughing at the thought of Socrate referring to 'training' as Gold's Gym's free weights area. Or maybe he meant the smith machine.

    Hell yeah it is... that mixed in with some plyos.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Rake leaves, mow the damn lawn, shovel snow, repair a fence, climb up on the roof and clean out the gutters... the list goes on and on.
    All great exercise.

    Not exercises. Those are chores. Sure you may get a slight calorie burn doing them but let's not try to call them exercises.

    Damn brah... Just about a few more months of yard work and house cleaning and I will be down to that shredded 10% bf brah. HAHA!!! Think about this for a minute people.... if all of the above were true then why are we as a nation the fattest (or near the top of that list)? I mean we all clean house, do yard work, ect so shouldn't the majority of us be at least at an ideal weight? Take construction workers... I know lots of those guys who are over weight and they do physical labor all damn day, so with the above thought process those guys should all be ripped as f***. Difference is a state of mind.

    I see you quote Socrates on your profile.

    Did Socrates even lift, brah?

    "No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training…what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. - Socrates"

    All I now is that one will never be able to get to their full potential of their bodies capabilities raking leaves, shoveling snow, or cleaning the gutters.... but if one is to believe that then I guess more power to them. :drinker:

    LOL, says the guy from Texas.

    HA! Nice catch!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Rake leaves, mow the damn lawn, shovel snow, repair a fence, climb up on the roof and clean out the gutters... the list goes on and on.
    All great exercise.

    Not exercises. Those are chores. Sure you may get a slight calorie burn doing them but let's not try to call them exercises.

    Damn brah... Just about a few more months of yard work and house cleaning and I will be down to that shredded 10% bf brah. HAHA!!! Think about this for a minute people.... if all of the above were true then why are we as a nation the fattest (or near the top of that list)? I mean we all clean house, do yard work, ect so shouldn't the majority of us be at least at an ideal weight? Take construction workers... I know lots of those guys who are over weight and they do physical labor all damn day, so with the above thought process those guys should all be ripped as f***. Difference is a state of mind.

    I see you quote Socrates on your profile.

    Did Socrates even lift, brah?

    "No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training…what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. - Socrates"

    All I now is that one will never be able to get to their full potential of their bodies capabilities raking leaves, shoveling snow, or cleaning the gutters.... but if one is to believe that then I guess more power to them. :drinker:

    Is skating exercise?

    I'm laughing at the thought of Socrate referring to 'training' as Gold's Gym's free weights area. Or maybe he meant the smith machine.

    Hell yeah it is... that mixed in with some plyos.

    Skating is exercise, but shoveling snow isn't? What a crock!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member

    Thank you! What an excellent article. He hit the nail on the head.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Rake leaves, mow the damn lawn, shovel snow, repair a fence, climb up on the roof and clean out the gutters... the list goes on and on.
    All great exercise.

    Not exercises. Those are chores. Sure you may get a slight calorie burn doing them but let's not try to call them exercises.

    Damn brah... Just about a few more months of yard work and house cleaning and I will be down to that shredded 10% bf brah. HAHA!!! Think about this for a minute people.... if all of the above were true then why are we as a nation the fattest (or near the top of that list)? I mean we all clean house, do yard work, ect so shouldn't the majority of us be at least at an ideal weight? Take construction workers... I know lots of those guys who are over weight and they do physical labor all damn day, so with the above thought process those guys should all be ripped as f***. Difference is a state of mind.

    I see you quote Socrates on your profile.

    Did Socrates even lift, brah?

    "No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training…what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. - Socrates"

    All I now is that one will never be able to get to their full potential of their bodies capabilities raking leaves, shoveling snow, or cleaning the gutters.... but if one is to believe that then I guess more power to them. :drinker:

    Damn, brah.
    I don't doubt that's "all you now"

    Did you read the thread title?
    Or the OP?
    Or the article?

    Not sure where that whole "to your full potential" came from, brah.

    This ain't bb.com.

    "Brah" was just a mockery of saying the racking leaves is thought of as exercise and will get you ripped. So if you are saying / thinking that one can reach ones full potential by racking leaves and moving lawns then have at it. :drinker: