Why is this girl doing this to me? (Girll help)



  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    wow this thread is still goin?
  • nm212
    nm212 Posts: 570 Member
    I disagree. I think males and females can be close friends. Maybe not THAT close though. lol She was basically treating him like a boyfriend., so yeah that's wrong. Find a new place to live or tell her to find a new place.
    I think in the beginning she did like you, AS a FRIEND. I see this happening a lot, where a lot of girls see their friends as FRIENDS and alot of guys developing feelings for their close female friends. If you never kissed her or made a move, she probably thought you felt the same or weren't interested in her so you fell into the friend zone. SORRY but you can't blame her for this. If you helped her, cooked for her, gave her money, became her driver, became her best friend, that is not her fault.
    Close female friends? that is a new concept..short answer no, leads to too many problems:
    ie that guy.
    - tell her you don't want to want to talk to her, or see her ever again and stick with it no matter what, it's the only way guys a wired to deal with these things.
  • spartyhawk
    Kick her out she is using you plain and simple
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    This girl is not your friend. She doesn't care about you. Break those ties as quickly as you can, because it is only going to cause more problems and misery for you the longer it continues.

    My true hope for you is that someday you will find someone who cares as much about you as you do about them. You deserve that.

    I hate to say this, as it feels a bit like kicking someone when they are down, but you seem to have some problems with boundaries and self-esteem. I think it may be a good idea to seek counseling if that is possible for you. I wish you all the best but please get out of that situation. She is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    I've always gotten a kick out of the OP's screen name of "rationalthinker", which partially explains this situation. It is my perception based on what I have observed that women, particularly Western women, primarily pick their sexual partners based on feelings instead of logic. So being a rational thinker wouldn't necessarily help get a woman to have sex with him, which is something that guys want with women that they find attractive.

    Lesson here is that it is best to make emotional appeal to stir up feelings of attraction. Additionally, as a guy, it is key not to be a doormat.
  • sway1080
    sway1080 Posts: 45 Member
    Text her to say you've met someone, & you need your cash back to purchase condoms.

    OMG this ^^^^^ SOOOO much! hahaha
    She deserves that. You are too nice. and your feeling for her have made you blind :( Cut her off now!! Good luck to you!
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    You are being used. Is she still living with you? You probably need to ask her to move out and find a new roommate. Then block her number from your cell and avoid her a work as much as possible.
    She still lives in the same house but I don't see her daily. We still text and call daily though.

    I want to block her but she still has my money. Out of $350, $100 is still left.

    Just think of it as $100 paid towards getting your self respect back. This girl used you and she is awful for it, don't let her keep stringing you along.
  • BigDaddyRonnie
    BigDaddyRonnie Posts: 506 Member
    Dude, really? I mean...really?

    ~shakes head~

    C-mon - read all of these comments, put your big boy pants on, and go...move on...run.
    It's only $100. Something tells me if this goes any further...its going to be more, much much more.
