so...this is awkward



  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member
    I start biting the string on my jacket and stare.

    At first I thought you said "biting the strap on my straitjacket". I'm not sure what that says about me.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    I start biting the string on my jacket and stare.

    It worked on me
    would work on me too \m/
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
  • Seoul11
    Seoul11 Posts: 138 Member
    My reaction depends on if I think I can get something out of it. An encounter at the fish market yesterday that started with elevator eyes ended with me getting free oysters. And all it took was a smile.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Usually, I strike up a conversation.
    I use so much profanity that it generally scares men off.
  • doriharvey
    doriharvey Posts: 89 Member
    I also notice that I get asked if I need help by guy workers in the hardware and electronic stores while shopping. Had a semi driver on interstate go random speeds and when I tried to pass he would speed up and look over with a creepy smile. So what do I do? I never forget who I am, where I have been, and what I want from life.

    Who I am ?
    Weight loss didn't make me beautiful, just made me feel better physically and mentally. I don't work hard on my outside to get other men to look at me as a sex object. I work hard in my life to be a respected professional, intelligent member of society, and if a man wants to compliment me I wanna hear things like... "Girl you are gonna get promoted today." Girl your competence shines. Then I want to go home to my best half and be real: insecure at times, eating the sugar free stuff that gives me nasty toots (ok I do try to avoid, but it happens) ..... and still have my guy be always proud to call me his wife. Because I desire a healthy relationship and know my role in getting one...... I also give what I expect.

    Also, remembering that I am still who I was before.
    Although it is flattering to have these random strangers pay attention in a different way .... I am still short tempered when I am hungry, a baby when i don't feel good, hate to clean the toilet, have a week of every month when closeness with my husband annoys me and a week when i can't get enough ... i don't like to be rushed in the morning and don't expect me to think intelligently until after my coffee. I am stubborn, hard headed and still short tempered at times, set in my ways .......

    I've already worked though the hard stuff of figuring out how to maintain a 25 year marriage, keeping it alive and accomplishing my life dreams as well as working through his. I want him there when I have the flu not just when I am feeling sexy or frisky.

    No stranger with a cute smile can give me what I have worked with my partner to achieve.

    Marriage is grand, divorce is 10 grand and if you like the idea of cute younger women smiling and taking everything your husband used to give to you.... then carry on and give it up. If you are unhappy in your marriage, that is a different situation that your appearance should have no impact on.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    I start biting the string on my jacket and stare.

    It worked on me
    would work on me too \m/
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member

    Men have suddenly discovered the amazingly sensual creature I am & I have my own theme music.
    It plays in my head where ever I go (don't judge me) :huh:

    QFT :) love this.
  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    I lost 60 pounds, then gained 30, and am working on losing the rest, last week, sick with stomach flu, in a baggy pair of sweat pants and a hoodie, hair in a sloppy mess on top of my head, I walked into the grocery store to get soup. Got a stare, smiled back, caught him in the security monitors checking out my bum. I can't imagine what would have happened if I was actually wearing fitted clothes and makeup!
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Use MFP to find a guy that lives 7 states away, fall in love with him, convince him to move to your state, and then tell him you're married.

    I've heard it works n stuff. From science n shiz.

    I've heard it sometimes leads to an episode of Snapped. Guess this would be the male version. Some sort of true crime episode, anyway.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I say hello and go on about my day.:huh:
  • KatieHall77
    KatieHall77 Posts: 129 Member
    Lol, when I am jogging, men in trucks rev the engine/ honk at me. This behavior, in a rural town, is some type of flirtation, but I find it annoying and frightening. For some reason, the men here enjoy watching a gal jump with fright. Bring an empty jogging stroller with you and it helps prevent all that. Not just jogging. Bring it everywhere you go.
    I wish I had personal theme music. That sounds awesome. I wouldn't need an iPod.
  • d_Mode
    d_Mode Posts: 880 Member
    I get those looks from men sometimes...I guess it all depends on what bar I'm in!
  • Spewze72
    Spewze72 Posts: 82 Member
    It's been a while since I attracted any attention - these days it's just old folk, weirdos and feeders - but in my heyday I tossed my hair, smiled and fluttered a bit.

    What are elevator eyes anyway?
  • krista2131
    krista2131 Posts: 33 Member
    I usually wink at them because it makes the situation awkward for everyone. My friend and me started this years ago and people have just taken on the winking when they are with us. It is the funniest thing.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I'm told I do this:


    Even if that's not my intention.
  • ThePinkAvenger
    I wouldn't know :laugh: I assume if anyone is staring at me it's because I've said something inappropriate or have something on my face. :drinker:

    LOL - thanks for making me laugh.
  • _chiaroscuro
    _chiaroscuro Posts: 1,340 Member
    I do this. Works every time.
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member
    I generally assume that if a man looks at me for an extended period of time that I either have something in my teeth, or I'm singing to myself again.
  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
    I'm usually polite. Takes the form of a slight flirt if they're appealing, or a straight no thanks if someone not my type propositions me.
    I'm happily married so it's all for confidence boosting and nothing more.

    And thanks for the theme song idea, I'm going to have to try that :)