Need tips to lose weight



  • amosmoses88
    amosmoses88 Posts: 163 Member
    Okay... water...

    For example, a person who weighs 150 pounds. Half that weight is 75 pounds.

    Convert pounds to ounces.

    75 pounds = 1,200 ounces

    Which in cups would equal 150 cups of water a day.

    NO! Do NOT drink 150 cups of water a day - that make no sense at all and will kill you.

    I do beg to differ on that. It all depends on what you do with your body a day. If you're exercising and or lifting weights, you need that water. There are TONS of people and I have a few on my MFP page that do water checks throughout the day and they all sit at around 200 ounces BY NOON! I'm not saying you HAVE to do that, but that's what I've read just about everywhere that water is the most important thing to weight loss. And I speak from experience that drinking just water definitely helps you to lose weight. It replenishes what your body loses through work out and sweat of course. Your body needs water. The weight loss--sure you can eat a couple of slices of pizza a day and be under calories and still lose weight, but I tell you what, your body is going to feel drained so bad because you're not giving it what it NEEDS. It lives healthily off of a balanced diet.

    75lbs of water is over 8 gallons of water. Be realistic here.

    I'm saying if you work out a lot and are strength training hardcore basically, then you would need to drink that much. You'll live and be merry on 8 cups of water a day, but more is better, but I agree, 8 gallons is unreal. Like I said before some people drink 10 times that.

    No, it is literally unrealistic. No one drinks eight gallons of water per day. It is ridiculous, lol. You would die from it.

    ETA: I DO workout a lot and strength train hardcore. I drink a few liters of water per day. Not gallons. Oh, and I work outside in Southern California. And sweat a lot.

    115 ounces, which is what MY BODY needs in water, it is only 14.375 cups. SO...there in forth, it will not kill you. Obese people drink more than that in soda a day by the liters. I weigh ***. Divide that by 2, you get 115, convert 115ounces to cups, you get 14.375 cups. That is not unrealistic.
    CUPS. NOT GALLONS. CUPS. But then again, everyone is going to say what they want and everybody else is wrong and they're right. Their way is the only way. :)
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    same thing goes for you. and i am not calorie deficient. i would not be able to exclusively breast feed my 20 lb 8 month old preemie

    Oh just saw this now, your breast feeding thats why you lost so much so quickly

    No, I'm breastfeeding a 20 month old, and it doesn't cause quick loss. Exclusively nursing burns about 300-500 calories per day, and the burn lessens as the baby gets older and starts on solid foods. So there is some burn, but you're supposed to eat that back to keep your supply up.

    Thats what I thought...I BF my girls but no longer then a month oldest didnt "latch" on correctly and my youngest cuz my oldest was in school I couldnt keep up with her timings
  • LVCeltGirl
    Okay... water...

    For example, a person who weighs 150 pounds. Half that weight is 75 pounds.

    Convert pounds to ounces.

    75 pounds = 1,200 ounces

    Which in cups would equal 150 cups of water a day.

    NO! Do NOT drink 150 cups of water a day - that make no sense at all and will kill you.

    I understand where there's a ton of misinterpretation in this now. I read that article as 1/2 your body weight (so 150 @ 1/2 is 75) in ounces, so 75 lbs becomes 75 oz in water daily.

    Under my way of doing it, I'm drinking 128 ounces daily (a little more when I workout - like 16 to 24 ounces). This is just over half my body weight in ounces daily based on how I read the article. It also fits with what I was told by a nutritionist and a personal trainer. It seems more doable as well as less unhealthy (I can't imagine drinking 8 gallons or what that would do to anybody's body).
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    by the wat ie lost 46 pounds in 4 months doing this so you cant tell me it doesnt work

    Did I read this correctly? You said 46 lbs in 4 months? Where you morbidly obese? Cuz thats rather unhealthy... I was just told by a morbidly obese lady last week that the longer your body takes to lose weight meaning at a 1-2 lb a week loss the more your body will maintain your goal weight...Meaning you wont put back on the weight

    Yeah. Almost 3 pounds a week. However, I did the same thing on a 2800 calorie diet for the first 6 weeks. I called my doctor in a panic because I was worried that I'd rebound. Not that I gave up pizza and ice cream or added black beans to anything.

    Thats what Im afraid of also to rebound after I get to maintaining....Ive lost weight in the past but it was the unhealthy way aka ED....But when my sisters MIL told me this last week it made me feel more comfortable knowing this time around I should rebound. She also told me to have patience with losing weight

  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    eating healthy is the best thing you can do for your health. you'll just put all the weight back on if you continue with old habits and eating unhealthy like pizza, and ice cream.. those dont do any good or your body

    I totally agree! Yes it is a matter of having a calorie deficit, but you need to eat the right kinds of foods. I have had weeks where I eat totally healthy and have a good deficit (not going below 1200 calories) and loose a decent amount of weight ( 1-3lbs). I've also had weeks where yes I was within calories but I ate less healthy foods and found that I either didn't loose or lost less then 1 lbs. I find I feel better and can accomplish more at the gym and during the day on days where I ate healthy. Keeping the protein up is also a plus for building muscle.

    So the weeks you had a larger deficit, you lost more than the weeks when you had a smaller deficit. Interesting.
  • saradord
    saradord Posts: 129
    so you have done your research on Paleo diets??? i'm just trying to help people out with my experience I do not need to prove to YOU! I just know I cut out wheat and gluten and eat healthy and have lost the weight
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    so you have done your research on Paleo diets??? i'm just trying to help people out with my experience I do not need to prove to YOU! I just know I cut out wheat and gluten and eat healthy and have lost the weight

    Paleo diets work because you are eating at a deficit. :laugh:
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    so you have done your research on Paleo diets??? i'm just trying to help people out with my experience I do not need to prove to YOU! I just know I cut out wheat and gluten and eat healthy and have lost the weight

    And other people are saying that there is no need to cut gluten or anything else from your diet unless an intolerance exists, based on their experience of eating wheat and gluten and losing weight, and science. You may have chosen to do this, but science doesn't support your advice. You do not need to cut out wheat and gluten to lose weight, and if you have actual scientific studies saying that you do, post them.
  • saradord
    saradord Posts: 129
    I totally agree with you!!!
  • lawtechie
    lawtechie Posts: 708 Member
    What foods should I take out of my diet and what foods should I add?
    What are good workouts to do.?

    Not sure that anyone has said this, but I recommend to keep it simple.

    Workouts? Move your body -- do anything you like, just move it move it move it. Get your heart rate up, strive for 30 minutes or more a day, 3-4 times a week. Walking is a good start if you're not doing anything currently. Zumba is fun. If you're in college, or near a community college check out the classes there for gym. I have Comcast cable and they have workouts in their 'on demand'. Netflix also has lots of workout dvds.

    Eating? Start by being faithful and diligent in tracking what you currently eat, and improve from there. You don't need to give up what you love -- but as others said, eat it in moderation. Add fruits and veggies to your diet, eat a balance of carbs/fat/protein. Consider seeing a nutritionist to get you started, or ask your mom/dad for help.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    eating healthy is the best thing you can do for your health. you'll just put all the weight back on if you continue with old habits and eating unhealthy like pizza, and ice cream.. those dont do any good or your body


    pizza and ice cream is unhealthy???/

    I am screwed then..

    I will just say I eat both those "bad" foods and I am in the best shape/health of my life…and have about 11% body fat…just saying...
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    so you have done your research on Paleo diets??? i'm just trying to help people out with my experience I do not need to prove to YOU! I just know I cut out wheat and gluten and eat healthy and have lost the weight

    Paleo diets work because you are eating at a deficit. :laugh:

    Don't you love it when noobs come in thinking they own the place?
  • deasiya
    deasiya Posts: 19 Member
    yes you did! i weighed 195 and i am just following doctors orders and my charts look so amazing!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    seriously? your body is made up of 70 percent water. doctors recommendation is to drink that much look it up

    bahahahahaha…I weigh 170 pounds…so that would be 65 pounds of water..there are 16 ounces in one pound so we are talking about 1040 ounces a day…which would be 130 8 ounce glasses….

    if I did that I would be pissing for 24 hours non stop …hell I might start leaking water..

  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    so you have done your research on Paleo diets??? i'm just trying to help people out with my experience I do not need to prove to YOU! I just know I cut out wheat and gluten and eat healthy and have lost the weight

    Paleo diets work because you are eating at a deficit. :laugh:

    Don't you love it when noobs come in thinking they own the place?

    I did at one point too, and got humbled quickly. :laugh:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    so you have done your research on Paleo diets??? i'm just trying to help people out with my experience I do not need to prove to YOU! I just know I cut out wheat and gluten and eat healthy and have lost the weight

    Paleo diets work because you are eating at a deficit. :laugh:

    ding..ding..ding…winner winner, chicken dinner...
  • tjsoccermom
    tjsoccermom Posts: 500 Member
    What foods should I take out of my diet and what foods should I add?
    What are good workouts to do.?

    Welcome to MFP Yvette. Didn't know that you asked such a loaded question did you? I've been on MFP for 1 year now, I was the typical New Year's Resolution maker. However, this year, for the first ever, I have stuck with it. I have also lost 55 lbs.

    Really, it's simple if you break it down. Eat less, move more. You'll need to use the tools you have on MFP, track your calorie intake and calories burned. You should buy a food scale because you'll find that your portion sizes are different than you might think. And measuring tools if you don't have them.

    As for exercise, find something you enjoy doing and do lots of it. At least that is what helped me a lot. Really, it's not necessary, but it will allow you to eat more and your body will be better off. I did a lot of cardio in the beginning, mostly using an elliptical. Now I incorporate some classes (one is doing Insanity), running, stair machine, and am working on adding weight lifting. If you don't have or want a gym membership, there are lots of free things on Youtube you can watch. I try to eat back only about 1/2 of what MFP calculates for my calories burned as I think it overestimates. If you don't want to exercise, you can still lose weight, it just tends to take longer and you'll be able to consume less calories.

    Finally, as far as what you actually eat, as long as it falls within your calorie allotment, you'll lose. For me, I've chosen to cut out most processed food and I feel much better. But that's my personal choice, as I find there's a lot of empty calories, even if it is "Special K", etc. And, I am able to eat a greater volume which keeps me full. MFP had put me on 1200 calories but I found that to me too low, so I eat around 1500. I haven't tracked much since Thanksgiving, but I'm back on the wagon. My goal had been to maintain over the past month and I did, so I'm happy with that and I'm ready to get back to normal. If you fall off the wagon at any point, don't give up, just get back on.

    Finally, this website will help you figure out your calorie needs . Best of luck, you can do this!!
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    so you have done your research on Paleo diets??? i'm just trying to help people out with my experience I do not need to prove to YOU! I just know I cut out wheat and gluten and eat healthy and have lost the weight

    Paleo diets work because you are eating at a deficit. :laugh:

    ding..ding..ding…winner winner, chicken dinner...

    mmm yummy chicken it tasted good on my frozen pizza tonight
  • saradord
    saradord Posts: 129
    when did I say I owned the place when I just gave my OPINION based on my experience, !!! so since you been on the website for a while that means you know more then me even though I have been training for years!!!just because I' wasnt part of some forum I dont know what i'm talking about