Week 2, "H20 Challenge" 20 Pounds By Halloween.



  • MrsMowbray
    chrisdrager - Do you have your dress picked out? Can we see a pic of it? Can we can we, huh huh huh?! *beg*

    (I really do miss the whole wedding planning thing. OK not all of it, but the dress shopping, definitely!!)

    Haha. Sure, I'm new here so not 100% sure how to attach things. Will add a pic to my profile so you can see it there. :-)

    And thanks for the warm welcome everyone. :-)
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    chrisdrager - Do you have your dress picked out? Can we see a pic of it? Can we can we, huh huh huh?! *beg*

    (I really do miss the whole wedding planning thing. OK not all of it, but the dress shopping, definitely!!)

    Haha. Sure, I'm new here so not 100% sure how to attach things. Will add a pic to my profile so you can see it there. :-)

    And thanks for the warm welcome everyone. :-)

    Chris - I took a look at your dress. It is wonderful!!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Welcome lbencomo!
    Were looking to decorate the trucks up themselves.. one will be a flat bed, one will be a semi tow truck, and one will be a small truck with a hook..

    Do you guys want to have a theme? The semi tow truck will be a big challenge, huh?! The flat bed might be cute as a little pumpkin patch with a scarecrow. The semi - maybe you can paint it up like a giant jack-o-lantern. And the small truck w/hook - uhm - maybe you can do something with a witches theme. Get a "cauldron" and put dry ice and water in it so that it emits mist, and hang that from the hook.
  • MrsMowbray
    chrisdrager - Do you have your dress picked out? Can we see a pic of it? Can we can we, huh huh huh?! *beg*

    (I really do miss the whole wedding planning thing. OK not all of it, but the dress shopping, definitely!!)

    Haha. Sure, I'm new here so not 100% sure how to attach things. Will add a pic to my profile so you can see it there. :-)

    And thanks for the warm welcome everyone. :-)

    Thanks. I love it and can't wait to wear it. :-)

    It's a bit of a small pic, so will come back after the wedding and post one of me in the dress.... :happy:
  • Sweetie_Pie92
    Sweetie_Pie92 Posts: 314 Member
    Wow! I can't believe we're up to 100 members already O.o

    Today another lovely lady from MFP and I started a forum website for clothing exchange. You just post the clothes you're ready to pass on someone whose ready for them will claim them. You can charge shipping if you need to, or not. Totally up to you. I'd really love to get this up and running! So of anyone is interested it's here -

  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Wow! I can't believe we're up to 100 members already O.o

    Today another lovely lady from MFP and I started a forum website for clothing exchange. You just post the clothes you're ready to pass on someone whose ready for them will claim them. You can charge shipping if you need to, or not. Totally up to you. I'd really love to get this up and running! So of anyone is interested it's here -


    This is too cool!! I'm totally putting this in my signature.
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    oh wow tomorrow's weigh in day for me and I'm freakin'. I meant to do it today but I slept so late and woke up so hungry that I ate breakfast and didn't even think about the scale. But honestly, I'm feeling like I gained...:grumble:
  • deanna324
    deanna324 Posts: 58 Member
    Let's see if the pumpkin is working.
  • deanna324
    deanna324 Posts: 58 Member
    3 of 20
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Wooooo the scale moved 2lb down this week :D

    This only puts me back where I started, but still yay.

    SW 169
    CW 169

    Yay for being in the 60's

    Yay! Awesome job! :D
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Wow guys, it looks like we're all making such great progress! I'm starting to get anxious again about my Friday weigh in for week too, but I'm kinda excited too! :D
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    100 (actually I think we have 101 now!!) members is freakin' awesome!!! Woot Woot for us!!! ROCK ON! :drinker:

    So I'm 2/20 so far, I weigh in on Fridays so I will be updating soon. I never realised how many challenges I'm in :noway: ..take a look:

    I have this challenge, my personal BMK challenge (2 friends and I pick 2exercise and 1food challenge a week as an extra boost), as well as a lose 5lbs a month (I've done this each month since June), the Crunch and Plank (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/116270-crunch-n-plank) as well as 100push up challenge (I'm on week 4 but am doing girly ones ), the Labor Day challenge and postcard challenge...YIKES! I never realized how many I am actually in!! Although Labor Day challenge ends this weekend and I only have 2 weeks of the push up challenge, but still!! LOL! Anywho, I'm headed to start on my torso twists(part of BMK) and the Crunch and Planks, no C25k today since it's raining, that just means it's time for a Leslie vid and some dancing :) Have a great day all!! Be back Friday with my weigh in :heart: Bru
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    I would so like to join this challenge!! Brunettewife told me about it and I have been looking for another challenge. I just completed a burn 20,000 calories for the month of August challenge and am starting a burn 25,000 cals for September challenge but wanted something else. This would be an awesome way to keep me accountable!

    So if you guys started this challege a week ago can I use that weight as the start weight? If so:

    SW: 231
    CW: 228.4 (as of Sunday...that's weigh in day for me)

    Am I doing this right???? :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Welcome!! :)
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I would so like to join this challenge!! Brunettewife told me about it and I have been looking for another challenge. I just completed a burn 20,000 calories for the month of August challenge and am starting a burn 25,000 cals for September challenge but wanted something else. This would be an awesome way to keep me accountable!

    So if you guys started this challege a week ago can I use that weight as the start weight? If so:

    SW: 231
    CW: 228.4 (as of Sunday...that's weigh in day for me)

    Am I doing this right???? :)

    Rock on Lori!!! Glad you joined us, we're gonna kill it together, let's drop the weight and inches and bring our sweaty on and get our sexier back :wink:
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    H20 Collage.. Who wants to be in the H20 Collage that Im going to do on Picnik and add to the website???
    If you wanna be in the Collage.. What picture do you want me to use?? Attach your name.. Or Nick name.. Im having a hard time remembering everyone.. ;)

    Feel free to add me. You can use my user name and icon pic you you like. :) I'm going to have to try and shoot some photographs of me tomorrow if I have time. Hopefully someday soon I'll have the guts to post it. (I just don't want anyone I might now to find out that I'm losing weight).

    Why does it matter if other people know that you are trying to lose weight?? The only people that are on here that I know, are the ones I have invited. Its good for you that you are.. So it shouldnt matter what anyone else things. Just like a picture of you, it shouldnt matter.. <3
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Welcome lbencomo!
    Were looking to decorate the trucks up themselves.. one will be a flat bed, one will be a semi tow truck, and one will be a small truck with a hook..

    Do you guys want to have a theme? The semi tow truck will be a big challenge, huh?! The flat bed might be cute as a little pumpkin patch with a scarecrow. The semi - maybe you can paint it up like a giant jack-o-lantern. And the small truck w/hook - uhm - maybe you can do something with a witches theme. Get a "cauldron" and put dry ice and water in it so that it emits mist, and hang that from the hook.

    Were just trying to come up with ideas for now.. ;) Not sure if they want a theme or just halloweenish all together.. ;)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Wow! I can't believe we're up to 100 members already O.o

    Today another lovely lady from MFP and I started a forum website for clothing exchange. You just post the clothes you're ready to pass on someone whose ready for them will claim them. You can charge shipping if you need to, or not. Totally up to you. I'd really love to get this up and running! So of anyone is interested it's here -


    This is a GREAT thing!! :) Good thinking!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    100 (actually I think we have 101 now!!) members is freakin' awesome!!! Woot Woot for us!!! ROCK ON! :drinker:

    So I'm 2/20 so far, I weigh in on Fridays so I will be updating soon. I never realised how many challenges I'm in :noway: ..take a look:

    I have this challenge, my personal BMK challenge (2 friends and I pick 2exercise and 1food challenge a week as an extra boost), as well as a lose 5lbs a month (I've done this each month since June), the Crunch and Plank (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/116270-crunch-n-plank) as well as 100push up challenge (I'm on week 4 but am doing girly ones ), the Labor Day challenge and postcard challenge...YIKES! I never realized how many I am actually in!! Although Labor Day challenge ends this weekend and I only have 2 weeks of the push up challenge, but still!! LOL! Anywho, I'm headed to start on my torso twists(part of BMK) and the Crunch and Planks, no C25k today since it's raining, that just means it's time for a Leslie vid and some dancing :) Have a great day all!! Be back Friday with my weigh in :heart: Bru

    wtg with all the challenges.. Just shows your a strong person.. :) I <3 it! You CAN do it!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I would so like to join this challenge!! Brunettewife told me about it and I have been looking for another challenge. I just completed a burn 20,000 calories for the month of August challenge and am starting a burn 25,000 cals for September challenge but wanted something else. This would be an awesome way to keep me accountable!

    So if you guys started this challege a week ago can I use that weight as the start weight? If so:

    SW: 231
    CW: 228.4 (as of Sunday...that's weigh in day for me)

    Am I doing this right???? :)

    Yes you are doing it right.. Welcome.. Looking forward to getting to know you along the way.. :) Thanks for joining!