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The official nightshift thread....



  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Got in to find our slide stainer is down for the weekend, so efficient not having weekend service. Looking forward to making 20ish smears in the AM. Ran 4 miles before coming in tonight and am supposed to be running to zumba when I get off. Sucks I forgot my Friday night latte, Dunks was closed by the time I remembered :(

    If I could ship a latte to you from our kitchen, I totally would. I know I cannot LIVE without my caffeine. I am trying to switch to tea, but it's not working out....
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    If I could ship a latte to you from our kitchen, I totally would. I know I cannot LIVE without my caffeine. I am trying to switch to tea, but it's not working out....

    I do both... coffe on the drive in, then a black tea when I get to work. Maybe I should cut back, but I won't.
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    If I could ship a latte to you from our kitchen, I totally would. I know I cannot LIVE without my caffeine. I am trying to switch to tea, but it's not working out....

    I do both... coffee on the drive in, then a black tea when I get to work. Maybe I should cut back, but I won't.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    I start Friday with nothing, Saturday morning I've gone to 5 hour energy drinks. Saturday evening I've gone to Monster Zero Ultra's and by Sunday I'm mixing the 5 hour energy drinks into my Monsters. Come on Monday morning! :smile:
  • SubZeroDude
    SubZeroDude Posts: 1,519 Member
    2 energy drinks first night, second night nothing, maybe some coffee.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    belimawr wrote: »
    If I could ship a latte to you from our kitchen, I totally would. I know I cannot LIVE without my caffeine. I am trying to switch to tea, but it's not working out....

    I do both... coffee on the drive in, then a black tea when I get to work. Maybe I should cut back, but I won't.

    I do coffee when I wake up. Coffee on the drive in/while I'm here(to go cup) and then switch to tea while I'm here. I am trying to get where I do tea for everything.

    I also should probably cut back. But it isn't happening.

    People have told me cutting back on dairy would help with my psoriasis, but I love cheese and yogurt too damn much. I'd rather be red and mildly itchy than give up my cheese!

    I guess I'm just stubborn... :D
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Coffee used to be my go-to but it burns my belly so badly now. So I drink tea. A lot of tea. If I feel, hungry. Tea first. Usually decaf green tea. I miss coffee.
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    edited April 2015
    I do Dunks lattes my first night on and then Friday nights since Saturday is the only day I workout before bed. I like the really super sweet bajillion calorie ones :D No matter what I have two coffee products of some kind in a day, though on my days off I try to do coffee in the morning and green tea with lunch. I'm more tired on my days off a lot of times, my 5 year old sucks at sleeping at night and I get woken up quite often
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    I just never have been a coffee fan. I'm not fond of the smell. My wife loves the smell but not the taste. She like tea, but she likes the smell of coffee.
  • Sorchya
    Sorchya Posts: 49 Member
    I have worked night shifts for most of my working years.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    I hear you there. I've done it for about 15 years. I like it. :smile:
  • fatjon73
    fatjon73 Posts: 379 Member
    I hear you there. I've done it for about 15 years. I like it. :smile:

    7 years this time round for me....done it yrs ago too...but this last 7 yrs are ace...I am a much better eater / sleeper working nights...

    I am English.....so for me Tea is King.......I love tea...& coffee....usually I drink coffee when I wake....and tea with food...or if I really am parched for a drink...coffee does not quench thirst like tea does....

    Lilac bird...can I ask why your trying to cut coffee and go to tea??? is it the caffeine?? as I have read (I am not an expert....) but tea has just as much caffeine as coffee....

    I drink loads.....far tooo much but I don't give a s......TBH.....I need it to function....lol.....I love water too...but nowt does you like a good brew......I drink from a pint pot at home...so its about 400ml every cup...and I have 4 to 6 a day at least....more on a weekend or cold day....which is often here...lol

    I have weaned myself off energy drinks this year....again.......I had a busy last year or 3...caring for my disabled Gran....she lived with us for 4 yrs at end....and working nights too with that...I used to look after her in the day...while my wife worked.....I would sleep from lunch to 7pm..then work again.....so I had it in my head I needed a Lucozade to get me going and keep me going....I would have 2 a day.....about 500 cals for them.....I would now prefer food for that....lol...

    I work in Engineering...used to be in Plastic injection moulding...where we made parts for water fountains.....since then I cant use water fountains any more...I have seen some bad *kitten* inside the units....if not cleaned / serviced regular.....there are parts in that should be changed every year.....but if there not...they can get mouldy or full of natural water *kitten*....lol.....and the water goes through that every time it draws water......and we have very good clean water in my part of England......some of the cleanest in the world for tap water....I live in Yorkshire in UK.........

    So at work I used to drink pop or energy drinks.....a bottle of coke is 80p....a bottle of water £1.20.....and I work for the same company that makes / bottles the bloody stuff....I am tight too..so refuse to pay 120 for water....(about $2 to you yank lot)......

    So to combat this (I did this 5 yrs ago when I lost 5 stone last time on MFP) I bought some water bottles...good ones....that I fill myself and take with me...so now I have water on hand all night....stops me drinking the pop and energy drinks....

    Since I have...my energy has increased...and I feel great for it....the water last time made a massive difference to my health...and it has so far this time too.....

    My tip.... 1/4 fill any water bottle......put it in the freezer on its side...so the water does not touch the lid....but is all down the side of the bottle........let it freeze...then before work...take bottle out...and fill with water...you now have cold water for 2 or 3 hours.....I also freeze a full bottle...that then lasts the rest of the night once other is finished...so have cold fresh water all the time...no excuses for me now......saves me money too....which is good for a tight *kitten* like me......;)
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    @fatjon73 I want to switch to tea because I feel coffee makes me feel like I'm running a bit more 'dry' than usual. Tea doesn't typically do that and will give me the same amount(if not more) of the caffeine I use to stay awake.

    I also drink a BUNCH of water. Has made a HUGE improvement in my sleep, my energy levels, and my skin! Which is awesome because I have/had an acne problem. As I lose more weight I've noticed that also helps with the skin issues.
  • fatjon73
    fatjon73 Posts: 379 Member
    @fatjon73 I want to switch to tea because I feel coffee makes me feel like I'm running a bit more 'dry' than usual. Tea doesn't typically do that and will give me the same amount(if not more) of the caffeine I use to stay awake.

    I also drink a BUNCH of water. Has made a HUGE improvement in my sleep, my energy levels, and my skin! Which is awesome because I have/had an acne problem. As I lose more weight I've noticed that also helps with the skin issues.

    Ye tea is quenching for thirst......deffo agree on that....My sleep however...since the water....has gone bad...I used to get 7 to 8 hrs every day.....now it 5 if lucky...lol...more energy....so I am trying to do more exercise ......while I have the extra kick...I will probably crash soon....but if I do at least it will be near summer....lol

    I never really had skin issues...baby faced me.....I was out with a bunch of mates last week...one of the lads said to me...wow your skin looks really good.......after I picked him off the floor from slapping the girl out of him....he said it does look good.....I am a proper bloke...that means fk all to me....lol......Do I moisturise he said...I am still laughing about that now....lol.....

    I am still an ugly fker thou....so good skin means nowt.....lol.....
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    I keep a filter bottle at work. Brita makes a good filter bottle that I can keep on my desk. I'm with @fatjon73. I'm not paying $1.20 for a bottle of water. The filter bottles are cheap and do a really good job of making the water from work taste pretty good. :smile:
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    fatjon73 wrote: »

    I never really had skin issues...baby faced me.....I was out with a bunch of mates last week...one of the lads said to me...wow your skin looks really good.......after I picked him off the floor from slapping the girl out of him....he said it does look good.....I am a proper bloke...that means fk all to me....lol......Do I moisturise he said...I am still laughing about that now....lol.....

    I am still an ugly fker thou....so good skin means nowt.....lol.....

    ROFL!! That's funny. :smile:
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    fatjon73 wrote: »
    @fatjon73 I want to switch to tea because I feel coffee makes me feel like I'm running a bit more 'dry' than usual. Tea doesn't typically do that and will give me the same amount(if not more) of the caffeine I use to stay awake.

    I also drink a BUNCH of water. Has made a HUGE improvement in my sleep, my energy levels, and my skin! Which is awesome because I have/had an acne problem. As I lose more weight I've noticed that also helps with the skin issues.

    Ye tea is quenching for thirst......deffo agree on that....My sleep however...since the water....has gone bad...I used to get 7 to 8 hrs every day.....now it 5 if lucky...lol...more energy....so I am trying to do more exercise ......while I have the extra kick...I will probably crash soon....but if I do at least it will be near summer....lol

    I never really had skin issues...baby faced me.....I was out with a bunch of mates last week...one of the lads said to me...wow your skin looks really good.......after I picked him off the floor from slapping the girl out of him....he said it does look good.....I am a proper bloke...that means fk all to me....lol......Do I moisturise he said...I am still laughing about that now....lol.....

    I am still an ugly fker thou....so good skin means nowt.....lol.....

    I'll have what he's having.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Another night, another dollar.

    Got stuck talking to a coworker on my way out the door this morning. 2 hours of my life I will never get back...and a hour and a half of sleep that I missed out on... I wouldn't feel so badly about the conversation, but I brought up my losses and how I was doing it and she just kept throwing out "I could NEVER eat fish" or "I don't have an HOUR to go workout" and "I couldn't count calories." Her self defeatist attitude was quite bothersome.

    I used to think some of those things. Then I just did them. I started setting aside a half hour for exercise, then it turned into an hour. Eventually, it will be longer. I didn't think I would EVER count calories, but with MFP it's too easy to NOT count calories.

    It frustrates me that she wants to lose weight but doesn't think she can do it. She CAN she just can't admit to herself that she doesn't want to. She's content to sit and eat high calorie fast food meals and blame her medication rather than to take accountability for her actions and do something about it.

    Anyway, rant over. How's everyone's night?
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member

    It frustrates me that she wants to lose weight but doesn't think she can do it. She CAN she just can't admit to herself that she doesn't want to.

    Well said.

    Another night. This one is a real bummer. An extremely nice couple came in. Their cat has something causing a lot of blood in the urine. We finally went to surgery and it turned out to be cancer with a large ulcer in the center. Ended up putting the cat down. Not a good start to the night.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    @sufferlandrian That SUCKS. How old was the cat? Would there have been any other warning signs?

    Man, I hate cancer.