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The official nightshift thread....



  • ed2co20
    ed2co20 Posts: 58 Member
    anyone up
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I think I'm the only one.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    @lilaclovebird-thankfully I'm stocked with bras right now, but I do need to find a bathing suit for my upcoming vacation. Looks like you can EITHER get one that will actually support big boobs, OR you can get one for less than $100.00.

    This is fact

    Also, @sufferlandrian, I have seniority over our current relief person, who was hired after I was, and then whomever they hire next to replace officer Gerwick.
    Seniority is by hire date and then by the amount of time they have been on their current shift. The reality is, whoever they hire will get put on nights and will have less shift seniority. So I'll get to pick which days off I want before they do and they get to suffer with whatever is left.

    As for SSP, I have a toothbrush and an almost empty bottle of Scope over at his place, he uses ACT mouthwash. And after he left for work on Wednesday night(I was watching his dogs and cleaning, like I always do), he sent me a text "Check the medicine cabinet". I texted back before looking in the medicine cabinet saying "Don't worry, I'll remember to throw my toothbrush away" still thinking he was serious about the break up thing.

    I open the cabinet and there, next to a brand new bottle of ACT mouthwash, is a brand new bottle of Scope mouthwash and I burst into tears because he wouldn't have bought a new bottle of Scope if he hadn't planned on having me around. Of course I call him all teary and he kind of brushes it off like no big deal and we hang up after a bit. Then he texts me that he's sorry he gave me such a hard time and made so many jokes about ending it because that was never his actual plan. That put me on cloud nine. I'm still kind of on cloud seven. :smiley:

    Then I got a call from my ex-husband and it stressed me out SO badly I went to the store and bought a pint of Salted Caramel Craze for myself Being the type of person I am, I think "My happiness level has gone to *kitten* right now. I should make sure the people I care about have moderately high happiness levels." So I bought a pint of Blue Bell Mint Chocolate Chip for SSP because it's his favorite and then a half gallon of frozen yogurt for my mom.

    I don't want to talk about what the ex and I talked about. I also wish things weren't happening this way because even though we divorced amicably, it really makes me want to cut all ties with him completely over this bull *kitten*.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    It's not uncommon for abusive/controlling types to intervene in the lives of those over whom they formerly held sway, to interfere in their lives if they perceive they are happy, or moving ahead in their lives. It sounds like to me like he's mostly stirring up *kitten* just to get your attention. Either way, I hope things work out in your favor.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    @Lilac - Glad there was a new bottle of scope in the bathroom. :smile: I'm more of a Ben and Jerry's Americone Dream guy myself but I can completely relate. :smile:
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    It's not uncommon for abusive/controlling types to intervene in the lives of those over whom they formerly held sway, to interfere in their lives if they perceive they are happy, or moving ahead in their lives. It sounds like to me like he's mostly stirring up *kitten* just to get your attention. Either way, I hope things work out in your favor.

    He was just stirring up *kitten* to get my attention. The way he reacted (slightly angry) in text after I found the Scope and made some comment about how he must've gotten it for his 'new girlfriend' showed me that he had put himself in a vulnerable position. I can only equate it to someone who is awaiting the answer to a proposal. You're attached to the person and that "yes" or "no" means a lot either way, and my semi-rejection made him feel hurt, so he reacted a little bit angrily. It wasn't anything serious, but I was concerned enough about his response to call him and actually talk to him.


    This is the longest "relationship" that he's ever had and I think he's still concerned about whether or not I really accept him for who he is, a super sarcastic, cynical, *kitten* weirdo who is REALLY good at shooting guns, and can always point out the bright side to other people. :grin:

    I made some comments about a week ago while we were watching Spaceballs (yes, I know) about how the actress who plays Vespa, the main female protagonist, has great legs and I wish i had them and I wished my breasts were smaller like hers. Chad, in a wonderful and simple way, did a great thing. He looked me up and down and while looking back at the screen said "Meh. Her hair isn't short enough."

    Now coming from a guy who, in the beginning of our 'relationship', constantly said that I wasn't his usual 'type' and that he preferred women with a smaller chest and longer legs, this was really big for me to hear.

    I love my body and I love where it's going (even though it's on hold for my sister's wedding). Chad doesn't make me feel bad about my body, ever. I've lost about 20 pounds since things started and he's quite proud. He doesn't make purposeful(even tries to avoid accidental) hurtful comments about it. He does help keep me in line with my goals but encourages living a real life and not 24/7 dieting(Chipotle anyone?).
    It's largely an internal thing that I wish I could be more like the women he typically desires. Whether he did it completely intentionally or if it was just a factual off-hand comment, he definitely helped me move past that quite a bit and I'm not likely to forget it anytime soon.

    It's only been a year, we're still coming to terms with each other, getting to know each other, and generally seeing what this is. But we like each other well enough to keep going for a while longer so there's that! :sunglasses:
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    A c-section, a fish hook removal, and an exploratory surgery all in one night. I'm done. Put a fork in it.
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,476 Member
    Got called in for OT tonight after the girl who works 6p-6a on this rotation ended her engagement. You can't ugly girl cry and do 911. I know this for a fact. I didn't have to come in till midnight when the 12p-12a woman had to go.

    At least I got to have dinner with the hubs and boy child. Homemade cheese stuffed shells. So many calories but good God it was good.

    I made my semi-regular stop at Sheetz on my way in. Grabbed a diet Faygo Moon Mist (I love the names of the off brand stuff :D ). I hop back in the car and leave; as I'm driving, I hear my soda start squeaking.


    The plastic wasn't broken but someone cracked the damn thing and put it back.

    WHAT KIND OF MONSTER DOES THAT!?!? :angry: :rage::-1:

    People SUCK
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Amen to that. People really do suck. Had to send a gal packing tonight. She said her dog had an infected uterus and just wanted antibiotics. Then she tossed a fit and started acting really rude when the receptionist said she couldn't see me until she was checked in. So when she told me she wasn't going to work with that receptionist and I would need to find someone else, I told her she could work with my receptionist or go somewhere else. She got snooty and said if I didn't want to see her pet, she would go somewhere else. So I sent her somewhere else.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Amen to that. People really do suck. Had to send a gal packing tonight. She said her dog had an infected uterus and just wanted antibiotics. Then she tossed a fit and started acting really rude when the receptionist said she couldn't see me until she was checked in. So when she told me she wasn't going to work with that receptionist and I would need to find someone else, I told her she could work with my receptionist or go somewhere else. She got snooty and said if I didn't want to see her pet, she would go somewhere else. So I sent her somewhere else.

    How did she know what her dog had anyway? Was SHE a vet? If so why didn't she prescribe her OWN pet antibiotics or have another vet friend do it?

    I am so confused...
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,476 Member
    Because people are so damn sure of themselves and think that they are right. They can't even entertain the fact that they might be wrong.

    I should've brought my nail polish. I'm keeping myself busy by walking around the center.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I'm keeping myself entertained by looking up self-defense items on Amazon. I lost my pocket knife and had to order a new one, now I'm looking at tactical knives.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,476 Member
    Very nice @Jennifer_417
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Thanks! Hopefully I can manage to hang on to this one; I've lost 2 in the last year!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Thanks! Hopefully I can manage to hang on to this one; I've lost 2 in the last year!

    You're not supposed to leave them IN people after you stab them...

  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Ooooohhhh...right. *makes a note for next time*
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,476 Member
    I, too, have made a mental note @lilaclovebird
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Boy, it's a good thing we have @lilaclovebird around!