Why do people care so much about height ?



  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    I'm 5'8" and I like to lean down to kiss someone. Or, at the very least, eye to eye. There are MANY women (Vandy_Land, LankyYankee to name two) who are taller than me who I find attractive and 10/10 would bang, but I do prefer to be the taller person. I think most women also prefer to be with someone taller. It's not about being inferior or being belittled or anything like that. It's personal preference and to each their own. Quit making such a big deal out of it. Go find someone who makes you happy and let others fine someone who makes them happy.
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    Being tall isn't superior. It's a preference. Everyone has a "type" of person they find attractive. I for one like to be shorter then my partner. And I'm 5'7".
  • Frank_Just_Frank
    Frank_Just_Frank Posts: 454 Member
    I'd love to date a tall woman, can you imagine checking out her cleavage at eye level? Or date a really short woman so can be at...well...
  • sissidevore
    sissidevore Posts: 151 Member
    i am personally very short, i love when girls are short, i am around 5 foot tall. my husband is 6 feet tall. i think that is an average height for a man, and its cute. i just have always prefered taller men, i would feel like i was dating a child if my guys were short.
  • KiraBaby20
    Meh some people enjoy being with someone tall. As a woman that is damn near 6 foot, I like guys taller then me. I have dated guy shorter and I was afraid I would break them, plus I love high heels. My family used to tease and say that the only way I would marry was if it was to the jolly green giant so as a kid, I hated being tall! I was always taller then the kids in my classes (been the dame height since 6th grade.) As I got older I had to learn to love that I was tall because it is not something that can be changed. Its not that i am superior or hate short people. My superiors are shorter then me and I just have preferences for dating.
  • abheshek
    abheshek Posts: 525 Member

    Are you kidding. Exposing someone to ridicule because of their weight is stupid. Their life is theirs to live and so long as they don't bother you then exposing another to ridicule is just mean spirited and the sign of a true a hole. As for height, same thing goes. Whether you are very tall, average or short it is no one concern. People list height AND weight in their descriptions because when people want to hook up everyone has their preferences. There is nothing wrong with wanting a taller person or a thinner person, muscular person, fat person, etc as it is your preference who you wish to date, hook up with etc. But to ridicule someone as the definition of pillory suggests because of one's weight is just asinine.

    Maybe "pillorying" sounds bit harsh but as i said before i find nothing wrong in criticizing a fat person because that would pressurize him/her to do something about his/her obesity.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member

    Are you kidding. Exposing someone to ridicule because of their weight is stupid. Their life is theirs to live and so long as they don't bother you then exposing another to ridicule is just mean spirited and the sign of a true a hole. As for height, same thing goes. Whether you are very tall, average or short it is no one concern. People list height AND weight in their descriptions because when people want to hook up everyone has their preferences. There is nothing wrong with wanting a taller person or a thinner person, muscular person, fat person, etc as it is your preference who you wish to date, hook up with etc. But to ridicule someone as the definition of pillory suggests because of one's weight is just asinine.

    Maybe "pillorying" sounds bit harsh but as i said before i find nothing wrong in criticizing a fat person because that would pressurize him to do something about his/her obesity.

    There is a reason chicks don't dig you, and it has nothing to do with your height.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    regarding dating whats worrisome is the preference of height over much important attributes like character and intellectual ability.

    If a person is really putting height preference over character and intellectual ability (and this is after getting to know someone, not first impression), then what does that say about their character? Really they are doing you a favor.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    As a female that married and only dated those above 5'11"....it was an attraction attribute. I have never turned a shorter male down because of height, it was just the way it was. I have never looked across a crowded room and said damn, that guy looks smart, or considerate. It may seem shallow but my husband and I have spoken of this before, physical attractiveness is the first thing a potential partner notices. Yes if I met a great guy when I was single and got to know him, and found him attractive (yes this matters to me, I like sex and its not happening if I do not find the person attractive, sorry) then height would play a minor role. I am also well aware my husband didn't look at me when we met and say "wow she seems like a nice lady, we could have great conversations" no he said "damn, I need to meet her" based solely on looks. I also always preferred dark hair and blue eyes. I married a man that is a gentleman, caring, intelligent, giving, funny, great in bed and a great partner and father....he is also 6' tall, dark haired with blue eyes and a great build.

    Criticizing someone for their preferences is just stupid. I have a met and friends with some smoking hot gay guys, how dare them not be attracted to me because I don't have a penis!
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I think the number of people who get made fun of for being noticeably shorter than average is probably very similar to the number of people who get made fun of for being noticeably taller than average. Really fat people are "pilloried" about as often as really skinny people. Anyone who is an outlier is going to be called out. It's human nature.

    As for attraction, it is what it is. People don't have to explain or apologize for what they do and don't find attractive. Whether you prefer taller men or shorter women or vice versa, there's nothing you can do about that. With that said, when it comes to people who refuse to date someone unless they meet a specific threshold of height acceptability, it's a different issue. If you have some rule about not dating men under 6'0 feet tall and then you meet a guy you're super attracted to, ask him his height, he says "I'm 5'10," and you go "Oh, well, nevermind then," that's not attraction; that's just arbitrary stupidity.
  • KiraBaby20

    Are you kidding. Exposing someone to ridicule because of their weight is stupid. Their life is theirs to live and so long as they don't bother you then exposing another to ridicule is just mean spirited and the sign of a true a hole. As for height, same thing goes. Whether you are very tall, average or short it is no one concern. People list height AND weight in their descriptions because when people want to hook up everyone has their preferences. There is nothing wrong with wanting a taller person or a thinner person, muscular person, fat person, etc as it is your preference who you wish to date, hook up with etc. But to ridicule someone as the definition of pillory suggests because of one's weight is just asinine.

    Maybe "pillorying" sounds bit harsh but as i said before i find nothing wrong in criticizing a fat person because that would pressurize him to do something about his/her obesity.

    There is a reason chicks don't dig you, and it has nothing to do with your height.

    WTF are you kidding me? Yeah that is why girls are not interested! Telling someone they are overweight DOES NOT make them want to loose weight! You are not gods gift and it is not up to you to say hurtful things like that. Most people that are heaver will just eat that feeling away until that hurtful things can not be remembered! I wouldnt tell someone that they are too short and need to get surgery to fix it.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Angry much?
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member

    Are you kidding. Exposing someone to ridicule because of their weight is stupid. Their life is theirs to live and so long as they don't bother you then exposing another to ridicule is just mean spirited and the sign of a true a hole. As for height, same thing goes. Whether you are very tall, average or short it is no one concern. People list height AND weight in their descriptions because when people want to hook up everyone has their preferences. There is nothing wrong with wanting a taller person or a thinner person, muscular person, fat person, etc as it is your preference who you wish to date, hook up with etc. But to ridicule someone as the definition of pillory suggests because of one's weight is just asinine.

    Maybe "pillorying" sounds bit harsh but as i said before i find nothing wrong in criticizing a fat person because that would pressurize him to do something about his/her obesity.

    There is a reason chicks don't dig you, and it has nothing to do with your height.

    I laughed....and I laughed out loud :)

    From: A relatively average height (5'11.5, can't forget the .5) white boy who is good at sports :)
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member

    Are you kidding. Exposing someone to ridicule because of their weight is stupid. Their life is theirs to live and so long as they don't bother you then exposing another to ridicule is just mean spirited and the sign of a true a hole. As for height, same thing goes. Whether you are very tall, average or short it is no one concern. People list height AND weight in their descriptions because when people want to hook up everyone has their preferences. There is nothing wrong with wanting a taller person or a thinner person, muscular person, fat person, etc as it is your preference who you wish to date, hook up with etc. But to ridicule someone as the definition of pillory suggests because of one's weight is just asinine.

    Maybe "pillorying" sounds bit harsh but as i said before i find nothing wrong in criticizing a fat person because that would pressurize him to do something about his/her obesity.

    Just the opposite in fact. In my case, criticism only made me depressed, which in turn ended up with me stuffing my face. Funny how you preach about why one shouldn't care about one's height and yet turn around and say you criticize "fat people".

    Since you have that dictionary in hand, look up hypocrite.
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    Just as a general response to many posts in here:

    Attraction is socially constructed, not natural.

  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    Just as a general response to many posts in here:

    Attraction is socially constructed, not natural.


    Some of our ideas may be, but all animals have attraction preferences...survival of the fittest. We are not as evolved as some would like us to believe.
  • FatHuMan1
    FatHuMan1 Posts: 1,028 Member
    Just as a general response to many posts in here:

    Attraction is socially constructed, not natural.


    Are you saying that in a different society I could be attracted to short men?
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    Just as a general response to many posts in here:

    Attraction is socially constructed, not natural.

    Nope. It's both.
  • abheshek
    abheshek Posts: 525 Member
    Just the opposite in fact. In my case, criticism only made me depressed, which in turn ended up with me stuffing my face. Funny how you preach about why one shouldn't care about one's height and yet turn around and say you criticize "fat people".

    Since you have that dictionary in hand, look up hypocrite.

    This happened with me too.Initially got depressed and became socially reclusive.But then i did a lot of soul searching and made a vow to get rid of this fat once it for all as this obesity was the root cause of all my troubles.

    Initally i couldn't even run for 30 seconds but with perseverance and patience i got my results after a year.

    Today i can swim for 4-5 miles(my peak speed being 36 sec/50 meter lap) and run for more than 8 miles non stop.