Week 2, "H20 Challenge" 20 Pounds By Halloween.



  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I would so like to join this challenge!! Brunettewife told me about it and I have been looking for another challenge. I just completed a burn 20,000 calories for the month of August challenge and am starting a burn 25,000 cals for September challenge but wanted something else. This would be an awesome way to keep me accountable!

    So if you guys started this challege a week ago can I use that weight as the start weight? If so:

    SW: 231
    CW: 228.4 (as of Sunday...that's weigh in day for me)

    Am I doing this right???? :)

    Rock on Lori!!! Glad you joined us, we're gonna kill it together, let's drop the weight and inches and bring our sweaty on and get our sexier back :wink:

    I :heart: this!! :)
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    I would love to join this challenge and work on getting fit!! I was just so excited about being in the 150's almost 2 weeks aga and the dreadful 160's have come back to haunt me but I have been eating pretty crappy so i can't say I did much to keep it off but Sept. is here new month and I got to get this right once and for all!!

    My SW is 165.2 as of today!!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I would love to join this challenge and work on getting fit!! I was just so excited about being in the 150's almost 2 weeks aga and the dreadful 160's have come back to haunt me but I have been eating pretty crappy so i can't say I did much to keep it off but Sept. is here new month and I got to get this right once and for all!!

    My SW is 165.2 as of today!!

    Welcome.. Lookingforward to getting to know you.. We are all here to support you.. :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I was sooo curious I couldnt help it.. I hopped on my Wii Balance Board.. And I weighed in at 1 pound lighter.. BUT Im not recording it until Saturday.. I dont want to jinx myself.. :) Acording to the Wii Balance Board.. I have OFFICIALLY hit my 290 mark.. I hope to lose ATLEAST 2 pounds this week. Wish me luck!!! Hows everyone feeling about themselves this week??
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I would love to join this challenge and work on getting fit!! I was just so excited about being in the 150's almost 2 weeks aga and the dreadful 160's have come back to haunt me but I have been eating pretty crappy so i can't say I did much to keep it off but Sept. is here new month and I got to get this right once and for all!!

    My SW is 165.2 as of today!!
    Yay!!! Hooked another!! Welcome my dear :) Let's kick some booty!
  • brycensmom
    I am excited about this. I sure hope I make it. My weight loss has been small once I hit 50 lbs gone. Wish I could get it back started.
  • brycensmom
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I am excited about this. I sure hope I make it. My weight loss has been small once I hit 50 lbs gone. Wish I could get it back started.

    You CAN do this.. :) We are here to support you. Whenever you need us, just speak up.. :)
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I'm so glad to see some familar faces popping in to join :) So new friends, old friends, and soon to be friends, WE GOT THIS!!! :drinker:
  • nursee67
    Ok Bru...you have so totally convinced me...damn you! But, of all the friends I have, you really do inspire me the most. I think the challenges help too!


    SW 202.4.

    I am ready!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Ok Bru...you have so totally convinced me...damn you! But, of all the friends I have, you really do inspire me the most. I think the challenges help too!


    SW 202.4.

    I am ready!

  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    I would love to join this challenge and work on getting fit!! I was just so excited about being in the 150's almost 2 weeks aga and the dreadful 160's have come back to haunt me but I have been eating pretty crappy so i can't say I did much to keep it off but Sept. is here new month and I got to get this right once and for all!!

    My SW is 165.2 as of today!!
    Yay!!! Hooked another!! Welcome my dear :) Let's kick some booty!

    Yeah you dd thanks Bru for getting me on board!!!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    LMAO!!! Yay!! I'm so happy you have taken the plunge as well! I'm really beyond words that I have helped inspire you, thank you, I'm so thrilled to hear that!! Now, get out there and dance your *kitten* off ( or walk, you know whatever, just move!!)
    Ok Bru...you have so totally convinced me...damn you! But, of all the friends I have, you really do inspire me the most. I think the challenges help too!


    SW 202.4.

    I am ready!

    You are soooooo welcome :)

    Yeah you dd thanks Bru for getting me on board!!!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Bru, damn girl you don't take the challenge thing lightly! You're awesome!

    Welcome to all our new members. :)

    So today was my weigh-in day. 188.4. That means I'm one pound up from last week's weigh in, and I'm not sure I can even call this a gain since last week my scale had the fluff under the legs and was misreading. I'll take it for what it is. 3.2 of 20.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Just got done doing the HARD workout on Golds Gym Cardio Workout.. I let them put the workout together for me, otherwise I dont workout as hard.. :) I feel great.. It was a hard 25 minute workout. About to get around and take my shower for work. Working 6 til 10 yuck.. Same thing tomorrow.. Yuck..

    Id like to share something on here..

    Two nights ago I was talking to a girl I went to school with, who has gained ALOT of weight.. She was saying to me how she would like to lose weight but she LOVES food TOO much.. Thats the night I stayed up til 6am. In the time I talk to her she had a snack, and made an extra trip on her own to Burger King because she wanted fast food. To me that is sad.. I told her she can do it, but she doesnt want to. Its really scary. I dont know how people can allow food to consume their lives. Ive had a fwe days lately I just wanted ot eat and eat and eat and I think of all of the progress I have done. And Im grateful my body wont let me eat and eat and eat anymore. Im definately grateful for that.. We CANT allow FOOD to consume us whether its good or not. With this i night, maybe we should add a "small" challenge to our "group" weekly.. Like, cut out late night snacking, cut out junk.. So forth.. What do we think of this?? I know alot of us keep struggling with certain areas.. Maybe doing it together would be great.. And if we give in.. We must post it on here.. in the Forum.. I think it would slow me down.. Knowing I would have to use this as my "Confession box" haha!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    April, sorry to hear about your friend. I have a friend like that too - he's always been a big guy, but in the last couple years has packed on more weight. He just loves food and excessiveness. Doesn't care. Like when we invite him over for dinner, he'll drive thru somewhere, then he'll stop home after work and eat there, and then come over and eat with us. And he takes in alcohol in the same volume. He's got a treadmill, and we joke that he can drink his Jack and Pepsi while walking on it since it has a cup holder. But he gave up on that.

    It is hard to see friends dig themselves into an even deeper hole. Makes you wonder what else is REALLY going on. I think almost everyone loves food - you just have to learn how to appropriately love the food back.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I just got back from vacation and the temptations to eat some very fattening foods and give up my plan for a week were there...... but I ate my healthy breakfast and lunch, brought fruit along when we drove and made the best choices I could when we ate supper, and I am 3 pounds lighter then when I started my vacation. So it can be done. I hear you, you have to decide your ready and make it a conscious choice to eat this way.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I WAS that person many months ago...late night snacking was often due to my hubby and I going to a friends house before dinner (which meant fast food) and then the 30min trip home usually around midnight or so, we'd be hungry again so then it was a trip to the gas station for whatever we could get or another fast food trip, often 2x a week, not including when we were at our own house. It is very sad that anyone could do that, especially me, I hated myself for doing that, but never decided to stop until the scale told me 243.9 on my 5ft 4 1/2ish frame and I decided that I wanted a family and wanted to live to see that family grow and now here I am, pushing challenges because I've been in a funk before and I NEVER want to go back. I hope that one day I am blessed enough to start a family and to teach them proper food habits from day one. <3
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Welcome new people :D

    I have had an extremely bad food day, had a lot of rubbish :( Plus side took my 8 year old on a two hour bike ride, I have evened out the calories and now have a very sore bum, not been on a bike at all for about 15 years :)
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    My issue right now is making bad food choices so I definitely don't mind making this a place to confess. My goal this month is to not eat out but if I do only once and I really want to stick to this!!