This gallery explains why millions of Americans are obese…



  • sjlawgirl
    sjlawgirl Posts: 31 Member
    Aside from food used to be a special treat 20 years ago. Today its an every meal thing for many. Oh, it was a special treat about 30-35 years ago. Twenty years ago it was already an every day meal for many.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member

    Stinks of Big Government to me. :frown:

    Nothing wrong with big government if it does what we want it to do.

    ...and that's exactly how a huge majority of the German people felt in the 1930's.

  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member

    Stinks of Big Government to me. :frown:

    Nothing wrong with big government if it does what we want it to do.

    ...and that's exactly how a huge majority of the German people felt in the 1930's.


    Actually, many of our wealthiest business people here in America supported the rise of fascism. Not just in spirit, monetarily.
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I've ate 5 of these things today already

    This is why I keep you around.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member

    right, get the government MORE involved in our lives...because they are already doing such a great job of ruining all the stuff they already control....

    Ever read "The Jungle"? Government sucks. No regulations sucks far more.

    ever read "the road to serfdom" - government involvement sucks more.

    I haven't. I'll check it out.

    But nothing will convince me that a return to pre-1940s working and living conditions for the average worker and purchaser is a viable option.

    Maybe there is another way that doesn't involve government or corporations that are free to do as they please?

    You just want someone else to pay for YOUR food that YOU think is healthy.

    Personal responsibility flies right out the window again.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    DENVER, Oct. 28, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Sweden has become the first western nation to recommend a lower-carbohydrate higher-fat, diet – in alignment with the Atkins™ approach to eating – as part of an effort to reduce the national prevalence of obesity, diabetes, and to improve markers of heart health. This bold move stems from a literature review of 16,000 studies on diet and obesity, published by Swedish government advisors at the Council on Health Technology Assessment. This published report was released by the Council in September and the Swedish government announcement followed shortly thereafter.[1]


    In addition, advisors to the Swedish government speak to other benefits of an Atkins-like diet that permits higher-fat foods. Those benefits highlighted include both satisfaction and satiety, which are in large part, responsible for greater long-term sustainability. This news also follows suit with research released in the June issue of the British Journal of Nutrition, which showed that a carbohydrate-managed approach, such as the Atkins Diet, is more effective for long-term weight loss and maintenance than a conventional low-fat diet.[2] Investigators on that study also showed that low-carbohydrate diets were both beneficial and safe for the highly-insulin resistant, carbohydrate-intolerant population, who need to keep carbohydrate consumption low long-term.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member

    right, get the government MORE involved in our lives...because they are already doing such a great job of ruining all the stuff they already control....

    Ever read "The Jungle"? Government sucks. No regulations sucks far more.

    ever read "the road to serfdom" - government involvement sucks more.

    I haven't. I'll check it out.

    But nothing will convince me that a return to pre-1940s working and living conditions for the average worker and purchaser is a viable option.

    Maybe there is another way that doesn't involve government or corporations that are free to do as they please?

    You just want someone else to pay for YOUR food that YOU think is healthy.

    Personal responsibility flies right out the window again.

    Not at all. I want every worker in America to keep enough of the value of their own labor to be able to afford a healthy diet that will allow them and their children to continue to be productive, healthy people with a high quality of life.

    Oh, and I want proper labeling on foods so we know what we're buying. That includes GMO.
  • mochamofitandhealthy
    Wow, that really gives some perspective.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    Stinks of Big Government to me. :frown:

    Nothing wrong with big government if it does what we want it to do.

    But I better get off this part of the topic before I get my posts deleted.

    the government that governs best governs least...
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member

    Stinks of Big Government to me. :frown:

    Nothing wrong with big government if it does what we want it to do.

    But I better get off this part of the topic before I get my posts deleted.

    the government that governs best governs least...

    Tell that to children who lost limbs and lives in meat packing plants before the advent of child labor laws.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member

    Not at all. I want every worker in America to keep enough of the value of their own labor to be able to afford a healthy diet that will allow them and their children to continue to be productive, healthy people with a high quality of life.

    ok, so you're in favor of lower taxes then. :wink:
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member

    Not at all. I want every worker in America to keep enough of the value of their own labor to be able to afford a healthy diet that will allow them and their children to continue to be productive, healthy people with a high quality of life.

    ok, so you're in favor of lower taxes then. :wink:

    I'm in favor of higher wages and no taxes on wages.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    In reply to Justine.

    Yeah, that's been posted before. You like lo-carb. We all get that. Have at it. Just quite trying to get someone else to pay for it for you.

    And btw, lo-carb does not need to be expensive. If you go all fancy smanzy with the grass-fed/organic meat, then yeah. It can be. But the last time I checked, tuna is still cheap and so are eggs. Both excellent sources of delicious protein.

    Sheesh this topic is moving fast. I like that. :love:
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Yeah, that's been posted before. You like lo-carb. We all get that. Have at it. Just quite trying to get someone else to pay for it for you.

    And btw, lo-carb does not need to be expensive. If you go all fancy smanzy with the grass-fed/organic meat, then yeah. It can be. But the last time I checked, tuna is still cheap and so are eggs. Both excellent sources of delicious protein.

    You're a vegetarian, correct:?

    If not, you better check out meat subsidies, because someone is paying for your food, too.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Yeah, that's been posted before. You like lo-carb. We all get that. Have at it. Just quite trying to get someone else to pay for it for you.

    And btw, lo-carb does not need to be expensive. If you go all fancy smanzy with the grass-fed/organic meat, then yeah. It can be. But the last time I checked, tuna is still cheap and so are eggs. Both excellent sources of delicious protein.

    You're a vegetarian, correct:?

    If not, you better check out meat subsidies, because someone is paying for your food, too.

    Now you are running out of arguments. The strawman tells the tale. :laugh:
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Yeah, that's been posted before. You like lo-carb. We all get that. Have at it. Just quite trying to get someone else to pay for it for you.

    And btw, lo-carb does not need to be expensive. If you go all fancy smanzy with the grass-fed/organic meat, then yeah. It can be. But the last time I checked, tuna is still cheap and so are eggs. Both excellent sources of delicious protein.

    You're a vegetarian, correct:?

    If not, you better check out meat subsidies, because someone is paying for your food, too.

    Now you are running out of arguments. The strawman tells the tale. :laugh:

    How is that a strawman? You can afford meat because it is subsidized. Unless you are very wealthy or vegetarian that means everyone's tax dollars contributes to your menu.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Yeah, that's been posted before. You like lo-carb. We all get that. Have at it. Just quite trying to get someone else to pay for it for you.

    And btw, lo-carb does not need to be expensive. If you go all fancy smanzy with the grass-fed/organic meat, then yeah. It can be. But the last time I checked, tuna is still cheap and so are eggs. Both excellent sources of delicious protein.

    You're a vegetarian, correct:?

    If not, you better check out meat subsidies, because someone is paying for your food, too.

    Now you are running out of arguments. The strawman tells the tale. :laugh:

    Oh, and about eggs and tuna: I have never tolerated nor liked fish but I am thinking of trying it again to see if that has changed. As for eggs, I can eat them twice a week, maybe three times. After that things happen to my digestive system. I'll be nice by being vague.
  • KayNowayJose
    KayNowayJose Posts: 138 Member
    Reading through this thread makes me wonder how much my household spends on groceries versus the average...Hmmm, off to google!
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member

    Stinks of Big Government to me. :frown:

    Nothing wrong with big government if it does what we want it to do.

    ...and that's exactly how a huge majority of the German people felt in the 1930's.


    This is false and over simplified.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member

    <snip - shortened for brevity>

    You're absolutely right on that. Being thin isn't necessarily a sign of health. But people perceive it as a sign of someone who not only does control their food choices and possibly physical activity, but who also CAN choose it.

    And that's my point - I see no evidence that just being thin is being equated with wealth. I see negative reactions to even celebrities that appear to be 'too' thin. I think without the healthy appearance the thinness means little.