Week 2, "H20 Challenge" 20 Pounds By Halloween.

Hey ladies & gents.. This is week two of our Challenge. Looking forward to hearing about your first week of weight loss.. :)

NEWBIES: Feel free to join in at anytime. The challenges will continue, even after Halloween. Anyone is Always working..

WEIGH INS: Thursday Morning thru Sunday Night.. (Looking forward to hearing about your week, of success & struggles)

Im still looking for ideas for the next challenge.. Feel free to list ideas.. Looking forward to continuing our group.. :)

I would like to thank everyone, who is helping make this group amazing.. :) Hopefully we can expand it!! :heart:

April Val :flowerforyou:


  • Sweetie_Pie92
    Sweetie_Pie92 Posts: 314 Member
    Start Weight: 220
    1st weigh in - 217.8

    Group Challenge ideas - Drink 8+ glasses of water a day for the week, get all 5 serving of veggies in, exercise at least 30 minutes every day.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Start Weight: 220
    1st weigh in - 217.8

    Group Challenge ideas - Drink 8+ glasses of water a day for the week, get all 5 serving of veggies in, exercise at least 30 minutes every day.

    Good Job for this week.. :) And those are food ideas.. :)
  • FitRosie
    FitRosie Posts: 13
    Hello Ladies! I just wanted to drop in and say hi.
    I'm on cloud 9 right now. I just completed W1D2 of the C25K and it was awesome. I was so apprehensive going into it because I was still afraid I couldn't do it. I did it though and it was easier! I felt stronger. I had a side stitch but it was much better that on Day 1. I've wanted to do the C25K so many times in the past and I've never gotten past day 1. Well I'm past day 1 and day 2 and I'm PSYCHED!

    Hope everyone has a great week!

    Do we weight in for week 2 by this Sunday or next Sunday?
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I think the next challenge should be a Christmas Challenge! To lose X amount by Christmas. :) That will help keep us on target through the holiday goodies (hopefully lol). :)

    Update for me- Challenge starting weight 341, current weight 338.8. I've lost 2.2 lbs since the start of the challenge. I need to step it up a little so that I can meet the deadline.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Hello Ladies! I just wanted to drop in and say hi.
    I'm on cloud 9 right now. I just completed W1D2 of the C25K and it was awesome. I was so apprehensive going into it because I was still afraid I couldn't do it. I did it though and it was easier! I felt stronger. I had a side stitch but it was much better that on Day 1. I've wanted to do the C25K so many times in the past and I've never gotten past day 1. Well I'm past day 1 and day 2 and I'm PSYCHED!

    Hope everyone has a great week!

    Do we weight in for week 2 by this Sunday or next Sunday?

    Congrats on your success so far! Rock it! :D
  • MrsHazra
    MrsHazra Posts: 105 Member
    How does this challenge work. I have been on this journey for almost 3 weeks and wouldlove to participate so that I can be accoutable I guess. I live in Australia does that matter.
  • suzikelley
    suzikelley Posts: 210 Member
    My weight at the beginning of this challenge was 192. This morning for my "official" weigh-in this morning was 189.6!! :-) Then a little later (after I went to the bathroom - lol) I was 189 even. It feels so dang good to be below 190! Yay!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    How does this challenge work. I have been on this journey for almost 3 weeks and wouldlove to participate so that I can be accoutable I guess. I live in Australia does that matter.

    The challenge is to lose 20 lbs by Halloween. :) To participate you just have to come in once a week and post your progress. We started this last week though, so you could totally count what you lost last week toward the 20 lb goal. :D
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    My weight at the beginning of this challenge was 192. This morning for my "official" weigh-in this morning was 189.6!! :-) Then a little later (after I went to the bathroom - lol) I was 189 even. It feels so dang good to be below 190! Yay!

    Awesome! A three pound drop the first week! Good job! :D Isn't it amazing the difference the "before bathroom" and "after bathroom" makes? lol I always weigh myself in the mornings after I get up, totally naked, and after I've gone to the bathroom. It makes a big difference. lol
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Bookmarking for tomorrow...I weigh in tomorrow since TOM was still around this morning. Not sure if I'll join in all of the little challenges throughout this time as I host a set of challenges for my friends via my status called the BMK, I'll do what I can :) See ya all again tomorrow :)
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Woohoo, first page! :bigsmile:

    Sweetie_666, your glasses are ADORABLE. Love them. May I ask where you got them? And welcome to the group!

    suzikelley, way to go on the loss! Pre-potty and post-potty weights are so entertaining to me. But they really do make a difference. Once it was such a difference that I had to yell and tell my husband because I was so dang proud of the deposit and how it affected my balance. :laugh:

    Welcome, MrsHazra!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Question - would anyone find it helpful in any way, shape, or form, if I were to create a club website that houses our member list, weigh-in stats, challenges, group pictures, etc? We'd still use these boards as our primary communication tool...

    Or would we prefer to keep everything in these message boards?
  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    This would be heaven if I could make it. I'm in! I hope to make 20 by then!
  • Sweetie_Pie92
    Sweetie_Pie92 Posts: 314 Member
    Thank you :D
    Oh, by challenges I thought you meant like week-to-week group challenges *facepalm*
  • Sweetie_Pie92
    Sweetie_Pie92 Posts: 314 Member

    Sweetie_666, your glasses are ADORABLE. Love them. May I ask where you got them? And welcome to the group!

    Thank you so much! I actually found them in this really cute second hand store in Corvallis, OR. They were only $5.00. I came back home to my eye doctor and had her put my new lenses in them. I love them so much! I actually just got another new pair :D I'll have to get a picture wearing those.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member

    Sweetie_666, your glasses are ADORABLE. Love them. May I ask where you got them? And welcome to the group!

    Thank you so much! I actually found them in this really cute second hand store in Corvallis, OR. They were only $5.00. I came back home to my eye doctor and had her put my new lenses in them. I love them so much! I actually just got another new pair :D I'll have to get a picture wearing those.

    *shakes fist in air* Curse you for finding adorable glasses that are one-of-a-kind! That's so cool that your doctor was able to put the lenses in 'em. I'd love to see your new pair!

    Speaking of cheap glasses, my pair of Bulgari glasses were destroyed by my puppy dog. When I was whining about the massacre, my friend told me about Zenni Optical. I was skeptical, but dude, they rock. I got two pairs of glasses - one regular pair and one pair of sunglasses - for $30 TOTAL. Shipping and all. They arrived and two weeks and the prescription is perfect. You gotta check out the site whenever you're in the mood to add another pair of specs to your arsenal! www.zennioptical.com
  • Flotus87
    Flotus87 Posts: 11
    I had posted this under the other topic this morning before this one was up. Figured I'd put it here to keep in line with eveyones updates.

    ~Just did my weekly weigh in and am at 263 even. It still leaves me to wonder if my start weight of 273 was inflated by TOM or excess water weight due to not drinking all my water each day. Either way I'm extremely happy with where I'm at today. It makes the idea of me getting to my overall goal seem more possible. Based on where I'm at to reach my H20 goal of 253 I only have 10lbs to go. I am officially amending my H20 goal right here, right now though to push myself to be down to 250 even by Halloween. so that means 13lbs to go. I just hope that with school and work starting up next week I can keep as active as I have been and keep making my smart food choices.~

    Was crazy sore today and really thought I wasn't going to get my exercise in, but i made myself bust out the Wii this evening after i got my son to bed and did my 30 minutes of cardio. Plus the hubby isn't in on the challenge with me. He is supportive, but doesn't want the added stress of watching his foods right now, so he wants to eat out and today it was lunch and dinner...I held strong and made better choices though at least. Did you know that replacing mayo on a sandwich with avocado spread can save you like 200 calories.....I do now.
  • LastFighter
    LastFighter Posts: 175 Member
    SW: 291
    CW: 288
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    SW 207.8

    as of this morning 206.6 :)

    Keep up the great work all, we can do this (even if it's only 15lb, we can still do it!!)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    So I weighed in this morning. I stayed at 291. Which is a good thing I maintained, but also sucks at the same time. I gotta figure out whats going on with me. Ive walked EVERY day this week.. I guess I need to step it up a little more. Maybe cut certain things from my diet? It will get better.. Even if I dont Succeed the 20 pounds, Im going to die trying.. hehe.. Time to eat breakfast, then go to my moms to drop the dog off, then off to work. Working until 8pm.. Bleh..