checkout my idea for improving America's health



  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    TL:DR past first few posts. OP is 24 and perhaps needs a basic course in world economics....

    Nice Utopia, though.
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You know what dude? Put it back in your pants.
    We need to shame people for being fat like we do for people who smoke?
    Sorry you're missing the bigger picture. Why is smoking legal? Because it generates revenue.
    Why are there so many restaurants? Because they generate revenue.
    Why do people do it? Because they have the freedom too.
    Some days, my cig is the only thing that keeps me from snapping out and losing my job. Do I know it's dangerous? Of course. I've seen pictures of my lungs, I know when I'm running a 5k, I get a little winded. I know I smell like an ashtray and I'm trying to quit. If someone comes up and tried to shame me because I smoke, I WILL put that cig out in their eye.
    If someone shamed me for being overweight, I might just knock them over.
    People need to take personal responsibility for their choices, that's the end of it.
    Seriously though, I'd rather put all my weight back on then come out and act the way you do.
    If things were as simple as you claim then it would be done already.

    Thank GOD people like you didn't run the country back then.

    Imagine if we had complacent ***holes like you who, rather than aggressively cut down on America's smoking habits and end up saving countless lives, they were more worried about hurting people's feelings. Same thought could be applied to an array of other things that ended up needing government action to help our country, actually.

    I legitimately feel sorry for any kid that you'll have, for that reason. Though hopefully you won't have any.

    Insulting people and calling people names is against the rules. The mods are pretty strict. I suggest you edit your post before you get dinged.

    Ah, good save bro. Thanks.

    You probably should not have quoted has your unedited version in it.
  • zabrak999
    You know what dude? Put it back in your pants.
    We need to shame people for being fat like we do for people who smoke?
    Sorry you're missing the bigger picture. Why is smoking legal? Because it generates revenue.
    Why are there so many restaurants? Because they generate revenue.
    Why do people do it? Because they have the freedom too.
    Some days, my cig is the only thing that keeps me from snapping out and losing my job. Do I know it's dangerous? Of course. I've seen pictures of my lungs, I know when I'm running a 5k, I get a little winded. I know I smell like an ashtray and I'm trying to quit. If someone comes up and tried to shame me because I smoke, I WILL put that cig out in their eye.
    If someone shamed me for being overweight, I might just knock them over.
    People need to take personal responsibility for their choices, that's the end of it.
    Seriously though, I'd rather put all my weight back on then come out and act the way you do.
    If things were as simple as you claim then it would be done already.

    Thank GOD people like you didn't run the country back then.

    Imagine if we had complacent people like you who, rather than aggressively cut down on America's smoking habits and end up saving countless lives, they were more worried about hurting people's feelings. Same thought could be applied to an array of other things that ended up needing government action to help our country, actually.

    I legitimately feel sorry for any kid that you'll have, for that reason. Though hopefully you won't have any.

    Making arguments FOR discrimination and stating that those discriminated against shouldn't procreate. Hmm, I wonder who else did that

    Hitler stupidly did it based off race, I'm doing it based of lifestyle choices. I guarantee you if the majority of Americans were polled, they'd say that a lot of people in this country shouldn't be procreating. Talk to any of your friends, and they'll say the same.

    Anyway we're going off point. I'm actually reading every reply, and taking noting their responses by editing my project (which will be kicked off once I start another project of mine, that'll amass a considerably amount of wealth).

    I'll present the revised version in a separate thread at a later date, for sure.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    My friends wouldn't say that because they're not smug fools who think they're blessed with the right take choices for others.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member

    Anyway we're going off point. I'm actually reading every reply, and taking noting their responses by editing my project (which will be kicked off once I start another project of mine, that'll amass a considerably amount of wealth).

    I'll present the revised version in a separate thread at a later date, for sure.

    You sound like you are going to be busy with all of these projects, but no worries. You do not need to post them here. We have plenty of troll threads.
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    Fat shaming and controlling everything I ingest? No thank you.

    This post is utterly ridiculous.
  • MrJThomasEsq
    MrJThomasEsq Posts: 144 Member
    You want my cheeseburger?

  • zabrak999
    Fat shaming and controlling everything I ingest? No thank you.

    This post is utterly ridiculous.

    Believe me, I'm sure some cigarette smokers were furious when they were stereotyped as the degenerates of society, in anti-smoking propaganda aimed at kids, but imagine all the lives were saved as the result.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Fat shaming and controlling everything I ingest? No thank you.

    This post is utterly ridiculous.

    Believe me, I'm sure some cigarette smokers were furious when they were stereotyped as the degenerates of society, in anti-smoking propaganda aimed at kids, but imagine all the lives were saved as the result.

    You can ban smoking.

    You can't ban eating.
  • zabrak999
    Fat shaming and controlling everything I ingest? No thank you.

    This post is utterly ridiculous.

    Believe me, I'm sure some cigarette smokers were furious when they were stereotyped as the degenerates of society, in anti-smoking propaganda aimed at kids, but imagine all the lives were saved as the result.

    You can ban smoking.

    You can't ban eating.

    We didn't ban smoking, but we properly ended a significant % of smokers through sweeping government action as well as private efforts (which included shaming, by the way)

    we can do the same thing with over eating, and will do so.

    like I said earlier, I'm revising a lot of this as I read along this thread, and will pitch that revised version to other people, and continue to have it revised and edited until it's ready to kick off - which will be kicked off once I a few other projects of mine are completed.

    All i'm going to say is, once this project takes off, you'll know who is behind it.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    You can tax tobacco without affecting nonsmoker's.

    You can't tax calories without affecting everyone.

    You can't ban or tax the consumption of too many calories.
  • scottkjar
    scottkjar Posts: 346 Member
    If we all wear brown shirts, we can save money by not making shirts in different colors. And if those brown shirts are all the same style, then we save money by not making shirts in different styles. And if we all wear jackboots while we wear our brown shirts, we save money by not making tennis shoes, running shoes, slippers, clogs, flats, heels, stilettos, or other types of shoes. And if we all march in lockstep, we can save money by not having to produce cars.

    Any anyone who insists on eating high fructose corn syrup, or wearing colored shirts, or driving cars instead of lockstep marching, or otherwise making choices contrary to government policy will be dealt with appropriately.

    Sure, that will work. It has worked everywhere else in the world it is ever been tried. All it takes is the triumph of the will.
  • MrJThomasEsq
    MrJThomasEsq Posts: 144 Member
    If we all wear brown shirts, we can save money by not making shirts in different colors. And if those brown shirts are all the same style, then we save money by not making shirts in different styles. And if we all wear jackboots while we wear our brown shirts, we save money by not making tennis shoes, running shoes, slippers, clogs, flats, heels, stilettos, or other types of shoes. And if we all march in lockstep, we can save money by not having to produce cars.

    Any anyone who insists on eating high fructose corn syrup, or wearing colored shirts, or driving cars instead of lockstep marching, or otherwise making choices contrary to government policy will be dealt with appropriately.

    Sure, that will work. It has worked everywhere else in the world it is ever been tried. All it takes is the triumph of the will.

    QFT,, Will to Power! (sarcasm is subtle huh?)
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    You can tax tobacco without affecting nonsmoker's.

    You can't tax calories without affecting everyone.

    You can't ban or tax the consumption of too many calories.

    obese people are a strain on the nation's economy, though. A fatass overeating won't impact my health like second hand smoke, sure, but it will impact our economy

    That's nice.

    You still have nonsense. You don't have a plan that is realistic, or effective. You have no actual methods. You have no evidence. You also have zero ability to implement anything. Which is good, because you're pulling all this out of the air.

    In he real world, you need a target, measurable objectives, funding, evidence-based methods, impact evaluation, and administration. You have none of that.
  • zabrak999
    If we all wear brown shirts, we can save money by not making shirts in different colors. And if those brown shirts are all the same style, then we save money by not making shirts in different styles. And if we all wear jackboots while we wear our brown shirts, we save money by not making tennis shoes, running shoes, slippers, clogs, flats, heels, stilettos, or other types of shoes. And if we all march in lockstep, we can save money by not having to produce cars.

    Any anyone who insists on eating high fructose corn syrup, or wearing colored shirts, or driving cars instead of lockstep marching, or otherwise making choices contrary to government policy will be dealt with appropriately.

    Sure, that will work. It has worked everywhere else in the world it is ever been tried. All it takes is the triumph of the will.

    I love how people were probably making similar idiotic analogies when people went after smoking decades ago.

    In fact, there's footage of newscasters interviewing people on their take on the then-new airline smoking ban, and they went into a similar MUH FREEDUMBSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rant.
  • zabrak999
    You can tax tobacco without affecting nonsmoker's.

    You can't tax calories without affecting everyone.

    You can't ban or tax the consumption of too many calories.

    obese people are a strain on the nation's economy, though. A fatass overeating won't impact my health like second hand smoke, sure, but it will impact our economy

    That's nice.

    You still have nonsense. You don't have a plan that is realistic, or effective. You have no actual methods. You have no evidence. You also have zero ability to implement anything. Which is good, because you're pulling all this out of the air.

    In he real world, you need a target, measurable objectives, funding, evidence-based methods, impact evaluation, and administration. You have none of that.

    not yet, no. Which is why I'm throwing what I have out there to a variety of places on the internet, and finely tune it until the project is ready. In regards to how it'll be logistically kickstarted..You know, that's for an entirely different thread. But I assure you that it'll be done, and you'll be thinking back on this thread when it happens.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    Hold on! Let me get this straight?

    Are you even from AMERICA!?

    Because last time I checked there is obesity everywhere.

    If there wasn't there wouldn't be obese people or people trying to lose weight in other countries on here.

    And correct me if I'm wrong but don't you have a popular show over there called, "You are what you eat!" I seen some pretty obese people on that show!

    And I have seen plenty of documentaries of obesity problems in Europe so cut that out. Now I'm starting to get offended.

    Get out of here with all that. Worry about where you live at and focus your energies there!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I admire your enthusiasm, no matter how misplaced it is.

    Just FYI, I'm a public health graduate student. Turns out I know a thing or two about public health programs. Maybe you should learn a little before embarking on saving the world. Cause this is not what actual programs look like.
  • zabrak999
    Hold on! Let me get this straight?

    Are you even from AMERICA!?

    Because last time I checked there is obesity everywhere.

    If there wasn't there wouldn't be obese people or people trying to lose weight in other countries on here.

    And correct me if I'm wrong but don't you have a popular show over there called, "You are what you eat!" I seen some pretty obese people on that show!

    And I have seen plenty of documentaries of obesity problems in Europe so cut that out. Now I'm starting to get offended.

    Get out of here with all that. Worry about where you live at and focus your energies there!

    On average across EU member states, 17% of the adult population is obese

    ctrl+f the above line to find it in that page, by the way.

    So compare their 17% to America's 35.7%:

    absolutely disgusting.