Why is this girl doing this to me? (Girll help)



  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    Everyone is telling you to avoid talking to her, so you went to talk to her about it and state your arguments.


    No good will come from allowing yourself to feel anything for a woman. It is a fact that I get reminded of everytime I make the mistake. Just forget about her.
  • flywithgeorge
    flywithgeorge Posts: 62 Member
    my mama always told me that "girls are trouble"... not sure I agree....

    you could have her off-ed... I know a guy... just kidding.. or am I? hmmmm
  • LVCeltGirl
    You are being used. Is she still living with you? You probably need to ask her to move out and find a new roommate. Then block her number from your cell and avoid her a work as much as possible.
    She still lives in the same house but I don't see her daily. We still text and call daily though.

    I want to block her but she still has my money. Out of $350, $100 is still left.

    Write the money off, it's not worth the pain. She's not good for you and there's obviously some void you fill for her but it's never going to make what little relationship you get worth it. She knows that she can use and abuse you and once you quit filling that void (be it that she needs to be treated like a princess, or you are still being the knight in shining armor and she needs that, whatever her void is that her b/f isn't filling), she's going to leave you high, dry and quite possibly severely depressed and feeling worthless. You're worth more than being in the "like a brother" category. She's already lied by saying she didn't want to be in a relationship and then went into one. That means even if she comes around to you again, you'll have that doubt that she's telling the truth or you're just a "filler" until the next dude. I know it's hard to cut someone out that you feel you've connected so deeply with but it can be done and you need to do it so you can be open to meeting someone worth your time instead of holding out for this gal.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I really am confused at what is doing on. And I need some girls advice on what to do? Should I just ignore her or continue maintaining friendship with her?

    5 months ago, I moved in a new place with a girl roommate. We really hit it off. The first day we met, we talked for 10 hours straight and we spent everyday together for 2 months. The landlord would hate us because we would sometimes talk until 4am. She told me countless times how we connect so well. When she didn't have a job, she would wait for me in the balcony.

    After 2 months, she had some problems with money and no job. I loaned her money, I got her a job at my workplace, I provided her food, I picked and dropped her off to work and I cooked for her, while she never cooked for me. I also paid for everything whenever we went out. And anything that she asked me to do, I never denied any of her requests. Obviously, I fell for this girl hard as I never had a girlfriend and we connected so well.

    Finally, I told her how I felt. She just laughed and said "No, I am sorry". She said maybe in another life (she believes in reincarnation) but not in this lifetime. She told me that she won't get into a relationship until she's in her 30s. I wasn't that hurt because I thought that things would continue the way it was. She also said that I am like a brother to her.

    Next week, she gets a boyfriend and totally cuts me off; no talking, no texting, nothing. She met him at my workplace. I was really hurt, I didn't sleep for two days, and totally lost my appetite and lost 10 lbs throughout the ordeal. And honestly, as it hurts me to say this, it hurt me more than my dad's passing away. I know that he was at peace now and that's just part of life but this thing was a shocker. Still hurts seeing them together daily at work.

    Just randomly, she starts texting me again and starting calling me at her break-time. I came back like a whimpering dog. Among other stuff, she talks about how amazing her boyfriend is and he's doing this or that for her. Sending me pics of them together and complaining how condoms are expensive. She also calls me up to take her places as her bf doesn't have a car and I of course do it for her. She is also nice as she tries to help me to get another girl and I can tell that she cares for me. We currently text each other everyday for at least an hour.

    I still really care for her but she really hurt me a lot and I kinda feel being used. She talks to me more than her bf, I think.

    Man up
  • cccoursey
    cccoursey Posts: 116 Member

    Dude, everyone does this at some point in their lives. We all get a little silly over someone we like. We allow ourselves to be used, to be mistreated in minor ways. We lose perspective and it happens.

    Now maybe it was intentional on her part, and maybe it wasn't. Doesn't change the trend in outcomes in these situations. A) It isn't going to happen. Ever. B) If it had happened, it would have been a lopsided, miserable relationship.

    In one of your follow-up posts you noted that she is a princess. You also report she made some statement to the effect, "that this always happens with her and men". Martyr complex coupled with princess complex toward you is a sure fire recipe for bullsh*t. Bullsh*t treatment. Bullsh*t excuses (on both sides). Bullsh*t behavior (on both sides).

    Cut ties with this gangrenous, putrefying relationship. Just stop. It is like weight loss and fitness. Don't make excuses. Don't make it harder than it has to be. Just do it.

    ^^ This because you don't just want, you need, to take care of someone. You will let them do this to you. You both have a complex. She just knows yours and is using it to satisfy hers.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member

    Dude, everyone does this at some point in their lives. We all get a little silly over someone we like. We allow ourselves to be used, to be mistreated in minor ways. We lose perspective and it happens.

    Now maybe it was intentional on her part, and maybe it wasn't. Doesn't change the trend in outcomes in these situations. A) It isn't going to happen. Ever. B) If it had happened, it would have been a lopsided, miserable relationship.

    In one of your follow-up posts you noted that she is a princess. You also report she made some statement to the effect, "that this always happens with her and men". Martyr complex coupled with princess complex toward you is a sure fire recipe for bullsh*t. Bullsh*t treatment. Bullsh*t excuses (on both sides). Bullsh*t behavior (on both sides).

    Cut ties with this gangrenous, putrefying relationship. Just stop. It is like weight loss and fitness. Don't make excuses. Don't make it harder than it has to be. Just do it.

    ^^ This because you don't just want, you need, to take care of someone. You will let them do this to you. You both have a complex. She just knows yours and is using it to satisfy hers.

    Or it's because loaning someone money and getting them a job doesn't mean they have to sleep with you.
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member

    No good will come from allowing yourself to feel anything for a woman. It is a fact that I get reminded of everytime I make the mistake. Just forget about her.

    True. All women are wretched black holes of emotion.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member

    No good will come from allowing yourself to feel anything for a woman. It is a fact that I get reminded of everytime I make the mistake. Just forget about her.

    True. All women are wretched black holes of emotion.

    Yup...and sex is icky too, better off without 'em
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member

    No good will come from allowing yourself to feel anything for a woman. It is a fact that I get reminded of everytime I make the mistake. Just forget about her.

    True. All women are wretched black holes of emotion.

    Yup...and sex is icky too, better off without 'em

    I said no good comes from allowing yourself to feel anything for a woman. That and your statement are not necessarily related. Not that I go out and engage in meaningless sex. I do not. But still, they two are not by necessity related.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member

    No good will come from allowing yourself to feel anything for a woman. It is a fact that I get reminded of everytime I make the mistake. Just forget about her.

    True. All women are wretched black holes of emotion.

    Yup...and sex is icky too, better off without 'em

    I said no good comes from allowing yourself to feel anything for a woman. That and your statement are not necessarily related. Not that I go out and engage in meaningless sex. I do not. But still, they two are not by necessity related.

    I was being sarcastic.

    Also meaningless sex is fun. It's what made college worthwhile for me.
  • ModernNerd
    ModernNerd Posts: 336 Member

    just stahp. I love that the ones who wail the loudest about how hurt they are and how they want things to be calm again are always the ones prolonging the drama. Man up OP, a real woman doesn't go for puppy dogs.
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member

    No good will come from allowing yourself to feel anything for a woman. It is a fact that I get reminded of everytime I make the mistake. Just forget about her.

    True. All women are wretched black holes of emotion.

    Yup...and sex is icky too, better off without 'em

    I said no good comes from allowing yourself to feel anything for a woman. That and your statement are not necessarily related. Not that I go out and engage in meaningless sex. I do not. But still, they two are not by necessity related.

    I understand you've been hurt, but beware that attitude as the father of a young woman. Don't let it colour your judgement when raising your kids. They deserve meaningful relationships, even if you are unable to sustain one.
    Edited to add a :flowerforyou: I sounded snarky and that wasn't my intent.
    Also, OP, stop trying to buy affection. That's a painful road to take.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Walk away!!!! Cut off all contact and move on. You also deserve to be happy.


    kick her out. block her number. Cut your losses about the money, you won't get it back.

    ALL OF THIS! Tell her to go to hell and never EVER speak to her again!
  • jaclync324
    jaclync324 Posts: 37 Member
    OP....still there?!?

    Not sure if you are reading this but...

    Why is she doing this to you? Because you let her.

    No one will do anything to you that you don't allow. Remember that.

    You sound like a great guy. I'm sure you have a lot to offer. Maybe you are a bit lonely? It is the holiday season after all.

    Being a friend is just that...being there and expecting nothing in return. If she is a friend, she will reciprocate in kind (not S*x). If she doesn't, she isn't a friend, just a leach.

    It also sounds like you are dealing a bit with "white knight" syndrome. You see a damsel in distress and you help her.

    Wouldn't it be nice to meet a girl who has her **** together? Wouldn't it be better to find someone who is your equal in every way? IMHO, that is the type of girl you need to watch out for. Not the type that can't handle her own **** and has to rely on others for a job, food, etc.

    Good luck my friend! I will tell you this...be grateful for this experience. This is the type of memory that will pop up when you meet the "love of your life." You will remember this deadbeat and say, "oh, so this is why I had to experience this. I had to see what is wrong, so I can be prepared to know what is right."

  • krystinesjourney
    ditch the witch.... she sees you as her doormat
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    hurt more than a family member's passing?!

    I am disappoint.
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    I seriously do think that she was unaware of it. She said that every guy does this to her and it didn't seem out of the ordinary.
    I don't think it matters.

    Unwillingness to recognize the feelings of others and take them into account is called callousness. It's not a quality.

    I'll have to disagree with a lot of people and say I think you did the right thing to go talk to her. The right thing for YOU, that is. You got everything you had to say off your chest and got to see her as she really is. You can now move on - which you should do - without any regrets.
  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member
    I really am confused at what is doing on. And I need some girls advice on what to do? Should I just ignore her or continue maintaining friendship with her?

    5 months ago, I moved in a new place with a girl roommate. We really hit it off. The first day we met, we talked for 10 hours straight and we spent everyday together for 2 months. The landlord would hate us because we would sometimes talk until 4am. She told me countless times how we connect so well. When she didn't have a job, she would wait for me in the balcony.

    After 2 months, she had some problems with money and no job. I loaned her money, I got her a job at my workplace, I provided her food, I picked and dropped her off to work and I cooked for her, while she never cooked for me. I also paid for everything whenever we went out. And anything that she asked me to do, I never denied any of her requests. Obviously, I fell for this girl hard as I never had a girlfriend and we connected so well.

    Finally, I told her how I felt. She just laughed and said "No, I am sorry". She said maybe in another life (she believes in reincarnation) but not in this lifetime. She told me that she won't get into a relationship until she's in her 30s. I wasn't that hurt because I thought that things would continue the way it was. She also said that I am like a brother to her.

    Next week, she gets a boyfriend and totally cuts me off; no talking, no texting, nothing. She met him at my workplace. I was really hurt, I didn't sleep for two days, and totally lost my appetite and lost 10 lbs throughout the ordeal. And honestly, as it hurts me to say this, it hurt me more than my dad's passing away. I know that he was at peace now and that's just part of life but this thing was a shocker. Still hurts seeing them together daily at work.

    Just randomly, she starts texting me again and starting calling me at her break-time. I came back like a whimpering dog. Among other stuff, she talks about how amazing her boyfriend is and he's doing this or that for her. Sending me pics of them together and complaining how condoms are expensive. She also calls me up to take her places as her bf doesn't have a car and I of course do it for her. She is also nice as she tries to help me to get another girl and I can tell that she cares for me. We currently text each other everyday for at least an hour.

    I still really care for her but she really hurt me a lot and I kinda feel being used. She talks to me more than her bf, I think.

    I'm going to be as nice as possible because I have had people walk all over me and didn't see it.

    Her original plan (though she may be genuine) was to freeload off you. Sure she may be pretty etc but laughing at the possibility of you two being together when you are investing so much more time, energy and money (which further complicates things) is NOT fair on you.
    I know it's an awkward conversation but cut her out of your life immediately, retreat entirely and advise her 'I need to live with a roommate that is less dependant on me and more consistent; this isn't working'

    She has your heart and unfortunately that's when we are most at our stage of vulnerability; we are at their beckoning call.

    She is using you and you don't need this in your life.
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I once read a quote somewhere that "If you loan someone money and you never get it back or see them again, it's the best money you ever spent"

    No one here can tell you what to do because you're likely to keep caving until she pushes you to the limit where you honestly cannot take anymore. Hopefully that day will come sooner than later for you.

    Good luck
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    damn you probably got a lot of flak and I dunno if you are still reading these comments but that **** is tough - similar **** happened to me at one point, it sucks bro

    just gotta work on you and as much as it sucks you can't let her use you all the time - shes using you as a confidant and a best pal but you will always want more - gotta walk away my man, even if its harder then you can imagine its for the best