Why do people care so much about height ?



  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Perhaps you are fixated on only the people who mention they are tall or the ones who are attracted to a certain height that is greater than yours. I don't know.

    I do feel its a little ridiculous to say being tall gives an edge in sports while the same can be said for being on the shorter end of the stick.

    Perhaps this is more of the grass is greener on the other side.

    The fact is most people don't truly understand what its like on the other side unless they lived it & understand the true pros and cons.

    I for one do get the "superman" remarks here on this site from time to time and many times more in real life. Although once somebody gets to know me, they understand I can do what I do because my how strong my will is, not necessarily because of how tall I am or how short I am.
  • FatHuMan1
    FatHuMan1 Posts: 1,028 Member
    While strolling through MFP forums i noticed people's monomania with height & their proclamation of how lucky they are to be tall and the numero uno thing they see in in prospective date/spouse is height.

    I don't understand this fixation over elevation as if being tall is like enthroned with superhuman abilities and being short is akin to being castigated to a life of mediocrity.

    Ofcourse height gives an edge in many arenas, especially sports, but one should not deduce that short people are subservient.

    Pillorying someone for being plump is intelligible but lambasting someone for being short is pure bigotry because unlike weight your height is not under your control as it has more to do with genetics.

    Not to mention Gandhi,Martin luther king,Tom Cruise,Woody Allen,Napoleon Bonaparte,Bono,Robert Downey Jr.,Anthony Hopkins,Dustin hoffman achieved eminence despite being diminutive.

    As for short people being physically inferior you should read about Gurkhas of British & Indian army and how these 5'0 lilliputians decimated monstrously tall Germans and Italians in WW2. On many occasion they single handedly turned the tide towards allied forces.So fearsome were they that it is said that axis soldiers wet their fronts and yellowed their backs on merely hearing the word "gurkha" .

    I have also read of people as short as 5'1-5'2 completing BUD/SEAL training with flying colors.

    So one should get off his condescending view of "tall =superior" .


    1) Physical attraction is not a choice, it just is.

    2) "Pillorying someone for being plump is understandable". Please, do go on. This should be good.

    3) Bringing Tom Cruise into your argument, any argument, does not strengthen it. Same to a lesser degree with Woody Allen. Why not mention Mel Gibson while your at it.

    4) Italians are a lot of things but monstrously tall is not one of them. Unless you hail from Liliput.

    5)Put the dictionary down, you're alienating most of your target audience.

    This is from a short Italian man btw.
  • _Calypso_
    _Calypso_ Posts: 1,074 Member

    I am 5'9". I have NEVER had a problem with my height or weight for that matter. I am thankful for being really, really, really, very good looking and relatively healthy!

  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    This is why some of the bouncers, bikers and "connected" guys I grew up around were always afraid of the short guys. Think Joe Pesci in Godfellas and Casino

    Some people just have a chip on their shoulder.
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    I'm 5'6" and I've dated dudes from 5'4" to 6'4"... meh... height doesn't even make the list of things I look for in a date or partner.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member

    Pillorying someone for being plump is intelligible but lambasting someone for being short is pure bigotry because unlike weight your height is not under your control as it has more to do with genetics.

    So one should get off his condescending view of "thin =superior" .

    to me you made your whole argument invalid by bringing in your own bias

    As a former obese person i must say that i deserved each an every insulting rants directed at me because i became fat because of my own deeds and bad choices.

    wait so, it's ok to insult someone for being fat? wow, you seem like a great guy. :noway:
  • Sabby888
    Sabby888 Posts: 30 Member
    I know this is off-topic

    But I wish I could write like you

  • DaWayne360
    DaWayne360 Posts: 261 Member
    Because being short is a pain in the *kitten* sometimes! Like having to ask your wife or kids to reach the stuff on the top shelf for you. Atleast I got my health tho, right? (and a hot tall wife :happy: ) I could be 6'2" and have a bad back.
  • abheshek
    abheshek Posts: 525 Member

    Pillorying someone for being plump is intelligible but lambasting someone for being short is pure bigotry because unlike weight your height is not under your control as it has more to do with genetics.

    So one should get off his condescending view of "thin =superior" .

    to me you made your whole argument invalid by bringing in your own bias

    As a former obese person i must say that i deserved each an every insulting rants directed at me because i became fat because of my own deeds and bad choices.

    wait so, it's ok to insult someone for being fat? wow, you seem like a great guy. :noway:

    I don't fathom why people take criticism( especially for things of your own doing )as an insult .Yes i became fat because of overeating and people have every right to criticize me for that.
  • KrazyDaizy
    KrazyDaizy Posts: 815 Member

    1) Physical attraction is not a choice, it just is.

    2) "Pillorying someone for being plump is understandable". Please, do go on. This should be good.

    3) Bringing Tom Cruise into your argument, any argument, does not strengthen it. Same to a lesser degree with Woody Allen. Why not mention Mel Gibson while your at it.

    4) Italians are a lot of things but monstrously tall is not one of them. Unless you hail from Liliput.

    5)Put the dictionary down, you're alienating most of your target audience.

    This is from a short Italian man btw.
    You had me at Italian man.

    I'm married to an Italian guy who is 6'2". While I do tend to go for the taller guys (I've dated guys who were 5'7" to guys who were 6'8") it is NOT a requirement. If any man is comfortable enough with me wearing my 6 inch heels which would make me 5'11" then I'm cool with it.
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member

    5)Put the dictionary down, you're alienating most of your target audience.

    This is from a short Italian man btw.

    OMG :heart: :laugh:

    (from short Italian woman)
  • kordell70
    kordell70 Posts: 49 Member
    While strolling through MFP forums i noticed people's monomania with height & their proclamation of how lucky they are to be tall and the numero uno thing they see in in prospective date/spouse is height.

    I don't understand this fixation over elevation as if being tall is like enthroned with superhuman abilities and being short is akin to being castigated to a life of mediocrity.

    Ofcourse height gives an edge in many arenas, especially sports, but one should not deduce that short people are subservient.

    Pillorying someone for being plump is intelligible but lambasting someone for being short is pure bigotry because unlike weight your height is not under your control as it has more to do with genetics.

    Not to mention Gandhi,Martin luther king,Tom Cruise,Woody Allen,Napoleon Bonaparte,Bono,Robert Downey Jr.,Anthony Hopkins,Dustin hoffman achieved eminence despite being diminutive.

    As for short people being physically inferior you should read about Gurkhas of British & Indian army and how these 5'0 lilliputians decimated monstrously tall Germans and Italians in WW2. On many occasion they single handedly turned the tide towards allied forces.So fearsome were they that it is said that axis soldiers wet their fronts and yellowed their backs on merely hearing the word "gurkha" .

    I have also read of people as short as 5'1-5'2 completing BUD/SEAL training with flying colors.

    So one should get off his condescending view of "tall =superior" .

    Your Quote: "Pillorying someone for being plump is intelligible but lambasting someone for being short is pure bigotry because unlike weight your height is not under your control as it has more to do with genetics."

    Pillorying definition: to expose to public derision, ridicule, or abuse

    Are you kidding. Exposing someone to ridicule because of their weight is stupid. Their life is theirs to live and so long as they don't bother you then exposing another to ridicule is just mean spirited and the sign of a true a hole. As for height, same thing goes. Whether you are very tall, average or short it is no one concern. People list height AND weight in their descriptions because when people want to hook up everyone has their preferences. There is nothing wrong with wanting a taller person or a thinner person, muscular person, fat person, etc as it is your preference who you wish to date, hook up with etc. But to ridicule someone as the definition of pillory suggests because of one's weight is just asinine.
  • abheshek
    abheshek Posts: 525 Member

    you probably didn't read what you posted......

    "In 2007, research by the University of Central Lancashire suggested that the Napoleon complex may be a myth. The study discovered that short men were less likely to lose their temper than men of average height. "

    You missed the point, it is a known issue that a lot of men deal with because they feel they need to meet some magical height to be accepted or appreciated. Same with penis sizes or boob sizes for women).

    Trust me the exact same way you are there are millions of people who wouldn't think much about any of those things unless you are way outside the bell curve.

    What I'm saying is, you are worried about people's dating preference that doesn't affect you. Some men don't like a woman with a booty, I say hooray for that cause it means more for the rest of us who do like it.

    regarding dating whats worrisome is the preference of height over much important attributes like character and intellectual ability.
  • Kany
    Kany Posts: 336

    I am 5'9". I have NEVER had a problem with my height or weight for that matter. I am thankful for being really, really, really, very good looking and relatively healthy!


    lol! Zoolander came to mind when I read the really, really, really, very good looking part.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Height is the primary physical characteristic for male differentiation. It's not some coincidence or conspiracy, it just is.

    Mentioning some incidences of short male success is pretty silly and irrelevant.
  • _Calypso_
    _Calypso_ Posts: 1,074 Member
    I don't think anyone claims that being tall = superiority! Being attracted to someone who is tall/short/thick/skinny/blue eyes/ brown hair/etc....Is all personal preferance. I can say that for *me*....I like guys to be taller. I am 5'9" and always was very self conscience about my height. My entire family was short (mom is 5'4", little sister isn't even 5'). So for me I like a guy to be taller and make me feel 'little'. So it has more to do with me and my feelings about me... than it does toward the guy. Additionally and oddly enough - I like to wear heels. So on any given day I am at least 6'. Thankfully my hubby is 6'1" so we match up perfectly.
  • determined_erin
    determined_erin Posts: 571 Member
    I'm 5'1" and hate being short! I think the worst part is just not being able to eat as much as a taller person! I feel jealous when people say they are skinny and healthy at 150+ lbs. lol
  • Lindaspencer
    Lindaspencer Posts: 226 Member
    Robert Downy Jr. is 5'9".



    I never tire of seeing this pic - lol :) mmmmm
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    In for big words!:love::flowerforyou:
  • cheekymcgee
    I don't care. When I take my 4.5" heels off most men will be taller than I stand at 5'3.