High carb vegan diet



  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I used to worry about protein but realized very fast that protein is not something you need to worry about especially as a cyclist since cycling doesn't really require any muscle.

    You're implying that cycling doesn't use any muscles. Even if you have prosthetic legs, you're still using muscles to pedal your bike, never mind keeping your balance.
  • xDawnsgrace
    Your analogy is flawed. A predatory animal, such as a wolf, feasts when a kill is made but then they won't eat for days afterwards. I assume you don't eat 4000cals then skip a days worth of eating do you, so that it evens out at 2000cals/day?
    Listen, if you're hungry or you just want some food then go and do it, we are a part of nature and in nature there is no calorie restriction. If a wolf had access to food at all times he would eat is brains out without putting on a single pound. Look at pets for instance, a cat eats all they and sleeps all they but won't gain weight. Just try it out for 2 weeks and you'll see what I'm talking about.

    wolves are also running about all day trying to HUNT for that food. Humans don't do that, therefore calories in vs calories out.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    We've been eating dead animals for millions of years. That's I've got to say about the ridiculousness in the OP. Didn't bother to read anything else, I already know how this thread will end.
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    I used to be a vegan but I went back to eating chicken and eggs and stuff. I don't particularly take to red meat because it makes my stomach feel iffy but when we were like running around millions of years ago I think it's beenshown that we ate some type of meats. I dont know yet if they were eating veggies and all that but I do know meat was involved. I can't say whether or not we aren't meant to eat a certain amount of meats but I do believe (most) people are designed to be able to eat meats and poultry and the like. When I was eating a vegan lifestyle I wasn't losing any extreme amounts of weight, I just felt cold all the time. Currently now I'm eating high carbs and low fats but with chicken in the mix and a crazy ton of vegetables. That's just my comments on your post.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    I used to worry about protein but realized very fast that protein is not something you need to worry about especially as a cyclist since cycling doesn't really require any muscle.


    Please then tell us - if you don't used muscles to cycle, what do you use? :noway:
  • Veganhclf
    Veganhclf Posts: 24 Member
    I used to worry about protein but realized very fast that protein is not something you need to worry about especially as a cyclist since cycling doesn't really require any muscle.


    Please then tell us - if you don't used muscles to cycle, what do you use? :noway:
    Of course you use muscle while riding, but cycling does not demand big and strong muscles. You use muscle picking up a pen, but you don't have to be able to bench 100 kg in order to pick up that pen. Look at the pros, they aren't very muscular. Here's 2012 Tour de france winner Bradley Wiggins http://hall-five.com/images/uploads/blog/Bradley-Wiggins-in-his-ho-008.jpg
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Any serious endurance event covering long hours for many days in a row where the competitor has to move their body weight up hills is going to mean the very least body mass possible - so hardly any fat and just enough muscle.

    Here's another pro cyclist.
    I'm guessing you're not going to suggest that "he's not very muscular"? :) (Ok, he certainly skipped arm day, but his thighs look wider than a lot of people's waists!
    I bet he squats and keeps his protein intake up :).
  • MsBluelipstick
    Why do people always talk about what our ancestors ate or didn't eat? Pretty sure they ate whatever was in front of them and were lucky to live until the age of 30. Not exactly a good example.
  • salemnye
    salemnye Posts: 305 Member
    You can still gain weight while being on a vegan diet if you eat bad vegan foods high in fat. "Excess calories will make you gain weight", not really unless your metabolism is messed up. When a wolf catches its pray he/she doesn't stop and go "wait a minute, I shouldn't eat so much I might gain weight", the wolf ****ing feasts until he can't eat anymore. Please, try gaining weight from just fruits and veggies, try it.

    Wolves and many other predators are on a "feast & famine" diet. They eat a big meal about once a week.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member

    99.99% of all bodybuilders, not named Tom Platz, would kill for legs like that.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Why do people always talk about what our ancestors ate or didn't eat? Pretty sure they ate whatever was in front of them and were lucky to live until the age of 30. Not exactly a good example.

    Because it has everything to do with how we evolved.
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Yay! So happy this thread is still going...i think it's my favorite :love:
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    99.99% of all bodybuilders, not named Tom Platz, would kill for legs like that.
    After my first search for Tour De France riders proved to be a foolish choice, that was the first image in my second search.
    I actually had to check several other pictures to make sure it wasn't photoshopped, because :-O - they're bloody tree trunks!

    Oh and always amused by the paelo bridgade etc going on about evolution as a reason to do x - generally showing a rather poor understanding of the process of evolution in the first place :).
  • dragonssister
    dragonssister Posts: 8 Member
    Fat makes you fat, not carbs.

    That is just wrong. excess calories are stored as fat, no matter what they come from.

    Ding ding ding!
  • nohaynicknamesdisponibles
    We're not meant to eat dead animals? So evolution is wrong is it. Just because you CHOOSE to limit your diet does not change the fact that you're an omnivore. You have evolved to consume both meat and vegetables/fruit.

    Being vegan isn't some magic weight loss equation either, especially if you're consuming 4000cals/day - unless you burn more than you consume you will gain weight.
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    OP posts that he can eat 4,000 calories per day on a vegan diet and, as long as they are not coming from fat, he won't gain weight. And, no one would gain weight if they just ate carbs - no matter how many calories. Then OP waits until page 4 of this post to mention that he rides his bike up to 100 km some days. A bit misleading to say the least. I'm guessing that most could pull off 4,000 calories per day if riding 100 km on a bike too.

    OP, you seem like you are concerned with doing it right. If you really are biking as much as you say, I suggest that you pick up a few books by vegan athletes such as Brendan Brazier, Matt Frazier, etc. and learn how to to fuel properly. Protein and fat are needed. My diet has been plant-based for over three years. I trained for and completed a marathon last year and had terrible muscle loss while eating a high carb, lower protien diet. I was eating enough protien for a non-athlete, but didn't increase enough for the work I was putting my body through. A month after my race I still felt like crap and lab tests showed my blood calcium and creatinine were completely screwed up. I am still paying for it and slowly trying to regain muscle.

    I din't notice my problems right away and they came on slowly. You might not encounter this at 6 weeks into your new diet, but you will notice later as you begin to lose strength. Athletes do need muscle. You may have enough to ride your bike now, but if you aren't fueling right, you will notice when that muscle is gone. If you are burning through 4,000 per day, it isn't because you are eating just carbs. It's because you have a very high activity level. Please consider fueling your body the right way.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Just over a year ago I had a 5200 calorie day or something. LOADS of beef; I doubt anything I ate was particulary vegan.)
    Still lost weight because I did a 12k run and 80k cycle ride, burning 1000 calories more than I ate.
    Maths is great :).
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    I used to worry about protein but realized very fast that protein is not something you need to worry about especially as a cyclist since cycling doesn't really require any muscle.


    Please then tell us - if you don't used muscles to cycle, what do you use? :noway:
    Of course you use muscle while riding, but cycling does not demand big and strong muscles. You use muscle picking up a pen, but you don't have to be able to bench 100 kg in order to pick up that pen. Look at the pros, they aren't very muscular. Here's 2012 Tour de france winner Bradley Wiggins http://hall-five.com/images/uploads/blog/Bradley-Wiggins-in-his-ho-008.jpg

    Thats Sir Bradley Wiggins to you, you don't think cyclist need big leg muscles? Take a look at Sir Chris Hoys thighs, considered one of the greatest track cyclist every and tell me you don't need big muscles
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,020 Member
    I guess if you are going to preach to others about nutrition, what with your six weeks of experience, you should learn the difference between "loose" and "lose."

    Now now :tongue: - I think the full stop in your post (above) should come after the quotes in this instance because the full stop belongs to and ends the sentence rather than the word in quotes. My point? - oh just that none of us aer pfercet :flowerforyou:

    Proper _U.S._ punctuation is to put the _period_ (you give yourself away with that "full stop") inside the quotation marks. :flowerforyou:
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I love new vegans/vegetarians ready to preach after 6 weeks of experience.

    Basically, you're a freshman and it's October of your first semester. Come at me when you get your degree.
    So me loosing weight while eating 4000 cals a day, that's due to what? Before I would easily gain weight if I ate that much. Try it out for yourself before you judge me.

    If you were eating a lot of processed foods before, it could be your salt levels going down which can also cause a loss of water weight. But if being vegan works for you, if you feel great, satisfied after eating, and happy, by all means, keep doing it.

    Just be careful to get all the nutrients you need every day so you don't feel rundown.
    Thanks. I take b12 pills everyday and also supplement with iron since I'm a cyclist I need that hemoglobin to be high. So the only nutrient I sometimes worry about is getting enough calories during the days I ride +100km. I could probably ride 100km while calorie restricting but it wouldn't be very effective long term since I'll just end up overtraining. I used to worry about protein but realized very fast that protein is not something you need to worry about especially as a cyclist since cycling doesn't really require any muscle. I just have to watch out so I don't become too lean on the high carb diet, I don't wanna look like a meth addict, but it might be difficult too avoid since I train a lot. Man, going vegan was probably my wised choice I've ever made, saving the animals at the same time being healthy and skinny. Check this guy out and you'll get a better picture of what I mean by saying "high carb low fat is the way to go" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0yPMshheUI.

    I'm surprised no one picked up on this.

    The high volume training and long rides may well explain the weight loss on a higher cal diet esp combined with the fact he's an 18 year old male.

    Too busy discussing b12? :laugh:

    Yeah, I picked up on it. The it's the all to familiar unraveling of significant bits of information that have been left out of the original post(s).

    Undisclosed high volume bicycling (apparently not using any muscle). But it started off as just 'hey MFP! Guess what? I can eat 4000 calories a day and not gain weight BECAUSE I am a vegan'. :grumble: