I feel sorry for the new year resolutioners..



  • bobkat80
    bobkat80 Posts: 347 Member
    I actually started on a Monday because my work week is generally Friday-Sunday. It was my first day off. This Monday 12/9 is eight weeks in and still going strong because I enjoy tracking what I eat. The first time I signed up for MFP I never even got started with it...hmmm, I wonder what day that was?!!
  • oremus1
    oremus1 Posts: 100 Member
    The majority of them will fail. That's just a reality. Does that mean they get less support from me? No, but I think someone waiting for a start date to change their life already has the wrong attitude going in.
    Can't agree more... I also resent the fact that my gym will be a zoo until like January 15th.

    haha so true! then by second week of feb is back to normal again!
  • Niccidawn092
    Niccidawn092 Posts: 64 Member
    How about choosing to eat differently (healthily).... wait for it..... for forever?

    That *is* dieting.

    No, I am not "dieting" but I have changed my "diet". Permanently. The word relies on context as you well know.

    Yes, you are dieting, as are most of the rest of us here.

    The fact it's a long-term diet doesn't change what it is - a diet.

    It baffles me why so many people are terrified of this word...

    probably because of all the fad diets out there...and most people that "diet" tend to do it for six months and then stop ...

    Some people associate "diet" with short term, as opposed to long term ...it is more of a word association thing.

    well, for the year that I was actively losing, I WAS ON A DIET! and I don't care to play word games and have others tell me what it is and what it isn't, FOR ME... for me, IT WAS A DIET, because I knew that I would not be eating at a deficit FOR LIFE... so, call it what you will, but I call it a DIET!

    Okay, for me this is a prime example of the silly, annoying stuff that bugs me about the site and probably is what the OP was referring to. How in the world is this beneficial to ANYONE except upsetting the poster? I guess some people find it funny, but I don't. I see someone that has too much time on their hands, and a bunch of followers that think it is so cool. I hate trying to read a thread with this kind of garbage in it.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I am a resolutioner from last year and I am still here. Win for me!

    And as for the setting the date things, it is all about setting goals. Your goals can include a time or date if you want it to. I set the date for when I quit smoking, I set the date for when I got serious about my diet and exercise, I set a date for my first 5K, I set a date for my first HM...and I have succeed in all of those. They actually teach you to set dates when learning about goal setting in the military, because when you set the date the game changes. You are no longer waiting till next week or next month, you are starting on that date. You know the date, you prepare for the date. You do everything you can to help achieve success when that date comes.

    This biggest reason why the "New Year's Resolutioners" fail is because they go into the weight loss or the healthy lifestyle changes with no support system, no idea what to do, no idea where to start, and many come in having never eaten healthy or exercised before. Then they come here, go through the 1200 calorie a day eating idea (because that is the impression you get when you first join, it happened to me). And because of the multiple personalities on here, some take the advice to eat more as a twig slashing and run away scared and screaming, thus failing.

    Note: If you eat 1200 calories a day and are okay with it, good for you, doesn't mean I have to support it. (Just incase I start a 1200 calorie war on this thread lol)

    ^^^This person made me change my mind about resolutioners. However, I started C25k on a random Tuesday in December. My goal was to be able to at least walk the local Turkey Trot the next year. Of course I found a race to celebrate the C25k graduation (once I realized that was actually going to happen)

    And the 2-3 weeks of crowded gyms is an inconvenience (which is why I had my initial reaction) but, really, in the long-term scheme of things, it's not that big a deal.

  • Kara52217
    Kara52217 Posts: 353 Member
    The majority of them will fail. That's just a reality. Does that mean they get less support from me? No, but I think someone waiting for a start date to change their life already has the wrong attitude going in.

    well stated!
    Even when I did Weight Watchers I avoided Jan and the First week or two of Feb because you have all these people who show up and then after 6 weeks or so they just dissapear.

    They all start with great intentions but most think they can lose weight and then go back to eating like they were when they were fat and get discouraged and give up.

    I will support anyone who posts and wants encouragement but as stated above.. most will flicker out in the first 6-8 weeks.
  • amyfullbrook
    amyfullbrook Posts: 97 Member
    I agree with not waiting until January 1st. I started my journey in July in the middle of the week, I woke up and said to my boyfriend I am tired of feeling like this...having to go into work and watch these slim, beautiful girls strut around and feel terrible about myself! So on a Wednesday mid-July I started using MFP again and so far I haven't looked back. I've slipped a bit due to some stresses in my life lately, but I would never say 'I'll wait until Monday to start again' What's the point? In the days between you'll convince yourself not to do it again! Just do it...NOW!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I have NEVER understood why people pick Monday or a date to start. my ex colleague used to say " Im so excited to start Jenny Craig on Monday! "

    Next week it would be " I'm so stoked about my protein shakes starting on Monday! "

    Yeah, they never worked.

    I was lying in bed one night. July 6th this year, and was so fed up of being overweight and trying and failing, that I cried myself to sleep. I woke up the next day and got started. 5 days later I reactivated MFP and have never looked back. Have just looked at the calendar and July 6th is a Saturday. Some people wouldn't dare start on a Saturday!!

    Im so friggin stoked that this new year I will finally be able to NOT worry that I haven't lost any weight this year! I'm at the lowest of my life. WOOOO!!!

    Because Monday sounds like an official beginning? Idk? I was a Monday starter. Then, I'd fail by Thursday, get down on myself, and wait for Monday again. This last time, when it actually clicked, I believe I started on a Tuesday or Wednesday. I haven't been perfect, but I've been good to restart my efforts at least by the next day, and sometimes, by the next meal. I think, for me, official start dates are a symptom of my perfectionism. Giving up when I can't be perfect is the outcome of that. So, I had to relax and try to learn from my mistakes, rather than waiting for the next "clean start." 35 +/- lbs. later, it appears to be helping. :-)

    Oh, and congrats on your achiements!

    I started MFP on a Thursday.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    I wish all the resolutioners the best of luck. I know that I personally joined MFP prior to Jan 1 in order to avoid the label "resolutioner," because I would have found the label a handy, ready-made excuse for failure, and I was not willing to accept that excuse.

    Many folks who start a weight-loss or fitness program these days do so filled with a quick-fix mindset fueled by the instant gratification mindset encouraged by most of society and things like "The Biggest Loser." As such, they get frustrated when they don't lose 20# or become ridiculously ripped in the first month, figure that they're failing somehow, and stop trying. This happens year-round, but the New Year's Resolution phenomenon amplifies the issue.
  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    Most New Years resolutions fail, whether they are weight loss related or something else entirely, does that mean resolving to change things in the coming year is a bad thing? No. Does that mean that people shouldn't try to make 2014 better than 2013? No. I think we should always strive to do better tomorrow than we did today, even if today was awesome!

    Yes, strive to do better TOMORROW, not three weeks from now. Putting it off for whatever reason means you're not mentally ready. Temptation is always everywhere. My co-workers to this day continue to put slices of cake on my desk and try to get me to quit my diet and even go so far as to tell me that I can just throw it up afterwards. Should I stop dieting until I get a new job? No, I just tell them no thank you and go back to work. At the end of the day, you are the reason you fail or suceed, no one else.

    Of course I was using the word "tomorrow" figuratively as in "the future". However, I do agree people don't NEED to wait, but once December 31st rolls around there will be a lot of people, who were already overweight at the start of the season, who will look at the 25 additional pounds they put on... and decide that day to make a change the next day... for the New Year. That was my point. All of those folks getting on here on Jan 1st... at that time it will be "NOW" for them, and I plan to do whatever encouraging I can do at the time, even if I know they would have been better off to start trying three months earlier.
  • ruwise
    ruwise Posts: 265 Member
    I was a New Year resolutioner who put it off until after my holiday so I actually started on January 15th. I'm still here and still losing. The reality is at any time most people who try to make a big change will fail but some will succeed. I think you should always be supportive of anybody who is trying to change. Sometimes it might take 30 attempts before you succeed but each failed attempt is part of the overall success story.
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I have NEVER understood why people pick Monday or a date to start. my ex colleague used to say " Im so excited to start Jenny Craig on Monday! "

    Next week it would be " I'm so stoked about my protein shakes starting on Monday! "

    Yeah, they never worked.

    I was lying in bed one night. July 6th this year, and was so fed up of being overweight and trying and failing, that I cried myself to sleep. I woke up the next day and got started. 5 days later I reactivated MFP and have never looked back. Have just looked at the calendar and July 6th is a Saturday. Some people wouldn't dare start on a Saturday!!

    Im so friggin stoked that this new year I will finally be able to NOT worry that I haven't lost any weight this year! I'm at the lowest of my life. WOOOO!!!

    Because Monday sounds like an official beginning? Idk? I was a Monday starter. Then, I'd fail by Thursday, get down on myself, and wait for Monday again. This last time, when it actually clicked, I believe I started on a Tuesday or Wednesday. I haven't been perfect, but I've been good to restart my efforts at least by the next day, and sometimes, by the next meal. I think, for me, official start dates are a symptom of my perfectionism. Giving up when I can't be perfect is the outcome of that. So, I had to relax and try to learn from my mistakes, rather than waiting for the next "clean start." 35 +/- lbs. later, it appears to be helping. :-)

    Oh, and congrats on your achiements!

    I started MFP on a Thursday.

    Sorry, typing on my phone before: *achievements,* not achiements.

    I started my "weight loss journey" (I know. A loathsome term, for another topic, but it fits my situation) on a Tuesday or Wednesday in April a couple of years ago. I lost 25 lbs. then stalled for months and turned to MFP for direction, so when I started MFP isn't significant to me...neither is when I started at all. I'm just glad I finally started! haha! :happy:
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I was a New Year resolutioner who put it off until after my holiday so I actually started on January 15th. I'm still here and still losing. The reality is at any time most people who try to make a big change will fail but some will succeed. I think you should always be supportive of anybody who is trying to change. Sometimes it might take 30 attempts before you succeed but each failed attempt is part of the overall success story.


    If 8% of people who make a resolution actually achieve it, is that any worse than the resolutions made on any other day?
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I wish all the resolutioners the best of luck. I know that I personally joined MFP prior to Jan 1 in order to avoid the label "resolutioner," because I would have found the label a handy, ready-made excuse for failure, and I was not willing to accept that excuse.

    Many folks who start a weight-loss or fitness program these days do so filled with a quick-fix mindset fueled by the instant gratification mindset encouraged by most of society and things like "The Biggest Loser." As such, they get frustrated when they don't lose 20# or become ridiculously ripped in the first month, figure that they're failing somehow, and stop trying. This happens year-round, but the New Year's Resolution phenomenon amplifies the issue.

    Oddly, it was Biggest Loser that inspired me to finally DO SOMETHING! I recognized that I wouldn't get the same types of results, because I didn't have as much weight to lose and because I was going to attempt it with diet alone. I agree, though, that many people probably do have unrealistic expectations to start based on shows like BL. Totally valid point.

    But, I think we all had the instant gratification mindset that we have all learned to minimize in order to be successful.

    Prior to this whole patience concept clicked with me (when I actually followed through to see results), this was me:

  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Next year starts on a Wednesday. How is that going to work?
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Sometimes it might take 30 attempts before you succeed but each failed attempt is part of the overall success story.

    ^^Agreed. I'm stubborn. I always tell people that, "It ONLY took me 5 times to quit smoking." :tongue: So, for me, every attempt to "diet" was an exercise in what didn't work, which led to what DID work for me.

    "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." - Thomas Edison (Unfortunately, in the case of dieting, there was no reason for me to "re-invent the wheel," as there was plenty of information out there on it...and plenty of MISINFORMATION on the topic, as well. I had to wade through the misinformation (still am) to get "here.")

    "I never did anything worth doing entirely by accident.... Almost none of my inventions were derived in that manner. They were achieved by having trained myself to be analytical and to endure and tolerate hard work." - Thomas Edison
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Next year starts on a Wednesday. How is that going to work?

    Decide whether a "Monday start date" or a "January 1st start date" is more important to you? ha!
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    The reality is at any time most people who try to make a big change will fail but some will succeed. I think you should always be supportive of anybody who is trying to change. Sometimes it might take 30 attempts before you succeed but each failed attempt is part of the overall success story.
    Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. - Samuel Beckett
  • Shannonthompson73
    Shannonthompson73 Posts: 105 Member
    Okay, for me this is a prime example of the silly, annoying stuff that bugs me about the site and probably is what the OP was referring to. How in the world is this beneficial to ANYONE except upsetting the poster? I guess some people find it funny, but I don't. I see someone that has too much time on their hands, and a bunch of followers that think it is so cool. I hate trying to read a thread with this kind of garbage in it.

  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    Okay, for me this is a prime example of the silly, annoying stuff that bugs me about the site and probably is what the OP was referring to. How in the world is this beneficial to ANYONE except upsetting the poster? I guess some people find it funny, but I don't. I see someone that has too much time on their hands, and a bunch of followers that think it is so cool. I hate trying to read a thread with this kind of garbage in it.

    12 pages long, plenty of reading for someone who hates reading threads with this much garbage. If you hate doing it, then ... um, don't? If you click on a thread and realize at page 1 that you're getting irritated or upset, there's always a back button.
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    Next year starts on a Wednesday. How is that going to work?

    Why, simple. Wait until 2018, when the new year starts on a Monday.