Who eats 1500cals a day



  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Where is wine on the evil food spectrum for you?
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Hi. I would like to get/see some examples of people eating 1500 calls a day. No fast food or chips or candy in the mix though. Thx.

    Im not even done reading past page 1 but I average between 1400-1500 a day and eating the healthy way as you asked if you want to look at mine go ahead..... So no snide remarks here

    I eat the healthy way too. I put food in my mouth and chew, then swallow. I've never felt better!

    But what about the candy and chips toxins???

    If you eat enough of them, you build up immunity.
  • brianages
    I eat betweeen 1500 and 1700 per day. This has been working great with a 4.5 mile walk 6 days per week. I start with Eggbeaters on a whole wheat muffin topped with sauteed onions and spinach. Lunch is a salad with 1TBS olive oil and 1TBS apple cider vinegar with Forrester farms lean natural chicken. Dinner is either chicken or fish with vegetables and snacks are a NAKED green machine smoothie.

    I have lost 54 lbs on this formula and I am within 20lbs of my goal(Hoooaaah).
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Empty diary.. wants friends to help her eat better and to a certain goal..

    start logging as you have no idea what you are eating now.

    Stellar advice no?

    I don't say no to beer... so i'm out too i assume..
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Hi. I would like to get/see some examples of people eating 1500 calls a day. No fast food or chips or candy in the mix though. Thx.

    Im not even done reading past page 1 but I average between 1400-1500 a day and eating the healthy way as you asked if you want to look at mine go ahead..... So no snide remarks here

    I eat the healthy way too. I put food in my mouth and chew, then swallow. I've never felt better!

    But what about the candy and chips toxins???

    If you eat enough of them, you build up immunity.

    I think you mean if you eat them often enough, you build up immunity.

    If you eat too many of them at one time, they'll kill you...obviously, because toxins.

    [insert some quote about medicine and dose here]
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    1600 here. You can remove the treats I have some days to get to your 1500 or close though... I haven't had candy and fast food for a while though!
  • VenharBaby
    Wait. OP you had Subway the day before.
    Bahaha! No I didn't. I just used that subway entry to log a slice of tomato I had on my wrap.
  • VenharBaby
    Anyone can put chips and candies in their diet but I don't want to. I am t1 diabetic. Yes I eat that stuff sometimes and just inject the extra insulin for it BUT while I'm losing, I'm gonna avoid that stuff cuz I really wanna lose this fat. I lift heavy too because I wanna maintain lbm while losing fat. So deficit plus heavy lifting = weight loss while maintaining most lbm. I am also gonna do some cardio so I can Mae sure I'm in a deficit due to the no logging thing.

    FYI, no that is not me in the profile pic. Lol. I wish...but seriously. I'm wanna become the better ME.

    So I was thinking my eyeball 1500-1600 cals a day will look like this for the most part:
    Greek yogurt and fruit
    Or pb toast and fruit

    5g carb yogurt
    Or fruit

    Sandwich with tuna or lunch meat and light mayo and slice of cheese
    Raw veggies
    Fruit or yogurt

    Almonds and fruit
    Yogurt and fruit

    Meat and veggies
    Or meat and veggies with whole grain bread, rice or potato

    Yogurt and berries
    Or dillpickles
    Or veggies n light ranch
    Or smart pop popcorn
    * bedtime snack will ONLY be some nights.
    *sometimes the odd am or pm snack will be skipped depending on blood sugars after a meal.
    *and when I breakdown to have fast food, I will but I will try my hardest not to give in everytime I feel lie some. I hate using like 3/4 of my cals up in one meal.

    Lift heavy 3 times a week and cardio 2-3 times. Different cardio stuff every week. Dancing, jogging, walking, tennis, eliptical, swimming, skating. Whatever.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Suprise Medical Condition no jutsu!
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    *looks at diary*

    1,500 calories.... check.

    Subway for lunch, McDonald's for dinner, chocolate bar and cookies as snacks.


    This just needed to be reposted. *drools* Love me some Hugh.

    I eat far too much to help you out and I eat ALL the food, ALL of it.
  • rileyhunter169
    I think my 86 year old grandma at 1500 a day; mostly "clean"; all she does is yard work, think she was or still is diabetic (type 2). Your abs look like they can cook bacon so you might need more than that to maintain performance. I'd start with over 9000 and work down as you stall; if you go low carb you won't have to inject as much; but it may come at a cost of lbm. On that note; get fat free plain greek yogurt and stick to things like berries for your fruit, cut the bread replace with waffles (jk... low carb tortillas by la tortilla factory), replace sandwich with wrap with aforementioned tortillas, for supper cut the crap and go for the cheese or eggs. Then also instead of having 6 kindergarten sized feedings; try intermittent fasting; you feel like your eating a lot more. Oh and replace lunch meat and tuna with real meat like chicken breast (cook it all on sunday), I don't like the idea of processed meat or tuna more than once or twice a week; preservatives for the former, mercury in the latter. Make sure to do 6 chinups or pullups before meal time and bed and while your sleeping.
  • Just_Scott
    Just_Scott Posts: 1,766 Member
    Oh sorry, hit 1500 after lunch today---> Wendy's cheeseburger, fries, and a coke...so I guess I this isn't a good example. Try again tomorrow when the points double! Tell me what I've won Johnny!
  • beckyboop712
    beckyboop712 Posts: 383 Member
    I eat 1700 a day...but I eat chips and candy, and drink soda, and eat entire jars of sliced pickles in one sitting.

    You and me could be best friends.....Mmmmmmmmm Pickles!!

    I consume between 1600-1800 per day but again I eat junk food because I can :-) I try not to most days, I drink a glass of milk in the morning, sometimes toast with peanut butter or banana bread with some butter, (maybe cereal), I try to keep soda to a minimum of 1 a day (can or bottle depends entirely on what's available to me and my caffeine needs) and I eat jimmy john's and subway subs when I forget to pack a lunch or there's nothing in my kitchen to make for lunch. I've been trying to eat more low sodium soup for lunch and dinner depends on what my boyfriend has planned for the night (is he home or not).
  • VenharBaby
    I think my 86 year old grandma at 1500 a day; mostly "clean"; all she does is yard work, think she was or still is diabetic (type 2). Your abs look like they can cook bacon so you might need more than that to maintain performance. I'd start with over 9000 and work down as you stall; if you go low carb you won't have to inject as much; but it may come at a cost of lbm. On that note; get fat free plain greek yogurt and stick to things like berries for your fruit, cut the bread replace with waffles (jk... low carb tortillas by la tortilla factory), replace sandwich with wrap with aforementioned tortillas, for supper cut the crap and go for the cheese or eggs. Then also instead of having 6 kindergarten sized feedings; try intermittent fasting; you feel like your eating a lot more. Oh and replace lunch meat and tuna with real meat like chicken breast (cook it all on sunday), I don't like the idea of processed meat or tuna more than once or twice a week; preservatives for the former, mercury in the latter. Make sure to do 6 chinups or pullups before meal time and bed and while your sleeping.
    Hi. Not me in profile pic! Lol. I'm about 24 percent body fat. What's intermittent fasting like?
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    I eat 1800/day but I cycle my calories, so a lot of my days are around 1500.
    macadamia nuts
    good fats such as avocado, coconut oil, olive oil

    So, basically, I mostly stick to REAL food (cottage excluded, but I LOVE it!!)

    I keep the treats for higher days (yeah cycling!)
  • VenharBaby
    I eat 1800/day but I cycle my calories, so a lot of my days are around 1500.
    macadamia nuts
    good fats such as avocado, coconut oil, olive oil

    So, basically, I mostly stick to REAL food (cottage excluded, but I LOVE it!!)

    I keep the treats for higher days (yeah cycling!)?
    Are u losing weight fast? Like healthy fast. Do u lift heavy? Are u losing lbm, fat, or bit of both?
  • VenharBaby
    I eat 1800/day but I cycle my calories, so a lot of my days are around 1500.
    macadamia nuts
    good fats such as avocado, coconut oil, olive oil

    So, basically, I mostly stick to REAL food (cottage excluded, but I LOVE it!!)

    I keep the treats for higher days (yeah cycling!)?
    Are u losing weight fast? Like healthy fast. Do u lift heavy? Are u losing lbm, fat, or bit of both?
    Oh and are u logging or just guesstimating?
  • mclovingirl86
    mclovingirl86 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi, what kind of exercise and goals are you wanting to get to? I eat 1800 cals but I do a lot of distance running. Before I was running, I was on a high protein and lower carb diet and found I got great results (that was about 1200-1300 cals depending on exercise (HIIT required more cals and basic yoga, pilates and core less). :) Hope that kind of makes sense :D
  • VenharBaby
    I eat 1800/day but I cycle my calories, so a lot of my days are around 1500.
    macadamia nuts
    good fats such as avocado, coconut oil, olive oil

    So, basically, I mostly stick to REAL food (cottage excluded, but I LOVE it!!)

    I keep the treats for higher days (yeah cycling!)
    Oh no bread or wraps?
  • VenharBaby
    Hi, what kind of exercise and goals are you wanting to get to? I eat 1800 cals but I do a lot of distance running. Before I was running, I was on a high protein and lower carb diet and found I got great results (that was about 1200-1300 cals depending on exercise (HIIT required more cals and basic yoga, pilates and core less). :) Hope that kind of makes sense :D
    Goal is lose body fat. I lift heavy 3 times a week and do some cardio for fun couple times a week.