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She's fine, but seriously what do you think scale says?



  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Yeah I just edited the post. I meant it's nothing like boobs or butt or anything else really. **** I learned all about this from women.
    Ha ha.

    I agree to a point. But I've known enough guys who do have a preferance when it comes to some specific body parts, yet are still attracted to women who don't fit that preference because of the whole package.

    But you're right that thigh gap/no thigh gap is not on a lot of men's lists. Heck, I didn't even know it was on any women's list until I started being more active on this site. I don't care whether I end up with one. If I do, great! If I don't, great! I just want them to not rub together in the summer when it's humid and I'm in a dress. :-) Comfort and functionality, not vanity in that case.

    lol that's not fun in the summer time. esp in an Oklahoma summer. UGH!!

    I think I started getting irritated with the thigh gap thing when I seen girls with eating disorders striving to get them. UGH!
    Yes, that is awful. And if you have to be a skeleton to get it, it doesn't look good at all. It only looks good on women who have it naturally.

    When I first started hearing about it, I thought it was incredibly silly and I still do.

    But Florida summers make it a somewhat desirable thing. :-) I don't need a full gap, though. When I get down to about 140-145 pounds, they don't rub anymore.

    I'm 133 and mine still rub lol. I'll just stick one of those dryer sheet things in between them and call it a day LMFAO
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,370 Member
    I have heard men talk about boobs and butts aplenty. I have never heard a man comment one way or the other about a thigh gap.

    I've heard one: my SO. He claims to think mine is super sexy. Of course, he doesn't call it a "thigh gap", he calls it "that space between your legs".

    Good thing for me he's into thigh gaps and not boobs, as I don't have much to offer in that dept. Lol.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm 133 and mine still rub lol. I'll just stick one of those dryer sheet things in between them and call it a day LMFAO

    I may have to try that when it warms up again if I'm still struggling weight-wise. Hopefully, my hormones or whatever will have settled down by then!

    I'm lucky that I gain and lose pretty evenly, though. That helps a lot with the thigh rub.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    We lift, so you can eat :wink:

    Well hello there... :love: :wink: :flowerforyou: :heart: :blushing:
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Yeah I just edited the post. I meant it's nothing like boobs or butt or anything else really. **** I learned all about this from women.

    In 30+ years of team sports, thousands of guys talking about women, I've never heard a guy mention thigh gap. Not a positive, not a negative. Does not register as a differentiating or notable feature.

    But, given its heavy internet focus, it probably will or already has made its way into common use for young men.
  • I'm 133 and mine still rub lol. I'll just stick one of those dryer sheet things in between them and call it a day LMFAO

    I may have to try that when it warms up again if I'm still struggling weight-wise. Hopefully, my hormones or whatever will have settled down by then!

    I'm lucky that I gain and lose pretty evenly, though. That helps a lot with the thigh rub.


    Body Glide!!!!

    You can buy it on Amazon or find it in a lot of fitness stores. Runners use it so their legs (or nipples or wherever) don't chafe. I use it on a regular basis in the North Carolina summers because otherwise I get really painful heat rash from chub-rub. It holds up pretty well to sweat, goes on like deodorant, has zero smell, and works wonders. I've had a stick for about two years with lots left and I think it was $6.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    What I was trying to say is that I honestly don't think that's a term that men came up with. If a man prefers a skinny woman, that's fine! But I don't think most men concerns themselves with saying "WHERE IS HER THIGH GAP". lol.

    I didn't even know that was a thing until I think either bodyrock posted it on their blog or I saw it here.

    Regardless I would have never known about it if had not been on fitness oriented sites that are mentioning it- not sure why we are giving it the time of day.
  • Yeah I just edited the post. I meant it's nothing like boobs or butt or anything else really. **** I learned all about this from women.
    Ha ha.

    I agree to a point. But I've known enough guys who do have a preferance when it comes to some specific body parts, yet are still attracted to women who don't fit that preference because of the whole package.

    But you're right that thigh gap/no thigh gap is not on a lot of men's lists. Heck, I didn't even know it was on any women's list until I started being more active on this site. I don't care whether I end up with one. If I do, great! If I don't, great! I just want them to not rub together in the summer when it's humid and I'm in a dress. :-) Comfort and functionality, not vanity in that case.

    lol that's not fun in the summer time. esp in an Oklahoma summer. UGH!!

    I think I started getting irritated with the thigh gap thing when I seen girls with eating disorders striving to get them. UGH!
    Yes, that is awful. And if you have to be a skeleton to get it, it doesn't look good at all. It only looks good on women who have it naturally.

    When I first started hearing about it, I thought it was incredibly silly and I still do.

    But Florida summers make it a somewhat desirable thing. :-) I don't need a full gap, though. When I get down to about 140-145 pounds, they don't rub anymore.

    I'm 133 and mine still rub lol. I'll just stick one of those dryer sheet things in between them and call it a day LMFAO

    ^^^^YES. LOL.
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    It means absolutely nothing since the same size can range up to 3" depending on the brand and cut of the clothing.

    Ha! More than that! At my heaviest, I wore a size 22 or 24 jeans in most brands. But in the Lane Bryant brand I wore a size 4. A size 4! Seriously, I liked shopping there because the clothes actually fit and were cute, but who did they think they were fooling? I knew, for a fact, that I was no size 4.
  • breezyleaf
    breezyleaf Posts: 34 Member
    HAHAHA!! Funniest post E-V-E-R!!! Good to know, thanks :D
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    "Hey baby, how about you and I go back to my place and get your TDEE to a level it's never been before. :love: "

  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    What I was trying to say is that I honestly don't think that's a term that men came up with. If a man prefers a skinny woman, that's fine! But I don't think most men concerns themselves with saying "WHERE IS HER THIGH GAP". lol.

    I didn't even know that was a thing until I think either bodyrock posted it on their blog or I saw it here.

    Regardless I would have never known about it if had not been on fitness oriented sites that are mentioning it- not sure why we are giving it the time of day.


    Plus I have one now.. and it's super annoying.. because everything I put on my lap falls through it. lol
  • When I stumbled onto this thread, there was perhaps nothing I needed to hear more. Your funnies made my day :) Maybe lots guys do want a rail thin gal or maybe a ton of guys are only into thigh gaps but just to hear a few who say that its bull is awesome. I've been busting my *kitten* to get weight off and I'm feeling good and athletic, but being a part of theChive era (no offense intended, I'm a proud chivette myself) but being bombarded daily with girls as thin as tooth picks whose thighs don't even touch a little bit can really bum me out. Thanks for the encouraging words guys. You guys are a riot :)
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    i like thigh gaps.

    not exclusively, but I do kinda want to sneak in there sometimes

    The kind guys usually think of, as I hear it, is the triangle below the crotch. Women mean a bow between the legs near the knee.
  • jennpaulson
    jennpaulson Posts: 850 Member
    Yes, you're probably right. I think you might get more accepting of your body and your weight the older you get, but who knows, maybe not. It's all a matter of values and priorities.

    God, I hope not. The older I get, the more important it should be. My body (not just in terms of appearance but also physical ability) has a lot to do with my quality of life. If I want to maintain said quality of life for as long as possible, then it's going to require even more diligence as I get older.
    I meant it more as 'we all deserve to be loved for who we are period', not 'who we are despite our flaws in appearance'.

    I completely agree that we deserve to be loved for who are, but your appearance absolutely speaks to who you are. I'm not talking about things you have no control over, like going bald or being short or getting stretch marks from pregnancy. I'm talking about things you can control, like your weight, the way you dress, how you groom yourself, etc.
    I find it a little objectifying when women say they workout for their husband's pleasure

    I don't know if "pleasure" is the right word. That makes it sound like you must strive to look exactly like your husband's favorite porn star or something.

    But why shouldn't a wife strive to maintain whatever physical attraction her husband first felt towards her, and vice versa? I don't believe in taking it to a level where you are having plastic surgery to turn yourself into your husband's dream woman. And I think most men understand that when you grow a baby inside you, your body is likely to change in some irreparable ways.

    But what is so unreasonable about a woman expecting her husband to stay in shape or a man expecting the same of his wife? What often gets left out of these discussions is that when a woman lets herself go, it is not always the husband who loses interest in intimacy. It is often the wife being so disgusted by and ashamed of her own body that she doesn't even want to be naked in front of him, let alone have sex with him. And if he even hints that maybe working out and losing some weight would make her feel better, he gets called a pig and told that he doesn't really love her.

    ^^^Exactly this

    7 years ago when I got involved with the guy I've been involved with off and on since, I weighed about what I weigh now, but then gained about 40 or so lbs. He never said a word, and he never lost interest. Me on the other hand at points did not want to take my clothes off with him around (he's built, goes to the gym everyday). But him not losing interest gave me more confidence which made me feel better about myself and then want to actually look and feel better. Now even after losing 45lbs, he hasn't said a word. My weight really isn't a factor in how he sees me.
  • hotjodels
    hotjodels Posts: 118 Member
    I still have yet to figure out how girl clothing size works. A girl could be like "OMG IM A SIZE BLAH BLAH I NEED TO BE A SIZE BLAH" and I try to figure out what that even means as I look at her.

    don't worry -so are we.

    LOL SERIOUSLY! I just don't understand why we can't just get our jeans/pants/shorts/etc sized like the guys...I can NEVER find the right size of jeans!
