Why Dieting is the Worst Way to Lose Weight



  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Ah, more gymrat/"nutrition" evangelism. Fail. :huh:

    I lost weight through a calorie deficit, eating "dirty" food, with ZERO exercise, and I look amazing. So this author can take a flying leap. :smokin:

    looks amazing but no profile pic posted...hmmmmm

    Exactly. Doesn't really add up or make sense.

    She posted a full body shot.

    She's smokin' hot.
  • awtume9
    awtume9 Posts: 423 Member
    Exercise is beneficial to overall health.

    Thanks for that tidbit. Who knew? And I thought we were talking about weight loss.
    I'm assuming it is less than one calorie but I like to count everything I do.
    That's good because guess what... your body counts everything you do, too.

    Or are we talking about 'eating back' here? I didn't think so.

    Are you this unpleasant in real life too? Or just on the interwebs?
  • grandpoobah12
    Also Tom points out, diet means missing out on your favorite foods.

    Nutrition also means missing out on my favorite foods, since they are mostly devoid of nutrition.

    I love exercise but I am still overweight. Why? because I eat too much.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Ah, more gymrat/"nutrition" evangelism. Fail. :huh:

    I lost weight through a calorie deficit, eating "dirty" food, with ZERO exercise, and I look amazing. So this author can take a flying leap. :smokin:

    looks amazing but no profile pic posted...hmmmmm

    Exactly. Doesn't really add up or make sense.

    She posted a full body shot.

    She's smokin' hot.
    I agree, it is a hot picture. However, a current one, not one from 2005, would have made a little more sense and probably eliminated a great deal of the arguing in this thread.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    Ah, more gymrat/"nutrition" evangelism. Fail. :huh:

    I lost weight through a calorie deficit, eating "dirty" food, with ZERO exercise, and I look amazing. So this author can take a flying leap. :smokin:

    looks amazing but no profile pic posted...hmmmmm

    Exactly. Doesn't really add up or make sense.

    She posted a full body shot.

    She's smokin' hot.
    I agree, it is a hot picture. However, a current one, not one from 2005, would have made a little more sense and probably eliminated a great deal of the arguing in this thread.

    No it wouldn't have, though I did notice that that particular chain of comment dried up rather quickly. Fact is I don't have any really recent photos of myself where you can see my shape, because, well, I don't really have any reason to go around having photos taken of my shape. If I was working on a cosplay project, I'd probably have some photos, but alas and alack, I don't. And I knew this would be an issue, I even mentioned it in my "what's the point of posting photos" diatribe. Photos don't "prove" anything, and we all have to trust that we're representing ourselves honestly regardless of the photographic evidence.

    The bottom line is if somebody really wants to disagree with you and discredit what you say, no amount of photographic "evidence" will satisfy them, they'll simply disavow it.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Next I'll be hearing that farm work isn't "exercise", either.

    No, that's just hard work and should be accounted for in your daily activity level. Still not exercise, but my opinion is wrong.

    Does the human body know the difference between a calorie burned through exercise and one burned through "hard work"?

    Obviously. That's why MFP has separate places for them to be logged. "Chores" go in the "chore" section.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I will keep doing what I'm doing, it's working, see ticker below!!! :bigsmile:

    Ohhh and I exercise and also lift heavy things!!! :noway:

  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Exercise is beneficial to overall health.

    Thanks for that tidbit. Who knew? And I thought we were talking about weight loss.
    I'm assuming it is less than one calorie but I like to count everything I do.
    That's good because guess what... your body counts everything you do, too.

    Or are we talking about 'eating back' here? I didn't think so.

    Are you this unpleasant in real life too? Or just on the interwebs?

    Just here. I was a well-mannered librarian and data analyst until I entered this thread.

    I will retract my sarcasm but seriously... we were talking about weight loss, not 'general health', and not if respected diet plans fail and 'MFP forumite wisdom' trumps their knowledge. Oops, that's sarcasm again. My apologies. I love you all. I just don't love straw man arguments.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Rake leaves, mow the damn lawn, shovel snow, repair a fence, climb up on the roof and clean out the gutters... the list goes on and on.
    All great exercise.

    Not exercises. Those are chores. Sure you may get a slight calorie burn doing them but let's not try to call them exercises.

    Damn brah... Just about a few more months of yard work and house cleaning and I will be down to that shredded 10% bf brah. HAHA!!! Think about this for a minute people.... if all of the above were true then why are we as a nation the fattest (or near the top of that list)? I mean we all clean house, do yard work, ect so shouldn't the majority of us be at least at an ideal weight? Take construction workers... I know lots of those guys who are over weight and they do physical labor all damn day, so with the above thought process those guys should all be ripped as f***. Difference is a state of mind.

    I see you quote Socrates on your profile.

    Did Socrates even lift, brah?

    "No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training…what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. - Socrates"

    All I now is that one will never be able to get to their full potential of their bodies capabilities raking leaves, shoveling snow, or cleaning the gutters.... but if one is to believe that then I guess more power to them. :drinker:

    Damn, brah.
    I don't doubt that's "all you now"

    Did you read the thread title?
    Or the OP?
    Or the article?

    Not sure where that whole "to your full potential" came from, brah.

    This ain't bb.com.

    "Brah" was just a mockery of saying the racking leaves is thought of as exercise and will get you ripped. So if you are saying / thinking that one can reach ones full potential by racking leaves and moving lawns then have at it. :drinker:

    I understand what you are saying.
    You don't understand what I am saying. Obviously.
    First of all, I don't "rack" leaves. I rake them.
    And I have no actual desire to get "ripped".
    This is "my fitness pal" and a "general diet and weight loss" forum.

    I'm not even sure how to water this down any more.

    Can one lose weight solely by means of caloric deficit... I agree. Can one do so while incorporating activities such as cleaning the house, yard work, shovel snow... sure. But can one obtain optimal results by just that. IMO...no. That was the point that I was trying to make but obviously I failed... :ohwell:
    Not sure where that whole "to your full potential" came from, brah.

    I was playing off of the quote on m y profile that you referenced. My ref to "your full potential" was played off of from that quote.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    I learned that very few Americans do yard work.
    That's not actually the norm where I live.

    Same here... everyone does yard work where I live. HA!!!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Ultimately, some people are too large to weight train. Cutting calories has to be done by everyone who's goal is to cut before they build muscle. While the article makes some strong points, there are people who are taking years off their life by eating too much food.
    When is someone too large to weight train? Besides being bedbound, I don't think anyone is really incapable of undertaking resistance exercise.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Rake leaves, mow the damn lawn, shovel snow, repair a fence, climb up on the roof and clean out the gutters... the list goes on and on.
    All great exercise.

    Not exercises. Those are chores. Sure you may get a slight calorie burn doing them but let's not try to call them exercises.

    Damn brah... Just about a few more months of yard work and house cleaning and I will be down to that shredded 10% bf brah. HAHA!!! Think about this for a minute people.... if all of the above were true then why are we as a nation the fattest (or near the top of that list)? I mean we all clean house, do yard work, ect so shouldn't the majority of us be at least at an ideal weight? Take construction workers... I know lots of those guys who are over weight and they do physical labor all damn day, so with the above thought process those guys should all be ripped as f***. Difference is a state of mind.

    I see you quote Socrates on your profile.

    Did Socrates even lift, brah?

    "No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training…what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. - Socrates"

    All I now is that one will never be able to get to their full potential of their bodies capabilities raking leaves, shoveling snow, or cleaning the gutters.... but if one is to believe that then I guess more power to them. :drinker:

    Damn, brah.
    I don't doubt that's "all you now"

    Did you read the thread title?
    Or the OP?
    Or the article?

    Not sure where that whole "to your full potential" came from, brah.

    This ain't bb.com.

    "Brah" was just a mockery of saying the racking leaves is thought of as exercise and will get you ripped. So if you are saying / thinking that one can reach ones full potential by racking leaves and moving lawns then have at it. :drinker:

    I understand what you are saying.
    You don't understand what I am saying. Obviously.
    First of all, I don't "rack" leaves. I rake them.
    And I have no actual desire to get "ripped".
    This is "my fitness pal" and a "general diet and weight loss" forum.

    I'm not even sure how to water this down any more.

    Can one lose weight solely by means of caloric deficit... I agree. Can one do so while incorporating activities such as cleaning the house, yard work, shovel snow... sure. But can one obtain optimal results by just that. IMO...no. That was the point that I was trying to make but obviously I failed... :ohwell:
    Not sure where that whole "to your full potential" came from, brah.

    I was playing off of the quote on m y profile that you referenced. My ref to "your full potential" was played off of from that quote.

    It's cool. I understand... My ultra sexy shades, neglected "devil-may-care hairstyle, and of course, my ground-breaking, revolutionary "choresercise" theory...

    You were smitten.
    It happens. :laugh: :laugh:
    (Obviously j/k)
    CTONDO Posts: 43 Member
    Agree with this 110%.
  • pjroxy
    Dieting simply does not work.
    Lose some, get happy and slip back to all or some (progress) of the old eating and exercise (or lack of) routines.
    With the inevitable results.
    That was the story of my weight loss career. And I was p……... of at myself.
    Got so angry I did a lot of research and came up with http://seniorsweightloss.fortuneinformation.net/
    Now I think you will have to copy and paste to get there but it is worth it.
    Ten months I have lost 18 kilo am happy, healthy and fitter than I have been for 20 years and I am in my 50's
    Regards Peter
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Dieting simply does not work For some people. For others, it works to their satisfaction.
    Lose some, get happy and slip back to all or some (progress) of the old eating and exercise (or lack of) routines.
    With the inevitable results.
    That was the story of my weight loss career. And I was p……... of at myself.
    Got so angry I did a lot of research and came up with http://seniorsweightloss.fortuneinformation.net/
    Now I think you will have to copy and paste to get there but it is worth it.
    Ten months I have lost 18 kilo am happy, healthy and fitter than I have been for 20 years and I am in my 50's
    Regards Peter

    There now.
    All fixed. :smile:
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member

    Deficit eating + no exercise + menopause = osteoporosis, cardiac issues, unwanted fat due to hormonal imbalance. Your choice.

    that's what I get to see almost every day frail little old ladies with broken hips and lumbar fractures confined to wheelchairs.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Diet is *the* way to lose weight (aside from amputation, I guess). How the hell did this get to 12 pages with such a silly premise?

    I suppose I could read those 12 pages but I mean...Calories in/Calories out is the simple fundamental truth of losing weight.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Diet is *the* way to lose weight (aside from amputation, I guess). How the hell did this get to 12 pages with such a silly premise?

    I suppose I could read those 12 pages but I mean...Calories in/Calories out is the simple fundamental truth of losing weight.

    Didn't you read the article??
    How can you learn about the author's "Burn Fat Feed the Muscle" book if you don't read the article?? :wink:
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Diet is *the* way to lose weight (aside from amputation, I guess). How the hell did this get to 12 pages with such a silly premise?

    I suppose I could read those 12 pages but I mean...Calories in/Calories out is the simple fundamental truth of losing weight.

    Didn't you read the article??
    How can you learn about the author's "Burn Fat Feed the Muscle" book if you don't read the article?? :wink:

    Oh. One of those articles. Tsk