I feel sorry for the new year resolutioners..



  • TheSwollMinister
    TheSwollMinister Posts: 246 Member
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Hey look, I started in January 2013 too!

    Guess what, judgmental MFPers...most people who start diets fail, not only the ones who start on January 1. Be supportive or shut up. This place really is like middle school sometimes.

    then why even bother with threads in a public forum?

    I love how people come into threads expecting everybody to be accepting of what they think is acceptable...

    get over yourself and deal with it..
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Seriously? Are we at primary school?

    Think you need to go back!

    I'm out. Thanks to all those who proved me correct :')


    ummm, puppy chow???

    what is primary school?

    I think you mean ciao...which is Italian for hello or goodbye depending on the usage...

    epic fail on language attempt
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Seriously? Are we at primary school?

    Think you need to go back!

    I'm out. Thanks to all those who proved me correct :')


    And yet another rude, judgemental post from the OP...
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Seriously? Are we at primary school?

    Think you need to go back!

    I'm out. Thanks to all those who proved me correct :')

    By "chow" I'm guessing you probably mean, "ciao?"

    Or "eat".

    Which, from everything the OP posted, is probably the more likely scenario.
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Seriously? Are we at primary school?

    Think you need to go back!

    I'm out. Thanks to all those who proved me correct :')


    ummm, puppy chow???

    what is primary school?

    I think you mean ciao...which is Italian for hello or goodbye depending on the usage...

    epic fail on language attempt

    "A primary school (from French école primaire[1]) is an institution in which children receive the first stage of compulsory education known as primary or elementary education. It can be divided into public and private.

    Primary school is the preferred term in the United Kingdom and many Commonwealth Nations, and in most publications of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).[2] In some countries, and especially in North America, the term elementary school is preferred." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primary_school

    To the 30- and 40-something's getting off on picking on the OP, give the girl a break; she's 20 years old. Help her, instead of boosting your egos being snarky.
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    read the first few replies...left me thinking..poor you people having to rely on a gym...have you never heard of the "great out doors", <sigh>

    The great outdoors doesn't fit in with my strength goals.
    poor you
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    I have NEVER understood why people pick Monday or a date to start. my ex colleague used to say " Im so excited to start Jenny Craig on Monday! "

    Next week it would be " I'm so stoked about my protein shakes starting on Monday! "

    Yeah, they never worked.

    I was lying in bed one night. July 6th this year, and was so fed up of being overweight and trying and failing, that I cried myself to sleep. I woke up the next day and got started. 5 days later I reactivated MFP and have never looked back. Have just looked at the calendar and July 6th is a Saturday. Some people wouldn't dare start on a Saturday!!

    Im so friggin stoked that this new year I will finally be able to NOT worry that I haven't lost any weight this year! I'm at the lowest of my life. WOOOO!!!
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I have NEVER understood why people pick Monday or a date to start. my ex colleague used to say " Im so excited to start Jenny Craig on Monday! "

    Next week it would be " I'm so stoked about my protein shakes starting on Monday! "

    Yeah, they never worked.

    I was lying in bed one night. July 6th this year, and was so fed up of being overweight and trying and failing, that I cried myself to sleep. I woke up the next day and got started. 5 days later I reactivated MFP and have never looked back. Have just looked at the calendar and July 6th is a Saturday. Some people wouldn't dare start on a Saturday!!

    Im so friggin stoked that this new year I will finally be able to NOT worry that I haven't lost any weight this year! I'm at the lowest of my life. WOOOO!!!

    Because Monday sounds like an official beginning? Idk? I was a Monday starter. Then, I'd fail by Thursday, get down on myself, and wait for Monday again. This last time, when it actually clicked, I believe I started on a Tuesday or Wednesday. I haven't been perfect, but I've been good to restart my efforts at least by the next day, and sometimes, by the next meal. I think, for me, official start dates are a symptom of my perfectionism. Giving up when I can't be perfect is the outcome of that. So, I had to relax and try to learn from my mistakes, rather than waiting for the next "clean start." 35 +/- lbs. later, it appears to be helping. :-)
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I have NEVER understood why people pick Monday or a date to start. my ex colleague used to say " Im so excited to start Jenny Craig on Monday! "

    Next week it would be " I'm so stoked about my protein shakes starting on Monday! "

    Yeah, they never worked.

    I was lying in bed one night. July 6th this year, and was so fed up of being overweight and trying and failing, that I cried myself to sleep. I woke up the next day and got started. 5 days later I reactivated MFP and have never looked back. Have just looked at the calendar and July 6th is a Saturday. Some people wouldn't dare start on a Saturday!!

    Im so friggin stoked that this new year I will finally be able to NOT worry that I haven't lost any weight this year! I'm at the lowest of my life. WOOOO!!!

    Because Monday sounds like an official beginning? Idk? I was a Monday starter. Then, I'd fail by Thursday, get down on myself, and wait for Monday again. This last time, when it actually clicked, I believe I started on a Tuesday or Wednesday. I haven't been perfect, but I've been good to restart my efforts at least by the next day, and sometimes, by the next meal. I think, for me, official start dates are a symptom of my perfectionism. Giving up when I can't be perfect is the outcome of that. So, I had to relax and try to learn from my mistakes, rather than waiting for the next "clean start." 35 +/- lbs. later, it appears to be helping. :-)

    Oh, and congrats on your achiements!
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    you ever just see someone's profile picture and immediately not like them? I'm sure people do it to me all the time :laugh:
    You're just jealous because I'm so hot.
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    I agree with what others have said about having to set "start dates" already being the wrong attitude, but I think the biggest reason the resolutioners fail is because they try to change everything at once.


    Yup."I'm going to work out 6 days a week and drink x gallons of water and eat 65 celery sticks!" Then one week later, done. It has to be gradual steps and incorporation. Otherwise you go all out and burn out around January 15th.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    What's with all the Monday Start Hate?
    I am a Monday starter for any new change I plan in my life. And I do start on the planned Monday. It's not Monday Starters that annoy you, but the Monday Started Wanna-Be's.

    I personally think that "Lack of a workable Plan" is why so many fail. They get overly excited to just jump in. They have a goal...."get healthy"... Or "Lose Weight" but no real, incremental, sustainable plan. Just "go to the gym for a lot of hours" or "don't ever eat any sugar ever again"

    "Failing to plan is Planning to Fail."

    But, I guess some people actually do well with freestyle goal reaching. I don't know any of those people though; but I hear about them from time to time.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    I have ocd. I start things on Mondays, or, sometimes the 1st of the month.
  • shutyourpieholeandsquat
    lol I was a "mid-day" Sunday starter. I had already had McDonalds for breakfast and something else highly caloric when I decided and started with a healthy afternoon snack.
  • muziclver
    muziclver Posts: 145 Member
    I find planning is best. I never start anything unless it's a Monday or the first of the month. I will be restarting with a new account in the new year. I'm still going now. Still dieting, still losing, but definitely start fresh at new year. If they try and failed, at least they tried.

    Why with a new account? Is that necessary?

    I just don't believe in the New Year's resolutions or giving up stuff for Lent. I have the same goals every day, every year for the rest of my life when it comes to health and fitness.

    Well giving up stuff for Lent is actually a religious thing..
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    who says that you can't just pick a day to start, start then and have it succeed?

    I woke up one day (happened to be boxing day) and that was it. 342 days later and i'm down 29kg, chasing the 30th.

    The only person who can decide if something will work if the one who needs to do it.

    agree with this.

    i waited on my friend so we could start either weight watchers or slimming world together. I thought after xmas time they would have special deals so would wait to then. I realised then i was on my own and then chickened out of joining either and luckily found this site. so yes i did alot of procastinating and almost a year later i am still here. so i dont disagree with new year plans at all.
  • moya_rargh
    moya_rargh Posts: 1,473 Member
    I think someone waiting for a start date to change their life already has the wrong attitude going in.

    Pretty much this. Why put it off? Tomorrow never comes and all that. I'm looking forward to getting my training in over Christmas to up the metabolism between helpings of mince pies, Quality Street and leftover turkey. But....if people want to join a gym in January, more power to them.

    I too start my weeks on a Monday. I like my job/training routine to be in sync with each other. OCD saddo over here!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I am a resolutioner from last year and I am still here. Win for me!

    And as for the setting the date things, it is all about setting goals. Your goals can include a time or date if you want it to. I set the date for when I quit smoking, I set the date for when I got serious about my diet and exercise, I set a date for my first 5K, I set a date for my first HM...and I have succeed in all of those. They actually teach you to set dates when learning about goal setting in the military, because when you set the date the game changes. You are no longer waiting till next week or next month, you are starting on that date. You know the date, you prepare for the date. You do everything you can to help achieve success when that date comes.

    This biggest reason why the "New Year's Resolutioners" fail is because they go into the weight loss or the healthy lifestyle changes with no support system, no idea what to do, no idea where to start, and many come in having never eaten healthy or exercised before. Then they come here, go through the 1200 calorie a day eating idea (because that is the impression you get when you first join, it happened to me). And because of the multiple personalities on here, some take the advice to eat more as a twig slashing and run away scared and screaming, thus failing.

    Note: If you eat 1200 calories a day and are okay with it, good for you, doesn't mean I have to support it. (Just incase I start a 1200 calorie war on this thread lol)
  • lngrunert
    lngrunert Posts: 204 Member
    I was one of those resolutioners for the last two or three years. I would always find reasons not to go to the gym starting in February, usually. This time around, I started on a random Thursday in August, and I've hit the gym three days a week religiously this time, and have logged my food every single day.

    Everyone has to do what works for them, but this time around, what stuck was just deciding almost on the spur of the moment to just start.