Why Dieting is the Worst Way to Lose Weight



  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Diet is *the* way to lose weight.

    I think the author's point is the common associations many people have with "diets" and "dieting". I am guessing if you conducted a survey on the street and asked people what they consider diet or dieting to be the majority won't say "the food I eat" or "a calorie deficit" Of course everyone on MFP is far more clued up than the average Joe.

    Rather they would probably say something like "deprived", "no wine", "no junk food at all", "diet pills" - in other words a negative frame of mind with arbitrary restriction. I think the author was trying to move people away from that and the exploitation it can lead to by the "diet" industry to a more positive place - to thinking about nutrition, balanced diet, actual inclusion of food. Layered on top of that is exercise and mental well being for long term success.

    Again, I find none of the article overly contentious. Given the spectacular failure rates of "dieting" not only in people failing to reach their initial goal but more pertinently failing to maintain their healthy weight over the long term (or gaining even more weight than before they dieted) it is clear that different strategies are useful.

    Anyone can lose weight. Keeping it off? That's the real battle ground for many people...
  • MzzFaith
    MzzFaith Posts: 337 Member
    MMMM very interesting
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member

    Deficit eating + no exercise + menopause = osteoporosis, cardiac issues, unwanted fat due to hormonal imbalance. Your choice.

    that's what I get to see almost every day frail little old ladies with broken hips and lumbar fractures confined to wheelchairs.

    And the biggest contributor to these conditions, genetics, is not even in the equation. :huh:
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Given the spectacular failure rates of "dieting" not only in people failing to reach their initial goal but more pertinently failing to maintain their healthy weight over the long term (or gaining even more weight than before they dieted) it is clear that different strategies are useful.

    There are no "different strategies" that have proven useful - none.

    In the prescence of an abundance of food, humans get fat unless they are blessed with the skinny gene or work hard at restricting themselves in one way or another (i.e., dieting and unnecessary exercise).
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Diet is *the* way to lose weight (aside from amputation, I guess). How the hell did this get to 12 pages with such a silly premise?

    I suppose I could read those 12 pages but I mean...Calories in/Calories out is the simple fundamental truth of losing weight.

    Haha, I was just thinking why are they still talking about this?