24 hour water fast/detox... Yes?



  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Your body is a wonderful machine..you don't need to do that ****e.
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    All this will do is reduce water retention and bloat. You can do this and still eat by drinking a lot of water and limiting processed foods.
  • SofaKingRad_II
    I do a water cleanse in the shower daily!
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Do you not have organs? They do all the cleansing for you daily. You don't need to do something dumb like a fast. You really don't. Please be smart about this and just eat better and work out.
  • HungryasFuark
    HungryasFuark Posts: 463 Member
    U wont get any positive feed back about fasts etc here lol , i do it every 2 weeks or so ...once or twice/week usually on a cardio/ rest day ...and i didn't lose any muscle from water fasting for 24 hrs actually my strength increased from doing so while bulking/ cutting and i always feel great and energetic the day after ..imo there are no side affects to water fasting for 24 hrs.. go for it .
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    U wont get any positive feed back about fasts etc here lol , i do it every 2 weeks or so ...once or twice/week usually on a cardio/ rest day ...and i didn't lose any muscle from water fasting for 24 hrs actually my strength increased from doing so while bulking/ cutting and i always feel great and energetic the day after ..imo there are no side affects to water fasting for 24 hrs.. go for it .

    You don't get positive feedback because it's not necessary or beneficial.
  • _Tay_
    _Tay_ Posts: 95
    Lol thanks everyone for your opinions! As they are all just opinions ... But greatly appreciated. Especially thanks to those of you who voted against the fast and wasn't a little negative nancy about it ;)

    I enjoy reading different perspectives on water only for 24 hours.. And if you've actually tried it even better!

    I DO want a safe healthy body.. And my intention wasn't to lose weight off of this detox. I too have read up on it.. But don't believe everything I read online. Just looking for other points of view in a polite manner, thanks!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Lol thanks everyone for your opinions! As they are all just opinions

    I truly mean this in the nicest way possible but the notion that your liver and kidneys functionally detoxify your system without the need to abstain from eating is not an opinion, it is factual.

    Additionally, if you were in a position that your organs were not performing their functions properly, you would be in need of medical attention rather than 24 hours of water.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Lol thanks everyone for your opinions! As they are all just opinions ... But greatly appreciated. Especially thanks to those of you who voted against the fast and wasn't a little negative nancy about it ;)

    I enjoy reading different perspectives on water only for 24 hours.. And if you've actually tried it even better!

    I DO want a safe healthy body.. And my intention wasn't to lose weight off of this detox. I too have read up on it.. But don't believe everything I read online. Just looking for other points of view in a polite manner, thanks!

    A+ for passive agressive response. F- on content and confirmation bias.

    Here is the deal - a 24 hour fast will not harm you, but it won't particularly help you or improve your health in any way. It does not detox anything. Feel free to do it - the only real value I see is that you do create a passing deficit of calories which might result in the actual loss of slightly less than a pound of mass (+ the perceived and very temporary loss of a little more due to digestive clearance).

    You'll do better when you figure out how to be more consistent long-term. Good luck (sincerely).
  • _Tay_
    _Tay_ Posts: 95
    Thanks for your opinion as well. I am not looking for reassurance to do this fast by any means. Just perspectives good and bad.. I do urge you and others to do a bit of research on water detoxing and see both sides in this.. As there is a HUGE group who support fasting for 24 hours once a month. And they have reason. True? Who knows. Thanks again!

    PS ALSO not looking for a grade ;)
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Thanks for your opinion as well. I am not looking for reassurance to do this fast by any means. Just perspectives good and bad.. I do urge you and others to do a bit of research on water detoxing and see both sides in this.. As there is a HUGE group who support fasting for 24 hours once a month. And they have reason. True? Who knows. Thanks again!

    PS ALSO not looking for a grade ;)

    Argumentum ad populum


    A huge number of people also try raspberry ketones and a whole bunch of fads. Is that what is next on your plate?

    Thank you for the suggestion that I "do a bit of research". :laugh:

    edit: spelling
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Um. No. :noway:
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Thanks for your opinion as well. I am not looking for reassurance to do this fast by any means. Just perspectives good and bad.. I do urge you and others to do a bit of research on water detoxing and see both sides in this.. As there is a HUGE group who support fasting for 24 hours once a month. And they have reason. True? Who knows. Thanks again!

    PS ALSO not looking for a grade ;)

    People who fast for 24 hours often follow IF. That has nothing to do with "cleansing" the body of anything. You don't need to detox your body of anything. If you wish to do a fast because of temporary benefits (more energy from cortisol, calorie cycling, etc.), fine. Ridding the body of toxins? We'll point out that there is no benefit to fasting to do this. Your body will cleanse itself the same way it would if you had eaten.

    Many have researched this, but thanks again for playing, "Ask a question and don't listen to answers!"

  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    The body is a pretty cool thing.

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    One day of not eating is not a big deal...however, it will not be detoxing or cleansing anything. It is unnecessary.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Thanks for your opinion as well. I am not looking for reassurance to do this fast by any means. Just perspectives good and bad.. I do urge you and others to do a bit of research on water detoxing and see both sides in this.. As there is a HUGE group who support fasting for 24 hours once a month. And they have reason. True? Who knows. Thanks again!

    PS ALSO not looking for a grade ;)

    Eat or don't eat. But it's not cleansing you. It's not detoxing you. It's not "kick starting" your weight loss.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Lol thanks everyone for your opinions! As they are all just opinions ... But greatly appreciated. Especially thanks to those of you who voted against the fast and wasn't a little negative nancy about it ;)

    I enjoy reading different perspectives on water only for 24 hours.. And if you've actually tried it even better!

    I DO want a safe healthy body.. And my intention wasn't to lose weight off of this detox. I too have read up on it.. But don't believe everything I read online. Just looking for other points of view in a polite manner, thanks!

    They are not just opinions.

    Could you point us to what the body actually detoxes by doing a water fast, above that which the body does anyway? I have researched it and can never find it. If you have found this illusive holy grail, please share.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    U wont get any positive feed back about fasts etc here lol , i do it every 2 weeks or so ...once or twice/week usually on a cardio/ rest day ...and i didn't lose any muscle from water fasting for 24 hrs actually my strength increased from doing so while bulking/ cutting and i always feel great and energetic the day after ..imo there are no side affects to water fasting for 24 hrs.. go for it .

    Being hungry and miserable would be one!
  • HungryasFuark
    HungryasFuark Posts: 463 Member
    U wont get any positive feed back about fasts etc here lol , i do it every 2 weeks or so ...once or twice/week usually on a cardio/ rest day ...and i didn't lose any muscle from water fasting for 24 hrs actually my strength increased from doing so while bulking/ cutting and i always feel great and energetic the day after ..imo there are no side affects to water fasting for 24 hrs.. go for it .

    You don't get positive feedback because it's not necessary or beneficial.

    Not beneficial? well if u binge afterwards or spend the whole day thinking about food then yeah ...water fasting clears the mind & body ...doing some sort of meditation or just relaxing activity while fasting will make u feel really good psychologically and physically..that said not everyone will look at it this way ..those who feel tired , hungry , depressed etc while fasting ..simply shouldn't do it
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Thanks for your opinion as well. I am not looking for reassurance to do this fast by any means. Just perspectives good and bad.. I do urge you and others to do a bit of research on water detoxing and see both sides in this.. As there is a HUGE group who support fasting for 24 hours once a month. And they have reason. True? Who knows. Thanks again!

    PS ALSO not looking for a grade ;)
    There's also a huge group of people who believe Jews control all the world's money and they also have their reasons. I guess it must be true.