New Friends, Fools, delusionals or collectors need NOT apply



  • LVCeltGirl
    Sent a friend request. Not easily offended. Although, tequila, well it's not offensive but I prefer Vodka!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I find three of your four friend requirements offensive and divisive. Reported.

    If that offends you then you've got bigger problems than me! Get a life ! Perhaps you are one of these people with 3llbs to lose I've offended ! My bad!

    I was going back and forth on whether to friend you, but this reply let me know what a great sense of humor you have! FR sent!
  • BlueAngelChar
    BlueAngelChar Posts: 1,364 Member
    Darlin, I think you're violating your own rule #4...

    I'm not offended, lol I find it amusing that people get so twisted up by words on the internet. And chick if you were my friend I would have told you how amazing you look and well done on the loss but you choose to be offended by me. To me it's a fitness website and people like you who obviously work hard were exactly the kinda of friends I was after. But hey ho you win some lose some lol
  • Losing75byDecember
    Losing75byDecember Posts: 104 Member
    "Also I post pics of my progress regularly as I'm proud to show off what I've achieved, this doesn't make me an attention skank."

    Yeah, right, not much! You belong on the Chit-Chat board with all the other attention seekers. Lol! Definitely posting pics for comments and attention from the guys. What a laugh!!! Haha!
  • Losing75byDecember
    Losing75byDecember Posts: 104 Member
    in at the mention of "junk pics"

  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Darlin, I think you're violating your own rule #4...

    I'm not offended, lol I find it amusing that people get so twisted up by words on the internet. And chick if you were my friend I would have told you how amazing you look and well done on the loss but you choose to be offended by me. To me it's a fitness website and people like you who obviously work hard were exactly the kinda of friends I was after. But hey ho you win some lose some lol

    Actually.. I am not offended by you in the least... and if you were one of my friends, you'd know that a) I have a lot of fun b) I put up with a lot of grief and do not take offense at it c) I love joking.

    I do recognize the power of words, and intonation, and used my response to point out, in humor, what your rule #2 actually said... and that is that you have no use for people like me. Your rules, in humor, painted you as being someone willing to alienate a bunch of people.

    The harem bit - I get that - I don't want body collectors (hehe) on my friends list, and don't typically accept men who show that they'd be looking for "ego" stroking. Or photo exchanges.

    The bluntness - again, I get that. I'm me. If you like me, great! if you don't, that's fine too - I won't cry if you feel you need to leave. (Though if I thought we were close, I might be sad and miss you). I respect that you want to be you, and you're giving people the freedom of taking it or losing it.

    But rule #2 - is a different beast in terms of what you are saying. Based on that rule, I'm not one of the ones you are after... I haven't lost much. I haven't got much to go. And if I struggle with feeling fat - well then I'm an attention seeker. What help could I possibly offer to anyone? (Rhetorical - I know I offer a lot of help and support).

    You are probably an awesome lady - as many of your current friends are attesting to. Your responses to any snark or joking that has come out, make you seem easily set off. I have a hunch you aren't like that.

    But if you use sarcasm laced wit in your OP, then expect sarcasm laced wit in reply... and laugh it off instead of replying with an f.u. attitude.

    my two cents...

    but then again, what do I have to offer :wink:
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Darlin, I think you're violating your own rule #4...

    I'm not offended, lol I find it amusing that people get so twisted up by words on the internet. And chick if you were my friend I would have told you how amazing you look and well done on the loss but you choose to be offended by me. To me it's a fitness website and people like you who obviously work hard were exactly the kinda of friends I was after. But hey ho you win some lose some lol

    Actually.. I am not offended by you in the least... and if you were one of my friends, you'd know that a) I have a lot of fun b) I put up with a lot of grief and do not take offense at it c) I love joking.

    I do recognize the power of words, and intonation, and used my response to point out, in humor, what your rule #2 actually said... and that is that you have no use for people like me. Your rules, in humor, painted you as being someone willing to alienate a bunch of people.

    The harem bit - I get that - I don't want body collectors (hehe) on my friends list, and don't typically accept men who show that they'd be looking for "ego" stroking. Or photo exchanges.

    The bluntness - again, I get that. I'm me. If you like me, great! if you don't, that's fine too - I won't cry if you feel you need to leave. (Though if I thought we were close, I might be sad and miss you). I respect that you want to be you, and you're giving people the freedom of taking it or losing it.

    But rule #2 - is a different beast in terms of what you are saying. Based on that rule, I'm not one of the ones you are after... I haven't lost much. I haven't got much to go. And if I struggle with feeling fat - well then I'm an attention seeker. What help could I possibly offer to anyone? (Rhetorical - I know I offer a lot of help and support).

    You are probably an awesome lady - as many of your current friends are attesting to. Your responses to any snark or joking that has come out, make you seem easily set off. I have a hunch you aren't like that.

    But if you use sarcasm laced wit in your OP, then expect sarcasm laced wit in reply... and laugh it off instead of replying with an f.u. attitude.

    my two cents...

    but then again, what do I have to offer :wink:

    Off topic, but you look awesome!! I want to be like you one day :flowerforyou:
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Too bad I live in a fantasy world while I work my foolish job and collect old video games =\
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 570 Member
    I'm offended by Big Macs because that extra piece of bread in the middle just gets soggy and is a waste of calories that would be better spent on chocolate.

    Does that disqualify me?

    I just ask them to omit that piece of bread. I love me some Big Macs!!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Darlin, I think you're violating your own rule #4...

    I'm not offended, lol I find it amusing that people get so twisted up by words on the internet. And chick if you were my friend I would have told you how amazing you look and well done on the loss but you choose to be offended by me. To me it's a fitness website and people like you who obviously work hard were exactly the kinda of friends I was after. But hey ho you win some lose some lol

    mirey doesn't even lift.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Darlin, I think you're violating your own rule #4...

    I'm not offended, lol I find it amusing that people get so twisted up by words on the internet. And chick if you were my friend I would have told you how amazing you look and well done on the loss but you choose to be offended by me. To me it's a fitness website and people like you who obviously work hard were exactly the kinda of friends I was after. But hey ho you win some lose some lol

    mirey doesn't even lift.

    wait... wut?

    but but but... I have 2lb purple dumbbells! THAT ISN'T HEAVY LIFTING???

    Guess I'll keep using them for my shadow boxing instead. :-P
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member

    But if you use sarcasm laced wit in your OP, then expect sarcasm laced wit in reply... and laugh it off instead of replying with an f.u. attitude.

    my two cents...

    but then again, what do I have to offer :wink:

    +1 on f.u. attitude. :noway: She wouldn't have any use for me either, because I don't have much to lose, yet struggle just as much as anyone else does to lose those last few (admittedly) vanity pounds. :sad:
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Darlin, I think you're violating your own rule #4...

    I'm not offended, lol I find it amusing that people get so twisted up by words on the internet. And chick if you were my friend I would have told you how amazing you look and well done on the loss but you choose to be offended by me. To me it's a fitness website and people like you who obviously work hard were exactly the kinda of friends I was after. But hey ho you win some lose some lol

    mirey doesn't even lift.

    wait... wut?

    but but but... I have 2lb purple dumbbells! THAT ISN'T HEAVY LIFTING???

    Guess I'll keep using them for my shadow boxing instead. :-P

    lol, you box a shadow?? you know it doesn't hit back, right?
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Darlin, I think you're violating your own rule #4...

    I'm not offended, lol I find it amusing that people get so twisted up by words on the internet. And chick if you were my friend I would have told you how amazing you look and well done on the loss but you choose to be offended by me. To me it's a fitness website and people like you who obviously work hard were exactly the kinda of friends I was after. But hey ho you win some lose some lol

    mirey doesn't even lift.

    wait... wut?

    but but but... I have 2lb purple dumbbells! THAT ISN'T HEAVY LIFTING???

    Guess I'll keep using them for my shadow boxing instead. :-P

    lol, you box a shadow?? you know it doesn't hit back, right?

    uh duh... why else would I box a shadow? :noway:
    get hit?
    That could hurt. ;)
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    in at the mention of "junk pics"


    yes indeedy!
  • golfmonk
    golfmonk Posts: 119 Member
    When I say friends let me define what I mean:

    1 - no collectors who keep harem's of women on their list - you'll be deleted within the week
    2 - no attention seekers who want to lose 3 llbs because they are and I quote "fat"
    3 - no creepy men or women who feel the need to send me "junk" pictures and I say women because yes ladies someone did send me a pic of their horrific looking " puss" - Keep it in your pants! :sad:
    4 - nobody who gets offended by Big Macs, or swearing or directness or Tequila

    Interesting list! Mine is:

    1 - Food diary must be open.

    2 - No consistent under-eating everyday without a reason (WLS is a valid reason for example). Eating under for a day or so because of illness or one is not hungry is fine. I do this on occasion too.

    3 - Consistent logging (meaning if you are missing many days or not logging everything because you don't like to see red numbers, then I will remove you from my friends list)

    4 - Must have an World Chess Federation (FIDE) member rating of 2400 or higher!

    OK, the fourth one is not a requirement. lol ;-) Other than that, I don't really care that much on what a person eats as long as they are getting their calories in (and this includes eating some exercise calories back if there is a insane amount of exercise done that day).
  • JuliexAnne
    I swear, I drink beer, and I love a double cheeseburger more than I should! I also curse when I see tickers with a 5 lbs weight loss goal. Shutup!
This discussion has been closed.