checkout my idea for improving America's health



  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    It reads like a massive campaign that could only be financed by other people's money. Like a governmental office campaign or something. I would prefer to see a proposal that is a bit more focused and realistic as far as funding goes.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Shaming people who use food to cope with just creates more situations for them to need to cope with.
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    It reads like a massive campaign that could only be financed by other people's money. Like a governmental office campaign or something. I would prefer to see a proposal that is a bit more focused and realistic as far as funding goes.

    Personal accountability. Free.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    This however, is poor education on behalf of the parents too.
    Indeed. So many seem to see this sort of thing as a problem of government.
    Personally I think parenthood should be a privilege people should earn; unfortunately biology thinks differently.
    No one should be made to feel inferior because of their appearance.
    What about smoking?
    Lazy behaviour?
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    Strong first post ....

    No, totally kidding. Shame people for being overweight???? GTFO of here :angry:
  • Greytfish
    Greytfish Posts: 810
    Open market insurance policies have always been tied to your health- before this year. People abdicating personal responsibility in favor of the nanny state has led to most of these problems. People find solutions to solve a demand. Case in point HFCS. When I was a kid ONLY wealthy people could afford soda pop. It was a treat- not a beverage. Millions of non -wealthy people wanted to enjoy this treat. Hence the development of HFCS. The problem with your solutions is that they have nothing to do with personal rights and responsibilities. In the U.S. people are in control of the government BUT they decided that was just too much work to pay attention to so they decided to vote for people that promised to do their thinking for them. Let us take school lunches, for example. The parents voted for the school board and the meetings are open. Have you gone to the school board to question the menu? Why do all the private schools in the US have a significantly healthier menu? They have less not more money to spend on food- they are not subsidized. They purchase from the same suppliers. It is because the parents are paying and they watch the menu and what is spent like a hawk. Instead of having a wide buffet of multiple items of crap they have a limited menu of healthy food. Even tho these families can afford to purchase these meals up to 30% still bring their lunch. My kid does because I can still save money by doing so. My kid is not lucky to go to a private school. I worked 3rd shift while getting my degrees. I paid every penny of my education. I drove a beater and shopped at Goodwill. We lived in 1 room efficiencies until we saved a down payment on a foreclosed 1bedroom condo. We ate rice and beans 2yrs and 11 months to pay off the mortgage. All so that I could afford to put her in a school that teaches her critical thinking and personal responsibility. Which are the ONLY proven solutions to your list of societal problems while preserving the liberty and dignity of each human. You need to reread 1984. We now have smart TVs that watch you. Maybe you would like them to wake us every morning and watch us exercise?! Watch what you eat?! As for shaming you have any idea of the damage that would do to you? You would shame a stranger for gluttony while heaping the sin of pride on your soul? I know you have good intentions but you know what road that paves... Perhaps you could take all that passion and start teaching a free nutrition and exercise course with one of your local charities. I am sure your local rescue mission or food pantry would be thrilled to have you teach. My work with the homeless and imprisoned has changed my life. God bless

    HFCS was not put in soda or other foods to make them affordable. Nor, in fact, is it actually less expensive.

    For that matter, priavte health insurance premiums always have been and are still tied to overall health, age, and lifestyle choices (obesity, smoking, alcohol consumption) - at least in the U.S.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    Promote how they're a burden to the country's economy

    Change the lame stigma on eating well, as well as being overweight. Shame people who are fat, in a similar way that we do with people who smoke cigarettes.

    You know, give me your guys' classic pessimistic, elitist input.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Why don't you just move to France?
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Who died and made you Health Sheriff?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Most of the things listed are already being done. Most of the others are completely pointless. No idea what a ban on HFCS will do, as manufacturers will just go back to using cane sugar instead (which is identical nutritionally).

    Some of them are just horrendously naive. "Make healthy meat cheap"? Really? That's your answer? How do we do that? "Change the stigma on eating well"? What? There's a stigma on eating well? If there is, how do you change it?

    This isn't a plan. It's a smattering of nonsense based on no evidence and no data.

    Unfortunately, the people who deal with these problems in the real world have to deal with the burden of coming up with actual methods and then producing results.
  • D_squareG
    D_squareG Posts: 361 Member
    Shame people who are fat, in a similar way that we do with people who smoke cigarettes.

    You don't think fat people are already shamed enough? Poor self image doesn't help the problem.

    What worked for smoking doesn't work for eating. You can't quit eating cold turkey. You can't make eating in public places illegal. You can't outlaw eating in bars and restaurants.

    People need to feel empowered to change their eating habits, not feel shamed.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    This however, is poor education on behalf of the parents too.
    Indeed. So many seem to see this sort of thing as a problem of government.
    Personally I think parenthood should be a privilege people should earn; unfortunately biology thinks differently.
    No one should be made to feel inferior because of their appearance.
    What about smoking?
    Lazy behaviour?

    Adults should be left to live their lives how they see fit, so long as they aren't harming others.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    HFCS was not put in soda or other foods to make them affordable. Nor, in fact, is it actually less expensive.

    Yes, HFCS is cheaper than sugar. It is exactly why many companies use it instead of sugar.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    IN - to see how we will "make" meat and vegetables inexpensive.

  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    HFCS was not put in soda or other foods to make them affordable. Nor, in fact, is it actually less expensive.


    HFCS is cheaper than sugar due to import tariffs and corn subsidies. It's not actually cheaper to produce, but in the US it costs less to buy (and add to food) than cane sugar.

    HFCS is put into food because people like it. Manufacturers would use cane sugar if it were cheaper than HFCS. They taste more or less the same and are nutritionally identical.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Why don't you just move to France?

    Because then you would have to put up with French people....
  • Charlottesometimes23
    A massive project that’ll get Americans in shape, in all age groups. The project will tackle obesity like how groups tackled cigarettes back in the day, and will be the largest battle against unhealthy lifestyle choices since that.


    Federal ban on high fructose corn syrup/kill government's subsidies/Research Europe's relation with HFCS. Sames goes for the variety of other contributors. Get them to subsidize the fruit and vegetable industry instead

    Make healthy vegetables and meat to be inexpensive

    Promote how they're a burden to the country's economy

    Research the difference between American and European food. Note what's packed in our food, and find a reason to end it.

    Teach people how terrible obesity is to your body, liken overeating to cigarette smoking through a brilliant, massive marketing campaign. Campaign should include limiting portions

    Try to get all schools to educate kids about nutrition and overeating in elementary school.

    Promote more kids playing outside

    Solve problems that's ensue of reducing influence on corn sugar hfcs (increased sugar cane prices etc)

    Reform P.E.

    Reform school lunches

    Change the lame stigma on eating well, as well as being overweight. Shame people who are fat, in a similar way that we do with people who smoke cigarettes.

    Research the correlation with low income and obesity. Drastically cut down on it, with acquired knowledge

    Tax soda and energy drinks

    Tie part of health insurance cost to healthy bodyfat percentage,

    Tie part of health insurance cost to smoking

    PLEASE offer any constructive criticism you can. You know, give me your guys' classic pessimistic, elitist input. But you know, something that's constructive .

    I'm not in the USA but I believe that there are many interventions like you suggested already in place, particularly involving education and increased activity for children. plus there are many privately funded ones. I don't know how successful they are.

    Is HFCS so bad compared to the alternatives? I remember reading an article somewhere arguing that it wasn't such a problem....maybe it was in the AJCN.

    Is the cost of vegetables so prohibitive? What meat would be considered healthy? How would the govt control this?

    National obesity education is a good idea. I'm pretty certain there have been studies done on this, on a smaller scale.

    I agree with health insurance incentives for non smokers. I don't agree with incentives based on body fat. Some people have disorders that cause increased risk of obesity. It wouldn't be equitable.

    PS. Just curious, is this for an assessment piece for a public health course?
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
  • CompressedCarbon
    CompressedCarbon Posts: 357 Member
    Most of the things listed are already being done. Most of the others are completely pointless. No idea what a ban on HFCS will do, as manufacturers will just go back to using cane sugar instead (which is identical nutritionally).

    Some of them are just horrendously naive. "Make healthy meat cheap"? Really? That's your answer? How do we do that? "Change the stigma on eating well"? What? There's a stigma on eating well? If there is, how do you change it?

    This isn't a plan. It's a smattering of nonsense based on no evidence and no data.

    Unfortunately, the people who deal with these problems in the real world have to deal with the burden of coming up with actual methods and then producing results.

    What he said.

    Life will be much better when you are king of the world. I'm super excited about the inexpensive meat that you'll be providing. I haven't had a decent prime rib in forever and that's what I'm hungry for today.
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    They already do promote more physical activity for kids... in 2002 - 2006, there was the CDC VERB campaign, and now there is the "Let's Move" campaign: