Why do people care so much about height ?



  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Just as a general response to many posts in here:

    Attraction is socially constructed, not natural.


    Oh man! Someone forgot to tell all Gay people, boy will their face be red when they find this information out!

    Interesting that you specifically pointed out gay people, i.e. "othering" them. I believe I was born with sexual fluidity and was socialized to be hetero. I think if you take a look at international work on culture and sexuality you will find sexuality cannot be separated from social context and that there is quite a variety of gender and sex constructs that are unlike our constructs in the West.

    Err. The point is there would not be "others" to "other" if the entirety of physical attraction were socially constructed. Can bend the edges quite a bit, but nature does have a strong say.
  • FatHuMan1
    FatHuMan1 Posts: 1,028 Member
    OP I would suggest you stop worrying about your physical height and try being less of a mental midget.
  • Reevsie123
    Reevsie123 Posts: 35 Member
    I am 5"8 my mate at work is 6"7 - we look a bit daft when standing next to each other and spend most of our time insulting each other.
    I always say look at dogs, big dogs die young little ones live longer - you don't see many 6 foot pensioners !
    I have no scientific proof it's just a good response to his insults. Both my sons are taller than me and I am taller than my dad. My height has never bothered me, I can get on all the rides at Disney, I have plenty of leg room on planes. I don't get the sport reference perhaps height is an advantage for basket ball but definitely not for dwarf throwing and limbo dancing.
    Lionel messi is short yet boy can he play football
    Anyway the boss Willie Wonka is coming.......must go !
  • sophisli
    sophisli Posts: 41 Member
    Tall is to women as supermodel is to men. Which of the two is the harder to overcome?

    Enough said.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    While strolling through MFP forums i noticed people's monomania with height & their proclamation of how lucky they are to be tall and the numero uno thing they see in in prospective date/spouse is height.

    I don't understand this fixation over elevation as if being tall is like enthroned with superhuman abilities and being short is akin to being castigated to a life of mediocrity.

    Ofcourse height gives an edge in many arenas, especially sports, but one should not deduce that short people are subservient.

    Pillorying someone for being plump is intelligible but lambasting someone for being short is pure bigotry because unlike weight your height is not under your control as it has more to do with genetics.

    Not to mention Gandhi,Martin luther king,Tom Cruise,Woody Allen,Napoleon Bonaparte,Bono,Robert Downey Jr.,Anthony Hopkins,Dustin hoffman achieved eminence despite being diminutive.

    As for short people being physically inferior you should read about Gurkhas of British & Indian army and how these 5'0 lilliputians decimated monstrously tall Germans and Italians in WW2. On many occasion they single handedly turned the tide towards allied forces.So fearsome were they that it is said that axis soldiers wet their fronts and yellowed their backs on merely hearing the word "gurkha" .

    I have also read of people as short as 5'1-5'2 completing BUD/SEAL training with flying colors.

    So one should get off his condescending view of "tall =superior" .

    sorry, i couldn't hear you from all the way up here.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Just as a general response to many posts in here:

    Attraction is socially constructed, not natural.


    Oh man! Someone forgot to tell all Gay people, boy will their face be red when they find this information out!

    Interesting that you specifically pointed out gay people, i.e. "othering" them. I believe I was born with sexual fluidity and was socialized to be hetero. I think if you take a look at international work on culture and sexuality you will find sexuality cannot be separated from social context and that there is quite a variety of gender and sex constructs that are unlike our constructs in the West.

    Err. The point is there would not be "others" to "other" if the entirety of physical attraction were socially constructed. Can bend the edges quite a bit, but nature does have a strong say.

    As a bisexual woman, I feel like I was basically born this way. However, even it was a choice on my part because of some societal reason I am not fully aware of, I don't see what that would matter. The only people worth ridiculing are those who are judgement DBs and proud of their, er, achievements.
  • breakhearts
    breakhearts Posts: 110 Member

    Pillorying someone for being plump is intelligible but lambasting someone for being short is pure bigotry because unlike weight your height is not under your control as it has more to do with genetics.

    Biased, much? "Oh, height is genetics, but weight isn't." Sorry to tell you this, but genetics plays a role in weight as well. Frankly, it sounds like this is your form of a denunciation. You're character assassinating people because they happen to be attracted to someone who is a little taller than average? It doesn't make sense.

    Furthermore, why would it be "intelligible," to vituperate someone for being overweight? It wouldn't.
  • emilyisbonkers
    emilyisbonkers Posts: 373 Member
    While strolling through MFP forums i noticed people's monomania with height & their proclamation of how lucky they are to be tall and the numero uno thing they see in in prospective date/spouse is height.

    I don't understand this fixation over elevation as if being tall is like enthroned with superhuman abilities and being short is akin to being castigated to a life of mediocrity.

    Ofcourse height gives an edge in many arenas, especially sports, but one should not deduce that short people are subservient.

    Pillorying someone for being plump is intelligible but lambasting someone for being short is pure bigotry because unlike weight your height is not under your control as it has more to do with genetics.

    Not to mention Gandhi,Martin luther king,Tom Cruise,Woody Allen,Napoleon Bonaparte,Bono,Robert Downey Jr.,Anthony Hopkins,Dustin hoffman achieved eminence despite being diminutive.

    As for short people being physically inferior you should read about Gurkhas of British & Indian army and how these 5'0 lilliputians decimated monstrously tall Germans and Italians in WW2. On many occasion they single handedly turned the tide towards allied forces.So fearsome were they that it is said that axis soldiers wet their fronts and yellowed their backs on merely hearing the word "gurkha" .

    I have also read of people as short as 5'1-5'2 completing BUD/SEAL training with flying colors.

    So one should get off his condescending view of "tall =superior" .



    is it okay to find people not attractive because they sound extremely self righteous?
  • mikeykhan2003
    As a former obese person i must say that i deserved each an every insulting rants directed at me because i became fat because of my own deeds and bad choices.

    No; this is ridiculous. Bad choices do not open the door for everyone in the universe to insult or rant at you.
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    Just as a general response to many posts in here:

    Attraction is socially constructed, not natural.


    Oh man! Someone forgot to tell all Gay people, boy will their face be red when they find this information out!

    Interesting that you specifically pointed out gay people, i.e. "othering" them. I believe I was born with sexual fluidity and was socialized to be hetero. I think if you take a look at international work on culture and sexuality you will find sexuality cannot be separated from social context and that there is quite a variety of gender and sex constructs that are unlike our constructs in the West.

    Err. The point is there would not be "others" to "other" if the entirety of physical attraction were socially constructed. Can bend the edges quite a bit, but nature does have a strong say.

    Well, we're all unique because we have completely unique experiences. Our psychological makeup is largely due to our personal development based on our experiences.
  • 33Freya
    33Freya Posts: 468 Member
    Three words: Little-Man-Ego!!:sad:
  • 33Freya
    33Freya Posts: 468 Member
    Otherwise as a tall girl, I have dated several short men, and they are the ones who have the problem with it... so now I refuse to date anyone who doesn't at least match my height... and the taller the better :yum:
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    Sound like you're jealous of tall people... shorty

    This bit of immaturity brought to you by a 19 year old that cant even beat his cat in an arm-wrestle.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Sorry, I prefer bearded men.

    And I prefer to still be shorter than my man when I put on high heels.

    No offense, nothing personal, doesn't make you a bad person or anything.

    (I don't see where anyone has been put down because of their height, unless of course you mean the people in the 1200 calorie threads).
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    While strolling through MFP forums i noticed people's monomania with height & their proclamation of how lucky they are to be tall and the numero uno thing they see in in prospective date/spouse is height.

    I don't understand this fixation over elevation as if being tall is like enthroned with superhuman abilities and being short is akin to being castigated to a life of mediocrity.

    Ofcourse height gives an edge in many arenas, especially sports, but one should not deduce that short people are subservient.

    Pillorying someone for being plump is intelligible but lambasting someone for being short is pure bigotry because unlike weight your height is not under your control as it has more to do with genetics.

    Not to mention Gandhi,Martin luther king,Tom Cruise,Woody Allen,Napoleon Bonaparte,Bono,Robert Downey Jr.,Anthony Hopkins,Dustin hoffman achieved eminence despite being diminutive.

    As for short people being physically inferior you should read about Gurkhas of British & Indian army and how these 5'0 lilliputians decimated monstrously tall Germans and Italians in WW2. On many occasion they single handedly turned the tide towards allied forces.So fearsome were they that it is said that axis soldiers wet their fronts and yellowed their backs on merely hearing the word "gurkha" .

    I have also read of people as short as 5'1-5'2 completing BUD/SEAL training with flying colors.

    So one should get off his condescending view of "tall =superior" .

    sorry, i couldn't hear you from all the way up here.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I don't care about height, but I do care about pretentiousness and whining.
  • V0lver
    V0lver Posts: 915 Member
    Calm your horses Op. Judging by the lack of bodily hair, you might still have a shot at getting taller.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Too short; didn't read
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    If syllables were inches, I'm sure you'd have a full dance card my friend. Unfortunately...
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Quit yer *****in. It's your personality that's the turnoff. Not your height.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,837 Member
    Why do people care so much about height ?

    wish I was little bit taller
    I wish I was a baller
    I wish I had a girl who looked good
    I would call her
    I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat
    And a six four Impala