Why is this girl doing this to me? (Girll help)



  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    Some woman are really good at sniffing weakness and exploiting it.... and she is dangling the carrot just close enough to keep you interested and playing in her game.
  • kellenas
    kellenas Posts: 154
    Okay, I went to talk to this girl yesterday. I told her that everyone is telling me to avoid talking to her and I feel that she is using me. I stated my arguments why I thought so. She started crying that I would accuse her of that and that I never cared for her, but she obviously knows that I do. Once I saw her cry, I couldn't help but say sorry. I kept saying that because I felt bad for making her cry. I left and texted her a bunch of times saying that I feel bad for making you cry.

    Honestly, I bought up every argument that I can and she wouldn't have the answers. She would be like I got too friendly with you, blah blah blah. I seriously do think that she was unaware of it. She said that every guy does this to her and it didn't seem out of the ordinary. I honestly think that she did not have malice but she is obviously crazy and has princess syndrome. Actually, the first day that I met her, I thought that she was crazy. She believes in ALL the conspiracy theories that I know; from fake moon landing to 911 truthers to freemasons to Queen Elizabeth being a half-reptilian.

    I also told her I felt used when I helped you get a job and when you didn't need me, you ran off to another guy. She's like I didn't want a relationship, but it unexpectedly happened.


    Reading other people's comment, I have to say that wasn't nice in order to be her gf. I never intended to have feelings for her. Within the first day, she told that she was moving to another country in one month so I had no plans of making her my gf. I also did all that stuff for her because seeing her happy made me happy. Even after that I found that she wasn't moving out, I still didn't want her; She left Islam to believe her conspiracy theories (I am Muslim) , she hates kids (I love kids), hates cooking (I want my girl to cook), no ambition in life, no goal, no career, doesn't see the need to improve herself BUT she was extremely fun and very pretty. And the two last latter things just grew into me later on.

    Oh, she's good lol You're a kind soul, leave her be. She's really not worth it.
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    Okay, I went to talk to this girl yesterday. I told her that everyone is telling me to avoid talking to her and I feel that she is using me. I stated my arguments why I thought so. She started crying that I would accuse her of that and that I never cared for her, but she obviously knows that I do. Once I saw her cry, I couldn't help but say sorry. I kept saying that because I felt bad for making her cry. I left and texted her a bunch of times saying that I feel bad for making you cry.

    Honestly, I bought up every argument that I can and she wouldn't have the answers. She would be like I got too friendly with you, blah blah blah. I seriously do think that she was unaware of it. She said that every guy does this to her and it didn't seem out of the ordinary. I honestly think that she did not have malice but she is obviously crazy and has princess syndrome. Actually, the first day that I met her, I thought that she was crazy. She believes in ALL the conspiracy theories that I know; from fake moon landing to 911 truthers to freemasons to Queen Elizabeth being a half-reptilian.

    I also told her I felt used when I helped you get a job and when you didn't need me, you ran off to another guy. She's like I didn't want a relationship, but it unexpectedly happened.


    Reading other people's comment, I have to say that wasn't nice in order to be her gf. I never intended to have feelings for her. Within the first day, she told that she was moving to another country in one month so I had no plans of making her my gf. I also did all that stuff for her because seeing her happy made me happy. Even after that I found that she wasn't moving out, I still didn't want her; She left Islam to believe her conspiracy theories (I am Muslim) , she hates kids (I love kids), hates cooking (I want my girl to cook), no ambition in life, no goal, no career, doesn't see the need to improve herself BUT she was extremely fun and very pretty. And the two last latter things just grew into me later on.

  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    She's doing it because you let her. Get a backbone and stop letting her use you.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    six pages and not a single PITTB comment.

    wow- how very vastly different my forums are.
    You fell into the classic friend zone way of thinking. Women aren't vending machines you put niceness into until sex comes out. Plenty of women are well aware of this behavior and happy to capitalize on it. Some are also just as naive as you are and don't realize that your 'niceness' is your idea of courting.

    ignore her- make time for yourself- find pretty girls to hang out with- even if you are paying them to hang out with you. don't pick up when she calls.

    Girls aren't going to want someone they can just have. they want what they CAN"T have. Ignore her- move on- 10 bucks says in 3 weeks she'll come crawling back to you. In which case you have options
    > you can lord it over her and say em well maybe i'll take you back but only if you go on a date with me
    > go back to what you were before
    > continuing being awesome without her
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    You're being used by this girl. Break it off and find someone worth your time. The fact that she said she wasn't going to get into a relationship and then jumped into one the next week means she's a liar. I find these people to be terrible people, those whom I do not speak with.

    Again, break it off. Find someone else. You deserve to be happy. Let the tramp live without a car. She can walk to work! >;o grrr
    Yea, I actually confronted her about that. She just said that she didn't want it, but life gave it to her or some bs. I also asked her why did she say no to me. She basically that I had no attitude. Although she said that she has more fun time talking to me, and he's grumpy, that she would prefer him over me.

    I was just pissed off at women in general for screwing with us men with this garbage.

    As someone who fell hard for a mooch, trust me. GET OUT NOW! I caved in for years, regardless of how badly he treated me and looking bad, i can't believe I was so stupid. And I DID find someone who would/does anything for me in return.

    Drop her like a skirt.
  • Sovictorrious
    Sovictorrious Posts: 770 Member
    You were USED
  • CassandraBurgos83
    CassandraBurgos83 Posts: 544 Member
    Walk away..... no one deserves to be used. You're not a revolving door or a door mat.
  • SchroederNJ
    SchroederNJ Posts: 208 Member
    don't think you are going to get out of the friend zone
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    You know why she treats you that way? Because you're still around. It's not any big secret. She'd have a lot more respect for you, and you'd have a lot more respect for yourself, if you grew a pair and told her to pack her crap and get out.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Reading other people's comment, I have to say that wasn't nice in order to be her gf. I never intended to have feelings for her. Within the first day, she told that she was moving to another country in one month so I had no plans of making her my gf. I also did all that stuff for her because seeing her happy made me happy.Even after that I found that she wasn't moving out, I still didn't want her; She left Islam to believe her conspiracy theories (I am Muslim) , she hates kids (I love kids), hates cooking (I want my girl to cook), no ambition in life, no goal, no career, doesn't see the need to improve herself BUT she was extremely fun and very pretty. And the two last latter things just grew into me later on.

    She is fun and pretty, and that is the only thing you like about her? She clearly is not the right girl for you. If your religious beliefs are important to you, then you can't seriously think of a long term relationship with her, so you would just be wasting your time. Along with the other lifestyle conflicts you mention, which are also important issues to consider, kids, cooking, career, it is clear she is not right for you. She doesn't want you, and you do not really want her. This is just a passing crush. Get over it and move on.
    HEAVNSOUL Posts: 5 Member
    don't let that be an excuse to stick around and take this form of abuse. or be brainwashed that she used to know you in another life. if that was true.... why would she treat u this way? If the universe really brought you two together from another life... don't you think it would be different? This is a huge red flag. You more than likely deserve someone that's going to be give you the 1/2 of what you give. it cannot be a one way street. if you keep caving every time she cries for you or texts you... then you are being weak. at some point you will find strength. i recommend finding that strength quick. otherwise, she will end up making you hate her. and that's the worst strength to have.... angry strength.
    best of luck to you.
    Ps- everyone can tell you what to do and give you all the advice in the world. This really boils down to YOU and what you want to do and how you want to handle.
    all signs lead to the reality, but do what you feel is right for YOU. putting everything aside.

    Be strong..............
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    WEAK username to post content ratio
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Okay, I went to talk to this girl yesterday. I told her that everyone is telling me to avoid talking to her and I feel that she is using me. I stated my arguments why I thought so. lol, she said that I didn't use you, and there are many other people who are waiting for me to use, but I don't. She later on started crying saying how could I accuse her of that and that I never cared for her, but she obviously knows that I do. Once I saw her cry, I couldn't help but say sorry. I kept saying that because I felt bad for making her cry. I left and texted her a bunch of times saying that I feel bad for making you cry.

    Honestly, I bought up every argument that I can and she wouldn't have the answers. She would be like I got too friendly with you, blah blah blah. I seriously do think that she was unaware of it. She said that every guy does this to her and it didn't seem out of the ordinary. I honestly think that she did not have malice but she is obviously crazy and has princess syndrome. Actually, the first day that I met her, I thought that she was crazy. She believes in ALL the conspiracy theories that I know; from illuminati to fake moon landing to 911 truthers to freemasons to Queen Elizabeth being a half-reptilian.

    I also told her I felt used when I helped you get a job and when you didn't need me, you ran off to another guy. She's like I didn't want a relationship, but it unexpectedly happened.


    Reading other people's comment, I have to say that wasn't nice in order to be her gf. I never intended to have feelings for her. Within the first day, she told that she was moving to another country in one month so I had no plans of making her my gf. I also did all that stuff for her because seeing her happy made me happy. Even after that I found that she wasn't moving out, I still didn't want her; She left Islam to believe her conspiracy theories (I am Muslim) , she hates kids (I love kids), hates cooking (I want my girl to cook), no ambition in life, no goal, no career, doesn't see the need to improve herself BUT she was extremely fun and very pretty. And the two last latter things just grew into me later on.

    Stop being a victim. You are acting like a schmuck. You don't need to have long boring conversations about your feelings, you need to man the hell up and move on. Have some self-respect, man.

    If you want to still be friends, then fine, but do so on your terms. If you can't do that (and I suspect you can't), you need to remove this person from your life. There are 7 billion people on this planet, and not a single one is indispensable to your life.
  • krystinesjourney
    She is using you, that is not right.. I know a girl like her and she will squeeze every little thing out of you while you continue to hurt and fall for her even more.. I suggest you cut off all ties to her you obviously deserve better you seem like a pretty cool guy. Just get out move on she is only using you because your letting her..

    this reminds me of the bill withers song "use me"

    "Use Me"

    'My friends feel it's their appointed duty
    They keep trying to tell me
    All you want to do is use me
    But my answer, yeah to all that use me stuff
    I want to spread the news
    That if it feels this good getting used
    You just keep on using me
    Until you use me up
    Until you use me up

    My brother sit me right down and he talked to me
    He told me that I ought not to let you just walk on me
    And I'm sure he meant well
    Yeah, but when our talk was through
    I said, brother, if you only knew
    You'd wish that you were in my shoes
    You just keep on using me
    Until you use me up
    Until you use me up

    Sometimes, it's true
    You really do abuse me
    You get me in a crowd of high-class people
    And then you act real rude to me
    But, oh baby, baby, baby, baby,
    When you love me, I can't get enough
    I want to spread the news
    That if it feels this good getting used
    Girl, you just keep on using me
    Until you use me up
    Until you use me up
    Talkin' 'bout you usin' people
    It all depends on what you do
    It ain't too bad the way you're usin' me
    'Cause I sure am usin' you to do the things you do'
    to do the things you do
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Sack up, Cut your losses and Move on.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Okay, I went to talk to this girl yesterday. I told her that everyone is telling me to avoid talking to her and I feel that she is using me. I stated my arguments why I thought so. lol, she said that I didn't use you, and there are many other people who are waiting for me to use, but I don't. She later on started crying saying how could I accuse her of that and that I never cared for her, but she obviously knows that I do. Once I saw her cry, I couldn't help but say sorry. I kept saying that because I felt bad for making her cry. I left and texted her a bunch of times saying that I feel bad for making you cry.

    Honestly, I bought up every argument that I can and she wouldn't have the answers. She would be like I got too friendly with you, blah blah blah. I seriously do think that she was unaware of it. She said that every guy does this to her and it didn't seem out of the ordinary. I honestly think that she did not have malice but she is obviously crazy and has princess syndrome. Actually, the first day that I met her, I thought that she was crazy. She believes in ALL the conspiracy theories that I know; from illuminati to fake moon landing to 911 truthers to freemasons to Queen Elizabeth being a half-reptilian.

    I also told her I felt used when I helped you get a job and when you didn't need me, you ran off to another guy. She's like I didn't want a relationship, but it unexpectedly happened.


    Reading other people's comment, I have to say that wasn't nice in order to be her gf. I never intended to have feelings for her. Within the first day, she told that she was moving to another country in one month so I had no plans of making her my gf. I also did all that stuff for her because seeing her happy made me happy. Even after that I found that she wasn't moving out, I still didn't want her; She left Islam to believe her conspiracy theories (I am Muslim) , she hates kids (I love kids), hates cooking (I want my girl to cook), no ambition in life, no goal, no career, doesn't see the need to improve herself BUT she was extremely fun and very pretty. And the two last latter things just grew into me later on.

    Stop being a victim. You are acting like a schmuck. You don't need to have long boring conversations about your feelings, you need to man the hell up and move on. Have some self-respect, man.

    If you want to still be friends, then fine, but do so on your terms. If you can't do that (and I suspect you can't), you need to remove this person from your life. There are 7 billion people on this planet, and not a single one is indispensable to your life.

    Oh, and if by some miracle you do manage to find your testicles and dump her, then for the love of everything Holy, don't sit down and try to explain why. That's just more victim talk. She'll cry, you'll cry, you'll apologize, she'll forgive you and walk away with your testicles in her purse again.

    End the cycle.
  • Derf_Smeggle
    Derf_Smeggle Posts: 610 Member

    Dude, everyone does this at some point in their lives. We all get a little silly over someone we like. We allow ourselves to be used, to be mistreated in minor ways. We lose perspective and it happens.

    Now maybe it was intentional on her part, and maybe it wasn't. Doesn't change the trend in outcomes in these situations. A) It isn't going to happen. Ever. B) If it had happened, it would have been a lopsided, miserable relationship.

    In one of your follow-up posts you noted that she is a princess. You also report she made some statement to the effect, "that this always happens with her and men". Martyr complex coupled with princess complex toward you is a sure fire recipe for bullsh*t. Bullsh*t treatment. Bullsh*t excuses (on both sides). Bullsh*t behavior (on both sides).

    Cut ties with this gangrenous, putrefying relationship. Just stop. It is like weight loss and fitness. Don't make excuses. Don't make it harder than it has to be. Just do it.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    At least she's pretty
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Okay, I went to talk to this girl yesterday. I told her that everyone is telling me to avoid talking to her and I feel that she is using me. I stated my arguments why I thought so.

    Did you think you were on an episode of "Judge Judy" or something? Stated your arguments? How did you expect the conversation to go, really?

    She's not coming across well but really you need to take a closer look at your role in this sunshine.